Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, or Criminal Minds.

Thank you so much for all your support, and reviews for this story! They mean the world to me. I hope you enjoy the Epilogue!Epilogue

Willow, Derek, and their three children had just arrived on the platform to the Hogwarts Express. Bryony was starting her first year, along with Neville and Hannah's son Frank. Their son, James Derek Morgan, was starting in two years along with a hoard of their friend's children. Little Lily Luna Morgan wouldn't be starting for another six years, and Derek for one was glad. He'd miss his little girl dearly, he couldn't imagine how he'll feel once J.D. starts Hogwarts. Willow was in tears, trying not to make a spectacle of herself, yet unable to stop the flow. "Oh my beautiful girl! I'll miss you so much! Make sure you call at least once a week, and email me everyday if possible." Willow said, smoothing down Bryony's loose curls. Bryony had turned out a glorious mix of Willow and Derek. She had luscious black hair that hung in loose curls down her back. Her skin was a rich, light mocha color which made her bright green eyes an unexpected surprise. She had received her Mother's delicate bone structure, and at least some of her Father's height. In a few years, she would not look amiss on a Paris runway. She would grow to be a knockout for sure, and Derek and Sirius were truly dreading that day.

"Yes, Mummy. I'll text you and Daddy everyday." Bryony said, tears shining in her own eyes. She was trying to be strong and mature, but she was going to miss her family (even J.D. who was an annoying little prat sometimes). "And call once a week." Willow reminded, grasping Bryony's hands in her own. "And call every week." She repeated. Derek was watching the scene with soft eyes. He truly was blessed with an amazing family. As little as twelve years ago, he would not have believed he could have such a wonderful life. " Say goodbye to your brother and sister, Bree." Derek said, then loaded up her luggage to check it in. "Call every hour, if possible dear." J.D. said in a high falsetto, mimicking their Mother's voice. He deftly avoided a swat from Willow, and leaned in for a quick hug. "I guess I'll miss you too, Bree. Send me a text occaisonally so I'll know you are still alive." He said, stepping back. "I'll miss you too, brat. Watch out for Lily while I'm gone." Bryony said, then turned to Lily who was crying in their Mother's arms. "I don't want you to leave, Bebee." Lily said, crying. Willow sat Lily down, and she immediately grabbed on to Bryony. "Why do you have to leave me?" She asked, sobbing.

"I'm not leaving you forever, Lils. I'll still talk to you everyday, and I'll Skype call once a week. You won't have a chance to miss me before I'm home for Christmas." Bryony said, hugging Lily. "You be a good girl for Mummy and Daddy, and prank J.D. for me." She whispered in Lily's ear. Lily laughed, hiccuping a little. "I promise." She said solemnly, eyes sparkling with mischief. Derek had returned from the baggage car, and said; "I probably don't want to know what you girls are whispering about, do I?" The girls looked at each other, then said in unison "I don't know what you're talking about." with innocent expressions on their faces. Derek snorted, then opened his arms. Bryony ran into them, hugging him tightly. "I'm gonna miss you, baby girl. You be good, and work hard, but don't forget to have fun." He said. "I love you so much. Don't let any boys within ten feet of you." Derek said, kissing her head. Bryony huffed. "Don't worry. The only boy I like is Frank, all the rest of them are stupid." She said. "I only hope that attitude stays the same." Derek said wryly to Willow. Willow chuckled through her tears, and Derek pulled everyone into a group hug.

'THE HOGWARTS EXPRESS LEAVES IN TEN MINUTES. PLEASE BOARD PROMPTLY.' They heard over the loadspeaker. "Bye Mummy, Dad." Bryony said, kissing them goodbye. "Bye J.D., bye Lily. Remember what I said." She said, hugging them both. "Frank's got a compartment for you." Neville said, walking up with Hannah and their other son Benjamin. "Bye guys!" Bryony yelled as she boarded the train. "Bye! Be good." Was hollered back by Willow. "Call us when you get there, so we'll know you got there alright." Derek yelled. A couple of minutes later, Bryony and Frank pulled down a window, and started waving as the train started moving. Once the train was out of the station, they decided to do some shopping in the area call Diagon Alley. There were a lot of excentric stores, and high end shops there. After going to Twilfitt and Tattings for some clothing items, Willow and Lily rejoined the others who had gone to a sporting goods store instead. J.D. had seen a snake he wanted at the pet store, but they put him off until they were back home. "A snake would not enjoy nine hours on a plane." Derek said. After a while, they all settled in for lunch out on the patio of a cozy cafe.

Willow, Derek, Lily and J.D., were sat with Neville, Hannah and Benjamin. They had just ordered, and the kids were talking about the new bicycles at the sporting goods store. Derek had his arm around Willow, and he was whispering in her ear. She was blushing slightly, and giggling. This was the scene that Draco Malfoy saw as he passed by the cafe. Draco had seriously regretted letting Willow go. He had left professional football behind, and had taken over his Father's company. He continued to date, but had always hoped that Willow's marriage wouldn't last, and she would come back to England. He could see now, that that was a fool's dream. He should have cherished her, but instead he had taken her for granted. He had been a selfish arsehole, and it was too late now. He walked away without stopping to say hello. He had no right to intrude.

"I love you." Derek said, whispering in her ear. "I love you too." Willow said, groaning as Derek continued kissing her ear and neck. "Gross! Mum, Daaad." J.D. whined. He hated when they got all kissy. "You should be happy that your parents love each other so much." Willow admonished lightly. "I am. But I don't want to see it!" He exclaimed. The adults laughed, while the children all agreed with him. Derek looked around, and thought that Rossi was right, he was a lucky bastard.

Well that's all of this story for now. In the future, I may do some one shots in this universe but I haven't decided quite yet. Thank you so much for all of your favs, follows and reviews! Until next time.