David and Hilda found some hiking supplies in the small shop across the street from the old inn. A couple of backpacks, a first aid kit, and light jackets to keep them comfortable on the cool mountain were some of the necessities. They went back to their room and gathered the amulet and some snacks for the trek. Getting across town and crossing the small channel to the island on which the mountain sat was the next step.

"David, look at this!" said Hilda as she motioned to a city map posted next to a bus stop. "It looks like there's a harbor right on the channel! Maybe we can get someone to take us across on their boat?" She suggested.

"Seems as good of a shot as any. Looks like this bus line runs right by the harbor as well! That's convenient.." said David.

"A little too convenient. I'm starting to get anxious about what we're going to find." said Hilda as a bus pulled up to the stop.

"Try extremely convenient. We should tread with caution." said David. He sheepishly motioned for Hilda to get on the bus and they boarded the public vehicle. After 20 minutes, the bus dropped them off across the street from the harbor.

They paced up and down the docks, looking for anyone who seemed to own a boat. The place seemed rather empty, until they saw an older woman fiddling around in an even older fishing boat.

"Look, David, there's someone. Maybe she can take us!" said Hilda excitedly.

"Maybe, she seems like she could be- wait a minute! Is that… is that Victoria Van Gale?" asked David, squinting at the figure in the distance.

"David, don't be silly, she's been dead for years. I mean, I think. The weather station has been abandoned for quite some time." said Hilda.

"Let's get a closer look.." suggested David. The couple walked across the dock to the old fishing boat and tried to get a closer look at the old woman who seemed to be working. Hilda watched closely as the old woman turned around and stood up; she was able to get a good look at the senior citizens face. She looked impossibly old, but Hilda recognized the face anywhere.

"Oh my god, it's her!" said Hilda, shocked.

"I'll be damned.." muttered David under his breath.

"Uh, excuse me?" called out Hilda, raising her voice. "Miss? Excuse me? Yes, over here! We seek your assistance!" She continued to call.

Van Gale turned towards Hilda and David, squinting at them. "What can I do for you two?" She asked.

Hilda approaches the edge of the dock and kneeled down to speak to her more directly.

"Are you.. Victoria Van Gale?" asked the blue haired adventurer. Victoria looked up at the blue haired girl staring before her and cracked a small smile.

"Who's askin'?" asked the old woman in a raspy voice.

"My name is Hilda. When I was a little girl, I was big fan of your weather broadcast. I'd listen to it everyday. One day my companion here and I came to your lab, and found you were hiding a baby weather spirit, causing a massive storm over Trolberg. Good times.. Heh heh" said Hilda, chuckling awkwardly.

"Ahhh yes, Hilda… you've grown quite a bit since then. Thought I recognized you!" said Victoria.

"What are you doing in Nuuk, if I may ask?" Hilda inquired.

"Well….. After the incident of which you so effortlessly reminded me of, my eyes were opened." She said.

"In what way?" asked Hilda.

"Come, I'll show you!" said Victoria, gesturing Hilda and David to board the boat. Hilda looked back at David with uncertainty. He simply shrugged and they followed Van Gale onto her vessel. She led them down a small flight of stairs into the sleeping quarters in the bottom of the vessel. The quarters had been converted into a makeshift laboratory, with a small cot for sleeping in the corner.

The laboratory was riddled with seashells. They were spread across her workspace, under microscopes, placed inside scanners, even kept in formaldehyde for some odd reason.

"What is all this?" asked David as he looked around.

"My work! You see, I left Trolberg because I needed change. Hilda's actions that day made me realize that I can't continue to experiment on living, feeling things without a breach in ethics. So I've taken to something more creative and harmless!" said Van Gale as she picked up a wooden box and opened it to reveal something amazing; seashells and sea glass, only they were completely clear like glass, and iridescent as well. "Behold!" she said, holding the box up to Hilda and David.

"Oh wow! These are beautiful!" said Hilda.

"Huh, well I'll be damned.. but why come to Nuuk of all places if you're here to look for sea shells? Why not go somewhere more.. tropical?" asked David.

"Oh, I haven't settled in Nuuk. I travel all of the Earth's vast oceans and beautiful coasts in this vessel. I aim to conduct my experiments on seashells and such from all over the globe!" she said with a smile.

"Wow, that sounds lovely!" said David, smiling.

"Oh my, it is! There is such beauty in the world around us, we seldom stop to take it all in. Now, you came here seeking assistance. What can I do for you two?" asked Victoria.

"Oh, we just need to get across the channel to the mountain across the way, if you'd be so kind as to take us there in your boat." said Hilda politely.

