Finally it's time to post this massive fic! I got this idea months and months ago from the canon manga, and ended up combining it with several other big LWA ideas I've been wanting to write, so I just compiled it all into one big fic! It was a lot of fun to write, so I hope you'll enjoy!

Disclaimer: I do not own Little Witch Academia.

Through The Blaze

Chapter 1. The First Sign

It's a very exciting time for Akko at Luna Nova. Not because there are any special events of field trips on the horizon for her to look forward to, but simply because nowadays she has started to actually enjoy her classes and lectures rather than dread them.

Ever since The Grand Triskelion had been discovered, the Forest of Arcturus revived, and the joy of magic widespread around the world, her life has been improving day by day. She looks forward to her classes and what she can learn in them, now that she knows for certain her lack of magical competence is no fault of her own, and that there is a surefire way to reclaim it through hard work.

Though she still does get hit with the occasional wave of boredom here and there, and is still a bit prone to slacking off in the attention department, overall the amounts of times she gets chided by a professor have been cut in half.

And for Atsuko Kagari, that's a big improvement.

She has fewer detentions, chores, and supplementary lessons to take away from her free time.

But even her free time she uses wisely. Rather than snooping around the campus to discover hidden labyrinths or locked rooms, she instead set up a schedule for herself that will continue to help her improve her training.

With the help of Professor Ursula, she creates a schedule that allows her to train at least three days a week after classes, and allows the other two weekdays to handle larger homework assignments.

And to make things even more enjoyable, Akko doesn't only set up extra lessons with her professors, but with her friends as well.

Sucy helps her with potions and concoctions, Lotte helps with communicative spells and spells involving animals, Amanda helps with her broom-flying.

And of course there's one person who couldn't possibly be left out of Akko's new schedule.

At least once a week, Diana would help her with anything she needed assistance with, be it homework, studying, or learning. Even when all of her other after-school lessons rotate by the week, Diana always makes sure to keep at least one day open for Akko no matter what.

They've become much closer since their time together with the Shiny Rod. Close enough that somewhere along the lines, the late-night library study sessions hadn't been entirely focused on studying.

Diana never lets it get too out of hand, of course; no matter how wonderful Akko's kisses make her feel. She'll always remind the both of them they have work to do, and one way or another they'll get it done.

Either way, Diana will always allow for a few goodnight kisses and a hug to finish off the evening.

On Akko's antsiest days, she'll attend her session with Diana solely for the sake of those final thirty seconds. And Diana has to admit – though only to herself – that she looks forward to it as well.

Tonight seems to be one of those nights.

Tucked away in their private back corner of the library, with only a soft, milky lamplight to cushion their vision, Akko and Diana sit across from one another at their table. Several books and notebooks are open between them as Akko toils over the pages, perched on her elbows with both hands tangled in her hair.

"Uugghh, I just don't get this part..." They're studying the trajectory and age of constellations tonight, and all of the math and thinking involved is burning her out.

Naturally Akko's vocalness about her frustration warrants Diana's assistance. But when she stands from her chair and leans slightly over the table like that, and her wavy silver hair falls silently over her shoulder, and her diamond-blue eyes are hinted with starlight, Akko can't concentrate on anything else.

"What do you seem to be having difficulty with?" Diana inquires. "Identification or calculation?"

"Everything," Akko sighs. "I can't focus tonight..." She expects Diana to motivate her to try one more time. Not a single secret study session has gone by without Akko struggling with one thing or another, and Diana refusing to let her give up without boosting her confidence.

But to her surprise, Diana doesn't give her that nudge tonight. She sits back in her seat patiently, allowing the lamplight to cover her in a new angle.

"You've been working very diligently these last few weeks. I understand it's not easy adjusting to such a demanding new schedule."

"But I like doing this!" Akko declares. "It's more fun learning and practicing things with my friends."

"I understand." Diana dips her head like a compassionate queen. "However, it's no reason to wear yourself out. We've done plenty tonight. Let's retire early so you can get some rest."

Akko is both happy and upset.


"We can pick up from here next time." Diana begins closing the books and notebooks, then stacks them neatly into separate piles.

Akko watches, feeling almost guilty somehow.

