Half an hour after the park incident Beverly was home taking the fresh delivered pizzas to the dining table. Barely placing them down when her small child tried opening one of the steaming boxes.

"no, Todd. We need to wait for your dad." setting aside the two large sodas next to the paper plates.

"aww, but he always gets home late. The pizza will be cold by then." he whined with a sad look up to his mother.

"not today, he's coming home early. He'll be here in a couple minutes. You can have some soda till then if you want." ruffling his hair playfully.

"fiiine, I'll wait!" the child huffed dramatically at the table. Perking up at the sound of the front door opening.

"daddy!" running up into his father's arms.

"hey-ya toffee." pen greeted Todd in his nickname. Picking him up to carry back to the dinner table.

"haven't grabbed a slice yet?" he asked looking to Todd, but also in general toward Beverly as well.

"nope, we were waiting for you to have family dinner. Todd also wants to talk all about his camping trip." Beverly always made it a point to have family dinners be a regular thing. Making sure Todd experienced all the nice things parents did with their children. All the same experiences she never got while she was young. No family dinners, a parent picking her up like it was more of a chore, no security or any happy parent memories to cherish from her past.

"oh, oh, dad! I got to see a bunch of lizards and I almost caught one!" Todd excitedly told from his seat.

"aww, my little hunter. Hunt anything else on your wild travels?" setting a plate of pizza in front of the small boy. Pouring a cup of soda for him next.

"we saw a bunch of deer, but we couldn't get near them tho. So we just watched till we went down the trail we were on. Then we got to swim around in a river with a bunch of little fishes! Max got pinched by a lobster looking thing between the large rocks."

"crawdad?" Beverly threw out while sitting down by her plate.

"yeah, that! Are those in the river here?" sipping his glass of soda.

"sure are." she bit down into her slice.

"here toffee, your favorite. don't eat any till after you're pizza." pen set down a clear tied bag filled with square chunks. Getting a gasp of happiness and grabby hands at the package.

"oooh coconut toffee!" the child squeaked happily at the candy bag.

"you should have waited to give him that. Now his pizza will never get eatin." Beverly joked.

"eh, more leftovers for us." pen joked on a bite of pizza.

Meanwhile at the apartment of Richie and Eddie. Bill had called an emergency meeting of all the losers. When they all got there Bill was still far too stunned to speak about what he had learned. Sitting hunched over in a couch head in his hands eyes closed. The rest of the losers sitting around him in a circle for whatever he wanted to tell.

"you woke us all out of bed and we've all been waiting here for 10 minutes now. When are you planning to tell us?" Ben spoke to Bill, who did not react.

"hey, this hotel has an emergency defibrillator kit, doesn't it? Maybe that will wake him from his coma." Richie joked. Finally Bill stirred from his catatonic state to make an attempt of speaking. Opening his mouth, only to close it again. Doing this a few times and at the most letting out a heavy breath of air he was holding.

"god dammit Bill, this is worse than your stutter! Spit it out already!" shouted Richie.

"she married IT." he finally spoke out. "... she has a kid." he finished. Now everyone was stunned into silence.

"... she fucked the clown?" Richie broke the silence.

"Richie!" Eddie snapped.

"what?! It's true isn't it?!"

"what now?" asked Stan.

"talk with her? Not much we can do." Mike breathed out stressfully.

"that's been going well so far." Stan sarcastically spoke.

"is she okay? Was it some sort of deal or- ..." Ben asked, going quiet at the implication of something serious Beverly may have been forced through.

"i-i don't know. She says she's fine. Doesn't want to talk to any of us anymore. Really pissed toward me now. I don't even know what to do with the kid in the picture. What if it's exactly like the clown? Hunting kids like IT does?"

"was it acting weird?" Stan asked about the child.

"i was barely around it for a minute before Beverly whisked it away. It looked like any normal kid from what I saw. She looked happy to see him."

"hey, Beverly's married to that Mr grey dude, right? Sooo is the clown him?" Eddie sat straight up at the conclusion he made.

"i cant be working for the clown, no way!" Ben exclaimed.

"are you so sure?" Eddie asked with a raised brow.

"uh, no, but he's never done anything sketchy. No ones suddenly disappeared or suffered from some freak accident. Are we sure the kid belongs to IT anyway? IT should only be waking right about now. Did Beverly marry him within like a year early from the 27th mark?" Ben argued.

"only way to find out is to ask." Mike shrugged.

"she doesn't want to talk!" Bill huffed.

