A group of Hispanic dancers are seen performing the Jarabe Tapatio in the streets as a small band play instruments behind them. There is a crowd of people around them on the sidewalks clapping.

"This is not a night where we are divided by the cultures we come from"

We see an African American teenagers dunking on a caucasian guy in a game of basketball in the hood, before slapping hands with him and the rest of the guys on the court.

"This is not a night where we are divided by the color of our skins…"

We see Asian people on a boat where an elder male is fishing with what is supposed to be his son and grandson.

"This is not a night where generations argue"

We see a group of middle eastern people kneeling in a temple


We see a bunch of teenage Indian boys playing cricket in a village as one hits the ball

"This is a night where we come together"

We get quick cuts of all the people from the previous scene uniting in front of TV screens

"To watch a new tradition in our lives…."

We see a causcasian family on the TV Screen turning on a TV that shows Detrick Cyrus lifting Azriel up for the DKO at the first Final Destination.

"To watch people who will inspire the next generation"

We see a little Spanish boy jumping up and down as Jason hits CJ Hawk with a Final Blow

"To show the Next generation that they can do it too."

We see three Hispanic girls, no younger than five, smiling as they watch Sofia Reynoso make her entrance.

"Cultures united."

We see a interracial couple watching Asher Darma, Yul Bannok and Ray Kiran making their entrance.


We see a group of Indian teenagers go insane as they watch Jesus Garza, Rey Aguayo and Phoenix making their entrance.


We see a white father and his son and daughter watch as Natalia hit the Flame Cutter on Diamondust

"All gather for one event"

We see shots of bars worldwide in Ireland, UK and Russia, the streets of Tokyo, Times Square and Downtown LA full of people.

"Final Destination 2!"

We see a video of people in bars chanting 'A-C-W' as the screen fades way. Suddenly When Legends Riseby Godsmack begins to play as we see a wide shot of Estadio Azteca from the outside before switching over to Flynn Horde hitting Samuel with a Slingblade

"Me and Samuel have met many times and the ACW Cup will be no different. And once again, I will win." Flynn Horde over the clip

Legs are tied, these hands are broken

"Me and Flynn play this game. Now we play with four others" Samuel said over a clip of putting Flynn in a Headlock

Alone I try with words unspoken

"It's always been, Lacey's just Ash's girlfriend. No. I'm not that. It's time to stop being overlook" Lacey said over a Clip of her jumping off the turnbuckle, going for the Final Flight

Silent cry, my breath is frozen

"I'm not a joke. I swear I'm not. I'll show you all." Chris Wolf said over a clip of him running into a locker

With blinded eyes, I fear myself

"Anthony Dre didn't lose to Mason because he's bad. He did so he didn't have to beat five men to win the World title. It's called brains, you nerds." Anthony Dre said over a clip of him hitting Mason with a Dre Kick

It's burning down, it's burning high

"My sister just died and I'm here with a chance to do something she never could. Be more than a side piece." Izzy said over a clip of her doing the Tiger Driver on Erin on the Ring Apron.

When ashes fall the legends rise

"This six man tag is my whole life. I can't lose. Especially for my fwends." Ray Kiran said over a clip of him, Yul, Asher, Mark E and Sofia at Chuck E Cheese

We burned it out oh my oh why

"Let's face it. Some people don't belong in the world of sports. Kiran is one of them." Brandon Duke said over a clip of him winning the ACW Wildcard title

When ashes fall the legends rise

"If I can't beat CJ Hawk, I don't deserve to be here" Will Ralston said over a clip of him being pinned by Asher Darma

Throat is dry, my vision's fading

"I don't want to do this, but this is what he wants. I'm just a wrestler man. So that's all I'm going to do. The rest is on Will." CJ Hawk said over a clip of him raising the ACW Wildcard title

I'm paralyzed and left here waiting

"I've been hunted down and stripped of everything. I got my brother back. Now I'm taking everything else back including my life." Freddy said over a clip of Stepdad Steve and Caesar raising his hand after Betrayal

Taking time just one step forward

"I lost my best friend, but I reunited two brothers… Hopefully today the gods will smile down on us." Erin said over a clip of her watching Freddy and Detrick hug

Won't lose my mind, I'm here to stay

"Last year I was in the main event. Now I'm with my brother. This match feels bigger if I'm being honest." Detrick said over a clip of him being Powerbombed through a Glass table by Jesus

It's burning down, it's burning high

"I never wanted this war. But I had to do it for my fathers honor. You started it Freddy. I'm just ending it." Alexis said over a clip of her dancing with Freddy from Episode 4.

When ashes fall the legends rise

"No Escape…. I'm meeting the Revenant again and I'm going to make him feel what I felt when I was locked up" Furno Moxley said over a clip of the Hounds beating down Detrick

We burned it out oh my oh why

"Me and Mason are going to get me the World title and then I'm rubbing it in Detrick's face" Rey Pantera Jr said over a clip of him pinning Detrick with a Crucifix Backslide from the top turnbuckle.

When ashes fall the legends rise

"I wanted to keep Anarchy together, but apparently there's a new order. I don't like that." Ash Russo said over a Clip of him hitting Burn to Ashes onto Damian Crowe onto the floor

"The era of Anarchy ended. The New Order is the way of the future. Ash doesn't get that." Roman McIntyre said over a clip of him raising the ACW World title

Whoa (legends rise)

Whoa (legends rise)

(Legends rise)

"I have nothing left to lose except Defiance. At Fight Without Honor 4, there's no winner. Just a Survivor" Jason Sabre said over a clip of him looking at Giselle's tombstone

It's burning down, it's burning high

"I have nothing left to lose except Despair. At Fight Without Honor 4, there's no winner. Just a Survivor" Azriel said over a clip of him sitting on his throne

When ashes fall the legends rise

"This is the biggest match of my life. It's my hometown. It's the Womens title. It's the Triple Crown. I'm on fire and nothing is going to stop me from making this my company." Sofia Reynoso said over a clip of La Rebelion doing their signature pose with the titles at Glory Road 2

We burned it out oh my oh why

"I lost my home in Hope. I found one in Defiance. Now I have one goal. One mission. Walk into Final Destination 2 and keep the Womens title. This is my obsession now." Natalia Rodriguez said over a clip of her raising the title.

When ashes fall the legends rise

"The Chase for the Throne begins….. Now!

Pyro explodes into the bright mid afternoon sky as we cut to the stage. There is a large rectangular screen that stretches across the ramp with a big Eagle that has it's wings spread on top of it. The wings of the eagle are spread out as we see the ramp is straight ramp that goes downward toward the end. White Pyro sprinkles up from the top of the stage as Red and Green pyro sprinkle downward from the wings of the eagle that is seated above the titantron. The Eaglewings have screens stretched out in them (The Eagletron). There is a little roof over the ring that is carrying the dome like structure of No Escape inside of it. However, it's being blocked by a circular wall with the ACW Final Destination 2 logo's on them. The roof is being held up by four cranes as far away from the ring and out of the camera shots as possible. White sparklers fall down from the roof around the ring.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to the biggest event of the year. 85,000 fans have packed Estadio Azteca in Mexico City for Final Destination 2." David Harkness said as the camera pans over to his announce desk where he's alone. "Disco, do you want to explain yourself"

"I'm protecting myself in the Disco Longue." Glenn Gilbertti said in a large glass box. He has is own little table with snacks on it as well as snagged carpeting below him and his chair.

"You're ridiculous. Anyways we are ready to open the show with the ACW cup." David Harkness said as we pan over to a glass case hanging above the ring from the roof above the ring.

"Flynn Horde is a heavy favorite to win this match. With only Samuel getting any traction in Vegas, but his odds are extremely low." Disco said

"I'm not surprised in the slightest. Flynn has never lost a match since his debut. " David Harkness said

Hollywood hills, pocket full of shells

Sunset draggin', I haven't even slept for days on end

Something's gotta give

Might as well live it up until the fat lady sings

The crowd boos (0/70) as the large screen has a picture of Anthony Dre's face on a 'Dre for America' button. The eagle wing trons have America flags waving on them. Anthony Dre steps onto stage smiling as the sunlight shines on him. He turns his head to the right as the camera pans around to get a 360 view of the place. He is wearing tights with the American Flag on it. He has a sombrero on his head with a pancho over him that says 'Viva La Dre'. On the back of his tights said 'Mexi-Dre'. Dre walks down the ramp, before stopping in front of a Hispanic boy and giving him the sombrero. The boy throws popcorn at him, causing Dre to say 'Kick him out chico' to the security guard before walking away and entering the ring.

My hands are searching for you

My arms are outstretched towards you

I feel you on my fingertips

My tongue dances behind my lips for you

The three screens turn to the New Order logo as Lacey Alvarez comes onto stage. She waves at the fans as they give her a light pop (55/0). She is wearing baby blue shorts with a Blue brassier that has a cross strap with silver lining. Lacey slaps some hands before entering the ring.

Yeah, here we go for the hundredth time

Hand grenade pins in every line

Throw 'em up and let something shine

Going out of my fucking mind

The crowd gives a lukewarm response (0/53) as the tron change to a picture of a Wolf as the Eagletrons say 'I'll Show You'. Chris Wolf comes out wearing a Raccoon hat on his head with a sleeveless brown fur coat. He is wearing Brown long tights with Wolf Claw marks that match the scar give to him by Alpha on the legs. He then runs straight down the ramp, stopping right before he hits the ring apron. He then howls, before rolling into the ring and taking off his hat and coat.


Oh, these things we do to ourselves

We love and we hate, forgive and forget

You crept under my skin

The reaction is more positive (77/0), probably out of sympathy over her sisters death as Izzy Solare comes out. The screens all change to the Hope crest with a Purple and green tint to the logo. Izzy is wearing a Orange crop top with long orange pants that have studs. She has a leather jacket that says 'Youthful Misbehavior' in studs. She walks down the ramp, not caring for the positive reaction. She takes off her leather jacket.

She seems dressed in all the rings

Of past fatalities

So fragile yet so devious

She continues to see it

We hear a good amount of boos with some smarky cheers (8/70) as the big screen says DIE! In blood as the Eagletrons have a picture of a Devil putting an Angel in a headlock. Samuel walks out in the Gas Mask he used in Episode 18. Samuel is wearing Gray turtleneck that says Headlock, DIE!, Repeat.'. He slowly walks down the ramp before climbing up the steps. He takes off the gas mask and smells the air, before licking him lips and entering the ring.

A part of my soul

Is dark and cold

Like a sunken ship

In the worst of the storm

The pop is huge (89/0) as Flynn Horde steps out onto the stage. The main screen has a Demoncat logo on it as The Eagletrons say 'Don't wake Slaugh'. Flynn Horde is wearing tight Half Black and Half red biker shorts. Flynn is stoic as ever, but takes time to spread his arms out like a babyface Finn Balor and then turn around to do it again, as the crowd follows in, enamored with the Irish enigma that debuted at Into the Shadows. Flynn walks down the ramp, before stopping half way and doing it again. Then steps onto the ring apron as Samuel is seen smiling at him. Flynn acknowledges Samuel, before stepping into the ring and doing the same Balor pose to another good response from the crowd, eyeing Samuel. His song fades as the crowd is ready.

"Six People. One will get a World title match at ACW Odyssey next season. Who will it be?" David Harkness said.

"I'd love for Anthony Dre to win one for the older generation. A lot of people are betting on Flynn Horde though." Glenn Gilbertti said

The bell rings as all six people are around the ring. Anthony Dre walks to the middle of the ring and looks at Samuel, Flynn and Chris Wolf. 'Listen gentlemen. The Dre think we should let the ladies leave before you all do the job to Anthony Freakin Dre'. He then turns around to Lacey and Izzy who hit Anthony with a double dropkick. The two women get to their feet. Samuel immediately reaches over to Flynn and puts him headlock. Chris runs at the two girls and delivers a double clothesline to both of them. Chris turns around as Flynn pushes Samuel off, toward him and Chris catches Samuel with a Flapjack. Chris and Flynn look at each other. Anthony Dre stands up in between them. "Guy's, don't fight each other. Let's team up and beat those women who turned on your hero, Anthony Dre. Whattaya say boys?" Anthony asked, before Flynn and Chris grab Dre by the back of the head and throw him over the top ropes and onto the floor. Flynn and Chris turn around for Lacey Alvarez to jump over their heads and the top rope with a Tope Con Hilo onto Anthony Dre, not even touching the ropes. The hot Mexico City Crowd pops loudly (85/0) for the amazing leaping ability of Lacey Alvarez. Lacey lands on her feet before turning around to the ring where Izzy Solare leapfrogs over Flynn's head as him and Chris stand near the ropes and does a vaulting Crossbody onto Lacey to the same reaction. Chris Wolf decides it's his turn and bounces off the ropes, ready to dive, but Flynn Horde catches him with a Slingblade as he comes back. Flynn gets to his feet and eats a Spin kick from Samuel! Samuel then looks over at Izzy, who stands outside of the ring.

"Lacey Alvarez and Izzy Solare are showing their amazing aerial ability. Chris Wolf…. Not so much." David Harkness said.

"Right now Samuel has control of the ring, but no ladders to reach the ACW Cup in that glass box." Disco said.

Samuel stands in the middle of the ring, pointing at Izzy. Suddenly, from behind, Anthony Dre low blows Samuel. Samuel is then turned around by Anthony Dre and eats a DDT. Anthony Dre gets up to his feet and dodges a Springboard move from Izzy. Izzy lands on her feet, but turns around and is turned inside out by a Clothesline. Anthony Dre looks at Izzy on the ground before looking up at the glass case with the trophy. He leaves the ring and looks under the ring before pulling out a small ten foot ladder. He slides it in, before entering himself. Anthony Dre enters the ring and sets up the ladder, but before he can climb, he notices Samuel on the other side of the ladder. "Hey you're supposed to be down" Anthony said, pointing his finger at him. Samuel then grabs his finger, and pulls him face first into the ladder. Samuel lets go allowing Anthony to walk away, holding his face. "My face, my beautiful face', Dre said to laughs until Anthony walked right into Flynn Horde. Anthony Dre puts his hand down and looks at Flynn. "Dre is taking a time out Finn!", before patting him on his shoulder and exiting the ring.

"This is embarrassing." David Harkness said, before Anthony Dre walked up to the Disco Longue. Disco opens it.

"Hello, Mr. Dre. I'm a huge fan. Would you like some M&M's." Disco said offering a bowl of M&M's.

"Anthony Dre can't have M&M's if the brown ones are in there. They're the worst." Dre said, before sitting down in Disco's chair as Disco stands.

"Disco tell him to get out of your lounge!" David said.

"He's a war veteran!" Disco yells at David.

"He was stationed away from battle! He was in New York for a whole year!" David counters back.

In the ring, Flynn Horde and Samuel are trading fists in the ring, next to the ladder. Unbeknownst to them, Chris Wolf is trying to climb up the ladder. Flynn then slams Samuel's head against a rung. Chris Wolf continues to climb, but Flynn notices him and starts to climb up the ladder. Chris reaches the top at the same time as Flynn. Suddenly a second ladder is set up next to Flynn and Chris. Chris Wolf pulls Flynn Horde's head down, smashing it against the top rung of the ladder. Samuel climbs up the ladder on Flynn's side. Meanwhile, on the other side of the ladder, a third ladder is being set up by Izzy Solare. This time a fifteen Foot ladder. Izzy starts to climb as Chris Wolf gives Flynn a forearm, but Flynn ducks underneath and grabs Chris by the arm. He then pulls him from his side of the ladder and down ten feet to the floor with a Hip Toss! Chris lands right on his back. Flynn reaches up for the trophy but quickly figures out that is ladder is a little short. Suddenly, Flynn is hit the abdomen a couple times by Samuel. Samuel steps over onto the same ladder and rung as Flynn Horde. Then, from the top of the ladder, Samuel performs a headlock! The crowd boos as Samuel works the hold, until Izzy uses her long legs to kick Samuel right in the face from her ladder, that's a few feet taller than his. Samuel falls off, landing on against the ropes, before going down. Little did Izzy, Flynn and everyone else know, Lacey Alvarez had set up a fourth ladder next to the one that Samuel was once on. Also a ten foot ladder to match up with the prior three. Then, quick as lightning and with an impressive amount of balance, Lacey runs from her ladder to the top of the one next it, to the one next to that, making sure to hit a soccer kick to Flynn Horde's chest as he's on the last rung, knocking him down. Then she continues to run across the top of third ladder to Spear a surprised Izzy off the side of the fourth ladder! The crowd is already chanting 'ACW!' (100/0)

"Are you kidding me?! Lacey Alvarez has left everyone in awe!" David praises

"And left Anthony Dre with the perfect opportunity!" Disco said as he opened the Lava Lounge for him to exit. Anthony Dre slides into the ring and knocks over one of the ten foot ladders, sending all of them falling down like dominos, except the biggest ones. Dre repositions the fifteen foot ladder, before stomping on Flynn Horde and then hitting Chris Wolf with a Dre Kick (Superkick). Anthony starts to climb up the ladder. The crowd is booing as Dre is five feet away from the top. Suddenly, one of the ladders is rammed into the sternum of Dre by Samuel, forcing him to fly off the ladder. Dre lands on his feet and stumbles for a second, before Samuel hits him with DIE (Superkick)! Samuel then notices Flynn getting up near the ropes. Samuel runs at him, but Flynn pulls down the top rope and Samuel flies over it. Samuel gets to his feet on the outside, before Flynn Horde does a baseball slide, which also takes Flynn out of the ring. Flynn looks under the ring and pulls out another ladder. Flynn leans it against the ring apron, but before he can do anything, Lacey Alvarez jumps off the ring apron from behind Flynn and delivers Final Flight (Eclipse)!

The crowd once again pops hard for the spot as Lacey grabs her lower back from her landing as Flynn is down and out. Lacey gets to her feet, only for Izzy to baseball slide the leaned ladder into the back of Lacey knocking her down. Izzy gets up in the ring, but Chris Wolf is in the background climbing the ladder. Izzy sees this and runs toward the ladder. Chris reaches the top as Izzy is half way up. Wolf has his hands on the trophy, but Anthony Dre grabs Chris by his foot, from behind. Izzy reaches the top and delivers a headbutt to Chris. But Chris delivers one right back, knocking Izzy off the ladder. Wolf turns his body to deal with Anthony Dre who is a rung below him. Chris delivers a few hard rights to him. But then the ladder is tipped over by Samuel! Both men crash into the ring mat as Samuel smiles. Samuel sets the ladder up, before noticing Lacey on the ring apron. Samuel turns to her only for Lacey to do a Springboard 540 Kick, catching Samuel on the back of the head. Samuel falls to the ring mat as Lacey is kneeling amongst a massive applause over her aerial showcase tonight. Lacey looks up at the trophy in the glass case and begins to climb. People actually start to get behind her (92/0) cheering on the woman who competed in the first ACW Womens title match.

Ten feet away.

Eight feet away.

Five Feet away

Two feet away

Lacey reaches up and climbs up to the top rung. Lacey looks down and notices Anthony Dre and Chris Wolf have gotten to their feet. Lacey quickly looks up at the trophy, before looking down at the two men and jumps off the ladder. Corkscrew Crossbody off the fifteen foot ladder connects on both men to a huge pop! We actually hear 'Lacey' chants as she is seen rolling out of the ring holding her midsection. Suddenly, Flynn Horde jumps into the shot by hitting Terminus (Diving Double Foot Stomp) on Chris Wolf, before lifting Dre up and throwing him to the outside. Flynn dodges Izzy's attempt of a Twisting dropkick, before picking her up from the ring mat and hitting her with Legion's Sermon (Widows Peak)! Flynn stays seated looking over to Samuel is on his knee, near the ladder. 'Flynn' chants (90/0) are booming as he then hits Samuel with a Slingblade. Flynn picks Samuel up and throws him over the top rope and onto the floor. It's all clear as Flynn Horde climbs up the ladder.