Diana recognizes that moping of hers. She smiles to herself and gets up from her chair, skirting around the table to take a seat beside Akko instead. Akko straightens up like a dog, trying to contain her newfound enthusiasm.

"Just for a moment," Diana murmurs.

Akko nods and instantly closes her eyes. She waits until she can sense Diana's presence drawing nearer, until she can feel the faint fanning of her breath against her mouth.

Their lips bump together quietly.

Akko leans forward just a little, trying not to be too greedy. Instead of balling her hands into fists in her lap, she reaches out and places them on Diana's waist, inching ever closer.

They part, catch their breath, and then Akko initiates the next one.

She can always tell just how reserved Diana is being, how she seems to want more, but never takes it. Akko wishes she would from time to time.

Maybe tonight is her lucky night. Because Diana allows the affection to extend past the usual minute or so. Akko's puzzled, but she definitely isn't about to start questioning it.

She kisses her back for as long as she can, trying to make it last for all the days she'll have to wait until their next session together. She shifts forward a bit more, leaning into the kiss. She feels Diana's hand on her arm, and one on her cheek.

It's perfect. Akko wants to stay here forever...

It's so sudden when Diana rips herself away. She inhales with unnatural sharpness, and her hands leave Akko to grip the table and chair with unwarranted force.

It's all so fast and startling Akko nearly falls back in her chair.

"D-Diana-? What's the matter?"

She's never reacted this way before, especially not with such vehemence. Diana's bowed her head, and waves of hair have shielded her expression. Akko can hear her breathing hard suddenly. She lets go of the table only to press that hand against her forehead. Akko slides her chair closer and reaches out for her nervously.

"Diana? What's wrong? D-Did I do something...?"

Feeling Akko's hands on her side and shoulder eases Diana's tension a bit. She herself isn't exactly sure what had just happened. One second everything had been just fine, and then the next...

"It's all right..." she says, almost tentatively. "I suddenly just felt a flash of heat." She leaves it at that. Akko doesn't need to know the extent of the temperature.

It had felt like something had gripped her with burning claws, boiling her blood in one second flat, setting her on fire. But now it's gone, with only faint pulses of the discomfort left in her bloodstream. Diana draws in a breath and everything feels normal once again.

Akko's hands are still clinging to her, and her eyes are still wide with shock.

"Heat?" she parrots. "Like a fever?" She quickly brushes Diana's bangs aside and presses their foreheads together. "You don't feel warm..."

"I'm not sure what it was," Diana murmurs. "But whatever it was has passed."

Akko nervously eases back, but doesn't let go of her.

"Are you sure? You look really pale all of a sudden." She bites her lip, noting the thin veil of sweat that has started clinging to Diana's skin. "Maybe we should go to bed early after all."

"Given the circumstances, I think that would be best."

They wait for a moment longer, until Diana feels everything inside her body return to normal. When she's feeling well enough to stand, Akko jumps up first to support her.

She sticks close to Diana's side as they go about re-shelving the books, gathering their notes, and finally making their way to the exit.

They walk the hallways quietly, with Akko flashing occasional worried glances at her classmate. But Diana seems entirely better now, as though it had never happened at all.

Even so, Akko decides to walk her to her dorm room to make sure.

They arrive without incident and turn to face one another. Akko twiddles her fingers.

"Are you sure you're okay?"

"Everything feels just fine now."

"...Are you sure it wasn't something I did...?"

Diana offers a kind smile. She takes a step forward and kisses Akko's cheek.

"Quite sure."

Akko flushes and bites her lip to stop the stupidly-huge grin from coming on.


"As I said, we will pick up from where we left off next time. Good work today, Akko. And goodnight."

"Okay. Thanks, Diana. Goodnight."

With a dip of her head, Diana excuses herself and disappears into her room.

Akko lingers a moment longer, but nothing out of the ordinary happens. Whatever had happened tonight was over now, and Diana seems all right.

Their next study session won't be until next week, but Akko is already looking forward to it.

She turns on her heel and scurries off back to her own room, thinking nothing more on the matter.

A/N: This story is going to sort of relate slightly back to my other fic Threaded, at least in terms of the setting. You'll find out what I mean, so if you wanna you can read that fic to understand what will happen later in this one!

Please review!