"Is that all? Of course I will! No problem at all. Going on a hiking trip, yeah?" She asked. David and Hilda looked at one another awkwardly.

"Yeah, a hiking trip. Just some simple fun!" said Hilda with a nervous giggle.

"Splendid! Make yourselves comfortable, I'll prepare us for departure immediately!" said Van Gale as she traveled back up the stairs. Once the two were alone, David turned to his blue haired companion.

"Seashells. I'll be damned. I thought she was out here doing more crazy experiments, turns out she's just a cute old lady." He said with a chuckle.

"I know! I'm frankly surprised she's still alive. She's got to be in her mid 80's by now! I hope I'm still that sharp and active by the time I'm her age." said Hilda.

"When I'm in my 80's, I want to be that mysterious old man you see in old-fashioned Italian restaurants drinking scotch and playing smooth jazz piano." said David.

"That's… rather specific. May I ask why?" asked Hilda.

"Free spaghetti." said David.

Within minutes, the old fishing boat-turned-waterborne laboratory had pulled away from the dock and began pushing towards the other side of the channel, towards the mountain. David and Hilda were standing at the bow of Van Gale's ship. As they approached the bank, David noticed a slight shimmer coming from within Hilda's backpack.

"Hey, your backpack's glowing. I think it's the amulet!" he said. Hilda took off her backpack and reached inside, pulling out the amulet, glowing brighter and brighter as they neared their destination.

"We must be getting close. This is so exciting!" said Hilda as she put the amulet away. Eventually, the boat neared the opposite coast of the channel and slowed down to an idle. Victoria walked out onto the deck to address her two passengers.

"There's nothing for me to dock at, and this boat is far too large to pull onto shore. So you two are going to have to make your way to land in the dingy" said Van Gale, gesturing to the small row boat mounted on the side of the vessel.

"Oh goody! Rowboats are so much fun!" said Hilda, excitedly. The couple climbed into the small boat with their belongings and were lowered into the water.

The time was nigh. Heinrich knew Hilda and David were nearing the end of their journey, he could feel it. He did as Kutarum instructed. He found a secluded area, far from any other souls and took a seat.

"I must use my time wisely… after this, I'll only be able to travel to the living realm one more time, but if I fail now, I fear that may no longer matter…" he said to himself as he began his meditation, clearing any and all worrisome thoughts and sinking deep into the recesses of his mind.

David and Hilda landed on the shore and once again took out the amulet. Hilda held it out in front of her and moved it around, trying to gauge which direction it glowed strongest in.

"Seems like it wants us to go this way!" she said, pointing towards a wooded area that began going uphill.

"We'd better get going then!" chirped David. Hilda smiled at him as they continued their journey on foot.

The journey up the mountain wasn't quite as 'up' as David and Hilda imagined. They would travel in the direction of which the amulet glowed strongest, but every now and again the amulet would dim, and they'd have to re-find the correct direction to travel in. This process sent them up, down, and all around the south face of the mountain. Minutes turned into hours. Breaks were few and far between, as Hilda was determined to find what she came here to find. Although, they did stop for the much-needed snack break. Unfortunately, this didn't quite remedy the exhaustion David was feeling after several hours walking around. It was nearing sunset, and the mountain was growing colder.

"Hilda, we've been here for hours and found nothing.." groaned David.

"I know, I'm exhausted too.." said Hilda, putting a gentle hand on David's cheek. "But we can't quit now. The amulet is glowing super bright, we've got to be close."

"I hope you're right.." said David as they continued pacing along.

Eventually, just as the sun was dipping into the horizon, Hilda felt the amulet begin to vibrate.

"The hell is going on with this thing..?" asked Hilda.

"What is it?" asked David.

"It's vibrating like mad.. Oh my!" exclaimed Hilda as the amulet suddenly took flight, immediately being ripped from Hilda's grasp and ripping through the air into the opening of a nearby cave.

"There! In the cave! Let's follow that magic frisbee!" exclaimed David as he took off running towards the cave with Hilda following. Once inside, David reached into his backpack and took out a flashlight. The cave was cold, wet, and dark. They proceeded with caution.

"I don't understand how the damn thing just suddenly took flight like that.." said Hilda.

"I've got a feeling things are about to get a lot weirder. Am I losing my mind, or is that a red glow coming from further down…?" said David, pointing ahead.

They continued into the depths of the dark cave, the large naturally formed tunnel taking a sharp turn. After crossing the bend, they noticed the cave came to a dead end. But of course, that wasn't the end of it.

The end of the cave was illuminated by an eerie red glow, originating from a massive spiral-like portal on the floor. The amulet was suspended in mid air above the opening. Before David and Hilda could think of what to do next, the amulet dropped into the portal, causing the anomaly glow even brighter.