Ten feet away

Seven feet away

Three feet away

Flynn Horde reaches the top and grabs the glass case.

Flynn pulls it down!

"Flynn Horde has done it. After a chaotic match, Flynn Horde has won the ACW Cup after 16:28. This means that Flynn Horde will recieve a ACW World Championship match next season at our second Pay-Per-View, ACW Odyssey." David Harkness explains before Flynn Horde opens the glass case on top of the ladder and pulls out a trophy similar to the UEFA Super Cup with a ACW logo imprinted on it.

"Flynn Horde has never lost a match in ACW. I think we might be looking at someone who can topple any of the No Escape match winners. With the exception of Roman, Flynn Horde would be the favorite going into a match against any No Escape winner." Disco Inferno said as we see Flynn sit on top of ladder with the trophy on his lap as Lacey is on her knees outside, disappointed at losing despite a great performance. Chris Wolf and Anthony Dre are seen being helped to the back. Izzy Solare and Samuel are still in the ring selling the moves they got hit with. It is Flynn who stands tall in the opening match of Final Destination 2 under the bright blue sky in Mexico City.

"In Season 2 Bonds were broken and Betrayal was seen"

I wouldn't hold my breath if I was you

"Welcome to ACW Betrayal, live from Madison Square Garden in New York City. This crowd is on fire as we prepare for our Fight Without Honor 3 main event." David Harkness said as we see a stage similar to Royal Rumble 2008 with a sliding entrance area/tron and a ramp that leads to the ring. The crowd is hot as we see a lot of anti-Hope signs

'Cause I'll forget but I'll never forgive you

Don't you know, don't you know?

True friends stab you in the front

Asher Darma and Yul Bannok start the match by shaking hands.. Cut to Yul bends over for a back body drop, however Asher Darma jumps over his body and tries a Yoshi tonic. But Yul rolls through it only for Asher to pop up to his feet and hit a Rolling Thunder into a European Uppercut. Cut to Asher jumps up to the rope next to Yul, walks the rope a few feet and connects with a big Ropewalk Hurricanrana.

It's funny how

Things work out

Asher then drags Yul up and attempts Predetermined Destiny (Destino). It connects before Asher hooks a leg.











"Asher wins in 9:56- Son of a bitch!" David said, outraged as The crowd boos (0/69) when Brandon clotheslines Asher from behind and starts to stomp on his stablemate. Cut to Brandon puts one foot on Asher's chest









"Brandon Duke blindsided his own teammate to advance after 1:41. Shameful." David said

"Genius. Brandon took advantage of Asher being happy over his win." Evan said

Such a bitter irony

Like a kick right to the teeth

It fell apart

CJ attempts a Penalty Kick on Brandon, but before he kicks him, Duke grabs his foot. Brandon trips CJ by pulling on the leg he was holding. Duke gets to his feet with CJ's foot in his grip. Brandon twists his foot while forcing CJ onto his stomach, locking an Ankle Lock in. CJ screams in pain as Papa Hawk yells from outside the ring "That's how to Mama screams at night". Cut to picks Duke up and hits a Shinbreaker before hitting a Dragon Screw Leg Whip. CJ then gets up while holding Dukes leg and hits a second Leg Whip, before crossing his legs and attempting the Twisted Claw (Leg Scissors Cross Knee Lock). Duke then starts to scream in pain as Papa Hawk yells "Let go! He won a silver medal you dummy! Let him go!". Duke reaches but is not even close to the ropes. Finally he taps.

Right from the start

But I couldn't even see

The forest for the trees

(I'm afraid you asked for this)

Erin then grabs the platinum blonde by the hair and runs toward the wall, throwing her face into it. Diamondust stumbles back to Erin Frost who grabs her by the hair, before running her face first into the steel wall. Diamondust kneels down, grabbing her face, before Erin forces her to her feet, before delivering a Heart punch. Diamondust goes down before Erin does a couple stomps, before dragging her up to her feet. Erin delivers a forearm to her face, as we see a bruise forming on Diamondusts cheek. She walks closer to Diamondust, who is sliding away, begging her to stay away. Erin shakes her head no and reaches down, grabbing her by the collar of her sky blue and silver goldust style bodysuit. But Diamondust kicks her right between the legs

You got a lot of nerve

But not a lot of spine

You made your bed

Diamondust connects with a Handspring Cutter, obviously taking a shot at Natalia Rodriguez. That's when the lights go out for a brief second before turning on

"What the hell is Natalia doing?" David said as Natalia stands on top of the fifteen foot cage. Her black hair with red streaks has now changed to a dark purple which matches her eyes. Her black bra top and tights have a purple flame design. The bottom half of her face is seen with black and purple facepaint. Diamondust looks up and Natalia hits a Spiral Tap off the top of the cage onto her rival. We then cut to Natalia is about to strike but Erin grabs her by the arm and turns her around. But Natalia hits her with a Superkick! Stunned silence can be heard as Natalia runs her hands through her hair as Diamondust is climbing the cage in the background

When you worried about mine

Diamondust is only a few feet away from winning the match but is at eye level with Natalia, with only the cage wall separating them. She blows a kiss to Natalia and says "Thank you sweetie" before jumping down.

"Natalia betrays Erin at 10:44 like how Erin betrayed her!" Evan laughs as Natalia looks frustrated inside the cage

This ends now

I wouldn't hold my breath if I was you

'Cause I'll forget but I'll never forgive you

"It is time for Pelea Callejera. The only way to win is make your opponent bleed and then pin them. Freddy Escobar is coming out to fight alone against Sicario. I admire his bravery in that." David said

Sicario notices the Kendo stock laying on the floor and picks it up. He waits as Freddy gets to his feet and slams the Kendo Stick against his back. Sicario then reaches in front of Freddy and pushes the Kendo Stick against his neck, putting him in an assisted chokehold. Sicario then forces Freddy into a position so his back is against the ring apron. Sicario hits a Kendo Stick assisted Side Russian Leg Sweep, sending his back into the ring apron. Cut to Freddy backs up as Sicario lands on the laps of a few fans. Sicario gets to his feet. before Freddy dives over the guard rail and connects with a messy Tornado DDT into a pile of chairs that once occupied members of the crowd.

Don't you know, don't you know?

True friends stab you in the front

Sicario delivers a switchblade kick to Freddy. Freddy looks out cold but the match can't end without blood. So Sicario leaves the ring. He looks under the ring apron and pulls out a straight razor blade. Sicario renters the ring as Freddy is still slumped over on the ring mat. Sicario grabs him by his head while bending over and yells something in his ear before driving the razor blade right into the right side of the forehead of Freddy Escobar. Sicario then slowly moves the Razor Blade from the right side of his forehead to the left as a straight line forms and a crimson pool of blood drips down his face as we hear, chants of "You sick Fuck". Sicario makes it all the way to the other side of Freddy's head before removing his stained blade and delivers a Switchblade kick to Freddys head again.

I wouldn't hold my breath if I was you

You broke my heart and there's nothing you can do

"What the heck is that noise?" Evan said

"Is that the Mex Express!?" David screams as the crowd goes crazy for the appearance of the bus

Cut to Sicario then runs off the ropes and hits a dropkick, sending Caesar back first onto the front of the Mex Express. Sicario shakes his head in disdain at Caesar before turning around into a kick to the nuts from Freddy Escobar. Freddy then picks up Sicario and delivers his finisher, Princes Crown (Stormbreaker). Freddy goes for the pin, even more excited than the hot crowd. But the ref shakes his head no, pointing out that Sicario is not bleeding.

And now you know, now you know

True friends stab you in the front

It's kind of sad

'Cause what we had

Sicario says "Sit down so I can concentrate. ". That is when Steve jumped out of his seat and hit him with a hard right hand. The crowd pops as Sicario goes down. At that moment Steve reveals Brass knuckles on both hands that respectively say "Thug" "Steven" on them. Freddy gets up as Stepdad Steve yells "Get him. He's bleeding", pointing out that Sicario is bleeding from his lip. Freddy runs over and drags Sicario up, before sliding him inside the ring. MSG chants "Thank you Steve" in the loudest reaction of the night so far (90/0). Freddy ascends to the top turnbuckle, his eye swollen shut and black at this point and his forehead completely red at this point. Coronation (Split Leg Frog Splash) connects! He hooks a leg as Caesar enters the ring and dogpiles on top of him.


"Dammit Caesar" Freddy squeaked out











"He did. It took a lot of help and he did get beaten up badly but Freddy overcomes Sicario in 18:43 in a stellar brawl" David screams as Caesar lifts his boss up and hugs him tight as the crowd applauds him for once

"I can't believe it. New York City is absolutely shocked but happy….that's weird to say when Freddy is wrestling." Evan points

"I honestly cannot praise the perseverance of Freddy enough. He looks like a mess and got his ass kicked, but he survived and after the sneaky bastard got help from Stepdad Steve, the world's greatest Stepdad, he won. This has to be a sigh of relief for him." David said

Well it could of been something

I guess it wasn't meant to be

So how dare you

Try and steal my flame

Just 'cause yours faded

Well hate is gasoline

The bell rings as the crowd is super hot for the two cooler stables. Dueling "Anarchy! Rebelion!" chants are heard as the crowd is in Anarchy's Favor (65/20) by a mile as Ash Russo is face to face with Phoenix. Next to them was Lacey Alvarez and Sofia Reynoso. Next to them was Jesus Garza and Roman McIntyre. Next to them was Rey Aguayo and Jasper Cage. All of them were milking the reaction from New York as everyone was face to face. Neither team touched. Suddenly Sofia steps in front of Phoenix and right in Ash Russo's face as there was some surprise of her bravery. Sofia slaps Ash right across the face. Cut to Sofia running toward the corner, attempting a Bucklebomb, but Lacey leans back and goes a Hurricanrana, sending her head first into the second turnbuckle. He cockily bench presses Lacey, talking trash to Jasper before the sound of a slap is heard. Roman McIntyre has tagged himself in. The crowd goes crazy (85/0) before Jesus Military presses Lacey onto Jasper, knocking the genius off the ring apron and sending both to the floor. Jesus takes a few steps back before Roman enters the ring.

A fire fueling all my dreams

(I'm afraid you asked for this)

You got a lot of nerve

But not a lot of spine

The Wildcard Champion and La Rebelion powerhouse are on the middle of an intense staredown. Slowly, Roman and Jesus meet in the middle of the ring. Jesus does a throat thrust but Roman barely shows any pain. Roman throws one at Jesus, but Garza refuses to be outdone and no sells it. Back and forth they go. Roman. Jesus. McIntyre. Garza. The two aren't showing any damage and are taking the throat thrusts like men. Cut to Rey Aguayo then hooks Roman up, before lifting him in the air before jumping off in front of him and hitting a Falcons Arrow off the top turnbuckle! Cut to Ash running off the ropes, looking to dive again, but once his flies over the top ropes, Jesus is on the ring apron and catches Ash over one shoulder. Jesus then hits Running Powerslam off the ring apron and onto the floor as MSG has reached a fever pitch (95/0). Jesus stands up after that only for Lacey to come off the top turnbuckle and hit a moonsault on Jesus. In the ring Sofia runs off the ropes and ducks underneath Roman's clothesline before going over the middle ropes and doing a Suicide Dive into an Uppercut onto Lacey, knocking her into the guard rail to a huge hooks a leg.

"The genius of Jasper Cage shows itself again as twenty minutes have elapsed. A very underrated ring general in my opinion." David said





"Very Overrated intelligence though." Evan chimed in

"He's not insulted by a man who's favorite scholar is Mandark from Dexter's Laboratory." David said



Sofia enters the ring but gets a Superman punch from Roman.


Phoenix tries to enter but gets his own Superman Punch as Ash and Lacey grab Jesus's legs to keep him from entering the ring

Jesus kicks Ash and Lacey off



Jesus ducks under Roman's Superman Punch and lunges toward Jasper, with an Axe handle to the back, breaking it up at 2.9!

You made your bed

When you worried about mine

Jasper Irish whips Rey toward McIntyre with as much power as he can. Roman hits with him with a Silent Kill (Spear) using the Irish whip from Jasper to add force upon contact. Roman goes for the pin as Jasper stands guard.



Phoenix gets on the ring apron.



Jasper approaches



Phoenix Springboards at least three feet over Jaspers head and crashes down on Roman's back to break it up earning a standing ovation from New York as the mostly Anarchy crowd begins to turn. Cut to Phoenix ascends to the top turnbuckle as the rest of La Rebelion enter the ring to form a wall in front of Lacey. Fireball (Corkscrew Shooting Star Press) connects! Anarchy enters the ring as he goes for the pin.




Ash is brawling with Aguayo. Roman is being held back by Jesus. Sofia is trying her best to block Jasper.


"Can they hold off the rest of Anarchy and win this?!" Questions David



Ash ducks underneath a right hand from Aguayo as Roman Superman Punches Jesus, making him wobbly legged.




Ash hits Aguayo with Rebellion (Claymore Kick), forcing him to fall backwards on top of Phoenix. Sofia ducks underneath Jaspers Clothesline and hits him with a Codebreaker. Roman hits Jesus with a thunderous Silent Kill, sending both men into a dogpile consisting of Lacey, Phoenix, Aguayo and Ash, now with those two. Everyone is down as MSG is on fire

This ends now

I wouldn't hold my breath if I was you

In the background, Sofia lifts Ash up into a powerbomb, showing incredible power and pulls him behind her back, before dropping Ash Russo with Gran Final (Weapon X). The chants of "Rebelion" can be heard (94/0) as Sofia turns Ash onto his back with some struggle due to weight difference and hooks the leg.


"Gran Final on Ash Russo! This girl is strong!" Evan said





"Can she do it though?!" David questions


"No way!" Evan said


"Yes way! After 29:01, Sofia Reynoso pins Ash Russo and wins the ACW Factions Championship for La Rebelion! What a classic!" David praises as Alexis grabs all for Championships from the timekeeper and enters the ring as Jesus and Rey help Sofia up.

"I can't believe it….Sofia pinned Ash….La Rebelion are Champions….what is wrong with the world?!" Evan said as Alexis hands Jesus and Rey their titles while Sofia excitedly snatches hers and hugs it.

'Cause I'll forget but I'll never forgive you

"Ladies and Gentlemen, it is time for our main event of ACW Betrayal. Fight Without Honor 3. Detrick Cyrus versus Jason Sabre. The Lucha Warrior vs the Ace of Despair." David Harkness said

"These guys were best friends at one point. After Jason went AWOL on Detrick because of his alliance with Hope and relationship with Rey Pantera getting in the way, he returned. He returned a new man, with Micah Hyde by his side and as a member of Despair. That return was the night of Fight Without Honor 2, Final Destination." Evan said

Don't you know, don't you know?

True friends stab you in the front

Slowly the doors slide apart to reveal Jason Sabre with his back to the crowd. He was wearing a black and white version of his jacket with what seemed like match boots and long tights. However, there was something covering his head. That's when Jason turned around to reveal that he was wearing Rey Pantera's mask. The Anti-Hope crowd loved it as the camera pans in on a fan sitting on the seats above the stage holding up a 'Ace kills Hope' signs.

I wouldn't hold my breath if I was you

You broke my heart and there's nothing you can do

The boos are deafening. As big as Sabre's cheers were, Detrick's boos were louder. The sliding doors open as the boos pour upon Detrick Cyrus upon him stepping out from behind the doors. Detrick is stunned. The masked star is clearly phased and surprised by the negative reaction, which he is not used to. He looks around to see fans giving him thumbs down and middle fingers. Detrick has a neon green hoodie on that says 'Never Give Up Hope' on the back with the mask that he wears replacing the O. He's also wearing a similar color for his mask while wearing black jean shorts. Detrick turns around to show the logo to the crowd but a fan from the seating above the stage pours beer down onto him. Detrick just closes eyes, accepting the hate as he turns around. He keeps his head down as the crowd that is only couple of feet away from him throws popcorn, beer, soda cans among other things at the hero. Detrick steps on the ring apron and looks at the crowd to see a row of people towards the top of the arena holding up letters that spell out 'If Detrick wins, We Riot'. Detrick enters the ring and takes off his jacket, throwing it into the crowd, only for the man who catches it to throw it back at him. Detrick sighs as he picks it, pointing at a child, before throwing it at the child. The child, probably pressured by father, who tells him something, throws it back at Detrick to a huge pop. The father is heard audibly saying 'You're not poisoning my kid you piece of shit'. Detrick picks up the jacket and throws it into the crowd one more time, only to have the guy who catches it wipe his ass with it and throw it back. Detrick just rolls his eyes at this point and decides not to play along anymore.

And now you know, now you know

True friends stab you in the front

Jason climbs up to the top turnbuckle and mockingly hits a Destino (Corkscrew Moonsault) to insult Detrick's deceased mentor. A loud "Fuck Pantera" chant is heard (0/85) as Detrick kicks out before one and rolls out of the ring to escape the onslaught. Cut to Jason then takes the chance to stand on top of the guard rail and tell something out to nearby fans. Suddenly twenty plus fans throw their chairs at the prone body of Detrick Cyrus that is laying on concrete. The hostile crowd chants "Bury Detrick" (0/87) as he is buried underneath twenty seven chairs. Jason then jumps off the guard rail and does a frog splash onto the pile of chairs squishing him.

You can run

But you can't hide

Time won't help you

'Cause karma has no deadline

You can run

But you can't hide

Jason then closelines him over the railing and into the crowd. Detrick falls right onto the concrete floor below, hitting the right side of his body against it. Jason then starts to walk across the second level of MSG as the audience embraces the Ace with Pat's on the backs. Jason stops when he is right below Detrick, who is getting to his feet. Jason hits a Final Hour (High Fly Flow) onto the standing Detrick! The crowd chants "Holy Shit" (90/0) as Sabre rolls off Detrick and grabs his chest for a few moments.

"Final Hour from the Heavens!" Calls David

Cut to Detrick lifts Jason into a seated position on the guard rail and sets up a chair, a couple inches away from him. Detrick runs at him, jumps on the chair and jumps at Jason going for a Hurricanrana but Sabre reverses it into a Powerbomb onto the top of the chair. Cut to

Time won't help you

'Cause karma has no deadline

I wouldn't hold my breath if I was you

'Cause I'll forget but I'll never forgive you

Don't you know, don't you know?

Jason lifts Detrick up onto the ring apron before climbing up himself. Jason pulls Detrick up and puts him between his legs before lifting him up onto his shoulders. Jason hits a release Powerbomb, sending Detrick right into the bed of nails. The nails pierce Detrick's arms and back as Jason stands over his former friend yelling out in horror. "You sick Fuck" chants are heard before Jason jumps off the ring apron hitting a flipping Senton Splash off the ring apron onto the bed of nails furthering the nails into Detrick's back. Cut to Detrick is on his feet and tries a Superkick, but Jason sidesteps him and drills the screwdriver into his head. Detrick drops to a knee, before Sabre jabs the screwdriver into his head again, but this time he keeps adding pressure and pushing down on it, causing Detrick to fall on his back and Sabre to follow him down, kneeling. Detrick is able to push Sabre and the screwdriver away, but we can see blood pouring down from his forehead due to the eye hole.

