Author's note: Sorry that I'm ending it here, I wanted to post a new chapter very soon and I'm slowly starting to fall asleep since it's kind of late at night. Please R&R and also check out my voting poll.

Moana pt11 (Realm of Monsters/Shiny)

It's now day time and the boat bumps into sand and Moana who was asleep wakes up with a groan.

"We're here. See, I told you, I can do it."

She jumps up and gets on what looks to be a tiny island and then notices that right in front of her wasn't Te Fiti but her home.

Many people looked confused and were voicing it.

"Motunui. I'm home?" after she speaks the tree next to her disintegrates causing her to gasp in shock and to jump back.

Many people gasp in fear.

"Moana..." is heard from the voice of her dad off screen.


"Moana..." her mother's voice is also heard offscreen.


She sees her parents running to the shore from a bunch of trees as her home is starting to turn to ash. They crouch down and Tui is trying to shield Sina from the ash.

Moana freezes up in horror and tears start to form in her eyes. Many others were also sitting there watching in fear.

"Help..." Tui says.

"No." Moana shouts as the wind is blowing very violent and the ash is building up even more around them.

"Moana..." the screen then cuts to Moana jumping awake, which lets up know that it was all a nightmare.

Everyone lets out a breath of relief realizing it wasn't real.

"Enjoy your beauty rest?" Maui asks from where he's standing.

Maui puts his hands up in surrender when many people glared at him for not being considerate of someone who just had a nightmare.

Moana doesn't find the courage to tell him what she dreamed about.

"You know a real wayfinder, never sleeps. So they actually get what they need to go."

There's then a shadow that loomed over them and it turned out to be a giant towering rock.

"Muscle up butter cup. We're here."

"You sure this guy's gonna have your hook."

"Tamatoa...oh he'll have it. He's a scavenger, collects stuff, thinks it makes him look cool. And for Tomatoa, trust me, my hook is the coolest collectible."

Maui gives Hei Hei some food as he docks the boat.

"And he lives up there." She cranes her neck as she looks up to the top of the rock.

"Oh, no, no, no...That's just the entrance. To Lalotai."

Moana gaps in horror when he says that.

"Lalotai?! Realm of Monsters. We're going to the Realms of Monsters."

"WHAT!?" Many people shout.

"Ha ha, we? No me. You are gonna stay here with the other chicken."

"Did you seriously just call me a chicken!?" Moana yells.

Tui then glares back at Maui.

Maui is laughing to himself as Moana looks at him to Hei Hei and back again.

"That's what I'm talking about, give me some..."

Maui is talking to the tattoo Mini-Maui again.

"Come on, that was a good one, how do you not get it. I called her chicken, and there's a chicken on the boat. I know she's human, but that's not…You know... forget it. Forget it, I'm not explaining it to you. What? Cause then it's not funny."

Some were staring at the screen blankly not understanding why he keeps talking to that tattoo.

We cut to Maui having already got up really far on the rock when Moana suddenly shows up near him, also climbing.

Maui stares at her slightly shocked and annoyed.

"So...daughter of the chief. I thought you stayed in the village. You know, kissing babies and things."

Moana who had passed him looked down glaring not really happy about that comment.

"Hey, I'm just trying to understand why your people decided to send her. How do I phrase this? You."

Tui and a few others get anxious when the screen showed just how high up they were.

"My people? Didn't send me, the ocean did."

Tala looks at Moana smiling happily that she would admit that.

"The ocean...makes sense, you're what? Eight? Can't sail. Obvious choice."

"I am not eight!" Moana yells angrily.

Maui snickers but stops when a few people glare fiercely at him.

"It chose me, for a reason."

"If the ocean so smart. Why didn't you just take the heart back to Te Fiti itself."

Moana pauses to think about this question.

"Or bring me my hook. The ocean straight up kookydukes. But I'm sure it's not wrong about you. You're the chosen one."