"Now what?" asked David as he shielded his eyes from the blinding light.

"I don't know. I think- I think something's coming out of the portal!" exclaimed Hilda, doing her best to see past the light into the portal.

A small hand grasped at the edge of the portal, and then another. A small being hoisted itself out of the portal and rose to its feet. The portal then returned to its initial red glow, allowing the two travelers to look upon the small being with ease.

Their eyes were met with a small man, who couldn't have been more than three feet tall. He wore a well tailored suit and has his hair slicked back. His nose was rather long and pointy, and his ears perked and prominent. His eyes glowed a fearsome yellow. He looked like a weird cross between a gremlin and a business man.

"Ahhh, finally! Thought I'd be stuck down there forever!" He piped, stretching out his back.

"I'm sorry, uh, sir, but are you Heinrich…? We've traveled a very long way to find you.." said Hilda.

"Hilda, this guy is 3 feet tall and probably weighs 11 pounds soaking wet. I have a feeling this isn't your dad." said David.

"Ding ding ding, we have a winner! Wonderful deduction, Mr. Stoff..." stated the small man, as he examined his fingernails.

"Wait, what!?" exclaimed Hilda. "I-If you're not my father, then who the hell are you?" She asked, a sense of urgency in her voice.

"Ah geez, well, allow me to clear some things up. My name is Kuzo, I'm a gemini, I love mini-croissants, and you two have fallen for the best bicentennial scam the Underworld has up its sleeve! Congratulations!" chirped Kuzo.

A massive wave of heartbreak washed over Hilda. A scam? How could this have all been for naught?

"I.. I don't understand.." muttered Hilda. David simply stood with his mouth agape.

"Ah geez, look at your face! All heartbroken n' shit. Priceless, ha! I oughta take a picture, it'll last longer." taunted Kuzo before David came and grabbed him by the neck and pinning him to the ground.

"Listen here buddy, we traveled halfway across the world to get here, what the hell is all this about a scam? Start talking! Now!" he demanded.

"Hahahahaha, alright, I suppose you two should know just how this whole shebang works before we can get down to business, yeah?" said Kuzo as magically poofed from David's grasp and re-appeared on his back, stepping onto the ground as if David's body was his own step stool.

"What you mortals know about the Amulet of Åpenbaring is simply that; it's just what you know. Except it's what we want you to know. Every two-thousand year or so, we like to reveal the Amulet to a random mortal through a series of tantalizing dreams, as you're aware. You came here because you thought you'd get to meet your dead Dad, Mr. Heinrich. But what you don't know is why! When said mortal, A.K.A. you two, follow the Amulet to its end point, A.K.A. here, you find a portal much like the one you see here, and a devilishly handsome damned soul like me gets another shot to walk amongst the living, on behalf of the King of the Underworld himself. And then of course I get to see about inflicting 500 years of pain and suffering on human kind, y'know, all that fun stuff!" said Kuzo.

"And what happens to us..?" asked David, growing more afraid.

"Oh, right! Yeah, I'm gonna kill you both, send your souls to limbo for eternity, and then possess one of your dead bodies as a disguise. Probably should've mentioned that up front! My whoopsie."

"I.. I just can't believe.. the dreams, the hallucinations, my father… how could it all be fake..?" said Hilda, her voice choking up. How could she be so foolish? How could she waste all of this time on something that was clearly too vague and dangerous to be viable, dragging David along no less?

"Ah yes! Your father! Another juicy bit. See, we did something a little different this time around. Roughly 23 years ago, we lured Heinrich into a run at the amulet. It was quite funny, actually; he found the portal, I climbed out of it, we start shooting the shit, I'm getting ready to kill him and take his body, and then wouldn't you know it, a massive dragon swoops in totally out of nowhere and just plucks him off his feet. He was dragon chow. He did die, yes, and I was able to send his soul to limbo, but it turned out his body wasn't really going to be.. of use, ya feel? Human bodies aren't exactly mobile after getting chewed up by a dragon." Kuzo explained.

"Wait a minute- if you didn't kill him, why did you bother sending his soul to limbo?" asked David, trying to wrap his mind around everything.

"Are you kidding? I couldn't let him get into the Afterlife, he knew about our whole operation! The Underworld doesn't want the Angels upstairs knowing about our illegal affairs, ya get me? It could spell some bureaucratic issues, and the King of Hell, as it were, ain't too fond of paperwork." said Kuzo.

"I suppose that.. makes sense.." said David.