"you got a better idea? We break into her house to confront possibly IT that's in disguise? Kidnap her child that may not even belong to IT? Or should we let this all go?" Mike tossed out.

"what if she's actually happy? I mean, a marriage is a little different from a deal. Why would she call it that?" Eddie questioned.

"maybe it gives better perks? hes is a shapeshifter, on the honeymoon he must have had a HUge-"

"Richie!" everyone shouted him down from finishing his sentence.

"has the turtle said anything about this?" Ben asked Mike.

"no, he's been quiet since we decided to head back to Derry. Maybe that's a sign to say everything's alright? I don't think he'd suddenly stop talking otherwise." Mike answered.

"Can we really let that thing live tho? Even if the problem of IT has been solved? Even after a murderer has changed they still go to prison for their crimes." Stan spoke specifically toward Bill who went through a dreaded loss of his younger brother to IT.

"... Lets see what Beverly has to say. I really don't think she'll talk to me again. Someone else will have to." Bill sighed.

"We'll all go this time." Mike finished. Everything decided upon for their next move.

Back at the Neibolt house Todd was sound asleep for the night. Beverly hiding in the bathroom, leaning against pen sitting behind her.

"You think Bill will try anything?" Asking down to her.

"About Todd? No, Bill doesn't have the heart to hurt a kid. I am more worried about you." Kissing his cheek.

"Nothing they can do if i choose not to fight. I would be a normal person being harassed by loons."

"Yeah, but i also don't want Todd in the middle of this mess."

"He'll be fine darling." Kissing the top of her head.

"I bet a mil Bill will give me another call tomorrow. Or a whole nother shouting match."

"You want me to stick around?"

"No, better if you don't. Bill i don't believe will hold himself from punching you."

"You should get as much sleep for tomorrow's fight then." Joking to her.

"Ugh, how can i sleep? I'll need to hibernate for 20 years at this rate." Joking back with a tight hug around him.

The next day Beverly was back to work in the diner. Waitressing the front booth again. Tensing at bills voice speaking behind her.

"Bev." She heard him say. Looking toward him with dagger eyes.

"Bill, i am not afraid to call the cops on you." Warning him in a whisper.

"Don't, please. I- we all came to talk."

"We?!" Looking around to the front to see all the guys standing outside. Her aggravated glare making them all turn away. Except for Richie, who forced Eddie to over excitedly wave toward her. Shooting her glare back at Bill.

"What did you tell them?!" Keeping her voice hush from yelling inside the place.

"The same thing you said. You married … IT. That you also have a kid." He mumbled. Clearing his throat under the new burning dagger eyes. Worrying over the safety of her child summoning forth the angry grizzly momma bear inside her.

"Get in my back office, now." Deeply growling toward him with a point of the direction he was to walk.

Inside she took a deep inhale along with locking the office door.

"What do you want to talk about?!" Getting right to the point.

"Um, a-are you- were you forced-" he had trouble asking. Trying to avoid causing her any possible trauma if it were true.

"NO! And don't you dare ask that again! It was all purely consensual." Shooting those thoughts right down.

"Why did you get together? Is it some sort of deal?" He asked next. Beverly's locked on him glare breaking to look at the door. Unlocking it to yank open. Revealing the rest of the guys caught spying at the door.

"Get in!" She ordered. All of them nervously shuffling into the small office. Beverly taking one last look outside for anybody else eavesdropping. Maybe expecting a worker looking confused to see a sudden group of 6 guys squeeze into her office.

Seeing no one else she slammed the door shut. Locking it back up again to keep from being interrupted.

"You all want to hear the story of why we're together?!" Snapping at them. The guys giving her quiet quick head nods. Following that she told a, as quick as she could, summary for the next 10 minutes.

That she had been homeless by Eriks side before they both headed to Derry despite her being against the idea. How she was shocked that Pennywise felt her the best to court. Saving her life on multiple occasions. How all those life threatening issues were all done by Erik at the time. How pen was the only happy thing in her life between the abuse Erik or his friends tortured her with.

How Pennywise gave all sorts of gifts. Saved her from the rave party disaster along with help by henry. Erik deciding to leave Derry in tow with her. Pen jumping into begging her to stay with him at the Neibolt house he fixed up just for her. The fallout between Eriks gang, pen, and her. How they had been together up to now.

"He gave you lobster? Can i marry him next?" Richie asked, followed by a yelp as Eddie gave him a swift elbow to the ribs.

"Who's he eating now then?" Bill asked suspiciously.

"Prison inmates." She answered.

"Derry has a prison now?" Asked Ben

"Max security with a death row alley. Instead of missing children we got fliers warning of "escaped" prisoners." Clarifying further.

