Price Of Betrayal

Disclaimer ~ I do not own Voltron

*The one where the paladins discuss the price of betraying Voltron*

It had been another long battle with the galra and the paladins were exhausted. But their hunger won over their need to nap, which is why we found the group in the kitchen.

"Keith? You've been glaring at your food this whole time. You okay?" Hunk asked. Attention turned to the red paladin, who didn't react to the words.

"Keith?" Lance placed a hand on his shoulder. Keith jumped in surprise and barely stopped himself from punching Lance. Something everyone noticed and was grateful for. Lance would whine for hours if Keith punched him. Reflex or not.

"What?" Keith look at them.

"You okay?" Shiro asked. Keith tilted his head.

"Yeah? Why wouldn't I be?"

"You were glaring at your dinner dude," Lance told him.

"Ahh. I was just thinking. No big deal," Keith shrugged and shoveled some goo into his mouth.

"Now you got me curious. What were you thinking about?" Pidge asked. Everyone leaned toward Keith, who muttered something none of them could hear.

"Mind repeating that?" Shiro asked.

"I said I was thinking of the values you all would be worth if I betrayed you," Keith glared at them.

"...elaborate please," Pidge pushes her glasses further up her nose.

"I'm seriously craving earth food right now. That made me think of that thing where someone says they'd betray you for a single corn chip. And that made me wonder what foods I would accept to betray you guys," Keith explained. He looked at his plate of goo and refused to meet their eyes. If one looked close enough, they could see a hint of a blush creeping up his neck.

"I better be worth at least a bag of corn chips," Lance said, breaking the silence in the room.

"You are worth a bottle of Pepsi," Keith told him. Lance smirked, happy with his worth.

"Ooh! What about me?!" Hunk asked excitedly.

"McDonalds French fries," Keith said. Hunk seemed to drool at the thought of the fries. Keith turned to Pidge, already knowing what she was going to ask. "You are worth a chocolate bar," he said.

"And me?" Shiro asked amused. Keith studied him for several ticks.

"A whole pizza," Keith announced.

"Damn. Shiro has the highest price of betrayal here," Lance groaned.

"Do you think we can convince Allura to open a wormhole to Kerberos and then sneak back to earth and get proper food?" Hunk asked. "Because now that Keith has brought it up I really want some pizza."

"Oh god please. Shiro I'm begging you to ask Allura to let us go," Pidge turned her puppy dog eyes onto Shiro, followed by everyone else in the room. That was about the moment Allura and Coran entered.

"You seem to be bonding nicely," Allura said, taking a seat at the table. Coran sat beside her and noticed the looks the paladins were shooting between Shiro and Allura.

"Might I ask what you were discussing before we arrived?" Coran asked.

"What it would be worth for Keith to betray each member of Voltron," Shiro said. All the paladins enjoyed the look of horror that bloomed on the Alteans faces.

I don't know why but this made me hungry ;)

Bet you guys thought this was going to be angsty based on the title right? Welp! I couldn't resist a bit of misdirection….and I had no other ideas for a title. Hope you liked it!

Many thanks to previous reviewers and future thanks to future reviewers! I'm still taking requests so if you have one let me know.