"It sure does! Anyway, as coincidence would have it, we found out that Heinrich's lady friend had fallen preggers. It was an opportunity. What child could resist the chance to meet the mysterious and cool adventurer of a parent that they never knew?" said Kuzo, smugly.

"You sick bastard.." muttered Hilda, utterly disgusted with what she was hearing.

"I'm a demon, lady. Being a sick bastard is my bread and butter. Now, how are we dying today? Bludgeoning? Crushed by boulders? Impaled on spikes? I can do it all, baby." He taunted.

"I just traveled well over three thousand miles only to find out I've been had. If you think I'm letting some wrinkled monkey in a suit from the Underworld kill me, you're sorely mistaken." spat Hilda, her eyes narrowing with anger.

"Hahahahaha, oh sweet Hilda. I like you. You've got spunk. So tell ya what.." began Kuzo, as his voice grew more demonic and his body began quadrupling in size, transforming him into a hulking beast. "...I'll give you a 10 second head start, starting now!" Kuzo snarled through razor sharp teeth.

"Run!" Hilda yelled at David as they took off sprinting towards the cave's opening. Before long, Kuzo was hot on their trail. The two travelers emerged from the cave as fast as their panicked legs would take them, before ducking behind a boulder.

"How the hell are we supposed to fight that!?" asked David, catching his breath.

"I don't know. We have to think of a plan! Is there anything demons hate??" asked Hilda in a panic. She was grasping at straws. At the worst possible time, her mind was drawing blank. Unfortunately, before David could respond, Kuzo was towering over them.

"Well, for starters, I really hate baseball. But I do enjoy a rousing game of catch!" laughed Kuzo as he picked David by his torso and threw the screaming man down the mountain with all his might, sending him flying all the way into the channel. "Of course, it helps to have someone to play with!" He chuckled maniacally.

"David!!" screamed Hilda in horror as she watched David's body hit the water with a loud splash. Hilda looked up and saw Kuzo about to bring his fist down on her body, prompting her to move quickly as she continued running into the thick woods that covered the side of the mountain.

"You can run, but you can't hide!" said Kuzo as he followed her.

Hilda had no idea what to do. She had no weapons, and no chances trying to wrestle a demon with super strength. She was exhausted, scared, and upset. All there was to do was run. Dozens of horrid thoughts filled her mind. She had no idea if David was okay, or even alive for that matter. The entire journey was a sham, and now it looked like humanity will be suffering for 500 years because of her. She felt as though she let everyone down; Mum, David, Alfur, Frida, David's family and his band- they were all counting on her and David returning. But now it seemed like making it back wasn't going to be happening. What was there really left to do but surrender?

Hilda has made her decision. She stopped running.

"Giving up so easy? Go on, keep running, it's cute! I enjoy the entertainment!" taunted Kuzo as he approached the somber woman.

"You win, Kuzo. Your plan worked like a charm, and I fell for it every step of the way." said Hilda, defeated.

"I'll admit, it's no fun if you surrender. But hey," said Kuzo as he grabbed Hilda and lifted her up, the blunette kicking and struggling as she was stuck in his grasp. "At least you'll die with some dignity!" He cackled.

"KUZO!" bellowed an eerie voice. The lumbering demon turned around, unprepared for what he'd see next; The ghost of Heinrich, manifested on Earth.

"Heinrich? The hell are you doing here?" Kuzo snarled.

"Wait a minute, Heinrich?" exclaimed Hilda, shocked at the turn of events.

"I'm here to have a word with you, but I'm going to need you to unhand my daughter first." stated the old man.

"And why would I do such a thing?" asked Kuzo, raising an eyebrow.

"I'm here to make a deal you can't refuse." said Heinrich, slyly.

"Very well, but it'd better be good. The King of the Underworld always appreciates a good deal." said Kuzo as he set down Hilda.

"I'm here to offer up my eternal soul to the King. Take me to the Underworld, and I'll serve the King for eternity. All I ask is that you allow my daughter to live a full life." said Heinrich. Hilda was shocked at what she was hearing.

"Oh my, that's quite a proposition Heinrich. But I'm afraid I can't accept your offer, unless of course Hilda and her companion- what is it, Dale?"

"David. His name is David." said Hilda, correcting the demon.

"Ah yes- if Hilda and Damon agree to spend the afterlife in Limbo, you've got yourself a deal." said Kuzo as he and Heinrich looked to Hilda for an answer.

"...If it's the only way we can live our full lives, I suppose I can't refuse." said Hilda, putting on a stoic front.

"Then it's settled! Let's get a move on, Heinrich. The King of Hell awaits!" chirped Kuzo, reverting back to his small gremlin-like stature.

