Scar approached his nephew and his brother that he just killed.
Scar's plan went perfectly and he looked at Simba with a fake face of sadness.
"Simba. ...What have you done? Scar said looking at his nephew
" There were wildebeests and he tried to save me... it was an accident, I... I didn't mean for it to happen." Simba said jumping back crying
"Of course, ofcourse you didn't. No one... evermeans' Embracing Simba, yet still distant he pulls Simba closer; Simba hides his face on Scar's foreleg' for these things to happen. ...But the king IS dead. 'Scar looks with mock regret at Simba' And if it weren't foryou,he'd still be alive. as Scar continued talking Simba is crushed, believing his guilt. Another thought "occurs" to Scar* " Oh! What will your mother think?" Scar said looking at Simba he was now without a father
"What am I gonna do?" Simba said Sniffing and looking at his uncle
Scar could tell the boy to run away but something crossed his mind what would Sarabi think if Scar said her son was dead. Then Scar thought of something even more perfect.
" I'll take you home, Since I'm the king's brother and your to young to take over the kingdom it goes to me. Simba since I'll be the king I'll go easy on what happened today. From now on I'm your new father. Understand?" Scar said looking at Simba the young cub looked down and nodded
" Yes sir" Simba said with that Scar started walking and Simba walked behind his uncle he shook, he's head his new daddy he looked at Mufasa who laid in the dirt with the broken tree
Scar and Simba arrived at Pride Rock there home. Scar went to Sarabi he explained what happened to Mufasa leaving out that Simba was the cause of it. Sarabi was glad her son was ok but sad her husband and best friend was dead.
That night a funeral for the king was held Simba looked up at Scar the new king and his new daddy. Simba had tears go down his face and hid his face in Scar's leg.
" Simba a prince holds his head up high son" Scar said as Simba obeyed and lifted his head high
Simba didn't want to talk. They ate some zerba after the funeral and Simba laid beside Scar.
Everything was going to be different now. Scar the king and Simba adopted son.