She finally reaches the top, and she then looks out to the ocean as the wind is blowing in her hair.

"The ocean chose you for a reason." Moana tells herself to calm herself down.

"If you start singing, I'm ganna throw up." Maui says causing her to grown.

"So, not seeing entrance."

"Yes, because it only appears after a human sacrifice." Maui says with a serious look.

Everyone looks horrified as much as the Moana on the screen does.

"Kidding, Ha..ha..ha...So serious."

He blows the dust away and a carving of a face is reviled and Maui then begins to chant.

Everyone looks very confused and possibly freaked out.

Maui leaps into the sky and after he lands back down on the stone a door is then opened and a tunnel is shown to down below.

"Do not worry, it's a lot far down there than it looks.

Maui jumps down the tunnel.

After a few minutes we hear him yells, "I am still fallingggggggggggg!"

A couple seconds later a splash of water is heard.

"You can do this…Go."

She leaps down also and the face opening/door closes after she does.

"Oh my…." Sina and Tui say shocked.

"I'm seriously going down there!?" Moana exclaims.

Tala sighs thinking about how her granddaughter will have a lot to face going down into the realm of monsters.

Moana goes feet first, into a swirling deep blue water, and keeps going downwards.

Maui is seen suddenly breaking through the water. He grabs a vine, does a flip and then lands on the ground on his feet.

"And he sticks the landing!" He looks down and sees Mini-Maui giving Moana another point on his score board.

"What? Dumb-dumb, she's not even here. No mortals gonna jump into the realm of mon…"

Maui looks up just to see Moana landing on him and then bouncing off him and landing somewhere else.

Maui peeks over the edge of where Moana went down.

"Well...She's dead. Okay, let's get my hook."

Tui looked back at Maui glaring angrily.

We cut to Moana hanging upside down. She opens her eyes that were closed and sees that she's wrapped up in a tongue of some creature. It's trying to eat her and is pulling it's tongue up to do so.

As she panics a carnivorous plant eats this particular creature and she's free, falling to the ground and then pushes the tongue that's still on her away.

"Ew, Ew, Ew!"

Many girls got grossed out looks on their faces.

After she has been through at least 2 life threatening experiences since she got down into this realm. She looks into a cave seeing what her and Maui were looking for.

The fishhook was on top of a mound of gold.

"Maui's fishhook."

Maui comes up behind her smirking, "Yeah..."

He startles her so bad that she punched him in the face.

Everyone but Maui starts laughing.

Moana gasps, "Sorry. I thought you were a monster, but...I found your hook and you're right...This Tamatoa really likes his treasure."

Picking Moana up by her head and then Maui drops her on her butt behind him away from the cave.


"What? No. I'm...I'm the one who..."

"Listen. For a thousand years, I've only been thinking about keeping this hair silky, getting my hook, and being awesome again."

He ties his hair up to keep it out of his face.

"And it's not getting screwed up by a mortal. Who has no business inside of a monster cave, except-"

A large glittering seashell is shown

"Except...Maybe as bait." He has a devilish smirk on his face.

"What!?" Tui shouts not happy that Maui said this.

Moana is wearing a few seashells and banging a drum lazily.

*sigh* "Wow, this shiny glittering cave. And just like me, it's covered in sparkling treasure. Sparkle...Sparkle. Sparkle."

Maui head pops up from behind a rock.

"You're not selling it."

She whisper-shouts when she turns back to him.

"This is stupid, I'm just gonna walk up there."

She points to the hook.

"You go out there, he will kill you. Just stick to the plan."

She bangs her drum not happy.

"Oh! When he shows up, keep him distracted. Make him talk about himself. He loves bragging about how awesome he is."

Many people roll their eyes, because it was obvious.

"Well, you two must get along perfectly."

"Well not since I ripped his leg off."

"Wait, you did what!? Maui?"

Many are shocked by how calmly he said that.

Maui smirks as if he is remembering that or something.

