During school, Ranma and Akane couldn't help but hear some of the whispers about them. They couldn't make out what they said, but they heard their names. Akane's friends confirmed what they were thinking.

"Hey, did you and Ranma sleep together?"

"What?! No! Why?"

"Because everyone says you did."

"What? Who spread it around?"

She shrugged her shoulders, "I don't know. Some girl."

Akane could only think of one girl who knew about her and Ranma - Nabiki.

Akane stormed off towards Nabiki and grabbed her wrist, "We need to talk."

"Okay." She went along.

At the back of the school, Ranma met up with them.

"Did you spread around the rumor that Ranma and I slept together?"

"No, I would never."

"Then who did? No one else knows." Ranma said.

"Well, I did tell Kodachi."

"What?!" They screamed in unison.

"Why?!" Akane asked.

"So she would stop bothering me for information on Ranma. I thought that it would get her off mine and his back."

"K-" Ranma cut himself off and growled.

Akane couldn't help but think it was hot. "Ranma, calm down. It's okay. We can just tell them that we haven't."

"But what if they don't believe us?"

"Then it'll die down in a while. It'll be okay."

"You guys sound like a couple." Nabiki told them.

"We're not!" They both snapped.

She put her hands up, "Okay, okay." She walked away.

Akane put her hands on Ranma's shoulders, "It'll be okay. Don't worry."

"Thanks, Akane. I dunno why but you can always calm me down." He chuckled.

Akane dropped her arms and looked away from him.

"Uh, did I say something wrong?"

"No." She lightly grabbed at her chest. "It's fine. I'm glad I can do that for you." What was that weird feeling in her chest?

"Do you want to go to the nurse?" He reached out to her.

"No, I'm fine."

He put both hands on her shoulders as he stood behind her. "Okay. Want me 'ta take ya home, then?"

She shook her head, "No, I'm fine. I just have this weird feeling in my chest."

"Okay, I'm taking you home."

"What? No. Ranma-"

He swooped her up by her feet and walked towards the entrance of the school. "Don't think I'm done with you yet."

"W-what do you mean?"

"You'll soon find out."


They both sat on the edge of Akane's bed, and Ranma didn't take his eyes off of her.

"Are you feeling better now?"

"Yeah. I don't know what that was!"

"Was it like your heart just kind of sat still? Or that it beat fast?"

"I think so? I guess..."

He knew that feeling all too well. That was the feeling he'd get when thinking about Akane. When he thought about how much he loved her.

He placed his hand on her cheek and brought her in for a kiss. She moaned against his lips and unknowingly put her hand on his thigh.

"R-ranma." She panted.

"Yeah?" He finally took a breather.

"I-I'm ready. I mean, if you are..."

"Are you sure about this, Akane?"

She nodded.

"Okay." He kissed her again and slowly leaned forward, which caused her back to press up against the matress.

She wrapped her legs around his hips and could feel the area between her legs start to ache. "Ranma. Wait." She said, before sitting up and taking off her top and bra. "Your turn." She told him before kissing him and fumbling with the corks that kept his shirt together. She whined against his mouth, "You have too many clothes on."

He chuckled, "It's only a shirt and pants."

"Exactly." She finally got his shirt off and couldn't help but sit on his lap.

"Whoa, Akane. You're being a little quick, don't'cha think?"

"I want you, Ranma. I don't care. I just want you."

"I want you too, but I don't want you to feel like it has to happen."

"But I want it to. Don't you?"

He looked down at her breasts quickly, "Yes. Of course I do."

She weaved her fingers in his hair, "Then please fuck me." She whispered.

He grabbed her waist and started to kiss her neck.

She pressed her chest against his and grabbed tighter at his hair as she soaked in the feeling of his lips on her. She could feel her core ache more with every kissed he placed. She whined, "Please just fuck me already. I can tell you want to." She felt something press against her.

"Careful what you wish for." He pushed her back onto the bed before undoing his pants and freeing his cock that was making a tent. He put both of his hands on either side of her head, and looked at her as if he was examining her. "Are you ready?"

She nodded. "Yes." She put a hand on his cheek before gasping and quickly biting her lip.

"Are you okay?"

"Y-yeah. It just hurt for a second, but then it went away. Keep going."

He started to move slowly as he watched her expressions to make sure she was alright. Her eyes would close from time-to-time, and she would bite her lip, but other than that, she didn't seem to be uncomfortable. He thrusted at a normal speed, and she started panting. She would call his name, ask him to go faster, and say dirty things even she never thought she would say. She recalled biting her lip to hold back loud moans, wanting to press herself closer to him, and her mind wandering to other things they could try another time.

He rolled one of her breasts in his hands and she moaned. He made a mental note that she liked it. He liked hearing her moans, her pants, her small whines, everything. And she liked hearing his.

She reached down to touch her clit and screamed slightly before closing her mouth quickly. She started making circles and felt as if she was going to lose her mind. "R-ranma." She panted.


"I-I'm about to cum."

"Okay. I think I'm close, too."

"Let's do it together, okay?" She placed one of her hands gently on the back of his neck.


She pulled his head towards hers to kiss him. She loved his lips, there was just something about them; she didn't know what. She pressed harder and accidentally bit his lip. "Oh! I'm sorry."

"It's fine. D-don't worry about it."

"Ranma, I think I'm cumming."

"Me too. But, Akane."


"I love you." He spilled into her right after saying those words, and he noticed that she came too.

She dropped her arms and laid them across her chest as she tried to catch her breath. "You-you what?" She gasped quietly as he pulled out.

"I-I love you, Akane."

She got that weird feeling in her chest again. "Is, is that what it is? This weird feeling in my chest? I never thought about it before, but all I want to say is 'I love you, too.' Is, is it because...?" She trailed off and looked back up at him again. It felt as if her heart skipped a beat. Yes. The answer was yes. "I love you, too, Ranma."

He chuckled once, "I am so fucking happy to hear you say that." He said with a huge smile before kissing her again.

She wrapped her arms around his neck and held him longer. She didn't want to let him go. What was happening, was even better than sex. Well, emotionally. She then quickly pushed him off. "Oh my gosh! School might be over! We have to get dressed before they come back!"

"Shit! You're right!" He practically jumped off of the bed before getting dressed and tossing her some of her clothes.

When they were all fixed, they stepped out of the door, hand-in-hand. Akane's heart was beating so fast, but she didn't care. Until Genma and Soun spotted them.

"Oh! Does that mean you finally agree to the wedding?" Soun cried.

"My boy's all grown up." Genma whiped a lone tear.

"Pops!" Ranma exclaimed. "What'cha mean by that?!"

Akane couldn't help but giggle slightly.

"Boy, we aren't deaf..." Genma said with a straight voice and face.

Suddenly, Soun was up in Ranma's face, "If you hurt her, I swear-"

"Chill, Mister Tendo. I won't, okay? You have my word as a martial artist." He didn't break eye contact.

Man, she knew she was going to love this man forever.


I didn't mean for this to be lovey, but honestly, I suck at writing smut that's not BDSM haha so I kinda needed a filler. Anyway, hope you liked it!