"Where is it?" Ben asked.

"If you go to the airport you can just see the watchtower tops above the treeline. havint any of you looked around Derry? Lots of stuff has changed around here. Practically all the old businesses have been replaced." looking at all their confused faces or shaking heads.

" the theater, replaced by a new company. the market, replaced with a new big chain store. Train yard completely dead. Blocks and blocks of houses demolished to be replaced. All our childhood homes are replaced by now. More apartments, more streets expanded. Derrys grown quite a lot since all the factories settled here. Attracting by the truck load new workers flowing in with their families. Two new schools had to open within a week for the sudden increase of kids." mentioning all the big changes.

"How do you know he's not devouring a few kids here or there?" Bill followed up on his earlier question.

"The bonding mark helps me know. I know where he is and he knows where i am. We know how each other's feelings or how our health is." Answering easily.

"Is your son like him?" Bill asked next.

"So far he's only been taking after me. Eats and acts normally. Blood drips like the rest of us when he gets a scrape. Teachers say he's making friends and the usual development markers." Pausing with a sad look to the side. "Todd actually wasn't our first. During the fallout with Erik, we got into a fight that ended with my side shredded open by his knife. Neither pen nor the doctors were able to save it after so much blood loss." Ending on that.

"that bastards lucky the clown got him first. We wouldn't have been so nice if we had ran into him now." Eddie grumbled.

"would have loved to see him get a taste of his own medicine tho. Clowns got a gold star from me for good behavior." Richie added.

"Can we see him?" Bill pushed. Everyone nervously looking to one another, having not discussed that yet. Bills growing anger around the subject not going unnoticed either.

"Um, i am not sure that's a good idea Bill." Beverly anxious about how that meeting would go. Not being too concerned about the others, but bill on the other hand. He was angry and may have no control over himself. Starting a full on brawl against pen that could seriously harm himself or throw everyone in jail for getting involved to help.

"We'll have to meet him at some point. We will be living here, at least for a while. Best to get it all over with." Mike tossed up.

"Okay… But not here. We'll all meet at the park when we get off on our lunch breaks. "You've already met him for work Ben So you'll recognize him right away."

"He is Mr Grey?!" Ben questioned. the suspicion of it being him finally confirmed.

"Yes. That's him. Now all of you gotta go. I still have work and this is probably freaking out my staff enough as it is."

"How do we even know if he's trustworthy? What if all that mark stuff is all a trick he made? What if he's only gotten better at hiding his meals?!" Bill asked skeptically. Not trusting IT to have changed despite Beverly's story between the two of them.

"I don't know what else i can do to convince you Bill. I will warn you however, that if you attempt something i won't stand by. I also won't force pen to either. So please, don't do anything stupid at the meet up." Letting all the guys walk out. Closing herself off alone in the office to regather herself. Mentally calling pen to the office for a talk.

"Yes darling?" Answering her call behind her.

"They want to meet you." Saying as she knocked her forehead against the door.

"Me? Are you sure?"

"Yes. I don't know what they'll do or ask. We'll be meeting in the park so none of them, mainly Bill, can't try anything."

"How'd they all react?"

"As good as they could have, i guess? Bill is still the most skeptical. I am afraid he'll keep trying to convince the others this isn't a good thing either." Walking over to sit in the desks main chair.

"what should we expect from bill?"

"i have no idea. A full on brawl? Attacking you with scissors from his pocket? A gun? I can see he has been holding back his anger. The others are all more for solving the issue the best way they can."

"Is it only my general existence that worries them? Or only a fear of me repeating past actions?" Asking with a sit down in a chair across from her.

"Actions i guess. If they ever come to accept that you've changed then they might not be so worried to have you around."

"do you want them around Beverly?"

"yes, why ask that?" worried at the questions intention.

"to be sure. I could always push them out of Derry, unharmed, if you didn't. You really want them to stay? Then maybe i can offer something that can benefit us all." His words catching Beverly's full attention.

Later that day Beverly waited anxiously by pen in the parks center.

"There here." he gestured a shoulder shrug toward their direction with a head tilt. Letting Beverly be the one to look at them over him staring.

"here we go." Beverly breathed out quietly.

The guys walking over in a steady slow pace. Unknowingly being as nervous as Beverly was as they approached.

"uh, was the clown always that tall?" Eddie asked.

"Holy shit that massive hulk is Mr grey. Why didn't you warn us he was a hundred feet tall?" Richie jokes toward Ben as they all approached.