"Just a minute, I'd like a moment alone with my daughter. With all she's been through, she's earned it." said Heinrich.

"Ugh, you humans and your emotions. Very well, be quick!" said Kuzo.

Heinrich and Hilda approached one another. Hilda couldn't believe she was standing in front of the father she never knew, even after the fact he was long dead.

"You know, if we make a break for it, we can lose him, find David, and get out of here." whispered Hilda.

"I'm afraid that's impossible, young one. The spell that allows me to walk this Earth only works for a limited amount of time." said Heinrich, somberly.

"But I came all this way, spent all this time tracking you down! You were one of the most amazing adventurers of your time, and I didn't travel all this way just to lose you! I have so many questions, I need you to stay!" said Hilda, tears forming in her eyes. Heinrich chuckled.

"No, you don't. You never needed me. You're the greatest adventurer of your time. Brave, daring compassionate; there's nothing I could teach you that you don't already know. And if I'm being frank, your mother had much more to do with that than I." said Heinrich with a smile.

"What do you mean..?" asked Hilda.

"From the moment you found the amulet, I was able to watch over your journey. How you handled every obstacle, how your mother ultimately remained supportive even in the face of adversity. It couldn't be any clearer, really; you never needed me. You're already the best version of you that you can be. And that David fellow, he's got a good head on his shoulders. I'd keep him around, if I were you." said Heinrich.

"Oh god, David! I have to go find him! He landed in water, surely he must have survived right?" said Hilda, beginning to panic.

"I mean, maybe. Probably. It was a pretty far distance. But my point is, you've grown into a more strong willed person than I could have ever hoped for. You ought to be proud of who you are, in spite of my absence from your life." He said. Pushing David out of her mind for a moment, Hilda smiled.

"Thank you.. Dad. I am. I am proud of who I am." said Hilda.

"Chop chop people, let's goooo!" exclaimed Kuzo, standing a respectable distance away.

"Will I ever be able to see you again?" asked Hilda. Heinrich smiled.

"We'll see. I may have a trick or two up my sleeve." he said as he turned around. "Alright Kuzo, I'm ready." He said as he walked over towards the demon.

"About time! So long Hilda, enjoy life while you can! Limbo is boring as shit!" quipped Kuzo before snapping his fingers and disappearing with Heinrich in a flurry of hellfire. Once they were gone, Hilda was left alone with her thoughts.

"...Oh shit, David!" She exclaimed as she began booking it down the hill.

Hilda rushed down to the shore where she and David had arrived earlier. It was dark, and a thick fog was beginning to settle on the river.

"David!?" She called out. No answer.

She spotted a familiar object washed up on shore about a dozen feet from the rowboat they had arrived on. She walked over to get a better look; it was a shoe! David's shoe! Hilda deduced that it must have fallen off his foot as he was falling. Perhaps he was out in the channel, treading water!

Clinging to this newfound hope, she grabbed the shoe and got in the boat and began rowing out into the channel.

"David! David! Can you hear me!?" She continued to call out, only to be met with no answer. Before she could notice, almost 40 minutes had passed and her search was fruitless. She felt her heart sinking, she just wanted to curl up and cry. Was David truly gone?

All of the sudden, a searchlight switched on with a reverberating click. The light all but blinded Hilda, catching her totally off guard.

"Who's there!?" She called out.

"It's me!" called out a voice. The light moved off of Hilda and she looked up, only to see Victoria Van Gale standing at the bow of her old fishing boat. "Looking for someone?" She called out.

"Yeah, you could say that.." replied Hilda.

"Welp, come on then!" said Van Gale, gesturing Hilda to row her boat to the side of the large vessel. Victoria dropped down a few lines with which to latch onto the row boat and lift it back up. Once back on the ship, Hilda wasted no time with briefing Victoria on the situation.

"It's a long story, but a huge demon flung David off the mountain and he landed in the channel! I can't find him anywhere!" She exclaimed, panicked.

"You can't find him, eh? Come with me, dear. I believe I know why." said Van Gale, gesturing for Hilda to follow her to the ship's lower cabin. As Hilda followed the old scientist down the stairs, she saw David propped up on the bed, his foot and ankle completely enveloped in a cast.

"David! You're alive!" exclaimed Hilda with joy as she ran over to his side and hugged him tightly, giving him multiple kisses on the cheek.

"I'm alive? You're alive! How did you get away from Kuzo?" asked David.

"You're never going to believe it! I thought I was as good as dead, but then Heinrich's ghost appeared and cut a deal with Kuzo!" said Hilda.

"A deal? What kind of deal?" inquired David.

