Legend of Naruko Announcement

First of all thank you all for following this fic, especially those of you who left reviews. Honestly this was my first real attempt at writing anything and the fact that 4 chapters has gotten over 200 followers is mind boggling. Especially since I still get new ones to this day. The only reason I am revisiting this is because it has so much support from you all. I truly thought that after 16 months of inactivity it would have been buried under a slew of fics, and never see the light of day again.

I'm pleasantly surprised that there is still interest in this story of mine. So now I'm going to rewrite the chapters that I already have made for a couple of reasons. The most prominent reason being I wrote myself into a bit of a corner by making Naruko way too powerful so early on. It's already hard to imagine her having problems with any opponent weaker than an akatsuki member. At this rate by the time she gets to the start of the shippuden era she'll be strong enough to solo Madara and all of the akatsuki together without serious injury.

Another thing is that I want to incorporate some of the advice given to me in reviews. The grammar in the earliest chapter also makes me cringe when I read it so I'll be brushing up on all of that as well to make a strong start that I can be proud of. You can expect the first rewritten chapter to be completed within the next month. Unlike when I was writing before I now I have a full time job and a social life so I won't be able to pump out the chapters like I did then. Still it will be a marked improvement over a year of nothingness, and it will also be more sustainable as my life is better balanced now. I look forward to starting this project back up again and fleshing out the concept that you all have enjoyed. I wish you much luck and many blessings!