"I never thought his height would ever be that important for us to know." Ben replied.

" good thing we ain't fighting. i can see it now, Bill punching his knee caps while me and eds grab a couple planes to face him. Mikes working on gathering up his mountain climbing gear and Ben's building a mahogany ladder for him and Stan."

"We kicked his ass as kids didn't we? We were shorter then and still beat him." Bill huffed.

"Yeah, shorter by like 5 inches. that hasn't changed since then." Stan huffed back.

"Shh!" Mike hushed them as they got closer.

Both sides standing quiet in front of another. Everyone avoiding eye contact in silent debate of what to do. Pen becoming the first to speak of them all.

"You have questions?" Throwing the question out into the open to gather further conversation. Bill being the bold one to outright ask one.

"Do you understand at all how i feel after you took Georgie away?" his question making everybody on edge to where it could lead.

"Yes, since having my own blood born. I know that whatever i may say now wont change the past. Neither bring you much peace. The only thing i feel that i can offer is a vow to never eat innocents again." Pen spoke calmly towards the increasingly more angered Bill.

"How do we know you'll keep that?! What if one day you get bored of playing nice?!" The guys stepping in to hold Bill back by an arm. Pulling him back from his aggressive steps forward.

" i can arrange you all to stay in Derry, forever." He stated to them all.

"What are you talking about?!" Bill snapped. Beverly stepping in having him calm back down again.

"He can reverse your aging then stop it for you. Like with what happened to me after i turned 27. I really haven't aged a day since then."

"yes, but i can only do so within the limits of Derry. If you leave, the aging will start up again." Pen added.

"Why offer that?" Bill questioned.

"If you worry so much about me ever changing. Then stay to keep watch, forever. Beverly will be happy to have you back around as well. This can keep the whole situation peaceful for us all."

the guys looked to each other in silent debate.

"how exactly does it work?" Ben asked. None of them willing to jump into a deal with the devil before reading the fine print.

"if you say yes I will revert each of you one at a time in the coming days. I don't have the energy to do so all at once. You'll be set back physically to 27, like Beverly is now. After you're all changed, it'll be easy to maintain from there. As long as you stay within my control in Derry limits." pen explained.

"so if we say yes, we'll be trapped here?" Eddie questioned.

"no, you can freely come and go. However, past the city limits your aging will continue normally minute by minute from your regressed 27 age. I can continue reversing it, but not constantly between short intervals of time." he explained further.

"does the youth come from anywhere else?" bill glared.

"only long gone inmates."

the group again looked to one another. All of them slowly announcing their answers one after another. Stanley ending up to be the only objector of immortality.

"my wife back home wouldn't believe any of this. I also worked hard to head onto greener pastures by the end of everything. I prefer it this way." he explained to the group asking why. They did not press any further, accepting his wishes.

The group decided that bill could go first in the line up of age revision. Then Ben, Eddie, Richie, and finally mike. Bill explaining he had to go first as If something went horribly wrong, they would have a chance to move in on pen. Bill being far too tempting as an easy kill on the one who tortured pennywise into almost starving.

"our lunch break is ending. We have to head back now if there's nothing else to ask." Beverly informed. Mildly happy that this stressful meeting was ending. Yet also happy that it happened and went so well.

"no." most of them answered, except for bill.

"can we talk a bit more." asking Beverly specifically. "right now, in the diner?" being more of a demand then a question.

"okay bill, but keep your voice down or I'll kick you out. You boys wanna eat? On the house if you do." hoping to bribe the rest of the guys in coming. Knowing they could help control bill if he got too upset during the talk.

At the tempting offer of food the guys happily followed along. Beverly waving pen goodbye as they all went.

Back at the diner, Beverly sat them all down at the front booth. Taking up their orders before settling down for the real talk bill wanted.

"how does he treat you?" bill questioned. Beverly growing annoyed at this.

"fine, bill. He lets me do whatever I want." answering him. The rest of the guys sipping drinks to avoid possibly talking.

"what about leaving Derry? Ever done that?"

"yes, along with Henry to go on long trips."

"why bring Henry? Does he force you to in case you may run?"

"no! Its for security." snapping at him.

"his security?" bill followed up.

"no. our security. I don't have to bring Henry if I don't want to, but it helps both of us."

"how?!" bill continued the long chain of questions.

"pen cant see or know whats happening outside of Derry. He also cannot leave it. If I go someplace far and something happens. He won't know until it's been far too long since i've called. Or if he does find out, he can't come to sign any hospital forms or make the important decisions by my hospital bed. So we use Henry as our extension. But, now that you're all here, maybe we can expand that so we won't have so much worry about it." explaining the situation of why she needed a travel companion.

