Merry Christmas
and have
a Happy New Year
Chapter 3: Adopted Kids and Surprises
Houston, Texas
Severus used his amulet to find the house where he was sure the Octuplets were. He quickly knocks on the door. A girl with brown hair and blue eyes opens it. With 3 boys and 4 others girls with her.
"Dad!" she says rushing to him
"Daughter. I have missed you", Severus says kissing her forehead
"I have missed you too. I am Israelia. I have my stuff packed so do we all", Israelia says
"I am Israel", Israel says smiling with brown hair and brown eyes
"I am Mystic", Mystic says, she had black hair and brown eyes
"I am Mystery", Mystery says, she had black hair and brown eyes
"I am Stefano", Stefano says smiling, he had black hair and blue eyes
"I am Adelaide", Adelaide says smiling she looked just like Stefano
"I am Christopher", a boy says looking like Israel
"And I am Mercy", Mercy says softly looking like Mystic.
"Let's explain to our adopted parents what is going on", Israelia says leading him inside
"So this is your Father?" a woman asks
"Yes I am. My name is Severus. What are your names?" Severus asks politely
"I am Jacky and this is my husband Bob Newman. We adopted the Octuplets 12 years ago. They told us a couple of days ago that you would be coming to take them away. We agree to give you custody you are her father. They have already packed their bags. They are ready to go", Jacky says
The Octuplets each go over to Jacky and Bob and hugs them. While Severus takes the trunks that were at the doorway and shrink them.
"Goodbye. Thank you for taking care of me", they each say smiling going over to Severus
"It was are pleasure. Look after yourself. And maybe write to us once in a while", Jacky says
"Will do. See you later", Mystic says as they leave the house.
"Where are we going next dad?" Mystery asks
"To get your adopted siblings. Hold my hands and I will apparate us there", Severus says holding out his hands
They nod and take his hands and Severus apparates them out of Houston…
St Louis
They pick up the adopted twins there. Both Alexander and Alexandra were very happy to see their father and their siblings…
San Diego…
Here they pick up the adopted triplets Matthew, Halt and Meghan after they say goodbye to their adoptive parents…
Here they pick up the quadruplets Mackendra, Mackenzie, Mackenna and Mackayla. They eagerly ran into their adoptive fathers arms saying they were so glad he finally came for them…
Several Places later..
New York, New York
They had picked up Ash, Essence, Gaius and his twin Caius, Letizia, Tristian with his triplets Christian and Caspian. Next was Victoria, Porche, Asriel, Mercedes. Then Ingrid, Romeo, Arizona, Alaska, Nebraska and Raffy.
Now they were getting the last ones.
"Let's go get your siblings", Severus says to them
They smile and follow their father.
"Excuse me", Severus says to the woman who was sitting down
"What do you want? All these children are hopeless cases we even have four freaks. So don't waste my time", the man says
Severus grinds his teeth together. He was really angry.
"I am here to claim my children Arthur, Astraea and Astra and I want to look at those four 'freaks' you called them. If you know what is good for you, you will just lead me too them", Severus growls
The man looks frighten and quickly leads Severus to the bedrooms. This place was falling apart. Severus was going to make sure all these children get better homes. He is lead to the first room were a girl with long black hair and green eyes, the same with the other girl and boy sat they looked up at their arrival.
"Daddy!" Astra says rushing and hugging her
"You're safe now princess", Severus says kissing her forehead
"Dad!" Arthur calls hugging Severus
"Daddy!" Astraea says hugging Severus tightly
Severus then turns to the man.
"Go and get those four other children and bring them here. If you lay one hand on them I will know", Severus threatens
The man quickly goes away to get the three kids.
"These are your adoptive siblings…", Severus says introducing them
Each off them introduce each other. Some having seen the others at Ilvermorny.
"Let's pack we are leaving here after I have taken care of business", Severus says
"We don't have much. We have no money", Astraea replies
"Do you know about magic?" Severus asks
"Yes. We go to Ilvermorny. They just found a wand for me and old robes", Arthur says
Severus grinds his teeth.
"I will buy you your own wands and new robes and other clothes. From looking here you don't have much", Severus says
"Yeh we don't. We can't wait to go home with you", Astra says softly
That's when the man comes back with four the same age children. Two were girls and two were boys. One hand Black hair brown eyes, other had blonde hair and brown eyes and the last one had black hair and brown eyes. Severus couldn't believe it they looked like. No it couldn't be. He will have to check.
"You are done. Leave us we will leave all together in a minute", Severus says glaring at the man
The man quickly leaves leaving them alone.
"They are from Ilvermorny", Raffy tells her Dad
"My name is Severus. I am not going to hurt any of you. Do you mind if a do a parental spell on you and a name spell?" Severus asks gently
"I guess so", the middle one says
"Identitas Revelis - Parentis Revelis", Severus says waving his wand
The first came up with Xanthia Minerva McGonagall, Next was Dakarai Franklin McGonagall, Grace Judy McGonagall and lastly Tommy Darren McGonagall. For parents it read Minerva Judith McGonagall and Douglas Prewett.
They were Minerva's children. He couldn't leave them here. He was going to take them with him. They were his children's Aunts and Uncle. since they were related to Lily even if it was only half. He would look after them till he could tell Minerva the truth.
"Which is your room? You're coming with us. I know your real mother", Severus says gently
"Mum didn't abandon us?" Grace asks
"No she didn't. You will have to talk to her about that. Let's pack your things and get out of here", Severus says as the McGonagall's lead them to their room.
Severus signs the adoption papers for Xanthia, Dakarai, Tommy and Grace soon they were out of there.
"Let's go to my Island. Everyone take a hold of the Port-key", Severus says holding out a very, very long length of rope.
All the children grab the port-key and they begin spinning and they land on the Island grounds.
"This looks amazing", Alaska says looking around
Severus gives them the information on the house as they walk in. Where they are meet by the others.
Severus introduces the two groups.
"Don't worry these are your family too. Xanthia Minerva McGonagall, Dakarai Franklin McGonagall, Tommy Darren McGonagall and Grace Judith McGonagall. The McGonagall's are your Aunt's and Uncle but for now they are you cousins", Severus says introducing everyone.
Everyone says hi and Severus decides to take them all to their room. They land on the fourth floor. "This is your room Xanthia what colours do you want?" Severus asks gently
"Is this all for me?" Xanthia asks
"Yes. What colours do you want?" Severus asks
"Red and Gold please", Xanthia replies quietly
Severus waves his wand and the room re-decorates. He taps his wand on the door and Xanthia's name appears on it in gold writing.
"Thank you", Xanthia says
"It is my pleasure. Do you all want adjoining rooms you McGonagall's are triplets?" Severus asks
"No we will be alright. We are aloud out of bed when its night?" Dakarai asks
"Yes. But use it wisely. Don't lose my trust otherwise you will get punished", Severus says
"Ok Severus", Grace says
"You can call my Uncle Sev if you like", Severus says nicely
"Ok Uncle Sev where is my room?" Dakarai asks
Severus leads them to a room across the hall to other big room.
"What colours?" Severus asks
"Purple and Blue", Dakarai replies
Severus raises his wand and waves it changing the colours of the room and tapping the door that now read Dakarai McGonagall in Gold letters.
"Thank you", Dakarai says
"It is no problem now Grace your room", Severus says leading them to another bedroom, "What colours?"
"Light purple and silver please Uncle Sev", Grace replies
Severus shows the other kids to their rooms. And decorates them how they ask.
Now all he had to do was get Harry and hopefully explain and apologies for his actions these past couple of years…
Author's Note: What do you think? Please Review:)