Glancing up from the bar she was currently wiping down Eve spotted a face she'd thought she'd never see again. It had been a few years but he hadn't changed a bit. Her heart did an odd little jump at the sight of him and she was glad he was across a crowded room from her which meant he couldn't hear her heart. He was a vampire, more accurately a vampire with Corvinus blood coursing through him because her mother had brought him back to life, so she hadn't expected to see any change in him. The longer she looked though the more she realized something in his eyes had changed, a wariness and wisdom that hadn't been there before.

Having made eye contact she couldn't pretend she hadn't seen him and go about her job as if nothing in the world were different. Eve pushed her long dark hair over her shoulder as she looked at him with her blue eyes. Whatever he wanted she was sure it wasn't going to be good for her but she was curious all the same.

David moved across the crowd room wondering how on earth Eve stood to be in here with all these humans. He hardly cared that they were humans but he was also aware she was not one of them and was more or less in hiding. He shouldn't even be here, he knew her mother would have been beyond pissed if she knew he'd come here. This was dangerous in a number of ways, they all knew it.

"You shouldn't be here," she said softly as he reached the bar. Humans might not have been able to hear her but David could hear her perfectly fine.

He gave her a careful smile, "It's nice to see you too. I'm doing well enough, how are you?"

The look he received told him she wasn't amused. Eve tipped her head slightly as she shook it, "Oh you know... still in exiled, still hiding."

"I need to speak with you about that. Things have changed and I could use your help."

Arching a brow at him she looked surprised, "My help? Last I checked your- You know what never mind. I don't think I want to know."

She was lying, she wanted to know what he was thinking and how she might be able to help but there was history between herself and the vampires. They didn't like her, David and her mother being the exception. The Coven she'd encountered was furious about her hybrid status. Eve had no great love for any species honestly. Werewolves or Lycans had used her for experiments for the first part of her life, hunted her after she broke out with her mother. The vampires exiled her because she 'wasn't one of them', arrogant bastards and humans were on a rampage of righteousness.

David nodded his head, "I know there's bad blood there but isn't time we put that to rest?"

Eve merely looked at him, while he was a little more open minded and had helped her a lot after her escape from the Lycan laboratories she hadn't seen him in years. "Is that possible? Your father was more than willing to hand me over before, what's to stop him now?"

Something shifted in his usually neutral features at the mention of his father, "He can't hurt you, he's dead."

Surprised Eve blinked at the dark haired man, looking into his dark brown eyes for a moment, "David..."

He was already shaking his head, "It's over with now and you would have had no way of knowing. Can we please go somewhere to talk? A lot has happened recently."

She shook her head unsure what to say at the moment, she'd always had a bit of a crush on him. He'd literally saved her and been her first real interactions with vampires, particularly a vampire who didn't want to kill her because she was Michael Corvin and Selena's off spring. David has always been kind to her, kept in touch with her despite everything. There had been emails back and forth between them, her mother would have been furious but Eve wasn't very good at being cut off from the only beings she'd ever known.

They had all agreed for her own safety she shouldn't stay near her mother, Selena didn't even know her whereabouts, but Eve hadn't been able to stop herself from reaching out to David after the solitude. She'd struggled for the first couple years but had settled into the life she had, such as it was. David had helped her stay sane she felt, even from a distance.

Patiently he waited for her response understanding that he was asking a lot of her. His kind had not been all that humane towards Eve, they had cast her out the moment trouble had arrived on their doorstep. Mainly due to old fashioned, close mindedness on his father's part but many had agreed with him though David hoped to change that now that his father was gone and his own status had come to light.

It had recently been discovered that David was in fact the elder Amelia's son which gave him the right to claim his title as the head of the Eastern Coven. He'd still had to fight for his claim but things had settled down since then. The war between the Lycans, vampires, and humans still raged though. He hoped having Eve on their side might finally tip the balance in their favor.

"I don't know, isn't you being here dangerous?"

He glanced around the bar and then back at her, "No more dangerous than you working in a room full of humans." His voice was soft so only she could hear him. As Hybrids they didn't need to speak overly loud to each other, they both had exceptionally keen hearing.

She wanted to talk with him, wanted to spend time with him but knew it was dangerous. She wasn't so far removed from the situation she didn't know that some were still looking for her to use her blood to strengthen themselves. Of course she didn't know who exactly was looking for her but she knew there were some out there all the same.

Wrapping the bar towel around her hand absently she looked into his brown eyes and caved, "Alright. Come back in a couple hours when my shift is over. I can talk to you while I close up the place."

David didn't seem all that happy with her answer but he nodded his head all the same, "If it's alright I'll just sit over there until you close."

"Do you want something to drink? It'll look odd if you sit here for a couple hours with nothing in front of you. You'll only get more attention."

He thought about it a moment and then glanced from her to the bottles along the wall behind her as he realized she was right, "Are you even old enough to work here by their standards?" It wouldn't have dawned on him but apparently Eve paid attention to people more than he did.

With a laugh she rolled her eyes, "I don't serve the alcohol, even though I could. I just clean the place up, run dishes from the kitchen, take out the trash, or whatever else they need. You just happened to catch me behind the bar tonight."

She had no idea what humans drank or how to mix the concoctions but she could push a broom so she'd begged for a job. Thankfully she looked rather young and the owner had felt bad for her so he'd given her work for food at first until she'd picked up a few things and he'd started paying her.

