The GS Character go to Summer Camp!!!!!!!

Disclaimer: I do not own Golden Sun.

Yup. The Gs characters go to summer camp. Ad me too!


(on the bus that is taking them to summer camp)

Ivan: We've been in this bus for two hours! When will we ever get there!

Sammi: Oh, Ivan. Stop whining. Summer camp is worth the wait. I went last year. It was great! The food, the singing, the activities, the singing, the friends, the singing, the sense of togetherness, oh, and did I mention the singing? *starts singing a song she learned at camp last year at the top of her lungs*

Random Kid #1: Make it stop!

Random kid #2: Does anyone have some earplugs?

Random Kid #3: I do, but I'm usin' 'em!

Random Kid#2: Then how come you can hear me?

Random Kid #3: *takes out earplugs* Stupid cheapo earplugs!

Random Kid #4: AHHHHHHHHHHH! THE SCREECHING!!!! MAKE IT STOPPP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sammi: *snif* They....*snif...don't......*snif**sinf**snif*.....singing!!!!!1 *bursts into tears*

Ivan: We like your singing.

Sammi: Really? *smiles and starts singing again*

Mia: Oh, great! Ivna, why did you tell her that?

Ivan: 'Cause if she got mad at us for not liking her singing, we'd be DEAD!!!

Mia: Good point...


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