The day of McMahon Institute for Gifted Young people graduation had finally arrived. Like with the prom the teachers and other staff members had gone all out to make it an event worth remembering. Vince had been practising his speech for the last week or so, wanting to get it perfect so the students of the year no matter what creature they were, knew just how proud he was of them and how much he truly loved them as a year group. A smile come to his lips when he had sent a letter to each student or someone to fetch them, even how William Regal had brought Dean to his school so he could be with other being of the new world he found himself apart of.

The students of the year had all been instructed to wear a cap and gown like any other school of the country, although the near by residents of the towns were unaware there was a school there, except for the few who had been allowed to see through the illusion. Daniel and Hunter being the only known ones. Both of which had been happy to keep the secret of the world that hid inside the walls of the thought to be abandoned castle. As instructed the students had also picked out a representative for each dorm if only to make it seem like they were a normal school, although the family members that had been invited were well aware by now that wasn't the case.

"So this is the school" spoke Nikki and Brie's father, looking around the building in awe. Yet something about it didn't quite add up. He knew the twins mother had sent them off to a school that specialised in their needs, yet he didn't know what that special need was or why his son was sent to a normal community school. He knew from the exterior of the building the school would be expensive which only brought on the question of where Cathy had managed to find such money, while fully unaware of what status his two daughter held and why that school for one to attend despite it being so far from their home. Linda soon met the three at the door, greeting Cathy and JJ as if she had seen them before, a generous smile on her lips as she directed them where to go, the garden where a simple stage had been set up with fabric with the schools logo printed draped behind it. The white wooden chairs set out neatly, as if a lot of care had gone it to it.

"Its the best school in the country for their needs" responded JJ, remembering when he had spent hours wondering why his sisters were so special, just as clearly as he could recall when Nikki had sat him down and told him the truth, even going as far as demonstrating her magic to him to help him understand it wasn't some sort of wicked joke they were pulling on him. "Does he know?" whispered the youngest of the Bella siblings, unsure if his father was aware his twin daughters were actually witches. He soon received his answer when his mother such her head no and turned towards her ex partner. Almost dreading it since he hadn't picked upon the hints she had been dropping about it for almost three years, it was almost as if he was blind to what was in front of him or in denial that it could be true, that his own girls were in fact of supernatural status. Cathy soon sighed heavily, attempting to sum up the courage needed to tell the father of her three children the truth on what the school actually specialised in and what their daughters were before the graduation ceremony began and he found out through one of the many students or teachers speeches.

"They're witches" quickly spoke Cathy with the hopes the father of her children would miss what she said and not ask her to repeat it. Yet she could see from his sudden quietness and stunned expression he had heard her words clearly and no doubt thought it was a joke or thought she was insulting her twin girls. "This school is an institute that specialises in helping supernatural beings learn to control their gifts and re-enter the normal world if they choose too. They learnt everything a normal school offers and a few other things concerning their magic" explained the older woman, showing her words were an insult to her daughters but an expression of what they were in the supernatural world. She knew so much would have changed for them since attending the school, the letters she received from them gave that much away. Without another word, Cathy and JJ took their seats, waiting for the girls father to either run a mile or take a seat next to them to watch their girls graduate from the school they had been attending for the previous four years.

Vince soon made his way to the stage, Sting, Linda and several other teachers following behind him, taking the seats on the stage behind the podium that had been set up with a microphone on it. The banner above with the year class on it with glittery writing that appeared to be enchanted and moving. The students of the small year group soon began to file down the small isle way across from where the parents were, dressed in their black caps and gowns, some with nervous smiles on their lips while others appeared with neutral expressions as if they knew the day they had dread had finally come. Once all parents and students were there, Vicki stood to her feet and stepped over to the microphone, a bright but sad smile on her lips as if she was about to say goodbye to those she looked upon as a family.

