DISCLAIMER: Listen up, because this is extremely important. I, Typ3wrxter, do not own the Harry Potter Series. These claims go specifically to the wonderful J.K Rowling. So mote it be.
Neither though, do I claim the Avengers, X-Men, Fantastic Four etc. Those claims go to the Amazing Marvel.
Through the Veil his body goes. Hit by his own cousin too. It can't be. I came here to save him. Maybe I still can. Maybe there's still hope. I start to charge toward the Veil, barely registering Remus yelling for me to stop. I came too far to watch him die like that. I step through.
That's it, pain. That's all I can feel. It was at this moment that I realized how stupid I had been. Even before Sirius' body fell through the Veil, he was dead by way of Killing Curse. Now it's my turn to move on. I know that falling through the Veil meant death. That's why it was there. The third option to Azkaban and Dementor's Kiss in court was Death by Veil.
I just wish it would be less painful and would just end quickly. I see light, and I'm headed straight for it. That's it. The Next Great Adventure.
A/N: First story from me, Typ3wrxter. I've already thrown my disclaimer in there. Creative and Intelligent Harry (Extremely).
Now without further ado, Welcome Harry James Potter, to the MCU.
Chapter 1 – New World, Same Old Story
That's all Harry Potter could feel, after all the endless pain he felt before. But…why heat? And….sweat? That made no sense. You sweat when you die? Harry didn't really understand it. It was at that moment that he did something anybody and everybody did in these type of situations. He came to the worst possible conclusion. Was he in Hell? Harry wasn't at all religious, but it was the only thing that made sense.
Although….surely Hell would hurt more than this. In fact, it doesn't hurt at all. Plus there would be any type of liquid in sight. It's all because of the heat coming from the sun
"Just the sun," Harry told himself. "The heat is coming from the sun…wait, what?"
It was at this point that Harry sat up and tried to open his eyes, only for him to shut them again immediately. He tried again, and fought hard to get used to the light around him. Eventually he succeeded, but only after a few frantic minutes of constant blinking.
Harry started to look around him, taking in his new surroundings. He was in the middle of some sort of desert, with a few of his belongings, miraculously, scattered around him. Harry got up, dusted himself off, and started to walk around, gathering his possessions as he went. There was his Invisibility Cloak, Holly and Phoenix, Marauder's Map, his photo album, two brooms, a leather jacket with a hood, a small backpack and his glasses, though he didn't need them. Not after dying anyway, he could see properly. Unless…..
Harry face-palmed himself. Him being who he was, he probably survived the whole ordeal. Though, surely he wasn't in the same world. This place just felt different, like all the magic the world had to offer was being channeled into his core. Plus, there was no way out of the Veil, and it was designed to kill the person and destroy the body. So it was some sort of alternate universe.
Just as Harry came to that conclusion, he heard a large bang and a series of gunshots in the distance. "Let's go see what exactly that's about," Harry thought to himself. He shrunk one broom and put it into his bag, then mounted the other and took off.
Tony Stark was not having a good day. He had finally set his escape plan into motion, and it was working as well, until his friend, Yinsen, died trying to buy him some time, for which he was eternally grateful. Now though, he had to beat the rest of the terrorists in the area, but he was now having problems with the suit. It was becoming extremely hot, and losing power fast. He was about to lose, there was just too many people around him for him to do much.
That doesn't say he didn't fight though. He fought, God knows he fought. He fought because he wanted to correct his wrongs. He didn't want to be known as the Merchant of Death anymore. That's how he was so successful. Because his weapons were the most dangerous and most lethal out there. So he kept going, kept going for his namesake, and in remembrance of Yinsen.
Just then, he saw a flash of red in front of him, and a heard a voice to his left that said, "You look like you could use some help over there."
Tony turned, and in front of him was a man, not more than 5' 8", standing in front of him. Tony took time to take in his features. He was wearing a pair of baggy blue jeans, a black leather jacket with a hood that obscured his face, a backpack on his back and was holding a broom in one hand and a twig in the other.
Before Tony could answer, the man shouted,"Bombarda Maxima!" At this, a white light shot out from his stick, went past Tony, and onto the ground behind him. That caused the ground to explode, and all the men behind Tony died almost instantly.
"I'll take that as a yes."
A/N: My first chapter, done. Took me about an hour to finish. I didn't think writing would be this taxing to be honest. Next week I'm looking to start two or three other stories next to this one. Weekly posts, every Saturday and Sunday, I think two chapters a day for four stories will be fine. Though, a lot of work. Please, Rate and Review! Typ3wrxter, bye for now.