Maui is gone and then suddenly the ground begins to shake and the big pile of gold and stuff begins to rise. It's revealed that it's a shell of a giant crab.

She slips off the edge of the shell but is caught by the crab's pincher and he brings her to face him.

"Huhuhuhuuu...What have we here?"

"OH MY…!" Many people exclaimed in shock

Moana shivers.

"It's a sparkly, shiny -wait a minute..."

He tosses her into the air causing the shells to fly off of her.

"It's a human! What are you doing down here in the realms of the monst-"

She's having trouble focusing on him because of his eyes.

"Just pick an eye, babe. I can't- I can't concentrate on what I" saying if you keep -Yep, pick one! pick one!"

She stops looking from one to the other by focusing on the right eye. He then reaches for her necklace.

"You're a funny looking little thing, aren't you?"

She grabs her necklace.

"Don't, it's my grandma's."

Says mockingly, "It's my grandma's. I ate my grandma! And it took a week because she was absolutely humongous. Why are you here?"

"Oh this is just very creepy." Moana says covering her face.

Maui is behind Tamatoa balancing on a rock ledge, his hook is in jumping distance. He tries to jump but has to stop himself when Tamatoa moves and Maui almost falls.

The sound that makes causes Tamatoa to almost turn around but Moana stops him.

Many people were becoming anxious.

"Cause you're amazing! And we mortals have heard...the tales about the crab...who became a legend. And I got to know. How you did you get so crab...ulous?"

"Are you just trying to get me to talk about myself? Because if you are ...I will gladly do so! In song form!"

Maui rolls his eyes, "Oh great."

He tosses a seashell up above them.

"Well, Tamatoa hasn't always been this glam I was a drab little crab once. Now I know, I can be happy as a clam Because I'm beautiful, baby."

He twirls causing the stuff on his back to make the walls like a disco and Maui is lying in wait for the right moment.

"Did your granny say "listen to your heart" Be who you are on the inside I need three words to tear her argument apart Your granny lied!"

He's holding Moana in his pinchers and spins around.

Everyone but mostly Moana's parents are very uncomfortable as they watch this.

"I'd rather be shiny like a treasure from a sunken pirate wreck Scrub the deck and make it look shiny I will sparkle like a wealthy woman's neck!"

Moana is not very comfortable with what he is singing and the dancing he's doing.

"Just a sec, don't you know? Fish are dumb, dumb, dumb They chase anything that glitters, Beginners Oh, and here they come, come, come. To the brightest thing that glitters Mmm, fish dinners"

He looks up to the water to see a school of fish swimming and they fall into is mouth.

"I just love free food. You look like seafood"

He looks ready to gobble her up.

"MOANA!" everyone but Moana and Maui yell.


"Hey! Crab cakes!"

We see Maui who was able to get to his hook on Tamatoa's back, he yanks it out and twirls it.

"I'm back. (kisses his hook) It's Maui time."

Tamatoa gasps in shock, dropping Moana.

"What do you say, little buddy." Mini-Maui transforms into a hawk.

"Giant hawk? Coming up...Yahoo!"

With a flash of purple he turns into a fish…..

Everyone is silent as Maui is blushing in embarrassment.


He tries again which causes him to turn into a shark, a lizard, a reindeer, a beetle, pig, and then back to his normal Maui self.

"Oh great, that's just wonderful. Lucky me." Maui complains glaring at the floor.

"That is to be expected, since you haven't used it over a thousand years. So your out of practice. You just need to get back into it." Tala says wisely and Maui nods.

"Well, well, well...Little Maui's having trouble with his look. You little semi-demi-mini-god"

Tamatoa tosses Maui around as he moves his back, Moana is trying not to get stepped on by his feet.

"Ouch! What a terrible performance! Get the hook! Get it? You don't swing it like you used to, man"

He swings Maui who's holding his hook causing him to hit against a wall.

"Oh." Many people wince.