True friends stab you in the front

I wouldn't hold my breath if I was you

You broke my heart and there's nothing you can do

Jason then sits Detrick up before using the scissors to the cut the back of his mask. That is when Jason pulls Detrick Cyrus's mask off. Cyrus immediately covers his face as Sabre removes his Rey Pantera mask and holds it in his right hand as Detrick's is in his left hand. The crowd is overwhelmingly chanting 'Yes' (98/0) over the embarrassment and punishment that Detrick has received.

"That son of a bitch!" David said

"Looks like Jason has added Detrick's mask to his collection" Evan Neal said

Jason goes for a Suicide Dive but jumps into a Barbed Wire Baseball bat to the head from Detrick Cyrus!

"That's the Bat that Freddy tried to use earlier!" David points out

Cut to Jason throwing a right, Detrick throws one back. Both men slow down before eventually the hands become more like light taps. Both bleeding from the side of their heads. Suddenly they find themselves leaning against each other.

And now you know, now you know

True friends stab you in the front

Both hit each other at the same time, their arms cross as each of their fist connects with the others jaw. That is when we notice something written on each of their wrist tapes. On Detrick it says 'Legends never Die', on Jason's it says 'Legends Must die Eventually'. Then they both go down, falling right beside the other. The ref drops down as the crowd looks on with their hearts beating

"Why's the ref counting? Who's pinning who?" A confused Evan said










3/ Both get their shoulder up!

"It's over….Detrick Cyrus has won after 26:33 of emotional action. When he fell, he had one hand over Jason's chest" David said as the crowd boos loudly throwing trash into the ring once Invincible begins to play.

And now you know, now you know

True friends stab you in the front

And now you know, now you know

True friends stab you in the front

The crowd explodes as we can hear Evan scream 'No Way, He wasn't supposed to show up until after his wedding'. The reaction is bigger than Jason Sabre's. In fact it was the biggest pop of the night. Jason turns his head from Detrick, back to the entrance stage that opens up to reveal Azriel with the ACW World Championship slung over his shoulder. The front row is seen bowing to the King of Despair as he slowly walks down as Jason gets to his feet, not knowing why he's here. Detrick is on all fours, trying to get to his feet as Azriel enters the ring. The crowd sings 'Hail to the King, Hail to the one' in tune to the song as the King of Despair looks down at Detrick. Azriel then pulls Detrick up and looks at him right in the eyes. He says 'Two weeks.' before pointing at the ACW World Championship as the crowd cheers loudly at that revelation. Detrick, bleeding and tired looks at the Championship before looking at Azriel, nodding his head. Detrick then looks back at Jason who is standing behind him, watching the scene unfold. Jason and Detrick look right at each other, before Jason shifts his eyes to the ACW World Championship. Detrick offers a fist to Jason, but Jason walks past him and past Azriel. The crowd cheers Sabre's rejection, but then cheers even louder, when Jason runs back, past Azriel, who remains unphased and catches the surprised Detrick with a Final Blow (RKO)!

"Detrick won the match, but Sabre stands tall." David said as Fix Me begins to play as Sabre stands up.

"We're going to get Detrick Cyrus versus Azriel in two weeks for the ACW World Championship, only a week before Azriel's wedding to Giselle." Evan said

"But it looks like the Ace of Despair has his eyes on the ACW World Championship as well." David said as Jason does his gun taunt, pointing right at the title while Azriel looks at him with the same unchanged look on his face since his entrance. Jason then leaves the ring to his theme as Azriel stands over Detrick.

"We are out of time. Thank you for joining-" Evan said

"Silent Kill!" Screams David as Roman McIntyre slides in from behind, jumps over Detrick and hits Azriel with a Silent Kill!

ACW Season 3 Episode 1-3 will take place from the Staples Center in Los Angeles, CA

Also, ACW Glory Road 3 & Episodes 5-9 will take place from the MGM Grand in Las Vegas, NV

"Interesting…" A female voice said as Sicario is seen sitting in a chair across from this woman. "So why are doing this? Why are you snitching on Alexis?"

"She threw me out and I need a new home." Sicario said.

"So you came to me to give this information so I can give it to my… associates." The woman speaks.

"I'd like nothing more than to see those children in La Rebelion get what they deserve. Epifano spent his life building a dynasty and that girl has ruined it. She's too soft. She needs to be knocked off that throne." Sicario said.

"And you want me to sit in it?" The woman asked.

"Yes, Mrs. Rhodes." Sicario said as the camera panned over to show a 5'11 Caucasian female with shoulder length brown hair, brown eyes, and a curvy and toned build sitting in the chair.

"Call me Angelica." Angelica offered her hand so Sicario could kiss her ring.

"It is time for a big six man tag match as Ray Kiran, Asher Darma and Yul Bannok will take on Brandon Duke, Michael Alexander and SJ Steele." David Harkness said.

"It is baffling that Asher and Yul are risking their lives with Papa Hawk's agency by associating themselves with a jobless blob that doesn't belong in this business." Glenn said.

"Give Ray Kiran a break, Glenn. He's trying." David said.

"He should try to lose some weight or here's an idea… be a competitive eater. He's no wrestler, David. He's a disgrace." Disco Inferno said.

Day one, on my own

It's so cold in this house

Don't want to bother

But I know that I've found

The pop is enormous (99/0) as Asher Darma, Yul Bannok and Ray Kiran come out. The screen behind them shows a logo of a cartoon Asher, Yul and Ray Kiran giving the thumbs up as the Eagletron says 'Team Friendship'. Asher Darma and Yul Bannok go separate sides on top of the stage hyping the crowd as Kiran is in the middle in his Gray Singlet with the same logo on the screen on the front. Asher and Yul are wearing matching bright Blue long tights with 'Friends 4 Eva' written in white. They have have matching sleeveless jackets that are open. Asher and Yul respectively have a Indian and Jamician flag arm band around their bicep. Asher and Yul come back and pat Kiran on the back. Ray Kiran says 'Lets do dis!' before matching down the ramp with Asher and Yul behind. Asher is high fiving people as the three seem excited to be on the biggest stage of their profession.

Had hit records on my demo

Did y'all boys not get the memo

I do not stay at the Intercontinental

And anything I got is not a rental, I own that mothafucka

The crowd starts to boo as the Papa Hawks agency logo appears on all three screens. Papa Hawk runs out first wearing a cheesy red and black checkerboard blazer and pants with suspenders and white shirt with a checkerboard bowtie. He says 'Say hello to the show stealer' as he points behind him as Brandon Duke comes out in an American Style singlet with Michael Alexander following behind in plain black trunks and kneepads. SJ is right behind Duke massaging his shoulders as Papa Hawk gives him an Aquafina water bottle so he can drink it. SJ is wearing sparkling gold leggings and matching top. She counts as Brandon Duke drops down to do push ups. One. Two. Then he gets back up as Papa Hawk and SJ mark out. 'He did two Fatboy. How ya gonna beat dat?!' Papa Hawk yelled as Duke leads his team down the ramp and into the ring.

The bell rings as the crowd is still hot after the ladder match for our babyface Trio. Asher Darma starts the match with Brandon Duke. The two circle each other, before entering a grappling contest, which Duke could win with a single leg takedown. He would stay on top of Asher with a Full guard, not letting Asher move, before slapping him across the face and standing up. The crowd would boo (0/78) the unsportsmanlike conduct as Duke would cockily challenge Asher to get up. Asher would, but he heard his name be called by Yul. Yul wants to tag in and Darma tags his best friend in. Yul enters the ring as Brandon laughs at the 5'10 man trying to stand face to face with him. Then Yul shuts it down with a right hand. Yul delivers a couple more to phase him, before doing a Thrust Kick to the chest, sending Duke, back first into his teams corner. Duke is shocked as Yul screams at him to bring it. Duke tags in SJ Steele to boos, shaking his head no as Yul.

"How brave." David Harkness rolls his eyes.

"It's called being smart. Yul Bannok is fired up. Wait until that dies down to do something." Disco Inferno said.

SJ Steele enters the ring smug as ever. Yul is still fired up as Asher says 'Yul that is a female'. SJ Steele is only an inch shorter than Yul and slaps him across the face. 'I'll make an exception mon' Yul comments, before doing a double hand chop to the chest of SJ. SJ fires back with a slap across the face. SJ then tries to scoop Yul up across both her shoulders, but the Jamacian Sensation slides off her shoulders from behind and pushes SJ into the ropes. Yul takes a few steps closer, waiting for SJ to come back. Then he picks her up for a Tilt a Whirl Backbreaker, but SJ lands on feet, next to Yul after being spun in the air. SJ quickly delivers a Big Boot to rock Yul for a few seconds. SJ then lifts the lightweight male wrestler across her shoulders, before delivering a Fireman's carry Gutbuster across one knee. SJ then drags Yul toward her teams corner and tags in Brandon. Brandon enters the ring and pulls Yul up by his dreads. Brandon lifts him up, before putting him across his back and nailing an Air Raid Crash. Duke gets up and tags Michael Alexander into the match. Duke picks Yul up, saying something to Alexander. Brandon then puts Yul in a Waist lock, before Michael delivers a Discus Elbow, which Duke follows with a German Suplex. Duke leaves the ring as Michael pins Yul.








Kick out at 2.07!

We hear chants of 'Yul' (75/0) trying to will him on as Michael lifts Yul up to his feet and lays him across his shoulders. Michael connects with a Finlay Roll as the chants of Yul die down. Michael then grabs Yul by the wrist to drag him back to his team's corner. Michael places him against the bottom turnbuckle and tags in Brandon Duke. Michael and Brandon both start to stomp on Yul as he's against the bottom turnbuckle until the ref begins the five count. Michael exits the ring as the ref hits four. Meanwhile, Duke drags Yul Bannok to the middle of the ring by his foot. Duke then twists Bannok's foot, turning him around on his stomach and putting him in an Ankle Lock. Yul wails his hands as Duke has Yul's chest hovering above the ring mat. Yul Bannok has no leverage as Duke has him lifted above the ring mat. Yul only has his palms on the ring mat. But Yul uses it to his advantage by rolling through and sending Brandon Duke head first into the turnbuckles. Brandon turns around only for Yul Bannok to leapfrog over his head. Yul then lunges toward his teams corner and makes the hot tag to Asher Darma!

"Asher's back in! This is what the Friendship trio needed" David Harkness said.

Brandon Duke turns around into a Slingshot Hurricanrana from Asher Darma. Asher stands up as Duke gets up. Asher does a Spin kick to the midsection of Duke, before jumping to the middle rope and hitting a Springboard Back Elbow to knock him down. Asher then delivers a Springboard Moonsault and hooks Duke's leg for a pin.








Kick out at 2.03

The crowd is hot (84/0) as Asher Darma is on his feet, hyping the crowd up as Duke gets to his feet. Asher comes up from behind, ready to hit the Inside Out Suplex. But Duke elbows him on the side of the head to block the move. Brandon turns around and bends over, before scooping him up in Alabama Slam position. Brandon then spins around, before hitting a Sitout Alabama Slam onto Asher, killing the crowd. Duke then begins to do push ups saying 'You're a loser' and 'Papa Hawk should've never let you retards into my country' getting heat (0/60). Duke then stops doing push ups and lifts Asher up. He walks him over to his teams corner. Duke slams his face over the top turnbuckle, before tagging SJ Steele in. SJ waits for Asher to walk out of the corner, so she can enter the ring with a Springboard Tornado DDT! SJ gets to her feet, before tagging Michael back into the match. Michael enters the ring and tags in Brandon Duke, who climbs up to the top turnbuckle as Alexander goes over to Asher. Michael does a Finlay Roll, which Duke follows up with a Diving Moonsault. Duke hooks a leg.









Yul breaks it up at 2.62! Yul Bannok then knocks both SJ Steel and Michael off the apron with a Split leg drop kick, giving both one foot to the face. Yul then builds momentum by running off the ropes and delivering a Sommersault Plancha onto both to a big pop (80/0)! Meanwhile in the ring, Brandon Duke is pissed, but knows he still has control of Asher Darma. Brandon lifts him up for his Signature Dukes of Hazzard (Rapid Spinning Backbreaker). But when Duke spins him out, Asher twists his body and performs a backflip, countering into his finisher, Predetermined Destiny (Destino)!

"Did you see that! Absolutely brilliant counter!" David Harkness said with the same enthusiasm as the crowd.

"It was, but Asher isn't pinning him. He has the match won!" Glenn said.

The crowds initial pop was big (90/0), but then they start to figure things out as they see Ray Kiran as the only person that's currently standing. A booming 'We want Kiran!" chant is heard (93/0). Asher Darma starts to slide closer to Kiran. Eight feet away. Five feet away. Two feet away. Asher extends his hand as Duke is getting up in the corner. Asher tags in Ray Kiran. The crowd is going wild as the fat boy enters the ring. Kiran waddles over to Brandon and delivers a right hand. Then a second one, knocks Duke down to the bottom corner. SJ Steele enters the ring and tries to give Kiran a right hand, but Kiran ducks. Kiran delivers a jawbreaker to SJ, before she turns around into a Monkey Flip from Yul Bannok who reentered behind her. SJ flies into Duke, hitting a forced Cannonball Senton. Duke rolls onto the ring apron as SJ takes his place, sitting against the bottom turnbuckle. Asher Darma then sprints across the ring and does a Suicide Dive onto Michael Alexander who was on the floor. Mexico City, Mexico is rocking as Asher re enters the ring to high five his overweight friend and his Jamacian best friend. "Friendship!" chants (95/0) are heard as Ray Kiran looks at SJ and is feeling the moment. Ray Kiran then pulls one strap of his singlet down. Then the second strap. The crowd is eating it all up (97/0), before Kiran pulls down the back side of his singlet, exposing his doughy rear end to a massive pop (101/0).

"Why are they cheering so loud for this!? This is disgusting! Thank god I'm not out there with these sick freaks!" Disco Inferno said, wanting to vomit

Kiran then backs his cheeks up on SJ's face, performing the stinkface. Afterward, he walks out of the corner as SJ looks absolutely scarred for life. She crawls away gasping for air as Ray Kiran pulls up the backside of his singlet. Asher and Yul pat him on the back, before Brandon Duke slides into the ring from behind. Yul runs toward him but Duke pulls the top rope down and Yul falls over. Asher is about to do something, but Michael Alexander grabs his foot and trips him, making sure he holds down his foot. Ray Kiran turns around and sees Brandon Duke. Duke tries to give him a right back but Kiran fights back with one of his own. Then a second one. Then a third. The crowd can't believe what they're seeing. We see Asher kick Alexander off, before looking at Kiran, who says 'I got this fwend'. Asher then delivers a Tope Con Hilo to Michael Alexander. In the ring, Ray Kiran delivers a Bionic Elbow. Ray Kiran starts to climb up to the top turnbuckle. The crowd is on their feet. Then from out of nowhere, SJ Steel pushes Kiran off from the ring apron. Yul Bannok then jumps onto the ring apron and delivers a Mushroom Stomp on SJ on top of it to a big pop. The momentum of the move forces Yul to fall off the ring apron after connecting. In the ring, Brandon Duke is on his feet and sees Kiran on all fours after his tumble. Brandon picks him up and connects with Touchdown (Spinning Sitout Powerbomb)! Duke has him pinned












"After an incredible 15:55 of effort. Brandon Duke, Michael Alexander and SJ Steele pick up a massive win tonight over Ray Kiran, Asher Darma and Yul Bannok" David Harkness said as we see shots of Yul with his hands on his hips on the outside as Asher Darma walks over to him, to explain that they lost.

"Friendship did nothing. Those three nerds lost." Disco mocked as we see Duke, SJ and Michael Alexander walk up the ramp in victory with a smiling Papa Hawk in tow.

"Give them credit for how hard they tried. Ray Kiran and his two friends did their best. But once again, Ray Kiran will not be in Papa Hawk's agency and I think this was his last chance." David Harkness said as Asher and Yul enter the ring, where Kiran is sitting up crying. Asher and Yul both kneel down and hug his friend as 'Trophies' stops. Suddenly, Mexico City starts to chant 'Kiran!" in respect for the effort Ray Kiran has put in for two seasons and in his last two trios matches. Asher says 'At least we tried.' to which Yul replies 'And we had a lot of fun doing it'. Ray Kiran wipes his tears away and nods his head in agreement, before letting the two help him up. And once he reaches his feet, we get a standing ovation from Estadio Azteca.

"Tres Amigos" chants the crowd (93/0) as all three take a bow in the ring as their season long arc ends in a loss. But all three have their head held up high.

"ACW Season 2 saw Destiny be achieved as bonds broke."

I'm not the table you can come and lay your cup down on, now

I'm not the shoulder for a bag. The one that carried a heavy load

The bell rings as the crowd chants 'A-C-Fucking-W' (93/0) as all three women meet in the middle of the ring. Natalia and Erin are just looking at each other as Sofia just watches. Sofia figures out that they should settle things out for themselves and backs out of the ring, jumps into the crowd and sits in a chair that a fan offers her and takes popcorn and soda from a fan.

I'm not the road that you take when you looking for a short cut, uh

I ain't the stepping stone to be stepping on

I ain't nobodies crutch

I ain't the money man, with your money, man

Natalia enters the ring and runs off the ropes. Tope Con Hilo connects on Erin Frost! The crowd pops huge (85/0), until Natalia gets up and gets Soda to the face, courtesy of Sofia Reynoso. Sofia jumps up to the top of the guard rail and jumps off, going for a Tornado DDT on Natalia. But mid move, she wraps her legs around Erin, who was getting up and lets go of Natalia to hit a Hurricanrana on Erin! Cut to Natalia going for a Moonsault off the ring apron. But Erin catches her on her shoulder and powerslams her back into the ring apron. Suddenly, Sofia runs across the ring apron and jumps off, taking Erin down with a Double Knee Press, onto the ring floor. Cut to Erin dives off the top turnbuckle to hit a Hurricanrana on Natalia, off Sofia's shoulders.

You ain't looking at me

I'm not the cheap one, looking at me son

You ain't looking at free

I ain't the dish rag to come clean up all the shit that you dish out

All three women are down, being serenaded by chants of 'A-C-W!" (95/0). Natalia is up first, as Sofia is holding her midsection. The crowd gets louder as the two women make eye contact. Sofia and Natalia lunge at each other. Cut to Sofia then pulls her out of the corner and hits No Scope (Arm Trap Vertical Suplex into a neckbreaker)! Sofia then rolls over into a Double underhook and lifts her up to her feet. Sofia goes for End Credits (Double Underhook Powerbomb into the knees), but when she lifts her up, Erin hits Sofia with a Chill Out (Superkick)! Sofia drops Natalia on her head, before falling down. Natalia then gets to her feet and climbs up to the top turnbuckle with her back turned, possibly going for Firebird Splash (Phoenix Splash). But Sofia Reynoso runs up from behind, climbs up to the top turnbuckle and delivers a German Suplex off the top. Natalia ends up using the momentum of the German to Moonsault onto Erin Frost, going for the pin




Sofia breaks it up by lunging onto Natalia's back, wrapping both her arms around her waist. Then she rolls forward and does a Deadlift Sit Out Powerbomb on Natalia Rodriguez as the drops down for the pinfall.









Kick out at 2.74!

Ain't got no check for em'

If you checking in, mothafucka, check this out

Ain't much I can do but I do what I can

Erin gets to her feet and notices Natalia getting up in the middle of the ring. Erin quickly goes over and kicks her in the gut, before hitting her finisher, Arctic Fury (Canadian Destroyer)! Erin hooks the leg.







