Issei stood in shock as he heard this fact. He didn't know why she would do this or why she wouldn't at least tell him something may happen. He was frustrated, confused and surprised all at once.
Issei: Y-your joking… Please tell me your joking…
Venelana: Unfortunately, I am not. I know Rias's spell signature well and while she tried to hide that signature, she didn't do it well enough.
Issei: I'm so confused. I'm a mix of different emotions and I don't know which one is more dominant than the other.
Venelana: If I was in your shoes I would feel the exact same way. I feel sympathy for you. However, the best thing you can do right now is to go to training and pretend that you don't know. You will have a chance to talk with her, I guarantee. However you must not show Koneko-chan that you are troubled by this, otherwise, it could lead to unnecessary complications.
Issei: Ok, ok. -breathes- Stay calm and approach the whole situation as if I don't know anything. I'll get to talk to Rias later about all this, it can all be fixed. Thanks, Venelana.
Venelana: You're welcome. Now you should get into the circle yourself now.
Issei: Yeah your right. I'll see you later then.
Issei moved over to Koneko, who was waiting for him in the transportation circle. He stood, still shocked about the fact that Rias put a spell on her. There had to be a valid reason, there had to be. But he couldn't worry about it now. He had training to worry about first. He stood in the circle, the magic started to activate, and his vision was blinded.
Issei arrived back at his training ground, however, he didn't have a dragon in his face this time. Instead, he had one in front of him and one behind him. He knew very well that this was going to be the beginning of the training. He equipped his gauntlet and placed Koneko's crystal on her back. It immediately equipped itself and gave her the full suit of armour, gleaming from a source of light. Issei activated Balance Breaker and promoted himself to a knight to get some shots in before they got too close. The dragons started to swoop down to attack them. Issei charged two shots and shot both dragons at once. Both the dragons staggered slightly but continued to charge them both. Koneko jumped at one of the dragons, while Issei charged another two shots for the other. When Koneko landed her punch, Issei fired his shots. He made sure to condense the shot down to make a laser, which put two holes in the dragon's wings, one hole in each. Konekos punch had knocked the other dragon out of the sky. Now, both dragons were on the ground, suppressed by the two. Issei had one shot charged, looking down at his dragon, while Koneko was looking over hers, her aura at a suffocating intensity. The dragons admitted their defeat.
Koneko removed her armour and gave the crystal to Issei before he deactivated his Balance Breaker. They stood back to let the dragons up
Issei: So, how did we do?
Dragon #1: You very well surprised us both. You two pack a punch when you need to.
Dragon #2: Yes, you both came prepared after yesterday huh?
Issei: Of course. I'd rather not be a snack for one of you, even if this was training. Plus, I've got a reputation to upkeep.
Koneko: Try not to let that reputation get to your head.
Issei: Whaaat? When has anything gotten to my head?
The two bickered for a second before remembering why they were there. They turned to the dragons and asked them to lead the way. They headed towards their training area again. Once they arrived, Issei and Koneko had a small talk with the other dragons. They decided who was gonna help them out. They decided to train separately for the first part of it, then they would come together afterwards and spar with whatever they learned.
Issei: Well this will make for some good competition
Koneko: Yeah it will I've been itching to have a fight with you again
Issei: Ehe, relax its just a sparring match.
Ddraig: But its nice to win everything you partake in, right Issei?
Issei: That's beside the point
After their bickering again, they head off with a dragon each. Koneko went back to where they were transported to and Issei was taken to some mountains to separate them. Issei remembered to give Koneko her crystal before leaving, but he wasn't sure how long the charge was going to last. But its also convenient if the charge runs out, cause then she could work on fighting without it, which will also add to how strong she is with the suit.
Issei: May I ask why we had to go to the mountains?
Dragon: Thinner air. If you can fight with a lower amount of oxygen, it'll mean you won't get exhausted as easily as your opponents. But you'll be worked to the bone, I hope you realise this.
Issei: I suspected as much. Just as long as I can be alright for the sparring and not in multiple pieces, I'll deal with anything you throw at me.