"Welcome everyone to this years graduation ceremony. Where we celebrate and release our smallest ever year group back into the big wide world" spoke Vicki as she looked at the students and all the different species there. "This year group have achieved a lot of firsts. Two sets of identical twins, our first vampires, demon royalty with both princes and our first vampire/werewolf hybrids. Not to mention for the smallest group they have made the biggest impact. The love they shared and memories they created will go down in the schools history. Especially Dorm C's mischief" continued the headmasters assistant, hearing a few laughs as she mentioned the mischievous dorm, Dean even standing up to take a bow as Alexa floated past with a smile. "So I think its time for the dorm speeches. There's a few so get comfy. This lot have a tendency to talk for the supernatural world" finished the dark haired woman as she stepped down to see Brie take her place at the podium, a smile on her lips as she stood there although she shook slightly with nerves. Her parents in the sea of invited guests bringing the scared child out of her for some reason that she didn't quite understand.

"I remember when I first come here. I was afraid and didn't know why my mum even sent me here. I was just like any other teenage girl or so I thought. The only person I knew and trusted was my twin sister Nikki" started Brie as she looked around to the students to see her sister, seeing how much both had changed since they started at the school and how different they were now. "Yet as time went on we both discovered not only who we were as people but our place in the school. Nikki found what she had been searching for with the mischievous bunch in Dorm C where I found a home with those in Dorm A. When I was down they would make me smile, when I was confused they would help me find my way again and when I needed help they were always there to offer it and encourage me to reach heights I never thought I could" nervously continued the younger of the Bella twins wondering what others would say for their dorm and would would be representing the entire year. "Dorm A was that of female witches, we bounded over our magic and over our journey to how we got there. Yet this year taught us some valuable lessons, it taught us about other supernatural beings, how valuable trust is, even love. But most importantly it taught us to love who we are no matter what the outside world thinks" finished Brie before steeping down, smiling when Braun took to the stage, ducking under the large banner, Ember appearing next to him as if she was there to give him a helping hand.

"This is for Dorm B, for all the dark magic users and banshees" spoke Braun, his deep voice giving his frame a more intimidating aura to it. He soon turned to face Ember, the girls orange eyes appearing to get brighter as the pair combined their abilities to create a little show for all those they had stayed in the dorm with. All members of that particular dorm opting to keep it short and sweet. All coming to the conclusion their actions would always speak far louder than their words. For the first time the parents and other family members noticing the mansion that served as the dorm lit up when the student or students of the dorm stood on the stage. So far the Tudor Beamed mansion and the Gothic castle had lit up. Upon leaving the stage the area fell quiet as AJ Lee quietly made her way up to the stage, no scrunched up piece of paper in her hands as the others before her had, just a few twisted paperclips in her grasp. Her nerves kicking in when she seen her parents and brothers in the audience, appearing to have finally remembered she was around rather than a figment of their imagination.

"I swear those in my dorm only nominated me to do this because I'm the newest to the school" muttered AJ, her nervous settling a little bit when she heard a few chuckles mixing with the odd cheer. Almost as if those who were cheering were doing so to give her the confidence boost she needed to continue on. "Dorm C, probably the craziest dorm here, instead of just one type of supernatural beings there was a mix of all of them, witches, sirens, demons, vampires, werewolves, hybrids and a rather mischievous ghost. They're the family unit everyone hopes for when they go off to school. Magic and mischief are the two things certain to happen. With Alexa floating around and Dean's curiosity. Not to mention the far advanced magic of some of the witches. When these lot laugh, they laugh with you. When you're sad they're sad too and do whatever they can to cheer you up, if you needed help they would be there in a heartbeat. I know those I spent the year with in Dorm C with be the ones I can go to about anything. The ones who will be there always and forever" finished the dark haired witch as she turned and left the stage, rejoining those she had just been speaking about. She wondered who the class valedictorian would be, just as she wondered what Vince would say before freeing them into the big wide world. A smile come to her lips upon watching someone from Dorm D stand at the podium where she had previously been, understand their nervous but also knowing they could get through it.