Erin gets off Natalia as Sofia jumps off the top turnbuckle! Diving Elbow Drop connects on Nattie! Sofia gets up to her feet, but eats a Heart Punch, followed by her own Arctic Fury. After a few seconds of deciding who to pin, she covers Natalia again



Shoulder up at 2.99!

"Are you kidding me?! No way! There was absolutely no way!" Evan says

"She kicked out! These people are on their feet. Little girls in this audience are being inspired. This is wrestling. This is A..C..W! I know for a fact that every wrestler backstage is thinking two things like the rest of us. One, what are these women made of? And two, how the bloody hell are we going to top the opening match?!" David said, going into his signature passionate rant mode.

But I'm not a fool there's no need to pretend

And just because you got yourself in some shit

It doesn't mean I have to come deal with it

Sofia can barely stand at this point as Erin kicks her in the gut and delivers a White Tiger (Tiger Driver)! Erin has her in a pinning position.



Natalia pulls her off into a Crucifix Backslide from behind!






Erin kicks out of it at 2.75!

Erin gets to her feet and eats a Poisoned Frankensteiner! Natalia slowly regains herself as Erin does the same thing. Natalia toward the ropes, going for Dark Flames (Handspring Cutter)! It connects! Natalia rolls Erin over.







"It is over after 18:01, Natalia Rodriguez has become the second ACW Wildcard Champion. She is one step closer to a rematch with Diamondust." David said as the crowd throws money into the ring out of respect

You handle your own when you become a man

"It is time for the second Ultimate Sacrifice match as Freddy Escobar comes out with Caesar Montana. Let me explain. This is a singles match where the loser has to give up something. In Freddy's case, it's his famous bus, the Mex Express"

And become a man when you handle your own

Ain't much I can do, but I do what I can

But what can I do if I do 'til it's gone? Oh, oh

Sangre flings Freddy over the ropes and into the arms of Caesar, who catches Freddy like he's Scooby Doo. "I caught you boss" he said, before Sangre knocks Caesar and Freddy off the ring apron, sending them to the floor. Cut to Freddy jumps on the ring apron, noticing that Sangre's forearm and head was laying on the ring apron. Freddy stomps on the back of Sangre's head, continuing to bring the fight to the monster. Escobar enters the rings and runs off the ropes. Freddy does a Suicide Dive into a Tornado DDT!

'Til it's gone, oh, oh

'Til it's gone, oh, oh

'Til it's gone, oh

What can I do if I do 'til it's gone?

Freddy Escobar hits his signature Checkmate (Bicycle Knee Strike)! Sangre goes down, before Freddy climbs up to the top turnbuckle and taunts for the Coronation (Split Leg Frog Splash), looking straight at Alexis with his confidence at an all time high. Alexis simply points past Freddy, causing Freddy's confidence to shatter as he slowly turns his head to see Bestia Sangre on his feet already. Freddy tries to come off the top turnbuckle with an Axe Handle, but Sangre catches him coming down into a Reverse Atomic Drop! Sangre then lifts Freddy up and hits him with Bloodshed (Dominator). Cut to Freddy Escobar gets to his feet and tries a second Checkmate. But Sangre slaps his knee downward and hits Freddy with a European Uppercut. Freddy goes down, before Sangre picks him up and hits a second Bloodshed. He then lifts Freddy Escobar up and hits a Bloodline. The ref drops down as Sangre has Freddy in a pinning position.








"It is over at 7:36. The Mex Express has come to a stop and Alexis Espinoza own's the Mex-Express" David said Alexis enters the ring with the keys and the peace treaty

I'm not the the trash can. Not the last man at the finish line, now

"Asher Darma could've picked anyone for his team tonight. And he picked Ray Kiran. No wonder Papa Hawk refuses to come out for this match. You would've been a better choice David and you absolutely suck." Evan said

I'm not the new kid on the block that you can just follow and push around

"This is a comedy act going against real life thugs. Asher and Kiran sat at the end of the lunch table playing Yu-Gi-Oh while La Rebelion were making out with hot girls. This is going to suck for Papa Hawk's squad and Ray Kiran." Evan said

I'm not the fucking needle in the hay stack that you finally found

This ain't no free rent

Come and pitch a tent, you ain't tying me down

I'm not a bus ride you can hop inside and just roll away clean

Like the wheel on the wagon you wanna break

Phoenix quickly hits him with a knife edge chop, before Irish whipping him. Yul comes back, but leapfrogs over Phoenix's head. Phoenix turns around and ducks under a enziguri. Yul hops up to his feet so him and Phoenix could both attempt dropkicks. Neither connects, but both kip up to a great reaction from Monterrey. Cut to Yul follows that up by running towards the other side of the ring, to build momentum and run back toward Jesus. A second Corner Dropkick, causes Garza to drop down to the bottom turnbuckle. Yul Bannok follows it up with Hardiac Arrest, before tagging in Asher Darma, who slingshots into the ring with the same move.

"Asher Darma and Yul Bannok are impressing me with how they are handling the big man of the match." David said

"Great team work by those two. They'll need it considering they have to carry all of Ray Kiran's weight." Evan said

Cut to Jesus tagging Rey Aguayo into the match. Jesus Irish Whips Asher off the ropes. On the rebound, Jesus picks him up for a Tilt a Whirl and slams him down onto the kneeling Rey Aguayo's knee!

'Cause I hold up the weight for the team

I'm not the gold watch

And the new truck that your scheming to check out

Unless your looking to check out

Rey starts to slide away from Asher's corner and right into his own teams corner with the heel hook locked in. Rey raises a hand up, so Phoenix can tag in. Phoenix enters the ring with a Slingshot Leg Drop to the back of Asher as Rey has the Heel Hook still in. Cut to Phoenix lands on his feet on the outside of the ring, but eats a Slingshot Hurricanrana on the outside from Asher Darma, however Asher gets up and eats a Bicycle Kick from Jesus. Cut to Rey Aguayo running across the apron and does a Leg Sweep STO to Yul Bannok onto the ring apron. Rey lands on the outside floor but is able to get up. However, he gets up, only for Asher Darma to hit a Springboard D-Day (Diving Senton on a Standing opponent) on him!

What a mess, now (come on)

Ain't much I can do but I do what I can

But I'm not a fool there's no need to pretend

And just because you got yourself in some shit

Asher attempts to hit Predetermined Destiny (Destino)! But Jesus reverses into a over the shoulder Gutbuster when Asher tries to moonsault for it! Asher holds onto his midsection in pain, before Jesus lifts him up and hits El Fin (Pumphandle Tombstone Piledriver)! Phoenix is on the ring apron and hits a Springboard Corkscrew Moonsault on Yul Bannok to take him out on the outside of the ring. Jesus Garza pins him.






Ray Kiran breaks it up by stomping on Jesus back.

Jesus sits up on his knees and looks up at Rey Kiran who gulps. "Sowwy" Kiran said, before trying to walk away, only for Jesus to grab him by the back of his blue 'Property of Mark E' singlet. "Tu Cagaste" chants are heard (91/0). Jesus pulls Kiran back into a Snap German Suplex!

Cut to The crowd watching as Ray Kiran carefully climbs up to the top turnbuckles. He looks at the excited crowd and screams "For Sabrus!", before jumping off and hitting a Big Splash onto Rey Aguayo! Asher, Yul, Phoenix, Jesus, the ref, the commentators and members of the crowd jump in the air and fall back as if an earthquake just happened. The ref ragins his composure and notice Ray Kiran is pinning Rey.


"NO WAY! NOT THIS JOKE!" Screams Evan Neal



"The Kid that everyone made fun of!" David screams

"NO! Absolutely not this idiot!" Evan Shouts


"The one that no one believed in!" David shouts




"Not here! Not ever!" Screams Evan


"It is over! Three! Three! Three! Ray Kiran has done the unthinkable at 24:06! No believe in these three nerds. But here they are in Monterrey Mexico. They are the ACW Factions Champions! Do you believe in miracles? Do you believe in Ray Kiran now?! We were all wrong! Every single one of us" David passionately praises as Asher and Yul enter the ring with the titles and hand one over to a crying Ray Kiran.

"I can't believe it…." Evan said as money is thrown into the ring before….

The ref takes the title away from Asher. The three are confused. Suddenly the ref points to Rey Aguayo's foot on the bottom rope! Phoenix it's a Springboard Dropkick onto Asher Darma! Yul is turned around and thrown out of the ring by Jesus. Kiran doesn't know what to do and eats a Superkick from Phoenix!

"The match isn't over!" David calls. "We were all duped!"

Phoenix and Jesus exit the ring as Rey Aguayo slides over to Kiran and puts an arm over him.



"I hope you enjoyed thinking that this useless blob could actually win." Evan mocks





Kiran gets his shoulder up!

"It's not over-" David calls, before seeing Rey Aguayo put him in a Hammerlock immediately and drags Ray Kiran's large carcass up. Caida Del Rey (Hammerlock DDT) connects! He goes for the pin












It doesn't mean I have to come deal with it

You handle your own when you become a man

And become a man when you handle your own

Ain't much I can do, but I do what I can

But what can I do if I do 'til it's gone? Oh, oh

Detrick and CJ Hawk look back while standing outside of the ring, surprised to see Jason Sabre coming out in his old school, babyface gear as the reception grows louder (98/0).

"Jason Sabre is here! And I see no crest of Despair on his jacket." David shout as Sabre comes down and stands next to Detrick.

"What is that written on his jacket? Does that say Defiance. Has Jason Sabre left Despair for his own faction?" Evan speculates

Aiden then climbs up to the second staircase, before doing a Spinning Heel Kick, sending Detrick falling off the stairs. Aiden then starts to walk up the staircase as we see Raptor roll CJ into the ring. In the crowd, Jason Irish Whips Furno Moxley into a double door, sending him disappearing through them. Sabre walks through the door. Meanwhile, Aiden Black was on top of the staircase, 10 feet above Detrick Cyrus, who is getting up. Aiden does a Sommersault Plancha off the stage onto Detrick. Cut to "You deserve this" Sabre says before dunking Furno's head into the dark yellow toilet water!

"That is just gross." David said

'Til it's gone, oh, oh

'Til it's gone, oh, oh

'Til it's gone, oh

Raptor Suplexs Detrick into the ladder, inadvertently getting both of Cyrus's legs trapped around a rung. Raptor then drops to all fours before Aiden uses it as a launching pad before hitting a Flying Dropkick on Detrick. Cut to CJ goes for a Crossbody on Raptor Reigns, but Raptor catches him! Raptor does a Fireman's Carry Slam on top of Jason! The table doesn't break. Detrick jumps over the table with his two teammates and hits a Springboard Moonsault onto Raptor! Detrick lands on his feet and stumbles near guard rail, only for Furno Moxley to jump off the top of the guard rail and hit a diving forearm to the back of the head.

What can I do if I do 'til it's gone?

I jump to the sky for my people

I walk through the fire. I give love when it's equal

Don't tell me not to complain about my money and fame

Furno swipes a beer from a man, before taking a sip of it and smashing the bottle, over the head of Detrick Cyrus. Glass flies everywhere as Furno walks down the staircase with the jagged remains of the beer bottle. Back at ringside, Raptor Reigns has Jason Sabre on the ring apron on top of his shoulders as CJ Hawk lays across the table. Raptor delivers a Reign of Pain (Attitude Adjustment) on Jason, onto CJ Hawk through the table! Cut to Furno then holds out out his Barbed wire bat, so Raptor Reigns can drench it in gasoline. He then turns to Aiden Black, who lights the bat on fire. The crowd chants 'Santa Mierda' at the sight. Aiden Black and Raptor Reigns lift Sabre up, each restraining one arm. Furno swings the flaming barbed wire bat. Detrick jumps in front of Jason and takes the shot to the chest to a huge pop! Cut to CJ then picks Aiden Black up and delivers a Eye of the Hawk (Pumphandle Driver), through the seat of the chair!

When you come around me telling me I've changed

Damn, right I've fucking changed

When there's fucking change in my pocket hit the bucket

Detrick runs up the ladder and does a Plancha to the outside onto Furno Moxley to a huge pop (90/0)! 'A-C-W!' chants are in full effect as Jason backs up, into the corner, signaling for Final Resolution (Kinsasha) as Raptor is on his knee. Sabre runs toward him and goes for it, but Aiden Black pushes the kneeling CJ in the way to take the move and protect his partner! Jason is a little shocked over hitting CJ Hawk and quickly finds himself into the Fade to Black (Kirifuda Clutch). Aiden takes him down as Sabre is fading quick, but Detrick Cyrus breaks it up with an Ascending Star (630 Senton) onto both men. Detrick slowly stumbles to his feet and Raptor goes for a Superman Punch, but while he's in the air, Jason Sabre springboards into the scene with a Springboard Final Blow (RKO)!

"Final Blow out of nowhere!" Screams Davids "This war isn't over yet!"

It was a rocking all a sudden

I went from shopping without nothing

The running Furno Moxley is then drop toe holded by CJ Hawk who then puts him in a Twisted Claw (Crosslegged Kneelock)! The crowd is on fire for the comeback as Detrick slowly gets to his feet and notices Jason beside him. "Sabrus!" chant ring throughout Monterrey (99/0) as the two exchange some words, before turning their attention to Aiden Black, who was starting to get up. Detrick hits Aiden with a 915 (Trouble in Paradise), that causes Aiden to stumble into a Final Blow. Raptor is down. Furno is trapped in the Twisted Claw. Jason hooks a leg!









"It is over at 26:56. Jason Sabre, Detrick Cyrus and CJ Hawk have won a war of attrition tonight." David said as CJ lets go of Furno as Sabre and Detrick are standing, looking at each other.

"I knew that things would get crazy, but Jason returning to aid Detrick was not what I or anyone else here was expecting." Evan said

To going shopping for my cousins

Now that the cops know that I'm buzzing,

Azriel pulls his hood back as Roman shows no fear. Azriel steps over the top ropes and into the ring. The ref raises the Championship to a huge pop (98/0). Cut to Azriel biel throws Roman across the ring, now showing his own strength off. Roman gets to his feet and the two meet in the middle, going face to face. Roman slaps Azriel. Azriel slaps him back. Roman slaps Azriel. Azriel slaps back. Roman. Azriel. Roman. Azriel. Azriel. Azriel. Roman drops to a knee after another slap, but gets right back up, presses his forehead into Azriel's face and roars. Azriel headbutts Roman, busting both of them open. But Roman comes back with his open. Blood splatters down onto the ring mat.

They wanna drop me in the oven

Pull me over just to say "I'm a fan"

Hip hop, you gotta love it

Ain't much I can do but I do what I can

But I'm not a fool there's no need to pretend

And just because you got yourself in some shit

Roman with more ease than anyone before lifts Azriel up and hits the Loaded Shot (Alphamare Waterslide)! Monterrey can't believe what they are witnessing as Roman backs up into the corner and roars with the crowd behind him (100/0). Azriel slowly gets to his feet. Roman charges for the Silent Kill (Goldberg style Spear), but Azriel drops down as Roman gets close and pulls him into Blacket Night (Hells Gate), but Roman doesn't stay in it for longer than three seconds, before he deadlifts Azriel off the ground and hits a Sitout Powerbomb. Roman gets up to his feet and steps back into the corner again. Ash Russo and Micah Hyde are absolutely shocked at what they're seeing right now from Roman. Roman does the roar again as Azriel turns around. Roman dashes across the ring. Silent Kill connects! Roman hooks a leg



Kick out at 1.2!

"What?! Not even a two?! After all that?! After all the blood shed!" Evan said

Cut to Roman eventually gets up and goes for a Superman Punch, but is caught. Death's Embrace (Sister Abigail) connects! Azriel hooks the leg as Aldo yells 'Kick Out'








Kick out 2.01!

"We have just elapsed in ten minutes as Roman just kicked out of Azriel's best shot. I've never seen anyone kick out that early before." David said

"This truly is a clash of the titans. Neither are going down even after throwing everything they have at the other." Evan said

It doesn't mean I have to come deal with it

You handle your own when you become a man

And become a man when you handle your own

Ain't much I can do, but I do what I can

But what can I do if I do 'til it's gone? Oh, oh

Azriel chokeslams Roman onto the announce table! The announce table doesn't break, so Azriel decides to reenter the ring. The crowd stands in horror as Azriel does something we've never seen, and that's him climbing up to the top turnbuckle. Azriel leaps off the top turnbuckle with a leg drop, soaring 15 feet across the arena and crashing down through an empty announce table, because Roman McIntyre rolled off! Cut to Azriel scowls as Jason Sabre steps out onto the stage. A little bandaged from the match before this. The crowd is chanting 'ACW' as Jason looks over to Ash Russo who has been standing at the side of the stage the entire brawl. Sabre then walks down the ramp avoiding everything. Jason enters the ring and Azriel immediately wraps his hand around Sabre's throat. Azriel lifts him up. Malice breaks it up with a Superkick to Azriel's chin!

'Til it's gone, oh, oh

'Til it's gone, oh, oh

'Til it's gone, oh, oh

'Til it's gone, oh

What can I do if I do 'til it's gone?

abre throws Malice a 'Defiance' armband before hitting a Plancha onto Samuel, Katarina Love, Lacey, Jasper, CJ Hawk, Flynn Horde and Erin Frost. Meanwhile on the other side of the ring, Detrick Cyrus hits a Springboard Moonsault onto the Hounds of Justice and Grimm. Malice exits the ring as the outside interference has been quelled. Roman is getting to his feet as the audience sees the chance. Micah is screaming no as Aldo is screaming 'Do it! Do it now!" Roman over to Azriel who slowly getting to his feet. Ash Russo stands on the stage watching on, shaking his head over the scene that just played. Roman roars with the entire audience behind. Everyone who help (Jason Sabre, Flynn Horde, Detrick Cyrus, Jasper Cage, Lacey Alvarez, Erin Frost, and CJ Hawk) are on their feet. Azriel turns around as Roman dashes. Micah falls to his knees as Giselle appears from behind and hits between the legs. Silent Kill connects! The crowd counts as Roman hooks the leg











"Three! !Three! Three! Roman McIntyre has won the ACW World Championship after an insane 20:36. Azriel has finally been dethroned!" David said as Aldo enters the ring with the Championship as all the other parties involved start to disperse while clapping for Roman.

"I didn't think I'd ever see the day! It's a party in Monterrey over the King being knocked off his throne after everyone in the kingdom helped Roman win." Evan said as Aldo helps the bleeding Roman up and hands him the ACW World Championship. Detrick, CJ and Erin are clapping at ringside as Jasper and Lacey are in a different part of ringside doing the same. Flynn Horde is on the bottom level of the crowd watching on. As Jason Sabre, Malice & Giselle stand on the staircase in the crowd.

"No one suspected that this would be the night. Everyone thought it would be his eternal rival Detrick Cyrus. They thought that it would Azriel's former stablemate Jason Sabre. They thought it would be the leader of Anarchy Ash Russo. But no. On this day. Roman McIntyre reigns supreme as your new ACW World Champion after a physical a dramatic bout." David said as Roman climbs up to the second turnbuckle and raises the world title as red pyro pops off from above him and red, white, and green confetti falls down from the rafters

ACW Odyssey & Episodes 11-14 will be live from Madison Square Garden in New York City, NY

"It is time for the first Championship match of the night as Will Ralston will put his career on the line against CJ Hawk." David Harkness said.

"I've seen people think that Will is going to pull off the upset. This man has been losing since Season 1. There's no way he can beat CJ Hawk. Especially with the streak the birdman is on." Glenn said

"So you're saying that this is the last time we'll see Will in the ring." David Harkness said.

"Of course. Game over Ralston." Disco Inferno said.