Dragon: Good. Then your first task is for you to test your actions in situations
The dragon suddenly went into a roll, throwing Issei off its back. He fell towards the ground at speed, yelling. Then he activated his balance breaker and flew onto his back again.
Issei: What the hell was that for?!
Dragon: Testing your reactions. I said this was part of it. Be lucky I didn't tell you to run all the way to the mountains.
Issei: -sigh- that could've been done better...
Dragon: And how do you figure that? The best way to test reactions is to take you by surprise, which is what I just did. If you have a better way of testing it, then I'm all ears.
Issei: It couldn't of been something else to test reactions?
Dragon: Life-threatening situations work best for reactions. You see who can compose themselves better and thinks of ways to fix the situation. You were very much a quick thinker there, so you have my praise.
Issei sighs and they continue through the mountains. The dragon did throw Issei off a couple more times, however, each time issei was quicker with activating his balance breaker and flying back up. He was annoyed and frustrated that the dragon was still doing it, but he understood the reasoning.
Eventually, they reached the mountain. Surprisingly, the dragon didn't throw Issei off when they arrived. He let him off after they landed. They looked around. It was lightly snowing and there was definitely some wind. Issei struggled to stay on his feet when the odd powerful gusts came through.
Issei: So this is it huh? My training ground for today?
Dragon: Yes, it is. Now, I remember you training with the previous dragon king before. While I can't measure up to him, a few dragons should make things interesting.
Issei: Sorry, a few… dragons? But it's only us here.
Dragon: So you think.
The dragon roared and off in the distance, he heard the flapping of several pairs of wings. Three more dragons soon appeared into Issei's view. Issei reeled back, looking at the dragon that flew him here. But he wasn't going to help him here. In fact, he was looking dead on at Issei, gathering fire in his mouth. Issei knew this look and was quick on the draw for activating his balance breaker. He activated his Speed Star Sonic mode from his Illegal Move Triaina set. He knew the firepower of these dragons, but now that there was four of them, he had no choice. He would rather not become a fried demon within the first hour of him being here. It didn't drain him nearly as fast as it did before, but it was still exhausting to use. He needed to only move when necessary to get the most out of the mode before the balance breaker would break. The dragon fired his shot and Issei moved quickly just out of the way. The dragons that he saw before had come within range and had started to spew fire at Issei also.
It was a very long training session. Issei was on the ground, breathing heavily. The dragons were all gathered together to talk. This pissed Issei off a little, that they can go from slinging fire his way to happily chatting to each other within a few minutes.
Issei: So… when are… we going back…
Dragon: When you regain your stamina and we go again.
Issei: -groan- Seriously… that's how… we are gonna… do this?
Dragon #2: We haven't let off nearly enough steam. So sorry, but you will be our punching bag just once more.
Issei: Fine… just let me… have a… few more… minutes…
Issei took all the time he needed to catch his breath and get his stamina back. He stood up and the dragons looked over at him, smiles creeping onto their faces. He activated his balance breaker and looked up at them. He would try with just his base form to see how it goes. The armor should hold up fine if fire happens to hit him, he just has to minimize how much that happens. He flies up to their height and waits for their attacks. The dragons decide to be clever and spit fire all at once, making a massive collum of fire heading towards them. To retaliate, Issei made a small energy ball and fired it into the wall of fire, making a hole in it for him to confortably fit through. The dragons were surprised.
Issei: I think its time I fought back a little. Its more fun when the punching bag punches back.
Dragon: Well, just don't damage my wings. I'm your ride back.
Dragon #3: I like the idea of you fighting back.
Dragon #4: Well, let's see if you hold up to our expectations.
Issei: Sure, lets.
(Its been a while since ive uploaded a chapter. Yikes. If youre a returning reader, thanks. I am actually making another fanfiction over on Wattpad if you guys wish to check it out. Its another Highschool DxD one. Ive done alot of work on it so far. If you guys want to find it, it can be found on my profile Roboboy0712. The guy looking like a terrorist in a black hoodie and a white checkered scarf. Go have a look, and consider following for updates.)