"Class of 2019, there's so much to say" spoke Nikki Bella when she stood at the sleekly finished Podium, much like the rest of the school it gave off a high standard. "We have our ups and downs, we had our fun together and we went on our own little journeys of self discovery. We all found our place in the institute. But now its time we go out in the big world and find who we are there. Its time we embrace who we are as vampires, witches, hybrids, ghosts, werewolves, sirens, trolls, demons, banshees and dark magic users. We have the world at our feet, its our time to shine like we did here and show all those who helped us that we can make it, just as they have faith we can" finished Nikki, feeling the hope radiate of those she had shared a year group with. Her smile only widened when she heard the claps she got in response, although short she believed she had done the smallest year group in the school's history justice much like each of those who spoke out for their dorm had.

"I can remember when I first met all of you. Some of you come from well known families, others were just discovering the hidden secrets of their own. In the case of some of the wolves they had gone from on supernatural creature to another or like one of our hybrids and both vampires, went from being oblivious to the supernatural world to being thrown in the middle of it" started Vince, recalling how lost some of them had been when entering the institute or even how curious and excited some of them had been. "You were all young and trying to find your place in the world, for some trying to find answers, a home and a family. Together you lot made history, our first demon royalty, first vampires, our very first siren, even our first vampire werewolf hybrid. Your the smallest year group this institute has ever had, and one who has touched each of us in a different way. We watch you grow into bright and talent young people and now we are going to let you free into the world around you. Its time you went on one last journey of self discovery, to find who you are outside this institute, to find love, to learn new things and finally to find where you belong out there." continued the headmaster, hearing how all his students had gone quiet and listened to the words he was speaking, almost as if he was leader and they were his followers. "No matter what, there will always be a home here for you. Even when you think you lost everything, there will always be an open door, a family and a home" finished Vince, wanting nothing more than to go and hug some of them and reassure others they wouldn't be alone. He could remember what he got some of them to promise in the week leading up to the graduation.

Linda came to stand next to her husband, a bright confident smile on her lips as she watched the graduating class throw their caps up, the loud cheers as they did so although she could feel the sadness of some as they realised they wouldn't be students any more thrust wouldn't have someone their to guide them and point them in the right direction. She watched as Roman spoke with his family for the first time since becoming a hybrid, even how Nia attempted to treat him as if he was apart of the family now instead of an outsider. Much like she watched as AJ reunited with her own family and Finn introduced Becky to his father an uncle, as well as how Becky informed them of her decision and thrust accepting her eventual immortality.

"I'm gonna miss this place and everyone here" uttered Paige, her raven hair tied back in a ponytail, with a few stands framing her face. Seth and Dean either side of her both looking around at all the family reunions graduation had brought on, noticing both of them and their companion were the only ones not to be involved in such a reunion. A sad smile come to her lips when she remember what happened to her own family, how their memories were changed so they could truly move forward with their own lives and be proud of what they had achieved and gotten since. Seth soon wrapped and arm around her shoulders pulling her slightly closer to himself, a soft smile coming to his lips at the adventures that waited for them as a trio and family. Much like he looked forward to the day each of them promised to be at arrived, so he could hear about the stories and adventures the others he called family had to tell them about.

"We'll come back. We always will. I mean this is out home after all" responded Seth, watching in amusement as Dean set off the chain reaction which would result in his last prank at the institute as a student, one he was sure Alexa would appreciate since he had done it souly for her. "I can't wait for our little reunion, to hear about the adventures and stories the others have to tell us about. Even to return here again to make a few more memories" finished the vampire as he watched with Paige as the sparks literally began to fly, along with a few flowers. Alexa's laughter and amusement clear to hear amongst the confusion. Happiness also evident to hear, almost as if she was thrilled to be reminded that she hadn't been forgotten, or that her ghostly immortality would be accompanied by others who were both gifted and cursed with such a thing.

~ End ~

A/N – Hey guys so that's the end of this one. They're maybe be a sequel in the future. Let me know what you think.