"how'd you get the diner?" Eddie asked to turn the end of their topic toward a happier note.

"place looks a hell of a lot better since we were kids." Richie added.

"pretty much worked up the ladder till I made the manager role. Then the owner passed and the place was up for sale by the bank. Scooped the place up within days. Helps me get out of the house mostly, but I am working on hopping back into the fashion jobs. Need to set up a resume after I arrange myself a portfolio." happily talking about her time in the place.

"what if you ever want to leave him?" bills question souring the mood.

"i seriously doubt he'll stop me if I want to." she answered flatly.

"what will you tell your kid? Does he know about IT?"

" for now he mainly knows his father as Grey, and that he dresses as a clown on Halloween. In time we plan to tell him more about what his father really is. Most likely we won't tell him everything, we don't feel a need to. I prefer none of you telling him certain details either. At least not until he's much older." she told with a look to them all.

"any more questions, bill?"

"... no." he went quiet. Beverly noticing a sudden calm from him and the rest of the guys. Seeing some defeated sadness on bill as well. Thinking over why that is she guessed it was because his obsession to destroy IT was crushed. By how much pen had changed the guys were all willing to work toward an agreement without fighting.

Bill did not entirely want that, he still wanted revenge for his slaughtered brother. Asking all the serious questions for any excuse he could find to rally them all into fighting IT. Yet, there were none on pens long record of peace over the years with Beverly. Adding onto the fact he was a new father with a child who would have no idea why a group of men killed off his loving dad.

"bill." Beverly called his attention back. "i never expect you to be friends with him or even like him. Only that you two stay civil to keep the peace and my mental heath. Okay?" speaking only to him.

"...okay." he nodded. His body language showing some uplift to his mood. Not needing to be forced into acting nice around Pennywise. Neither expected to become good buddies with him like everyone else seemed to be growing toward.

Beverly gathered up their food to pass down to them all. Taking up her own plate she ordered, since her whole lunch break was used up to settle issues. Sitting down to eat happily beside all her friends who had a lot of catching up to do after so long.

Bill had published a whole series of horror stories that had been selling well. Ben, of course, had his company growing fast enough to need pens massive supply factories for work. Mike had settled down for a office job in the detective department after feeling his age begin to hit him. Now, however he may reconsider joining the field after today. Stan had gotten many promotions in his line of accounting work. Richie and Eddie had recently gotten engaged to one another. Partially merging their company's with Richie hosting celebs on his talk comedy shows and Eddie providing top treatment to all the shows guests behind the scenes. Earning high talks among the big show biz names as the talk show to get on.

The following days, one by one, the losers turned young again. Passing jokes to one another of all the changes. Coming to hang out with Beverly regularly like old times. Sometimes trying to squeeze pen into the mix of certain gatherings. He would come if Beverly asked him too, but mainly kept to himself or her.

Richie being the bravest to talk with him. More of pestering then talking really. Asking multiple questions, usually the exact same ones that really did not add much information. Puzzling pen over the action and to Beverly's amusement at the sight.

"what's your favorite color? How tall are you? Why do you like that crack house so much?" all the questions finally driving pen into scaring him at some point in full Pennywise form. Then Richie would flee to Beverly jokingly claiming "your boyfriend is trying to eat me!" only to continue the annoying questions all over again.

Eddie having to also deal with Richies pranks. Pulling him away from annoying pen to death or worse being annoyed next for ruining the fun. Otherwise keeping the interaction with pen casual. Talking normally about everyday things. Making small plots to prank Richie back using pens help. Both receiving satisfying paybacks after all of Richies pranks.

Ben and mike kept the relationship with pen very casual or simply business. Sharing beers, talking about each other's work, upcoming plans in each others personal lives. Stan almost doing the same, but anxiously keeping his interaction with pen as low as possible. Outright avoiding him if no other loser was around.

For bill it was obvious they weren't going to be social. Only greeting each other by saying the others name. "Bill." "Grey." then remaining silent between each other until somebody else spoke, they had to pass information, or the other left. Keeping peace between each other on the agreement that Beverly's happiness was most important.

Everything was looking up for the small, but growing town of Derry. Once suffering massive deaths to major disasters. Now turning to be the safest place on earth bearing a record of lowest crime. All thanks to a single love connection between the girl void of happiness and the void from beyond the universe.


and that's the official end. hope you all enjoyed the story. :3

i have more IT fanfics planned for the future, but need to work on them a little more first.