All the knowledge in the world can't help me decipher what's on my mind…

In frustration, the heiress slammed the book currently in front of her close. She shut her eyes tight, as if she could just look away from the growing pain in her chest and that would fix everything. But these feeling were getting hard to ignore. Diana had spent her entire life shipwrecked on the idea that everything has to have an explanation. And a logical one at that. But even Einstein said that gravity can't be blamed for people falling in love.

Diana collapsed back on her bed and hugged her pillow close to her chest, she wished it was enough. Enough to hold her heart together, enough to cushion its pain, enough to save her heart from herself.

What is going on with me...?

But she already knew. She denied the truth for so long, that the question was almost a slap in the face.

She was in love.

She was losing control, trying to fight the truth and hide. Falling in love and she didn't believe that Akko would catch her. Or maybe she didn't want to believe it. After everything she's put Akko through, the heiress didn't trust herself anymore.

Diana recalled the events earlier today when she was in town with her teammates.

The heiress watched from across the street as Akko paraded around town with her own teammates as well as two Appleton boys, one of which, Diana did not have a particular liking to.

"Come on Drew!" Akko happily cheered as she sprinted ahead of her group.

Drew? DREW!? She's given him a nickname?!

Diana secretly seethed. After all, Akko never gave her a nickname. She had no idea that the two had become so close, especially how Andrew seemed to also be so dismissive of witches and magic. Something that was in stark contrast to Akko's deep love and fascination for magic. But why? Why did it bother Diana so much?

She didn't necessarily hate Andrew as a person, just his views on witches. But now more than ever, Diana had a strange sense of animosity towards the green-eyed boy. Especially when he decided to spend time with Akko. It was above the level of Diana's dislike towards the groups of students who would flock to Akko, at least she knew their intentions with the brunette. With Andrew, Diana couldn't quite peg his intentions.

Why does she look at him like that…? Diana thought. Akko closed her eyes and smiled.

Not just any smile. Her signature grin.

That crooked smile.

Always dazzling.

Always absolutely beautiful. It was the best thing the brunette could ever wear. No amount of flashy jewelry or fancy clothing in the world could make the brunette look absolutely breathtaking.

Akko opened her eyes to reveal deep sparkling crimson pools.

Yet another thing that differentiated the brunette from everyone else in the world.

Eyes that could see right through you.

Most people feared them. Saying they were 'unnervingly' red, like blood. But that wasn't what Diana saw. There was a burning flame in those red eyes, a wild passion.

Diana swore she's drowned a couple times in those crimson eyes. It was then Diana accepted the truth…

You've stolen my heart.

The heiress glanced over towards their direction again, and Akko was gone. Together. Somewhere beyond her gaze, and beyond her reach. But Akko always seemed to be just out of her reach. All the times that Diana had grabbed onto the brunette's hands to save her was just out of sheer luck. Diana just so happened to be there. Just not this time. Instead she was here, hoping to fall asleep before she could fall apart. The image of Akko being happier with someone else was eating her up inside. It didn't feel right.

Diana's heart squeeze, it was almost hard enough to knock the oxygen right out of her. She felt like she was hit by a freight train, in fact maybe even that wouldn't have been as bad. She was about to let out a shaky breath when she bit her bottom lip. Hard enough to stop her tears, but not enough to stop her whimpering. She just wanted to hold Akko's hand, and hope that maybe the brunette would take a chance, but it seemed it would be another game that Diana would lose.

She's never had a good model for being in love. Her impression of being in love was things she's heard from others. But despite this, Diana couldn't help the attraction. The brunette redefines in every way what Diana thought love was. That it's a wonderful feeling. And it is. Akko made her feel incredible, amazing, absolutely beautiful. For who she really was, and not what her name entailed her to be.

In truth, Diana didn't have much to give. Akko never seemed to care about money, fame, or reputation. Things Diana had a plethora of, but what use is money when all she wants is someone to call her own? Nothing.

What could Diana give to someone who seemed to not want anything. Nothing.

Diana clutched her pillow closer. But the heiress wanted nothing more than to see the brunette smile, even if it wasn't for her. She wanted Akko to be happier, in whatever way that may come, even if Diana might not like it.

I wrote one for Akko, and felt compelled to write one for Diana.

Also work is trash, but thankfully my coworkers are funny as hell. :D