Having no knowledge of the outside world had been a huge hurdle when she'd first broken out of the lab but Eve was smart, she'd adapted quickly. She'd floundered for a little while after the vampires cast her out and she decided it was safest to stay away from her mother but now she was alright. There were still human customs she didn't pick up on but most people just assumed it was because she was a foreigner. Eve looked human in most cases, her dark hair in contract to her blue eyes gave her a slight Hungarian look so she let people assume what they wanted.

"I don't know how you stand the noise here," he said when she was finally finished and the last patron had been escorted out. There had been a brief conversation between Eve and a heavily muscled man as he eyed David but finally disappeared out a door.

With a shrug Eve twisted her long hair back from her face, securing it in place with a tie she pulled from the pocket of her jeans, "You get used to it after awhile. It does get loud some times but I just go outside."

If he hadn't known better he would have thought she was just another pretty young woman working a job while she went to college, though her face appeared young so one might believe she was still in high school. But David knew Eve was at least 21 now and she was hardly merely a human woman. No she was a natural born hybrid who had all of their strengths but very few of their weaknesses. She didn't seem to need blood as he used to, only when she needed to heal quickly, silver didn't seem to have much effect on her and daylight wasn't an issue. It was no wonder she was hunted for her abilities. David had never seen strength like hers and yet standing here now she looked not weak but not capable of the things he knew her to be capable of.

Currently she wore a pair of jeans that fit her well, though David wouldn't admit he'd been admiring just how well in the time he'd been sitting here. She'd seemed like a child to him when he'd met her, that child was gone now to say the least. Eve had filled out in all the right places, the v-neck t-shirt she wore was snug across her breasts and had drawn his eyes more than once already. She was fit, not surprising considering what she really was. Her long dark brown hair hadn't been cut since he'd seen her last and reached her lower back now. The blue of her shirt accented her eyes nicely he realized, well so long as her eyes didn't change to the black pools broken only by the typical radiant blue of the vampires. She was a beauty that was for her but he reminded himself that she was also in danger just by him being here.

"The Eastern Coven would like to welcome you back, Eve," he said as he cleared his throat while getting his thoughts back to the business at hand.

She arched a brow at him, "Welcome me back? Seriously? Your own father handed me over to the Lycan's, why should I believe that won't happen again once I surface in your world?"

He gave her a cocky grin, "Because the coven in under new management."

"Is that so? And just who's running the show now that your father isn't around?"

David stretched his lean body, "I am. Your mother, myself, and one other are now the elders."

Eve snorted as she picked up a broom but stopped when she saw the serious look on his face, "You aren't joking. Wow... things must have really been in upheaval if that's the case."

He nodded before getting to his feet in one fluid motion, "That's what happens when old ways no longer suit and you discover you are the heir of an elder. Amelia and my father had a secret affair it turns out."

Pausing she looked at him in surprise, "Is that what I felt from my mother? That whole situation? I don't understand everything I felt but there was something serious going on. I didn't want to connect with her and give myself away."

"Lycan's attacked us and I thought they had killed Selene but she... I'm not even sure how to explain it. She's even more powerful now, she learned things from the Nordic coven. But we defeated Marius and things have settled, though humans are still an issue. The Lycans continue to push the humans into a frenzy in eradicating vampires."

Eve leaned on the broom she had picked up but still hadn't used, she was captivated by what he was saying. She'd felt some strange things via the connection she shared with her mother but hadn't known what was going on. Sounded like there was a lot happening in the supernatural world. Even here there were ripples, she heard frequently about vampires from the human patrons. Lycans had done a good job in hiding though there were still stories about them as well.

"And just what is it you think I can do in all this?"

David tipped his head as his dark brown eyes watched her for a moment, "I'm hoping if you side with us the Lycans will stand down. They are leaderless at the moment but it's only a matter of time before someone else steps up again. But if they see you, the first true Hybrid among us, they will decide not to fight."

With a shake of her head she finally started pushing the broom around the floor, "I don't think that's a good plan. They will always want to wipe us out. Having me in the mix only makes it worse because someone will want to use my blood as the Antigen Lycans were trying to. Can you imagine what would happen if they got their hands on me again?"

She couldn't stop the shiver of disgust and terror she felt over that from coursing through her body. Eve was stronger now than she ever was, she was learning more about her abilities every day but that didn't mean she wanted to be a test subject again. She had nightmares about that place and she hated the Lycans who's taken her family from her.

"Marius was only a threat to us because he was injecting himself with Michael's blood, now that he's...," David stopped with a surprised look on his face.

The moment he'd mentioned her father Eve dropped the broom she'd been sweeping across the floor and was standing in front of him almost faster than he could track. Her eyes shifted, black bleeding into the white until he was looking into the black and blue pools filled with rage. When she spoke her voice was soft, she hadn't shifted fully and still had the ability to speak, "My father's blood?"

Looking down into her transformed eyes David was hesitant to continue, "Marius... used your father's blood... to enhance himself, he was searching for you we think because he killed Michael."

In his excitement to have Eve back with him, fighting on his side to finally finish the battle with the Lycan's he hadn't considered she wouldn't know all these details. She wasn't apart of the coven, nor to his knowledge did she have Lycan contacts which was unlikely. How would she know the small part her father played in the recent uprising. He should have been more careful with his words, something he was being told frequently by the coven vampires.

"Eve... I'm sorry. I didn't think before I spoke. Selene made Marius pay for his deeds."

Trying to control herself Eve glared at David fighting the urge to shift forms and tear the hell out of the bar. She had no idea what had been happening between the Lycans and Vampires until now. She'd purposely tried not to know what was going on because she knew she would want to be there to help in some way. With a jerk she turned away from David, afraid she might hurt him.