I am a nation, I am a million faces

Formed together, made for elevation

I am a soldier, I won't surrender

Faith is like a fire that never burns to embers

Will Ralston comes out to light boos (0/39) despite being good for the most part. The crowd clearly resting and the lack of storyline is having its effect as the Lions head on a Scottish flag appears on All three tons. Will comes out wearing Scottish flags trunks with black boots and knee pads. He is focused as he walks down the ramp and enters the ring

Sever every tie

Untangle every lie

Your words don't mean anything anymore, no

Never satisfied

CJ Hawk comes out to much better reception (62/0) as the titantron changes to a picture of a Thumbs up with "I'm just a Wrestler" written around it. The Eagletron has the Wildcard Championship on it. CJ comes out with the title wrapped around his waist. He has a silk black Boxers robe that's open, exposing Black trunks that say The Wrestler on the back. CJ has his Nightwing inspired mask on tonight as he walks down the ramp understanding that he may not want to end Ralstons career, but tonight he has no choice. CJ enters the ring and loses the robe, ready to wrestle.

The bell rings as CJ Hawk extends his hand to Will. Ralston shakes as the crowd seems lukewarm after Duke sorta killed the mood in the previous match. The two men lock up, starting off the match slow. CJ is able to perform a takedown on Will. CJ then puts Ralston in a Chinlock, but Ralston slips his head out while keeping ahold of his right arm. Will gets to a standing position while twisting CJ Hawk's arm in a wrist lock. CJ is on both knees as Ralston has a standing Wrist Lock in. CJ thinks quick and does a sweep kick with his leg. Ralston falls back on the ring mat while CJ Hawk pops up to his feet. CJ reaches down to grab his leg, but Will Ralston kicks him off. Ralston and CJ get to their feet, before making eye contact from separate sides of the ring. The crowd give their staredown a very minor round of applause (45/0). The two circle each other before locking up again. CJ backs Will Ralston into the ropes. The ref starts to count to make CJ Hawk break the hold. Hawk let's go in after the one count. CJ backs off a little, but Ralston gets in a cheap shot as he backs up.

"Ralston just took a cheap shot at his stablemate." David said.

"His career is on the line idiot. He needs to get dirty to win the Wildcard title." Glenn said.

Will immediately kicks CJ in the gut before pulling him against the ropes. Ralston kicks him in the gut and Irish Whips CJ, but Hawk hangs onto Will's arm to himself. Before Will can react, CJ Hawk blatantly kicks the right kneecap of Will Ralston, sending him to a kneeling position. CJ then grabs Ralston's arm, before going behind Will and pulling them into an X Shape. Will is forcefully forced to his feet from behind by CJ Hawk. CJ goes for a Straight Jacket Suplex, but Will backflips out of it and lands on his feet as CJ Hawk lands on his back. While on the ground, CJ wraps his arms around Will's leg and starts to get up. Will is hopping on one leg as CJ Hawk has possession of his right leg. Will attempts an Enziguri, but CJ Hawk ducks it while keeping ahold of Will Ralston's leg. CJ then pulls Will Ralston in the air, before dropping him with a Leg Breaker. He follows that move up by connecting with a Dragon Screw Leg Whip. CJ follows that by trying to lock in the Twisted Claw (Leg Scissors Cross Knee Lock). He is able to get it locked in as Ralston is automatically screaming in pain as CJ Hawk is using both arms to prop himself up. Ralston looks like he's about to tap out before realizing that his career is at stake. If he taps out now, then his career ends with no wins to his name. So then he tries his best to start crawling. He's seventeen feet away if goes forward, so he tries to move his body to the right, which is the closest bottom rope. CJ has had the hold in for thirty seconds at this point as the crowd isn't reacting much in support of Will. Nonetheless, Will Ralston reaches the bottom rope and CJ breaks cleanly, actually getting light applause (40/0)

CJ Hawk backs up, allowing his friend to get up. Ralston takes his time to stand up, limping a bit from being in the hold. Ralston looks over at CJ, who offers a lock up. Will limps over to CJ Hawk and slaps his friend across the face, yelling 'Do I look like a joke to you'. To which, CJ replies with a right hand across the face. CJ then delivers a pair of rights to jaw, before running off the ropes, building momentum for the Talon Kick (Leaping Spinning Heel Kick), but Will ducks underneath it and CJ flies over his head. Will sees his chance and puts CJ in a Gutwrench. He connects with his signature Black and Gold Powerbomb (Gutwrench Powerbomb)! Will takes a few seconds to adjust his kickpads and sell the knee, before sliding over to CJ Hawk.





Kick out at 2.45!

Will groans as a minor 'CJ' chant (50/0) is heard. Will gets to his feet and stomps on CJ's body, a little frustrated, before limping away once the ref tells him to back off. The 'CJ' chants grow (61/0), before Will taunts that it's over. Will picks CJ up while grabbing his arm, ready to hit Glasgow Pride (Regal Cutter). But when he runs, forward to do it, CJ spins around and pulls Ralston back by his arm and delivers a Michinoku Driver! CJ Hawk then pulls Will Ralston up, not wasting time as the crowd is reacting to the match now, more than they were previously (65/0). CJ delivers the Eye of the Hawk (Pumphandle Driver)! CJ has Will in a pinning position!








Kick out at 2.85! But CJ Hawk immediately transitions the kick out into the Twisted Claw!

"Twisted Claw! Does the career of Will Ralston set like the sun over Estadio Azteca!" David Harkness screams as mentions the blue sky is turning an orangish red color as the sun is beginning to set in the background. Ralston raises his hand, possibly ready to tap. But he stops. Knowing that if he taps to CJ Hawk that it's over. But the crowd is behind CJ and not Will. Ralston has failed so many times before in ACW. And tonight…. It's no different. He taps and CJ immediately lets go to an applause (65/0).

"CJ Hawk has retain the ACW Wildcard Championship and ended Will Ralston's ACW career at 9:33." Disco Inferno said as CJ sits up, realizing what he just did.

"This has to hurt CJ Hawk. This is his stablemate." David said as CJ stands up and is handed his title as Ralston is crawling over to him. CJ offers his hand.

"Will Ralston wanted the stipulation. He should've known better against a guy like CJ Hawk who can catch anyone at the wrong time and score a win." Disco Inferno said as Will accepts the hand and whispers something at CJ, before raising his hand. Will quickly leaves the ring, limping so CJ can celebrate.

"Will Ralston may have never won a match but Fight without Honor and his match against Detrick Cyrus as well, will live on forever as some of the best matches in ACW History." David Harkness said, putting over his in ring work as we see CJ Hawk raise the ACW Wildcard title.

"As for CJ Hawk. He made defense number one and is looking really strong right now. This is his fifth win a row and his last loss was against the, for now, current ACW World Champion, Roman McIntyre." Disco Inferno suggests.

"Maybe CJ can trade in and we'll see a different story play out between Roman and Hawk." David Harkness ponders as we fade away to CJ Hawk slapping the hands of some members in the front row, except one fan wearing a Freddy Escobar shirt

Backstage Chris Wolf is seen bashing his head into a locker repeatedly.

"I'm not a joke… I'm serious…." Every sentence he continues to bash his head into a locker, blood dripping down as a bruise is visible on his forehead.

" No, you are." A voice said. Chris Wolf stopped bashing his head against the locker and aggressively turned his head to the voice. There he sees Katarina Love.

"What are you doing here?" Chris said.

"Jumping ship." Katarina said.

"Jumping ship?" Chris Wolf said

"From Despair to the Blood Money Syndicate." Katarina said.

"What is that?" Asked Chris Wolf.

"The newest faction in ACWs faction war." Katarina replies

"Why do you want me?" Chris asked

"I didn't. Our leader did. " Katarina said

"And that is…." Chris asked, before Katarina smiled and pointed behind her at the door. Suddenly it opens and in wheels a familiar face on a motorscooter.

"I'm back." Evan Neal said.

"Where have you been? You've been gone for over a month." Chris Wolf asked, a little surprised.

"Despair...but they won't be an issue for me much longer. They'll be nonexistent by the end of the year. " Evan chuckles

"Okay, second question, why do you want me? What is this all about?" Chris asked.

"You're a joke. Everyone thinks that about you. I see the hatred in your eyes of being called that. You're desperate. Desperation makes people do crazy things. Crazy things lead to good results if it works out. In the Blood Money Syndicate it will work out. If you want to be more than a one trick pony, you can join me. But If you want to stay a joke then don't accept the offer." Evan offers, before signalling to Katarina and heading to the door. Chris Wolf contemplates for a second, looking back at the caved in locker with his face imprinted.

"Wait up. I'm in." Chris Wolf said, before following after the two.

"ACW Season 2 saw people walk on Glory Road to the Throne"

Said she tired of lil' money, need a big boy

Pull up twenty inch blades like I'm Lil' Troy

Now it's everybody flockin', need a decoy

Shawty mixin' up the vodka with the LaCroix, yeah

G-Wagon, G-Wagon, G-Wagon, G-Wagon

All the housewives pullin' up (up, up, up)

I got a lot of toys

720S bumpin' Fall Out Boy

The bell rings as Jesus and Sicario stand side by side as Detrick and Freddy are on their respective sides of the ring looking at the pair. Sicario instantly delivers a kick to the gut of Jesus, turning on him and throws him out of the ring. He says 'I'm the guy'. He then turns his head to be given a double leg takedown from Freddy Escobar who proceeds to mount him and deliver hard right hands to the head. Cut to Jesus looks under the ring and pulls out a Steel chair. However once turns around Detrick runs across the ring apron and kicks the chair in Jesus' face knocking the chair out of his hand. Detrick follows up by doing a Springboard Moonsault onto Jesus, knocking him down.

Sicario goes down, but Freddy picks him up, before hitting a Rolling Release Suplex onto the ladder that was jammed into the corner. Sicario sits up holding his middle back, before Freddy is put in a Cobra Clutch by Jesus. Freddy can't react before Jesus Garza does a Cobra Clutch slam onto the ladder that Sicario is currently laying on. Both men are stacked on top of each other, before Jesus puts each of his hands around a rung of the ladder, pulls it out from in between the middle and top turnbuckle with Freddy and Sicario on top and does a Fall Away Slam, sending both men and the ladder flying.

"Oh my lord, what power by Jesus Garza!" David said

You was talkin' shit in the beginning (mmh-mmh)

Back when I was feelin' more forgivin' (more forgivin')

I know it piss you off to see me winnin' (see me win)

See the igloo in my mouth when I be grinnin' (I be grinnin'), yeah

Cut to Detrick who had been watching this hits Jesus with a Superkick, before running at Sicario. Detrick does a Sunset Flip Powerbomb off the ring apron through a table!

Both are thirteen feet up the ladder, with only one rung left before the top. Freddy reaches over and hooks Jesus up for a Fishermen's Suplex. Freddy then pulls Jesus Garza off his ladder and falls down with a Perfect Plex onto Jesus Garza.

"These people are speaking for me right now." David said, referencing 'Holy Shit' chants

"Freddy sacrificed himself to take Jesus out. He might regret it if Detrick or Sicario get to their feet." Evan said

Cut to Sicario then pushing Jesus, however Jesus' legs end up getting stuck on the top rung, saving him from falling fifteen feet, but causing him to get stuck in a Tree of Woe. Jesus tries to pull himself up, but Sicario does a Mariachi Death Stomp (Diving Double Foot Stomp) on Jesus Garza! Sicario crashes to the ring mat as Jesus hangs lifeless.

Hundred bands in my pocket, it's on me

Hundred deep when I roll like the army

Cut to Freddy grabs Detrick's leg. As this happens, Sicario is climbing up the other side. Detrick yells at Freddy to 'get off' noticing Sicario climbing up. Sicario is four rungs as Detrick finally kicks Freddy off his leg. But Freddy grabs Detrick by his jorts and pulls him down to the ring mat. Sicario is on the final rung as Freddy tries to climb up as quick as he can. Sicario hits Freddy with a Switchblade Kick, the second he reaches the top rung. Freddy's head smashes against the top of the ladder, before he falls down onto Detrick, who was getting up. Sicario pulls the Wildcard Championship down!

"Sicario has secured the ACW Wildcard Championship in 15:24.

Get more bottles, these bottles are lonely

It's a moment when I show up, got 'em sayin', "Wow" (wow, wow)

"She has waited months for this rematch. Natalia Rodriguez has completely changed her entire mindset. She changed her morals. Everything she has turned on or given up has led to this moment in Los Angeles. In this arena, Natalia lost the title in under two minutes to Diamondust. Not too far from here, she lost her title rematch at Final Destination in her mentors last memory of her before his passing. Tonight, she wishes to come full circle and reclaim what is hers." David said as the crowd is warm to Natalia on this evening (85/0)

Hundred bands in my pocket, it's on me (on me)

Yeah, your grandmama probably know me (know me)

Get more bottles, these bottles are lonely

Cut to Diamondust is still on her feet, but stumbling which give Natalia the perfect chance to run off the ropes and come back with a Dark Flames (Handspring Cutter)! The crowd is on their feet (90/0) as Natalia hooks the leg

"Is it over already?!" Evan questions













"It is! Natalia has finally overcome Diamondust at 56 seconds! Natalia has won her second ACW Womens Championship, making her the only two time champion ever!" David exclaims as Natalia sits up on her knees elated that her journey to beating Diamondust is over.

It's a moment when I show up, got 'em sayin', "Wow" (wow, wow)

"56 seconds….The Dark Phoenix that Diamondust brought out of her did bite her in the backside. Natalia Rodriguez is on top of the world again at the same event, in the same arena where she won the title the first time." Evan said as Natalia excitedly snatches the title and raises it in the air to a great reaction (90/0)

Everywhere I go (hey)

Catch me on the block like I'm Mutombo (wow)

750 Lambo in the Utah snow (skrrt)

Trunk in the front like that shit Dumbo, yeah

Azriel looks up at Malice who is stand on top of the Devil's Playground, 30 feet in the air with a Singapore Cane. Azriel instantly begins to scale the wall of Devil's Playground as the crowd stand on their feet in horror as the King of Despair is climbing that wall like he's Spiderman. Cut to Malice swings the Singapore Cane downward catching Azriel on the back of the head. Azriel stops climbing to grip the back of his head as Malice sits down on the edge of the cell so his legs dangle off it. Malice jabs the Cane downward into the face of Azriel. Malice does it again, this time catching Azirel in the eye. The crowd gasps as the King of Despair falls twenty Five feet onto the ring floor, hitting his legs and then falling completely onto his back. Malice then leaps off the cell and delivers a splash across the chest of Azriel.

"They're dead! They're fucking dead! There is absolutely no humanity here! Azriel is bleeding from his eye and Malice just squished him with a dangerous splash." David Exclaims

"The Devil won. Azriel has to be broken after that!" Evan exclaims.

Cut the roof off like a nip-tuck

Pull up to the house with some big butts

Turn the kitchen counter to a strip-club

Me and Dre came for the

When I got guap, all of y'all disappeared (wow)

Azriel looks under the ring and pulls out a dog collar with a chain attached to it. Azriel wraps it around Malices throw and pulls on the collar hard when he loops it around his throat to choke him. Once it's as tight as possible he locks it and drags Malice up by the chain. Azriel uses the chain to Irish Whip Malice into the steel post. Malice slumps down but Azriel pulls him up. Azriel pulls Malice in and does a back body drop sending Malice right onto the ring apron. Azriel wraps the chain of the collar around his fist and smashes it against Malices head. Cut to then reaches under the ring and pulls out a jesus candle, probably from the dollar store or dollar general. Azriel pulls a lighter out from under the ring and lights the candle. Azriel walks back over to Malice, taking his sweet time, knowing that Malice isn't going anywhere. Malice is out of it. He isn't moving, he is just swinging back and forth. Azriel then tips over the candle over Malice's head. Candle wax pours down onto the head of Malice, waking him up and causing him to scream in agony before he starts to choke on the tight collar again.

"There is no lord and savior for Malice tonight. That wax is burning the scalp of Malice." David said

"This is sick." Evan said

Before I dropped Stoney, none of y'all really cared (cared)

Now they always say, "Congratulations, " to the kid (kid)

And this is not a 40, but I'm pourin' out this shit (yeah)

Used to have a lot, but I got more now (yup)

Made another hit 'cause I got bored now (yup)

Malice rolls out of the ring and spears Azriel, sending him and Malice through the door of Devil's Playground! The crowd chants 'Holy Shit!' as both men lay on the floor of the ring, near the ramp side. Cut to Azriel wraps his hand around Malice's throat and looks down at where David Harkness and Evan Neal were sitting. Both commentators run out of the way as Azriel chokeslams Malice down toward the announce table. But Malice doesn't crash through it. He goes spine first into the sharp corner of the announce table. A massive roar of horror is heard followed by stunned silence from Los Angeles.

"Jesus Christ almighty! End this goddamn match! His spine went into that sharp corner after a Thirty foot Drop! He could be crippled." David screams as doctors rush over to Malice along with the ref

"Azriel aimed for that corner. I know it. He purposely lifted him in that angle." Evan said before the bell rings.

"The ref has awarded the match to that evil man, Azriel at 17:37. This was uncalled for." David said as Hail to the King begins to play as Azriel stands on top of Devil's Playground as medics rush down with a stretcher.

Always goin' for it, never punt fourth down

Last call, Hail Mary, Prescott touchdown, ay (yeah)

Hundred bands in my pocket, it's on me (on me)

Hundred deep when I roll like the army (hey)

Erin is about to get in the ring by climbing up onto the ring apron. However, Sofia sweeps Erin's legs causing her to hit her back against the ring apron. Suddenly Izzy dives through the middle and top ropes with a Hurricanrana in mind only for Sofia to stop her as she attempted to spin and lift her up onto her shoulders before doing a Powerbomb into the chest of Erin who was laying on the ring apron. Cut to Sofia goes for a Discus Elbow Smash but Izzy ducks underneath it before jumping up to the ring apron. Izzy jumps up to the top turnbuckle ready to Springboard but Erin was up and pushed Izzy from behind, sending her crashing face first against the ring mat inside the ring. Sofia jumps up to the ring apron and hooks her up for a Full Nelson, but Erin elbows her in the face. Sofia backs off and Erin charges at her for a Spear. Sofia Reynoso leapfrogs over her, causing Erin to crash head first into the steel post. Erin's head splits open as the crowd looks on in horror as a puddle of blood drips down Erin Frosts skull.

Get more bottles, these bottles are lonely

It's a moment when I show up, got 'em sayin', "Wow" (wow, wow)

Hundred bands in my pocket, it's on me (Goddamn)

Yeah, your grandmama probably know me (Goddamn)

Izzy runs at her and jumps onto Sofia's shoulder's and spins around doing a headscissors over the top rope sending both of them onto the ring apron. Both get to their feet but it's Izzy who strikes first with a Enziguri, causing Sofia to become dazed again. Izzy then puts Sofia between her legs and hits her signature Tigress Driver (Tiger Driver)! Sofia's neck bends against the ring apron. Cut to Izzy springboards into the ring, but Springboard right into a Chill Out (Superkick). The crowd explodes at the spot (99/0) as Erin falls on top of Izzy.











"Izzy has been eliminated at 9:26, but Sofia and Erin are worse for ware." David said

"Erin got her head cracked open and less than a minute ago, Sofia was driven neck and head first into the hardest part of the ring. This is anyone's ballgame. Who will be the Road to Glory Champion? The Hippie from Hope or the Peoples champ? Jeez, I really lose either way." Evan says

Get more bottles, these bottles are lonely

It's a moment when I show up, got 'em sayin', "Wow" (wow, wow)

Sofia looks over from the ring apron, still lying there with her arm leaning against the bottom rope. She makes eye contact with Erin Frost, who is sitting up with some of hair colored red from the cracked skull. Cut to Sofia gets to her feet and pulls Erin up, before connecting with a No Scope and floating over into a pinfall.