"Basically, Heinrich said he would let himself be taken to the Underworld and enslaved for all eternity in exchange for you and I being allowed to live out our full lives, unbothered." said Hilda.

"Huh, sounds like one hell of a verbal contract. Alfur would be proud!" said David, smiling.

"I'm sure he would, although there's kind of a catch.." said Hilda.

"What kind of catch?" He asked.

"Okay, don't freak out, but the only way Kuzo would agree to the deal is if we agree to spend eternity in Limbo after we die. But don't worry, it's not so bad! Just boring, apparently.." said Hilda, smiling sheepishly.

"...Pfft, ahahahahahahaha!" David laughed, hysterically.

"You're not mad..?" asked Hilda.

"Oh Hilda, I'm not just mad, I'm completely dumbfounded. But it's okay! Because this whole outcome is, well… how do I put this? It's just the type of ridiculous thing that would only happen to you. And I love you. So it's fine!" said David, smiling wide.

"Aw, David! You're so cheesy. I love you too!" said Hilda as she pulled David into a tight hug. "And by the way, what exactly happened to your foot..?" She asked.

"I'm glad you asked, because it's quite interesting!" interjected Victoria. "I watched as David fell into the water. He managed to land in the water feet first, and by my calculations he was falling at a rate of almost 120 miles per hour! Unfortunately, that means the impact of hitting the water broke pretty much every bone in his left foot, as well as his ankle, not to mention the bad bruising on most of his lower half. But if he handed landed on his foot, he likely would have been dead! For instance, if he had landed on his stomach, his ribs would have cracked, and his internal organs would have likely been ripped from their connections and punctured on the broken bones." explained Van Gale.

"Oh my, that sounds rather terrifying!" said Hilda.

"Yes! Luckily I was able to pull him out of the water using the boat's old fishing net." said Van Gale.

"Is that why you reek of fish?" asked Hilda, turning to David.

"The net was practically filled with Cod.." said David, shivering.

"Why don't we get back to the docks? I'm sure you two are exhausted! And I reckon David should see a real doctor.." said Van Gale.

"Yes, thank you for all your help, Victoria.." said Hilda, smiling.

"It was my pleasure!" She said, humbly.

After a brief stay at a local medical center, David was ready to begin the long journey home. The couple couldn't wait to get "aback to Trolberg. It was another 14 hours worth of plane rides and airports until they would be back in their usual time zone. Traveling with a broken foot was rather inconvenient, but luckily it was just that; an inconvenience. David was glad to be alive, as was Hilda.

"Attention passengers, this is your captain speaking. We'll be landing in Trolberg in about 25 minutes, so please return to your seats and fasten your seatbelts. The local time is about 4:45 PM, and the weather is about 22 degrees celsius. We hope you've enjoyed your flight, and thanks for joining us today!" said the pilot over the intercom.

"I can't wait to be home. I forgot all about the vintage piano in my new apartment, I'm gonna play the hell out of it!" said David, excitedly.

"I can't wait to get back to the zoo. I miss Frida and Alfur. And I'm assuming you'll have to get right to work on new music..?" asked Hilda.

"Yeah, probably. I'm gonna have to go to Oslo in a month to meet up with the band for our first writing session for the new record, and it's gonna be tough if I show up with no ideas." said David.

"You'll think of something!" said Hilda with a smile.

"I hope. Maybe you can come with me, help me find some inspiration?" said David, smirking.

"If you think Frida's gonna allot me any more vacation days this year after the adventure we just went on, you're sorely mistaken!" laughed Hilda.

"Heh, fair enough. By the way, I've been meaning to ask you something.." said David, scratching the back of his head.

"What is it?" asked Hilda.

"How are you, y'know, holding up after seeing Heinrich? What even happened? Did you talk to him?" asked David.

"I.. I did. I did speak to him." said Hilda.

"What did he say?" asked David.

"Well, I tried to get him to flee with me. Thinking back on it, that probably wouldn't have ended well.. But, of course he denied. I was upset. I wanted to ask him so many questions about his life and his adventures, how he met my Mum, all that stuff. I thought I needed to know all that, but.." said Hilda, trailing off.

"But what..?" asked David.

"Well, funny as this may seem, he told me the same thing as what Mum said. When I told her I needed to know who my father was." said Hilda.

"Oh yeah?" chuckled David.

"Heh, yeah. He told me I didn't need him, that I never did. That I was already a better adventurer, a better person than he could have ever hoped. It was sweet.. But I've got to admit, I feel a little silly." said Hilda.

"Why's that?" David asked.

"I just got so hyper-fixated on finding my Dad and learning about who he was, that I never stopped to think whether or not it was something I needed." she said.