"Yet I have to give you credit for my start, and your tattoos on the outside. For just like you, I made myself a work of art"

He tosses Maui around.

"I'll never hide, I can't. I'm too shiny"

Many people shiver at how creeped out they were getting by this crab.

Moana tries to help Maui but Tomatoa blocks her from doing so.

"Watch me dazzle like a diamond in the rough, Strut my stuff, my stuff is so shiny!"

He picks Moana up, puts her in some sort of enclosure and continues to abuse Maui in front of her.

"Send your armies but they'll never be enough! My shell's too tough, Maui man, You could try, try, try...But you can't expect a demigod to beat a decapod give it up! You will die, die, die"

Maui is trying to hold onto the hook but the crab shakes him off and puts it back on top of his shell.

"Now it's time for me to take apart, Your aching heart"

He elbows the wall making the cave go dark and the crab along with his treasure turns a different color like a blue color.

"AAAAhhhh!" Many people scream in fear.

Many of the younger kids have started crying and their parents failing to try and comfort them.

Tamotoa parts back Maui's hair revealing a tattoo of a woman throwing a baby into the sea, Moana tries to get a closer look.

"Far from the ones who abandoned you. Chasing the love of these humans, Who made you feel wanted, You try to be tough, But your armor's just not hard enough"

He picks Maui up by the hair holding him above Moana taunting her. She then is trying to make her escape.

He tosses Maui and grinds him against the wall and puts him back onto his back. Maui is dazed and his vision is out of focus as he tries to get his hook.

"Maui! Now it's time to kick your hiney, Ever seen someone so shiny? Soak it in cause it's the last you'll ever see C'est la vie mon ami,"

He spins violently, Moana meanwhile escapes and lands on some bioluminescent algae which gets on her hands.

"I'm so shiny! Now I'll eat you so prepare your final plea, Just for me, You'll never be quite as shiny, You wish you were nice and shiny!"

He tosses Maui up to try and eat him with Maui fighting back.

"Hey! I got something shiny for ya."

Moana is holding the heart and Tomatoa spits Maui out.

"Are you crazy!" her father exclaims.

"The heart of Te Fiti. You can't run from me!"

Moana runs away from him.

"Oh, you can...You keep surprising me. There's only so far you can get on those two little legs."

She suddenly trips dropping to heart which flies into a crack.

"No!" everyone yells.

"Hahahaaa. The power of creation...for the crustacean. Where is it? Where is it?"

He begins to dig for it and while he's doing this Moana climbs up and gets Maui's hook from his back. She then goes to Maui to get him.

"We gotta go."

"Wait, what about the heart?"

"He can have it! I've got a better one."

She opens up her locket to reveal the real heart.

"Oh." Everyone says realizing what she did.

"Hahahahaaa Yes! I have the..."

He picks up the fake heart but soon realizes…

"Wait a minute...Ugh! I see, she's taken a barnacle and she's covered it in bio illuminescent a diversion."

Tui looks over at his daughter with a prideful smile and Moana smiles back.

He brakes it between his pinchers in anger.

"Grrr! Come back here!"

He breaks through the walls of his lair trying to chase after them. They are at a geyser and Moana grins evilly at the crab.

Suddenly the geyser explodes, which sends Maui and Moana to the surface and Tomatoa to the ground on his back.

"Raaaaahh! Oof! Ugh! Huh?"


"Hey! Hey!...Did you like the song?"

Moana and Maui make it back to the surface. Maui shifts through many animals while they were in the air before they fell onto the ground.

"We're alive. We're aliv-euggg."

She stops cheering when she looks behind her, the camera pans out revealing that Maui has again failed to transform and has top of himself as a shark.

Everyone starts laughing hysterically as Maui's face turns bright red again.


Author's note: Sorry for ending it right here, I was going to add a little more with what Maui says but I'm just going to have that wait until next chapter since this chapter is already so long. Please check out my voting poll and R&R.