Kick out at 2.70!

G-Wagon, G-Wagon, G-Wagon, G-Wagon

All the housewives pullin' up (up, up, up)

I got a lot of toys

720S bumpin' Fall Out Boy

You was talkin' shit in the beginning (mmh-mmh)

Back when I was feelin' more forgivin' (more forgivin')

I know it piss you off to see me winnin' (see me win)

See the igloo in my mouth when I be grinnin' (I be grinnin'), yeah

But Sofia doesn't dwell on it too long as she drags Erin up and hits a Second No Scope, before rolling through it and lifting Erin onto her feet. Sofia lifts her up and tries slide her down her back for the Gran Final (Weapon X), but Erin reverses into a Sunset Flip!






Sofia kicks out at 1.75. Both women get to their feet and Erin Frost hits a desperation Chill Out, before falling down on top of Sofia.










Kick out at 2.85!

"Are you kidding me?! Sofia has not chilled out and is not going to give Erin Frost this important win!" David said, getting excited

"These women are bleeding, tried and battered. Both have sacrificed their bodies for this match and this one opportunity. Who is going to Main event Final Destination 2?" Asked Evan

Hundred bands in my pocket, it's on me

Hundred deep when I roll like the army

Get more bottles, these bottles are lonely

Erin pushes Sofia off, causing her to roll to her feet. Erin then pops up and wastes no time hitting an Arctic Fury! Erin rolls her over onto her back and hooks a leg









Kick out at 2.99!

"That wasn't three?! Are kidding me? Where the hell does Sofia get all this fortitude from!?" Evan freaks out

"I have chills running down my arm Evan! This is awesome! Wrestling is fucking great and this is fucking why! Sofia Reynoso and Erin Frost both are looking to face Natalia Rodriguez at Final Destination 2 in Estadio Azteca. They are giving it their all tonight and god dammit…..I love A-C-W!" David said

It's a moment when I show up, got 'em sayin', "Wow" (wow, wow)

Hundred bands in my pocket, it's on me (on me)

Yeah, your grandmama probably know me (know me)

Get more bottles, these bottles are lonely

It's a moment when I show up, got 'em sayin', "Wow" (wow, wow)

Gran Final connects. Sofia lays beside Erin for five seconds to sell the effects of the match before rolling her over onto her back and hooking a leg.










"After 21:33 beautiful minutes of physical professional wrestling, Sofia Reynoso has earned the ACW Road to Glory Championship and the right to face Natalia Rodriguez in the main event of Final Destination 2 in her hometown of Mexico City, Mexico, inside the famous Estadio Azteca." David said as Sofia smiles as she sits up. Jesus Garza, Rey Aguayo, Alexis Espinoza and Phoenix come down with Alexis grabbing the R2G Championship from the pedestal and Sofia's ACW Factions Championship from the timekeeper before the song changes to In the Air by Natalie Taylor

I can feel it coming in the air tonight, oh Lord

And I've been waiting for this moment for all my life, Oh Lord

Can you feel it coming in the air tonight, oh Lord, oh Lord

They circle around the ring as "Jason." Chants are heard loudly throughout the Staples Center. Ash gets Sabre into the ropes, but Sabre reverses so Ash is in the ropes. Then Ash does. Then Jason then. Then Ash. Over and over again around the entire ring, when go back to where it started, but Ash has Jason against the ropes at that point. But Sabre pushes Ash off. Ash stumbles back but stands on his feet as Sabre rests his elbows on the top rope, chilling a little while looking at Ash. A loud "This is Awesome" chant is heard as the two look at each other.

Well, if you told me you were drowning

I would not lend a hand

I've seen your face before my friend

"Big Match energy in the Staples Center tonight." David said

"I've never heard a louder reaction for a match than this one. This match is one of the most important matches in ACW history so I shouldn't be surprised." Evan said

Cut to Jason runs off the ropes and comes back into a dropkick from Ash. Jason takes the move but stays up. Ash gets to his feet and Jason hits the Best Dropkick in the Business to a standing ovation. "That's how you do a dropkick motherfucker." He yells down at Ash.

But I don't know if you know who I am

Well, I was there and I saw what you did

I saw it with my own two eyes

So you can wipe off that grin,

I know where you've been

It's all been a pack of lies

Cut to Sabre turning around in time to see Ash jump onto the top rope intending to Springboard, but before he can spring back, the Ace smartly Superkicks Ash's right leg causing him to trip on the rope and bounce down onto the ring mat. Following his epic fall, Ash has both his legs crossed for the Cloverleaf. Ash puts up a small fight but Sabre is able to turn him onto his stomach and lock in the Cloverleaf. Jason then walks over to the steel post and starts to climb up the top turnbuckle. Ash is on his feet in time for Jason Sabre to soar across the sky and down onto him with a Final Hour. Too bad for our Ace, Ash avoids it, using his hands to push Jason downward onto the floor. Cut to Ash quickly turns the boos into "This is Awesome" chants (99/0) by hitting a Springboard 450 Splash to the outside.

"Ash and Jason both put it all on the line with risky moves. It paid off for Ash." Evan said

"We have just passed the ten minute mark in this incredible matchup. I think Jason wants this match to go long so he can play the long game. But with Ash taking risks like that and it working out, the Ace of Pro Wrestling might have a wrench put in his plans." David said

And I can feel it coming in the air tonight, oh Lord

Well, I've been waiting for this moment for all my life, oh Lord

Can you feel it coming in the air tonight, oh Lord, oh Lord, oh Lord, oh Lord

Ash runs across the barrier and jumps off with a Clothesline. Ash is able to get to his feet, pulling Sabre up with him. Ash puts him in a front facelock and runs off the wall of the guard rail before spinning into a Tornado DDT. Cut to The ref going to say ten but Ash does a Triangle Moonsault to break the count! Cut to Jason starts to get up and Ash springboard into the ring, attempting the Burning Phoenix (Springboard Flipping DDT), but as he goes to flip for the move, he finds himself stuck as Jason has him in the air in Suplex position. Death-Plex (Vertical Suplex into a Backbreaker) to a mega pop!

Ash takes some time to figure out where he is, before turning around and standing up on the turnbuckles. Ash soars off of them with a Phoenix Splash, getting very high, before crashing down on top of Jason and hooking a leg.








Kick out at 2.5

"For twenty five minutes, these two warriors have gone back and forth, and still neither has put either away! The Fighting Spirit of Jason Sabre! The Will to Survive of Ash Russo! Something has to give at the Staples Center!" David said going into one of his signature speeches

"I don't like either man, but not even I can deny the fortitude it takes to face a man of both of their talents in a wrestling match and survive this long. But it is clearly taking a toll on both of them as they look spent after this." Evan said

"That's what Jason wanted. Ash being spent and not being able to start fast paced string of moves. However I also know that he didn't want to be down right now and hit with a Phoenix Splash." David adds

I can feel it coming in the air tonight, oh Lord

And I've been waiting for this moment for all my life, oh Lord

Can you feel it coming in the air tonight, oh Lord, oh Lord, oh Lord, oh Lord

Ash slowly stumbles to his feet. Jason jumps in the air for it, but before he can wrap his arms around Ash's head, Russo puts him in a waistlock while Jason's horizontal in the air and pulls him down into a Bridging German Suplex! Sabre's shoulders are down!








Kick out at 2.63!

Ash still has the waist lock in despite the kick out and pulls Jason onto his feet, before running towards the corner. Chaos Theory connects! Sabre's shoulders are down









Kick out at 2.7!

I can feel it coming in the air tonight, oh Lord

And I've been waiting for this moment for all my life, Oh Lord

Can you feel it coming in the air tonight, oh Lord, oh Lord

And I can feel it coming in the air tonight, oh Lord

Well, I've been waiting for this moment for all my life, oh Lord

Can you feel it coming in the air tonight, oh Lord, oh Lord, oh Lord, oh Lord

Ash still has the waistlock around Jason! He lifts Sabre up, but instead of doing another German Suplex, he drops down to one knee, underneath Sabre and pushes up, having Jason in a Electric Chair position. The crowd watches with baited breath as Ash pushes one of Sabre's legs back and reaches up, ready for the Burn to Ashes (One Winged Angel), but as Ash pulls him down, Jason flips both legs outwards, rolls off Ash's shoulders as he prepares to go down and catches Ash with a Final Blow from outta nowhere! The crowd explodes, but Jason can't capitalize. "A-C-Fucking-W" chants (102/0) shake the Staples Center in Los Angeles as both men lay in the middle of the ring.

"Did you see that counter! My goodness! The Ace somehow, someway, escaped Burning to Ashes and might have dealt the Final Blow." David shouts, excited

"That darn Jason did it again. He needs to pin him! We're over half an hour in already!" Evan said

A lot of time has passed as the crowd has not let up with their chants. Jason crawls over toward Ash and simply lays an arm over Russo's chest, hoping that this is it.











Shoulder up at 2.89!

Ash Russo connects with Rebellion! Ash takes a few seconds, before laying his back across Jason's chest and hooking a leg.











Kick out at 2.98!

The crowd can't believe it, but they are glad as Russo is stunned. Cut to Russo gets to a vertical base first as Jason is using the turnbuckles to stand up. Ash charges toward him, but Sabre explodes out of the corner with a desperation Slingblade! Jason stumbles up to his feet as Ash gets up as well. Jason rocks Ash with a Superkick, before going behind him and grabbing his wrist. Final Strike connects! Jason still has control of Ash's arm and pulls him up. Ash's head leans against Sabre's chest, tired after this match. Jason then hits Ash with a second Final Blow! Jason takes a few seconds to let the crowd react, before rolling Ash over onto his back and pinning him, hooking a leg.









"After, 35:14, Jason Sabre has achieved the honor of becoming the men's Road to Glory Championship and the right to pick his opponent for Final Destination 2 in Mexico City at Estadio Azteca. What a performance by the Ace! He pulled through in an absolute classic." David said as Jason lays on the ring mat, beside Ash.

ACW World at War & Episode 16-19 will be live from the United Center in Chicago, IL

ACW Final Destination 3 will be live from AT&T Stadium in Arlington, TX

"It is time for the ACW Factions Championship match as Freddy Escobar and La Rebelion look to end their long standing feud." David Harkness said as the sky was darkening from blue to a black night.

"This feud has been torture for Freddy Escobar. He lost his home. His fiancee. His bus. The respect of the public eye. His stepdad. He lost everything. When ACW started he was a successful business man. Now look at him." Glenn said.

"Yes Freddy was on the decline. But Freddy Escobar has been on a little bit of a roll with a series of wins and the fact that him and his brother Detrick have reunited." David Harkness said.

"Erin Frost was a key component to uniting them. Can they work together and win the Factions Championship and end the story. The betting odds are close but it is in Hope's favor." Glenn said.

Father, father, unforgivable

This is my house, you made it personal

It's always trouble when they go too far

Nobody mention my familia

The pop is the biggest of the night so far (99/0) as Freddy Escobar steps out onto the stage on top of Caesar Montana's shoulders. The screen behind them is a Mexican Flag version of the Hope symbol as the Eagletrons say 'La Familia'. Freddy is wearing Red tights with gold accents and a crown design on the back. Caesar is wearing Red MMA style shorts that says 'Property of Freddy Escobar inc.' on it and 'Not Trademarked' in much smaller lettering underneath. Freddy spreads his arm's from on top of Caesar's shoulders before Erin appears from behind and pats Caesar on the back, scaring him and sending Freddy flying off his shoulders. Freddy lands on his feet, a few feet down the ramp and looks back saying 'Dammit Caesar'. Erin Frost is wearing a 'Love is Frosty' crop top and high waisted Jean shorts. Erin and Caesar meet him down the ramp and then all three look back so Detrick Cyrus could come out to his own pop (97/0). His mask was Red with the word 'Familia' going the side in silver. Detrick was wearing jorts and Jordans that matched his mask. Detrick walks down the ramp, pounding fists with his brother before leading them to the ring. Their music fades as 'Rebelion' chants start up and the two brothers look at each other right away knowing that this isn't going to be their night to be fan favorites.

Feel it comin' in the air (Yeah)

And the screams from everywhere (Yeah)

I'm addicted to the thrill (I'm ready)

It's a dangerous love affair (What's up, c'mon)

The crowd starts to clap to the beat of the songs intro as anticipation builds. Fire starts to pop up from the side of the stage as Rhianna's voice is heard. Then the when the song kicks in a Lowrider rolls up from the side of the stage, driven by Jesus Garza. The crowd goes insane for the established Mexican heroes (104/0). Rey Aguayo is in the passenger's seat drinking a Corona. Alexis is sitting in the back above the backseat. Phoenix is standing on the hood of the car, showing his incredible balance as he stands straight as Jesus shows off the hydraulics and he doesn't even move, basically being a hood ornament. Jesus then gets out the car with Aguayo as Phoenix jumps off the hood. Alexis stands up in the car, looking around at her hometown. She has the Mexican Flag around the back of her neck. She is wearing torn skinny jeans and a gray La Rebelion tank top. Alexis steps out, almost taken aback by the reaction. Rey Aguayo is seen spraying his beer into the crowd while wearing Jean shorts himself, with a Mexican flag design on the back pocket and a La Rebelion Bandana on his head and arm. Jesus is wearing his blank tank top and Jeans and has sunglasses on, that he gives to a little Mexican boy, who marks out. Phoenix is the only one in actual ring attire wearing a Mexican Flag print of his traditional mask and long tights. They all enter the ring and do the signature La Rebelion pose as we see cameras are out taking photos. Jesus and Rey look ready to party as their music ends. Alexis is seen looking at Detrick and Freddy, who are both serious and looking back at her while talking to each other. Erin steps onto the ring apron as Freddy says something to Caesar before him and Detrick step on the ring apron. On the other side, Alexis points at Jesus Garza causing the other two to step out and him to smirk.

The bell rings as Caesar Montana starts things off with Jesus Garza. The two big men lock up as the crowd is behind Garza, much more into this match than the previous one. Both struggle to get an edge in the battle of power, before Jesus backs Caesar up a couple inches. But then Caesar pushes Jesus of. Garza reels back but comes right back at Caesar locking up again. This time it's Jesus who is moved back a couple inches. Then Jesus pushes Caesar to break up the lock up. Caesar reels back a couple inches, before Jesus flexes in front of him to a big pop from the female community. Caesar replies by doing the same to boos from the female community. 'Dammit Caesar' Freddy facepalms. 'Sorry boss. I thought I would be cheered' Caesar said. The two big men then circle each other, before running past the other and bouncing off the ropes. Both Shoulder Block each other, sending each man a few steps backwards before catching themselves. Both are trying to show they're stronger, but at the moment it seems like they're even. They both do it again to the same result, just with both men standing on opposite sides of the ring. So then they resort to blows. Jesus initially gets the edge, but then boos rain down as Caesar fights back. Jesus then delivers a kick to the gut and tries to Irish Whip Caesar, but the big man from Hope's team reverses. Jesus comes back with a Flying Shoulder Block to knock Caesar down! The crowd is ecstatic (92/0) as Jesus slaps his chest and shouts curses in Spanish. Caesar rolls over to his teams corner and tags in Erin.

Jesus smiles and winks at her. Big Papi Cool is right in front of Erin and flexes his right arm. "This...this is what a real muscle looks like'. 'I'm taken' Erin said, before chopping Jesus across the chest. Erin then delivers a pair of forearms, taking the fight to the bigger man. Jesus was caught off guard as Erin Frost connects with a Heart Punch. Jesus backs away as Erin tags Detrick into the match. Detrick enters with a Springboard Axe handle to back of Jesus Garza. Jesus drops to a knee, before Detrick runs off the ropes. Jesus pops up and tries a clothesline but Detrick ducks underneath it, continuing to run. Jesus turns around into a Springboard Crossbody from Detrick. Detrick gets to his feet quickly and connects with a dropkick to Jesus, before going over to his teams corner and tagging Freddy Escobar into the match. The two brothers both Irish Whip Jesus. Freddy performs a drop toe hold onto Jesus, right into a Spinning Back Elbow from Detrick Cyrus. Detrick leaves the ring as Freddy attempts a La magistral cradle!




Kick out at 1.10.

"Freddy and Detrick seem to be working fine in the early goings of this match." Glenn notes.

"I think both have put their differences aside. Freddy is a changed man and the brothers are back." David Harkness said.

Freddy puts Jesus in a headlock while he's on the ground, but Jesus quickly gets to his feet and lifts him up before pushing him off. Freddy attempts to catch him with a Roundhouse, but Garza is able to use Escobar's leg to push Freddy up in the air and onto his shoulders. Jesus Garza performs a Spinning Powerbomb on Freddy, before lifting him up again and doing a Release Powerbomb! Jesus picks Freddy up and takes him closer to his team. Jesus tags Rey Aguayo in. Jesus then takes Freddy back toward the middle of the ring, before Irish Whipping him toward Rey Aguayo who's waiting in the corner. Rey uses the momentum of the Irish Whip to catch Freddy and deliver a Reverse STO into the second turnbuckle. Rey then goes for a pinfall as Jesus exits but only gets an early two. Aguayo mounts Freddy so he can deliver a pair of right hands to the side of the head, before pulling him up. Rey delivers a few forearms, before backing him into a neutral corner. Rey lifts him up to the second turnbuckle but Freddy fights back with a few punches to the head. Freddy then uses his foot to kick Rey away. Freddy then dives off the top turnbuckle to deliver a Tornado DDT to Rey Aguayo! Both men are down, but Freddy is quickly crawling over to his teams corner. Freddy tags Detrick back into the match.

Detrick enters the ring, noticing that Rey Aguayo is close to his teams corner. Detrick rushes over and grabs Rey by the foot. But Rey turns onto his back and kicks Detrick off, before lunging over and tagging Phoenix into the match! Phoenix enters the ring and quickly forces Detrick into his teams corner with a Front Dropkick. Erin slaps Detrick's back. Phoenix runs toward Detrick Cyrus and hits a Hesitation Dropkick. With his back turned to the actually legal Erin, the hippie from Hope decides to wait. Phoenix connects with a standing 450 Splash on Detrick, but the impressive feat would quickly become irrelevant as Erin enters the ring and schoolgirls Phoenix from behind.





"That sneaky little hippie!" David comments

"It's also intelligence from Erin. CJ Hawk could use some of that." Disco chimes in

Kick out at 1.6!

Phoenix and Erin get to their feet. Phoenix leans backward to avoid the Heart Punch and attempts an Enziguri. But Erin ducks. Erin attempts Chill Out (Superkick), but Phoenix ducks underneath it. Phoenix leaps in the air to attempt a Monkey Flip but Erin lands on her feet. Phoenix kips up as Erin turns around and the two staredown to a big pop (90/0) for their exchange. The two circle each other, before Phoenix comes to a stop in front of his teams corner. Alexis says something to him. Phoenix then extends his hand so Alexis can tag into the match. The crowd is popping as Alexis wrestling is very rare in ACW. The two women circle each other as everyone waits. 'Reina del Sur' chants are heard in support of Alexis. The two women the lunge at each other with Erin's right connecting before Alexis's. Frost then runs off the ropes, ready to Clothesline her, but Alexis bridges her body backwards to avoid it. Erin stops herself from hitting the ropes and turns around to see Alexis leap up in the air and bring her down with a Leg Drop Bulldog. Alexis follows that up by jumping onto the middle rope in front of Team Hope and using it as a platform to hit a Step Up Enziguri to Caesar Montana! Caesar is knocked off the ring apron as Alexis backs up. Freddy is about to enter the ring out of anger, but the ref and Detrick hold him back. Suddenly, Phoenix sprints across the ring, jumping over the top rope with a Shooting Star Press onto the standing Caesar. Detrick sees this and decides to join the fray by delivering a Frog Splash onto Phoenix off the ring apron, while the Bird of War is still down after hitting the move! The crowd is chanting 'A-C-W!' as Alexis tags in Rey Aguayo before running off the ropes. Alexis delivers a Triangle Corkscrew Crossbody to Detrick Cyrus on the outside. The 'A-C-W!' chants just grow (96/0)

"It is Mayhem in Estadio Azteca over this ACW Factions Championship match!" Screams David Harkness.