"If I'm being honest, I never thought you actually needed to meet your father either." said David.

"Really? Then why did you come along for all of this?" asked Hilda, confused by his words.

"Because adventure is in your blood, and when you get that itch, talking you out of it is futile. And to be honest, I was curious to see who your father was as well. Johanna is a fantastic mother, she always fostered your adventurous and, well, occasionally impulsive ways; allowed you to grow in the way you needed to and such. But she never striked me as the adventuring type. So I pictured your dad as some kind of Indiana Jones-esque guy." said David.

"I mean, you were kinda right. When he appeared on the mountain, he did have that disheveled adventure vibe to him." said Hilda.

"But the real point is that he and your mother were right. You didn't need him to become the strong person you are today, and that's perfectly fine." said David.

"I see that now. And you should watch what you say about Mum not being the adventuring type; you'd be surprised. She was a star Sparrow Scout in her day, and not to mention she showed me a pretty cool secret spot to watch the annual Great Raven parade when I was a little girl!" said Hilda smiling.

"That's cool and all, but I've literally seen you dive off a cliff to ride a woff. Did your mum ever do anything that extreme?" asked David.

"I suppose we'll have to ask her when we get home!"

Upon landing, Hilda texted her mother to let her know they were on the ground, and would be home soon. After claiming baggage and a brief taxi ride, they were back on the doorstep of Hilda's apartment. They climbed the stairs, Hilda going slow and assisting David along the way, seeing as he was still on crutches. They entered to find Johanna waiting with Frida, Alfur, and Twig with his tail wagging excitedly.

"Welcome home!" they exclaimed in unison, save for Twig. The kitchen was decorated with balloons and even a "Welcome Home" banner; not to mention a cake on the table.

"Oh wow! I can't believe this!" said Hilda as Twig ran at her and jumped into her arms. "Hello boy!" she giggled excitedly as Twig began licking her face.

"We missed you so much! I'm so glad you're home in one piece!" said Johanna as she came over to hug the two weary travelers.

"Wish I could say the same about my foot. It's in many pieces!" chuckled David.

"I was just going to say, what on Earth happened?" asked Johanna.

"It's a long story.." said Hilda.

"Well, with how long you were missing from work, I believe we're owed one hell of a story!" said Frida, cheekily.

"Yes! You simply must tell us all the details! It'll be the report of the year!" piped Alfur excitedly.

"Well, we'd better sit down and tear into this cake, because it's a rather long one." said Hilda.

"Johanna, you might want to put on a pot of coffee." said David.

"Already on it!" said Johanna excitedly.

And so the couple began recounting the tale of finding the amulet and tracking it to its location. They spared no detail, recounting all the trials they had to endure, all the dreams Hilda had, all the time they spent going through Nessa's photos only for them to find what they were seeking in an antique shop, traveling across the world, getting help from Victoria Van Gale, and of course the brush with death they had on the mountain. Alfur was taking diligent notes as Frida and Johanna were on the edge of their seats listening.

"...But I guess what I really learned is that you were right, Mum. You said I didn't need to know who my father was, and well, I should have listened. I was so caught up in the mystery of it all that I didn't stop to think that maybe it wasn't something I truly needed. I'm sorry I didn't listen.." said Hilda, a hint of sorrow in her voice.

"Oh sweetie, it's okay. I can't blame you for wanting to know more about your father. I'm sorry for being so rash initially, though I'm glad you learned a valuable lesson from this." said Johanna, when all of the sudden, the lights began to flicker.

"Well that's odd. Maybe there's a shortage?" pondered Frida.

"I don't know why there would be, there's no storm outside, and it's not even that hot!" said Johanna.

"Oh my, what's that? In the mirror!?" exclaimed Alfur as he pointed to a mirror mounted in the living room. It had begun to cloud up with a strange blue smoke. Twig, who was previously curled up on Hilda's lap, was now on the floor assuming attack position, and growling ferociously. The group watched as an eerie ghost-like being stepped out of the mirror and onto the floor; it was none other than Heinrich!

"Y-You came back! But how?" gasped Hilda.

"Oh my god, H-Heinrich?" said Johanna, standing up.

"Hello Johanna, Hilda. Damon." he said.

"David. It's David." said David, flatly. Alfur was taking down notes so vigorously, Frida could have sworn she saw smoke rising from his tiny paper.

"To answer your question Hilda, the spell which allows me to enter the living realm grants me three trips. I've already used two. Once on the mountain, and-"

"-Once that night in the motel room…" said Hilda, finishing his sentence.

"Right you are! Sorry that time was so brief, my connection was interrupted. Anywho, I figured I would use my final trip to give you something. But first, you're going to need a blank notebook." said Heinrich.