"We're a little over eleven minutes into this match and none of these eight have stopped. This is what we should've expected when the Factions title is on the line and a feud this rich is also in play." Disco said.

Inside the ring, after that chaos, Rey Aguayo is behind Erin, who is unaware of his presence as she gets up. Rey puts her in a Hammerlock and turns her around for the Caida Del Rey (Hammerlock DDT)! But Erin surprisingly counters into a Northern Lights Suplex into a pin!







Alexis Espinoza breaks it up with a Crossing Borders (Shooting Star Knee Drop) to the midsection of Erin. Alexis rolls away as Rey Aguayo rolls over and puts an arm across Erin's chest.



Freddy breaks it up! Jesus Garza enters the ring, running towards Freddy, but Caesar pops up out of nowhere to deliver a Pounce! Freddy is shocked. "You actually did your job!" Freddy said as Caesar smiles like a goof before Alexis hits the big man with Worldwide (Tilt A Whirl Stunner)! And just like that, Caesar goes down. We then notice Alexis has stood up and only her and Freddy are standing. A loud 'Si' chant (101/0) over the two main proponents of this massively popular feud staring down each other. Freddy is uneasy. Alexis, at least on the surface, looks like she's ready to kill. The ref tries to tell both that they're legal, but that doesn't stop the Queen of the South from approaching Freddy. Superkick from Detrick Cyrus! The heat then pours in (0/98) as The Lucha Warrior ruined the big staredown. Detrick ignores the heat, deciding to tell Freddy to get his head in the game. Freddy snaps out of whatever state he was in and gets on the ring apron with Detrick.

"Detrick ruined a big moment, but it might've been the best. What was up with Freddy Escobar?" David questions

The heat for Detrick dies down as Erin Frost crawls over and tags Freddy into the match. Freddy enters and delivers a pair of jabs to the face of Rey Aguayo, before doing the Shane O Mac shuffle and delivering a Left Hook. Freddy then grabs Rey's legs and locks him in a Figure Four Leg Lock. The crowd 'woo' before they 'boo', still in support of the Mexico natives and Mexico City girl. Rey Aguayo starts to pull himself backwards as Freddy slides across the ring mat with the Figure Four Leg Lock still in. Jesus Garza and Phoenix on up on the ring apron. Both have their hands out ready to tag. Rey is eleven feet away. Freddy tries his best to pull him back closer to his team and it works. Rey is Thirteen feet away now. Rey looks like he's about to tap out. Jesus runs into the ring and charges toward Freddy and Rey. Detrick Cyrus jumps over Freddy having Rey in a Figure Four Leg Lock to hit Jesus with 915!

"Jesus is out! Rey might tap! Will we have new Champions?!" David Harkness said.

"You forgot about Phoenix!" Glenn points out

Phoenix runs toward the scene as Detrick is ready to catch him. However, what he wasn't ready for was Phoenix front flipping over his head, performing a 450 and landing right on Freddy with a 450 Splash! The hold is broken! A massive 'Rebelion' (99/0) is heard as Detrick is shocked over the leaping ability of the young Phoenix. Suddenly Detrick is given a receipt as Alexis Superkicks him from out of nowhere! Phoenix quickly slingshots himself onto the ring apron to meet Erin Frost, but Erin shocks Phoenix with a Chill Out! Phoenix is loopy as Erin kicks him in the gut and delivers an Arctic Fury (Candian Destroyer) onto the ring apron! "Holy Shit!" chants (101/0) are heard as both fall onto the ring apron.

"And once again, it's Alexis and Freddy inside the ring!" David hypes.

The crowd notices this too. Just Freddy and Alexis standing. Everyone else is down. The two are inches away from each other. Freddy realizes it. Then… Alexis slaps the taste out of Freddy's mouth. 'Fight me Puto' and he did as he delivered a Clothesline that knocked her down. 'Puto' chants the crowd over what they just saw. Then it sets in what Freddy just did. It's not the chants. It's himself. He regrets what he just did. Freddy looks down at Alexis who is starting to get up. Freddy lifts her up in position for the Princes Crown (Double Underhook Spinning Facebuster). Freddy looks over at his brother, who is on the ring apron and saw what happened. Detrick and Freddy look at each other. Then Detrick nods at his brother, before being clotheslined out of the ring by Jesus Garza. Jesus then turns around only for Caesar to Cactus Clothesline both of themselves down. Freddy still has Alexis up for the Princes Crown. But then he let's go and Alexis slides off his shoulder. Alexis connects with Double or Nothing (Trouble in Paradise using a Knee Strike instead of a kick) out of instinct when Freddy turns around! Alexis is initially surprised at everything that just happened. Then she remembers the task at hand tells Aguayo to end it, helping him to his feet. Rey nods at the Queen of the South. He picks Freddy Escobar up and sets him up for Caida Del Rey. It connects! Rey pins Freddy.










"After 20:20, La Rebelion has retained the ACW Factions Championship for the second time." David Harkness as the crowd pops huge (100/0) for the home team winning.

"Freddy had it won! Freddy could've been champ! What was wrong with him?" Disco said, blaming him for the loss as La Rebelion celebrate with the titles as Run this town plays. Jesus and Rey pop open some Carona's in the ring as Phoenix watches on.

"I don't know. For about a year this stable has made Freddy's life hell. Yet tonight, after he struck the leader of the team, I saw sympathy from him. Maybe… maybe he isn't a complete prick." David Harkness said as Freddy is seen walking up the ramp with his head down. We see Detrick and Erin watching him from ringside and Alexis doing the same from in the ring, before remembering that she has to do La Rebelion's signature pose with the titles. They do it before we fade away.

We fade into the Spirit Realm where a Large Golden Cobra is laying on the floor. Suddenly a blade from inside the snake pierces through and slowly, but surely rips a hole into the snake. A pair of hands reach out and pull the skin of the snake apart before the snake's skin is torn in two as Flynn Horde walks out of the Cobra's body, covered in juices as the blade is in his hand. He walks out.

"Another one down." Flynn Horde said before coming to a stop at the sight of Salem Erebus sitting crosslegged.

"Thou shalt not kill another creature's spirit." Salem said from his crosslegged position as Flynn stands over him. Flynn points his blade at Salem, who sits their calmly, not reacting.

"Seth Sullivan is dead. His spirit belonged to me and I killed her." Flynn Horde said.

"Thou shalt not killed without proper cause" Salem said

"These spirits are the reason why my father is a disgrace and my mother has never met her son. If that isn't proper cause Salem, then I think you need to change the commandants." Flynn Horde said, showing more emotion than ever before. And the emotion is anger as the edge of the blade touched Salem's chin.

"To Earthrealm, you're stoic and mysterious, but in the eyes of the Reaper, you're not. You will never kill all the spirits for what they did to your father. You will never see your mother in this or any other lifetime. I wish you would just stop this senseless crusade. Your mother will be freed." Salem said.

"You're not allowed to do anything." Flynn said.

"If you drive that blade further into my face, I will." Salem said as Flynn kept the blade where it was. "I am warning you Flynn."

For a second Flynn held his ground and then he withdrew his sword.

"I will never stop Salem until one of two things happen. One, my mother's soul is restored. Or two, I kill every single spirit and behead you." Flynn declares. Salem nods.

"I understand. Neither will happen, but I understand." Salem said.

Salem kept sitting Crisscrossed as Flynn looks down at him with a serious look on his face.

(No Escape Video Package)

The New Godfather from the Godfather OST plays as we see Ash Russo sitting at the head of Anarchy's table

"It was here where the four of us celebrate our victories. Licked out wounds in our losses. This is where we became family." Ash Russo narrates over clips of Anarchy in the ring with Ash having a microphone and then a quick clip of Ash, Roman and Jasper drinking at the clubhouse.

"We were bonded by the force of another man and that man's greedy game. Now we are divided by the force of that man's father and his greed." Ash Russo said as we Richard Montoya sitting down in an office before fading into an image of Aldo Montoya

We then cut to Roman McIntyre sitting in the spot Ash once sat in.

"You know, I think the split of Ash Russo from Anarchy can be explained when you think of who Ash Russo is. A self absorbed, self righteous prick who refused to change with the times." Roman said. "I was on a warpath…"

Roman backs up into a corner and does his roar again as CJ Hawk gets to his feet. Roman charges at him at full speed. Roman connects with a Silent Kill! Roman hooks the leg!

"That's it! That has to be!" David said





"Not this guy! I hate him too!" Evan said





"It doesn't matter how you feel about him. After 12:37 of intense action, Roman McIntyre has won the ACW Wildcard Championship!" David said as Roman sits up on his knees and is handed the title

Then we cut to Roman plucking Detrick off the top turnbuckles and across his shoulders with his chest facing the ceiling. Fallen Empire (Burning Hammer) connects! Roman hooks the leg

"I even took Azriel down. Not once. Not twice. But three times." Roman said

"Silent Kill!" Screams David as Roman McIntyre slides in from behind, jumps over Detrick and hits Azriel with a Silent Kill! Before cutting to….

Roman then runs all the way down the aisle and hits Azriel with a Silent Kill, bringing down the wedding set on with them as the arch falls down.

Followed by switching to ACW Destiny

Azriel turns around as Roman dashes. Silent Kill connects! The crowd counts as Roman hooks the leg











"Three! !Three! Three! Roman McIntyre has won the ACW World Championship after an insane 20:36. Azriel has finally been dethroned!" David said as Aldo enters the ring with the Championship as all the other parties involved start to disperse while clapping for Roman.

"I didn't think I'd ever see the day! It's a party in Monterrey over the King being knocked off his throne after everyone in the kingdom helped Roman win." Evan said as Aldo helps the bleeding Roman up and hands him the ACW World Championship.

"Yet you didn't look happy…."

Ash Russo looks at Roman, before turning his back and walking backstage

"Because when I beat Azriel it became clear that Aldo's way was the right way and you couldn't accept it." Roman said, before we heard the voice of Furno Moxley

"Who cares about Anarchy? Last I checked there's four other guys in the match including the winner, me, Furno Moxley!" Furno narrates as Cold by Evan's Blue begins to play over a clip of him hitting Rey Pantera Jr with a Devil Trigger

"Furno Moxley has punched his ticket to Final Destination 2 in Mexico City, Mexico at 5:41. The Hound of Justice is going to be in the No Escape match." David said as Furno gets his hand raised as Raptor and Aiden enter the ring

Hello, I'm your martyr, will you be my gangster

Can you feel my trigger hand, moving further down your back

Ash looks back at Richard.

"How does he sleep at night? How has he slept over the last eight years?! After everything! You know Richard, the President has put this country to hell and it's people to hell. As far as I'm concerned, I won't ever walk with the President." Ash Russo said, before turning his back to Richard and beginning to walk away. "Maybe now you understand."

"Ash…." Richard calls as he keeps walking. "You're in the No Escape match."

Ash stops, surprised, but his back was turned to Richard, so he couldn't see it.

"This changes nothing Richard. We'll never be on the same side." Ash said, before continuing to walk

"I know." Richard said as he watched him walk away.

But just remember that when I touch you

The more you shake, the more you give away

Cold, but I'm still here, blind, 'cause I'm so blind, say never

We're far from comfortable this time

"They left you for dead...You disappeared...It's time to return and strike back as the fourth man in No Escape...the time has come…." Richard said

The camera pans see someone with his back turned and a trench coat that covers his shoes. We slowly pan up to see a crow on the back of the trenchcoat.

"Damian Crowe, it is time for the Revenant to return." RIchard Montoya said, before the man turns around to reveal his face painted face for the first time before we flash back to Ash Russo lighting him on fire at Final Destination.

Cold, now we're so cold, mine, and you're not mine, say never

We're far from obvious this time

Wait, another minute here, time will kill us after all

"Damian Crowe! The Revenant is back!" Screams David as Ash Russo looks from the ring apron to see Damian Crowe. He, like the crowd, haven't seen him since his disappearance last year. Ash has no idea how to react as he sees the ghost from his past. Crowe looks back at Jasper who's getting up. Crowe kicks him in the gut and hits a Reaper's Curse (Snap Double Underhook DDT)! The ref calls for the bell as Damian gets to his feet, looking at Ash Russo. Damian holds up four fingers.

Now can you feel its second hand wrapped around your neck

So fall into my eyes and fall into my lies

"Are you freaking kidding me! Mason pulled off the upset at 1:37!" David Harkness shouts over a clip of Mason hitting New Belief on Anthony Dre.

But don't you forget

The more you turn away, the more I want you to stay

Detrick climbs up to the top and sets Rey up for a Back Suplex off the top. But Rey twists his body, wrapping his legs and arms around both of Detrick's shoulder. Rey Pantera Jr does a Crucifix Driver off the top turnbuckle into a Crucifix Backslide!





3/ Detrick kicks out!

"I am absolutely stunned! After 4:43, Rey Pantera Jr shocks the world and sneaks a victory over Detrick Cyrus!" David Harkness said as Rey Pantera Jr rolls out.

Cold, but I'm still here, blind, 'cause I'm so blind, say never

We're far from comfortable this time

"Six men are entering No Escape. I'm the worst out of all of them. But I have RJ with me. Maybe I can pull this off." Mason Rivers said

"I have Mason on my side to take some punishment and help win the ACW World title. Then I'm going to be the one that everyone says should be the leader of Hope." Rey Pantera said

Cold, now we're so cold, mine, and you're not mine, say never

We're far from obvious this time

You're so endearing, you're so beautiful,

"Beat up Damian Crowe. Then shock the world and win the ACW World Championship. Yeah, that sounds like a good gameplan." Furno said

Well I don't look like they do, and I don't love like they do

"The bottom line is this. Me and Roman are going to fight at some point and for everyone's sake, stay out of my way. I have a lot of angst and violence to unleash on him. Ash Russo is never selling out to New Order. If I stand alone then so be it. Unlike Roman, I don't need a crew to be something in this world." Ash Russo said

But I don't hate like they do

Am I ever on your mind?

Cold, but I'm still here, blind, 'cause I'm so blind, say never

We're far from comfortable this time

"No Escape… No more words need to be said. This is my match to win and I will win." Roman McIntyre said

Cold, now we're so cold, mine, and you're not mine, say never

We're far from obvious this time

"It is time for the No Escape match. Six men will step into this dome, but only one will survive." David Harkness said as we see a shot of a chain like dome with a metal grating floor that has been elevated to the ring apron. There are four glass pods that superstars will be held in.

"We will start with two. Every three minutes another man will join. The last person standing will be the ACW World Champion." Glenn explains as we see that the sky is pitch black at night as the roof that was over the roof, containing the No Escape dome is no longer there.

"Who do you got Disco?" David asked.

"Roman McIntyre. I know the betting odds are split, slightly favorIng Ash Russo. With Damian Crowe being a distant third. I can't go with Ash over Roman." Glenn said.

"The winner of this match will receive the second iteration of the ACW World Championship." David Harkness said as we see the new ACW World Championship. It has a white strap and is similar to the UFC Championship, before the Legacy belt debuted. Except the letters are changed to ACW.

That tan flag—that's all me

That tan flag—that's all me

That tan flag—that's all me

That's all me—that's all me

That tan flag—that's all me

That tan flag—that's all me

The pop is minor as Bodega Bamz is on stage, rapping Navy, repeating the hook. Rey Pantera comes out, nodding his head to the beat of the music. Pantera daps with him, before walking down the ramp. The crowd is mixed for Pantera (35/35) as he is wearing a Black Panther mask (In the style of Tiger Mask) while wearing a non match green hoodie that says 'New Gen. New Legacy' on the back. He is wearing Dark Blue tights with Silver accents. He takes the hood off and enters the Dome, before going to his pod.

All I ever wanted

Was to give you all I had to give

I have always done what

I have ever said I would

I can say the same for

Say the same for you my friend

Why does it always seem like

You would rather do me in

There is some heat as a jeep pulls onto the top of the stage. We can see through the windshield that Raptor Reigns is driving as Aiden Black is in the passengers. The crowd boos as Furno Moxley is seen in the back looking ready to enter the No Escape match. Raptor drives him down, before Furno jumps out from the back revealing his attire. He is wearing black cargo pants with a black top that has a small Hounds of Justice logo on the upper pectoral area. Furno bumps fists with Aiden and slams his hands against the hood before entering the No Escape match. He looks right at Pantera and spits on his pod, before being forced into his pod by the refs. Raptor and Aiden can be seen driving back up the stage in the background.

Evil Terminators

The lights in Estadio Azteca go out as a clip of Damian Crowe being burned alive and laying on the ground after Final Destination 1 is shown on the screen. Suddenly the screen goes black. Suddenly an actual crow appears on top of the stage. Smoke then shoots up in around the crowd. Then when the smoke disappears we see Damian Crowe standing in the birds place. The lights are turned up a little bit at his appearance. The crowd cheers (80/0) as he walks down wearing Black cargo pants, with a crow outline on the bottom part of the pants. Black sleeveless glove on the right hand and black rocker gauntlets on both wrists. Black tactical vest with a crow on the front. He walks down the ramp slowly and enters the Dome, before entering his pod.

Money and the power

Once you get a 'lil they just want to take you down (cause)

I got the money and the power

Once you get a 'lil they just want to take you down (cause)

We've been going hard for too long

Can't get enough, what is you on?

Really ain't nothing, I could drop that

Wake up in the morning, make it all back

As the intro to the song plays, Aldo Montoya comes out with a smile on his face as the crowd cheers loudly (92/0), then as the song actually starts, Roman steps out to a much bigger pop (101/0) wearing a long golf trench coat and shiny gold pants. He has pure gold chains around his necks. The song kicks in and he raises his arms as Money with Aldo's face shoots from the beak of the Eagle above stage into the air and down onto the crowd and ramp. Roman has the first ACW World Championship (Similar to the WWF Winged Eagle title) around his waist as Aldo follows the focused star down. Roman enters the No Escape match and enters the ring, being the first to do so. Then he rips his Gold breakaway pants off to reveal his Gold and Red tights and more importantly cause a Pyro to explode up from the top of the dome and into the sky unleashing a large golden pyro display above everyone's head. Following this, Roman takes off his chains and title, before heading to his pop.

Can you hear the silence?

Can you see the dark?

Can you fix the broken?

Can you feel, can you feel my heart?

Can you help the hopeless?

Well, I'm begging on my knees

Can you save my bastard soul?

Will you ache for me?

The excitement from the crowd isn't the same as boos rain down (0/71) when a beating heart appears on the screen that says Mason Rivers. Mason comes down smiling, just happy to be there. He throws up the heart on the top of the stage as the crowd boo. They boo even louder when paper hearts shoot out from the eagle's beak (Far less cooler than Aldo bucks). Mason walks down the ramp smiling as people give him the finger and throw balled up paper hearts at him. He is wearing blue tights with matching kickpad, elbow pads and knee pads. Each with a heart. Mason enters the No Escape giving Rey Pantera Jr a thumbs up (He looks away pretending not to know him), before entering the ring since he has to start the night.