"I have one!" said Johanna as she ran over to her work desk and sifted through her supplies, pulling out an unused notebook and giving it to Hilda.

"Bring it here" said Heinrich, prompting Hilda to hold it out towards him. He reached out with his ghostly hand and touched his finger to the notebook. The group watched on as his other-worldly magic washed over its covers. "Now, open it." he instructed. Hilda opened it and gasped as the once blank notebook was now filled with writing and drawings.

"What is all this?" asked Hilda, in complete awe.

"I figured you deserved something after going to all that trouble. So, this is a recreation, if you will, of a journal I wrote many moons ago. It recounts some of my greatest adventures and the creatures I encountered. It doesn't quite make up for all the birthdays I missed, but for what it's worth, I think it's a rather interesting read." said Heinrich. Hilda looked down at the book bestowed upon her, and held it close to her.

"It's more than anything I could have asked for. Thank you!" she said, excitedly.

"I'll need to be going soon, eternal enslavement in the Underworld and all that, but before I go, there's someone I owe an apology to." said Heinrich, as he turned to look at Johanna. "Dear Jo, I'm so sorry. If I could go back in time and do anything over, I would have listened to you. The quest for that damn Amulet took everything from me. You were right. I never should have gone." he said in a more serious tone.

"I must admit, raising Hilda single handedly wasn't an easy task. All I can say about it is that she's absolutely, undoubtedly your daughter..." began Johanna.

"...Wait, now what's that supposed to mean?" asked Hilda, raising an eyebrow.

"But of course, that only made me love her more," continued Johanna, smiling. "I wish I would have done more to change your mind, I just didn't know what." she said.

"It was all your intuition, and I should have heeded it. My biggest regret is not getting to watch this one grow up, but I'm glad to see you've done a better job of raising her than I could raise, well, anything" said Heinrich with a soft chuckle. Johanna got a smile out of that remark.

"We could play the blame game for eternity, but I don't think that's necessary." said Johanna.

"You're right! It's not. It pleases me to see you're still the compassionate woman I fell in love with so many years ago... I'd hug the lot of you, but, y'know, ghost body. So long! And remember Hilda- never stop being who you are." said Heinrich as he began dissipating into thin air, leaving them all standing there in silence.

"...Well, he seemed nice." said Frida.

After that day, life began to return to normal. Well, a new normal anyway. Hilda returned to her job the following morning, and David moved into his new apartment within a few days. And as days turned into weeks, and weeks to months, Hilda and David grew closer, and more settled into their relationship. Despite all of the time Hilda and David spent bonding with each other while embarking on the epic journey, their relationship was still young at the time.

Hilda moved in with David within six months. She tries to visit her Mum everyday, and will usually spend two or three nights a week sleeping at her house. Johanna, in spite of her deteriorating vision, remains positive, independent, and strong willed; though watching TV has proved to be a pain. Hilda just wanted to consistently check on her.

Things only got better from there. Frida eventually parted ways with her position at the zoo, citing her desire to focus on her political career.

Hilda took Frida's job with joy and sadness. Sure, she was upset to not be working with her bestie anymore, but being able to run the zoo (for all intents and purposes, at least) was a dream job for Hilda. Not to mention, more money.

David flew to Oslo to join Nathen, Nessa, Ahmed, and Daoud in working on their third album. He stayed there for a month, writing, composing and demoing new songs. Afterwards, he came home for a week, and then left again to go record the album in California, which took another two months. Then of course was the album drop campaign, and the first tour to support said album. Hilda had to admit, she wasn't a fan of David's consistent absence, but the frequent phone calls and FaceTime assisted quite a bit.

By the time a year had passed, the zoo's attendance and quality increased tenfold under Hilda's leadership. People were coming from all over the world to see the Trolberg Zoo; and likely blasting David's band while they were doing so! The new album topped charts worldwide, and launched them to the top of the top. At this point, they were more popular in North America and Asia than they were in Scandinavia and Europe. The crazy amount of fame led the band to multiple TV performances, interviews, and even a Saturday Night Live Skit with Andy Samberg and Eric Andre. Although, they don't like to talk about that last one. Things got weird fast.

And as their lives grew and evolved around one another, there was one common denominator- being able to come home and play Dragon Panic, watch old TV movies together, and just generally enjoy one another's company.

But time for rest there was not, as a new adventure was always around Hilda's corner. Even the other week, David discovered a baby water spirit in his toilet. It just goes to show; time keeps moving forward. Life doesn't begin or end with your biggest achievements, it's an unpredictable and intricate landscape of ups and downs.