I've been away, a little while, sometimes I just can't help myself

When my mind's running wild, I seem to lose grip on reality

And I try to disregard the crazy things the voices tell me to do, but it's no use

I tried to own it, write songs about it

Believe me I tried, in the end I needed to breathe

Find inspiration, some kind of purpose

To take a second to face the shit that makes me, me

All I needed was the last thing I wanted

To sit alone in a room and say it all out loud

An acoustic version of Asking Alexandria's Alone in the room plays as we see a video package of Ash sitting alone in Anarchy's old clubhouse at the head of the table. The camera pans around Ash Russo so we see pictures on the walls of the Clubhouse. The anticipation builds as Ash stands up and walks toward the middle of the table. Suddenly Ash Russo pulls out a switchblade and smashes a picture of him, Lacey, Jasper and Roman on the wall, leaving the switchblade in. The song then switches back to the original version as we come back to the arena and a line of fire trails down the ramp and then surrounds the top of the stadium. Estadio Ezteca looks like it's on fire as Flames then rise on top of the stage as matching graphics appear. The fans are bathed in a deep crimson light. Ash Russo walks straight through the fire to a big pop for the visual (99/0). Ash is wearing a 'Ash Russo' T shirt with the A in a burning version of the Anarchy logo and black jeans. His fists taped. Ash walks down with purpose and enters No Escape and it's ring. The fire all goes away as Ash looking right at Roman, before turning back to Mason Rivers, who is looking a little nervous after that entrance.

The bell sounds as Ash Russo and Mason Rivers are the first two people to start in the No Escape match. Mason offers a handshake to boos (0/65). Ash kicks his hand away as the crowd chants 'Kill the Gringo' despite both men being white. Mason then offers a lock up, to which Ash replies by slapping him across the face and whipping him off the ropes. Mason comes back into a Hip Toss. Mason quickly rolls out of the ring, onto the steel grated floor, but Ash follows him out with a baseball slide. Mason falls right on his ass as Russo stands on the ring apron. Mason gets to his feet, only for Ash to take him down with an Asai Moonsault, starting to earn the crowd back since they were a little quiet post entrance because of a La Rebelion win and Mason's lack of overness in the area. Ash walks over to Roman's pod and looks at him. Roman keeps his cool as Ash says 'I hope you're next'. Roman just stares out him. Suddenly Ash sees Mason's reflection behind him through the glass. He is trying to catch him from behind with a Toe Kick, but Ash ducks it without turning around. Mason kicks the glass pod, before Ash turns around to see Mason hopping on one foot holding his hurt foot. Ash then sweep kicks the leg of Mason Rivers, tripping the kid up. Ash shakes his head in disappointment.

"I'm not going to lie ...I am questioning whoever thought Mason Rivers been in one of the main events was a good idea." David Harkness groans, embarrassed for him.

"We could have had Dre." Glenn reminds us.

Ash picks Mason up and drives his face against Roman's pod, pushing it against it. Roman just watches, stoic as Ash screams 'This is you. This is Aldo. This is No Escape'. Ash follows his short speech by letting Mason go after suffocating him against the glass. Ash then grabs him by the hair before throwing him over the top rope and back into the ring. Ash waits on the ring apron until Mason gets up before Springboarding into the ring with a Springboard Front Dropkick that sends him to the ring mat. Russo gets to his feet as the countdown begins. Ash waits, looking straight at Roman






The buzzer sounds as the light lands on….

"Rey Pantera Jr is number three!" David Harkness said.

"Hope has both of their guys in." Disco Inferno said.

Ash turns his head to Pantera Jr who steps out of his pod and looks at Ash. Ash hunches over, calling for Rey to enter the ring. Rey enters the ring just in time for Mason to chop block Ash Russo from behind. Then Ash kneels down as Mason holds onto Ash's left leg as Rey Pantera Jr runs toward him and delivers a boot to the side of the head. Rey Pantera then stomps on Ash while allowing Mason to stand up. Pantera stops stomping Mason and directs traffic, as Mason picks Ash up and backs him into a corner. Ash does a knife edge chop, before Mason delivers a Shoot kick to the chest of Ash. Mason takes a few steps back as Rey grabs Ash's arm. Rey Pantera Jr Irish Whips Ash Russo out of the corner toward Mason, who catches him with a Roundhouse kick! Ash stumbles away into the arms of Rey Pantera, who hits him with a Spanish Fly! Rey hooks a leg as Mason lays on his back, to add weight on top of Ash.









Kick out at 2.10!

Mason goes back to stomping on Ash Russo's body as he seems to be getting more aggressive with Rey in the ring. Mason lifts Ash up and does a Spinning Heel Kick to the midsection before hitting him with a Switchblade Kick to the back of the head. Rey Pantera has climbed up to the top turnbuckle at this point and tells Mason to pull Ash closer to the corner. Mason does so, before backing up. Rey Pantera Jr jumps off with a 450 Splash, but Ash raises both his knees and Pantera crashes ribcage first into them. Rey falls to the wayside, rolling near the bottom rope after crashing, holding his midsection. Ash starts to get to his feet, so Mason tries to take advantage with a Superkick. But Ash catches his foot and swings his foot away, so Mason's back is to him. Ash Russo connects with a Step Up Enziguri to the back of the head! Ash Russo then guts underneath his legs and lifts Mason up into Electric Chair Position. Ash connects with Burn to Ashes (One Winged Angel)! Ash has him in a pinning position.









"Ash Russo has eliminated Mason Rivers in 5:56 as the countdown begins to the next entrant!" David Harkness said.





"Roman McIntyre is in! The World Champ has entered the match!" Glenn Gilbertti said.

Rey Pantera notices this and tries to get the jump on the World Champ by running across the ring and jumping up to the top rope as Roman exits the pod. Rey Springboards at him with a Tornillo, but Roman catches him in his arms. The crowd pops as Roman delivers a Fall Away Slam, back first into the chain wall behind him. Roman sits up and looks into the ring, where Ash Russo is staring a hole through him. The crowd explodes (103/0) at the sight of the two. Ash is challenging Roman and Roman doesn't back down. Roman storms into the ring only for Ash to Dropkick him back outside of the ring! Roman lands on his feet as Ash goes for a Triangle Moonsault to the outside, but Roman catches him on his shoulder. Roman runs toward his old glass pod, before lawndarting Ash Russo, face first into the glass. Ash is down as Roman roars to a massive reaction (105/0). Then Roman is hit a Reverse Poisoned Frankensteiner from behind by Rey! The back of Roman's neck crashes into the steel grating.

"Roman and Ash completely forgot about Rey Pantera Jr in favor of their fractured relationship." David Harkness said.

"Rey was smart to wait until Roman did some damage to Ash before striking." Disco Inferno said

Rey decides to go after the lighter Ash Russo by picking him up and dragging him closer to the ring. Junior then lifts Ash up into the turnbuckles from the outside. Ash's legs are dangling outside of the ring as Rey Pantera climbs up but Ash is quick to hit him with a right hand to the gut. Ash does it two more times, before standing up on the outside of the middle turnbuckle with Rey Pantera Jr. Ash hits Rey Pantera Jr with a Swinging Neckbreaker off the middle and onto the Steel grating below! Both men crash as we hear a loud thud. Both men are rolling around in pain as Roman is on his feet, rubbing his neck. Roman looks over to see Ash using the ropes, trying to get up. Roman runs toward Ash, but Russo sees him coming and pulls down the top rope. The ten second countdown starts Roman flies over the top rope and back into the ring. Roman gets up as Ash is about to Springboard, before Pantera Jr grabs his leg from the floor and pulls him back down. The buzzer hits.

"Furno Moxley is in!" David Harkness said.

As Ash's leg is trapped by the arms of Rey Pantera Jr, Furno enters the ring as Roman is getting up. Furno hits a Running Back Elbow to Roman, taking him down. Furno then runs off the ropes and dives over the middle ropes with a weird Suicide Dive. Due to the elevated floor, Furno goes into the middle of Ash's body before going down. Furno stands up, after that Suicide Dive, hopping around as Pantera gets to his feet. Furno hits Rey with a couple of jabs. However, Pantera replies with a Knife Edge Chop, before Furno lifts him up over his shoulder and rams him, backfirst into the Chain wall. Furno then follows up by using that momentum by lifting him over, by hitting a Samoan Drop onto the grating. Furno gets up, holding his lower back. Furno then walks right into a Superman Punch from Roman. Then the camera pans back to reveal Ash Russo standing on top of the pod behind Roman. Roman turns around in time to see Ash turn around and deliver a Moonsault onto him!

"Everyone is down!" Glenn calls.

The fans wait initially starting a Roman chant before stopping as all four race to their feet. Rey Pantera Jr reaches his feet first and enters the ring as we see red lines on his back from the Samoan Drop. Ash rolls inside the ring and uses the ropes to stand up in the corner. Rey Pantera pulls Ash away from the corner and goes for his signature, Panther Claw (Standing Sitout Shiranui). But when he attempts to jump backwards for it, Ash catches him in a waistlock. Ash holds Pantera in the air for ten seconds as he flails his arms and legs, before dropping him with a Bridging German Suplex into a Pinfall!





Kick out at 2.39!

Ash gets to his feet and stands in the corner, stomping his right foot, signalling for Rebellion (Claymore Kick). Rey ascends to his feet as runs toward him, only for Roman to cut Ash off with a Silent Kill (Spear)! The crowd goes insane (102/0) not seeing that coming. But before anything else can happen, Furno Moxley runs into the shot, past Roman and delivers the Devil Trigger (Bicycle Knee Strike) to Rey Pantera Jr. The ten second countdown starts. Roman turns his head and watches as Furno hooks Pantera's legs, looking back at McIntyre to make he doesn't do anything









"Rey is eliminated at 11:56 as Damian Crowe is second away from entering." David Harkness said.

The buzzer hits as Crowe's pod opens. Furno and Roman turn their attention from each other to Crowe. Ash is sitting against a corner, holding his midsection. Crowe exits his pod and enters the ring as three stories submerge in the ring. The story of Damian Crowe being the one who put Furno in jail. The story of Anarchy being the ones who seemingly took Crowe out. And lastly, the story of Ash Russo and Roman McIntyre's broken bond. Ash slowly gets to his feet as the crowd stands up in reverence, chanting 'A-C-W'. Furno and Roman, being the only people who don't dislike each other in this match to a personal level exchange words as Ash and Crowe wait. Suddenly Ash bum rushes Damian Crowe. Damian takes Ash down with an Elbow Strike to the jaw! Roman and Furno rush at Crowe at the same time. Damian is able to give Furno a left hand, but eats a right from Roman. Soon, Furno and Roman start to beatdown on Crowe. They continuously punch him until Crowe slumps to the ring mat. Furno then drags Crowe up as Roman backs off for a second. Damian comes back and catches Furno with a Jumping Clothesline. Roman tries to strike with his own Jumping Clothesline, but Damian dodges it and grabs Roman by the arm. He pulls him into a Short Arm Clothesline! Damian has taken control of the ring, but only for a second as Ash Russo schoolboys him from behind.



Kick out at 1.25!

Both get up at the same time and Ash immediately attempts a Superkick, only for Crowe to duck. Damian goes for the Crowe-Breaker (Codebreaker) and connects. Crowe pins Ash.








Ash kicks out at 2.45!

Damian doesn't waste any time by dragging Ash up to his feet and lifts him up for the Death Note (Firemans Carry into a Cradle Tombstone). But before he can even attempt it, Roman hits Damian with a Superman Punch. Ash slides out from behind and pushes Crowe right into a Moment of Violence (Belly to Back Sideslam) from Furno Moxley! All three men jump on to of the Revenant for the pinfall!









Damian kicks out at 2.89!

"Are you kidding me?! All three men were on top of the Revenant!" David Harkness said.

"The thought of winning the ACW World title makes people a lot stronger than they should be." Glenn suggests.

The crowd chants 'Re-Ve-Nant' (91/0), praising his performance so far as the other three competitors disperse from each other. Damian slowly gets up to his feet and eats a Devil Trigger from Furno, followed by Rebellion from Ash Russo and capped off with a Silent Kill from Roman. All three dogpile on top of him again.












"It took three finishers and a dogpile but Roman McIntyre, Furno Moxley and Ash Russo have eliminated Damian Crowe in 16:41." David Harkness said.

"We have two Vegas favorites still in the match and Furno Moxley who has been overperforming than what everyone originally thought with two eliminations." Disco said.

All three disperse again following that elimination. All kneeling in their respective corners. Suddenly Ash rushes at Roman, only for the Scottish Assassin to catch him with a right hand. But Ash doesn't budge quick and throws some wild rights at the bigger man. Furno is in the background watching the former stablemates brawl as Roman easily takes advantage and throws Ash into the corner, before doing a corner clothesline. Furno then takes advantage by delivering a running axe handle to Roman's back before pulling him away from Ash. Furno tries to hit a Moment of Violence, but Roman does a Lariat into a Backbreaker before Furno can get him off his feet. Furno is on the ground and so is Roman as Ash takes him down with a Dropsault! Ash sees both down, next to each other and heads to the top turnbuckle. Then Ash attempts Phoenix Splash onto both men. But Furno and Roman get out of the way, causing Ash to crash. Ash holds onto his chest in pain as Roman and Furno get up with Ash between them. Both run toward the middle of the ring as Ash is on all fours. Roman jumps up onto Ash's back and uses it as a launching pad to hit a Superman Punch to Furno. Furno is wobbling as Roman lifts him up in position for his other finisher, Fallen Empire (Burning Hammer)! Roman connects with Fallen Empire over Ash's back! Ash rolls away as Roman lifts Furno up and delivers Fallen Empire for a second time, before hooking a leg.









"Furno Moxley has been eliminated by Roman McIntyre after 19:06." Glenn said.

"We are down to Ash Russo and Roman McIntyre. Welcome to Final Destination 2. Who will escape, No Escape with the ACW World title. Two former friends. The leader of Anarchy versus the Face of the New Order. Let's fight boys!" David Harkness said going into hype mode

The crowd is electric (105/0) as ever. As the place is shaking while Roman and Ash both get to their feet. The final two. Roman currently has adrenaline running through his veins as Ash feels the same, despite being in the match since the beginning. Ash and Roman lunge at each other. Roman takes Ash down to the ring mat and starts pounding on the head of the smaller man. Roman jabs a few elbows into the forehead of Ash as tries to block with his arms to no avail. Roman gets to his feet forcing Ash up, before throwing him into the turnbuckles. We see a small trickle of blood on Ash's forehead. Roman runs at Russo, but Ash gets both his feet up and Roman runs into them. Ash exits the ring and attempts the Burning Phoenix (Springboard Flipping DDT), but Roman catches him upside down in Vertical Suplex position. The crowd is chanting 'Roman' over the show of strength as Ash is stuck in the air. Seconds pass until Roman finally drops him with a Vertical Suplex. Roman sits up after that display of power as we get a shot of Aldo calling for the end. Roman gets up and stands in the corner, hunched over, preparing for the Silent Kill. Ash is slowly getting to his feet. Ash turns around and Roman goes for it. Ash Russo reverses into a Inside Cradle!

"The lucky bastard!" Disco calls over surprise counter.







Kick out at 2.69!

"Not so lucky Disco! But Ash almost caught the Champ out of nowhere to win the World title!" David Harkness said

Roman gets up, rattled by the inside cradle. Suddenly, Ash pulls Roman into a Schoolboy from behind.







Kick out at 2.75 as Ash once again catches the ACW World Champ off guard. Roman gets to his feet confused at everything that's happening, as the quick as lighting Ash runs off the ropes and connects with the Handspring Stunner! Ash gets to his feet, feeling the moment approaching as he stomps his feet. He backs into the corner, begging for Roman to get up so he can hit Rebellion. The crowd is very much into it as Roman stands up, still rattled. Ash goes for Rebellion, but Roman catches him while he's running with a Silent Kill! Roman hooks a leg!

"Silent Kill out of nowhere!" David Harkness screams

"Just when you thought Ash had him rattled. Roman comes back with a the strongest move in his arsenal!" Glenn said










"Roman McIntyre has survived No Escape and retained the ACW World Championship at 23:11!" Announced David Harkness as Roman lays on top of Ash knowing he got lucky as white Pyro shoots up from the top of the dome into the night sky spelling out the name 'Roman McIntyre' amongst the stars.

"With the exception of Mason Rivers in the early portions of the match, Everyone brought their A Game. I know Roman and Ash were heavy favorites, but there were times that I thought Pantera, Furno and Crowe might've pulled off an upset." Disco Inferno said as Aldo enters the Dome with the ACW World title and helps Roman up. The referee hands Roman a plaque that says 'No Escape one winner' and has his name plate underneath. He sets the plaque down for a second.

"Roman McIntyre will be defending the ACW World title in the Third Road to Glory tournament next season. And with the roll he's been on, I don't think anyone can stop him." David Harkness said as Aldo raises Roman's hand as Roman raises the brand new ACW World Championship with other hand.

Freddy Escobar is sitting on a bench in his locker room with a towel over his head, holding it down. The door opens and Detrick Cyrus walks in his normal attire. Freddy doesn't look up, but see the shoes on the floor and knows who it is.

"I know I screwed things up. I don't need a lecture." Freddy said, disappointed in himself for dropping the ball tonight.

"You didn't screw up. I saw you when you had her in position for the Princes Crown. You proved you changed. You knew that you started this and it wouldn't end until your debt was paid. Just keep your head up. The ACW Factions title will come another day" Detrick said, trying to be uplifting.

"Yeah, I guess you're right." Freddy said, removing the towel and putting his head up. "After all this time, it ends with me getting a knee to the face and pinned."

Detrick chuckles.

"You can win some, but you can't win them all." Detrick said.

"I know that first hand." Freddy replied.

"Well, at least you got whatever the hell this is." Detrick said, handing Freddy a small box.

"What did you buy me?" Freddy asked curiously.

"It's not from me. It's from Alexis." Detrick said, before getting the small box thrown back into his hands.

"I'm not that stupid." Freddy said, before getting the box thrown back into his hands.

"If you weren't that stupid, you would've never gotten involved with the drug trade in the first place." Detrick said, before standing up. "If it makes you feel safer, I checked what it was and it won't kill you."

Freddy looks up at Detrick before back at the box. Freddy then takes the risk and opens the box before his eyes light up.

"The Mex Express." Freddy said as he pulled out the keys to the world famous vehicle from the box. He smiles.

"I think it's safe to say that this war is over. You're a better man for going through it but now it's time to step into the next part of you life." Detrick said, before extending his hand. Freddy daps with Detrick while getting up from the bench.

(Fight Without Honor 4)

Skyfall by Adele begins as we see Azriel sitting alone in the throne room. We then switch over to Jason Sabre having his hand wrapped around Giselle's hand. We get a close up on the hand as the hand of Giselle begins to disappear. Suddenly Jason finds himself sitting on the floor alone.

This is the end

The song kicks in at a shot of Jason Sabre looking down at Giselle in a casket as a flashback to the first episode of ACW.

"You need to watch out." Jason Sabre said to the 5'5 woman. Giselle made eye contact with the Ace and instantly the visions of that mystery man returned. "Hey, did you lose your voice or something"

"Who are you?" Giselle spoke.

"I'm Jason Sabre. Who are you?" Jason said

"Jason Sabre…" Giselle spoke.

"No that's my name. Who are you?" Jason said.

Hold your breath and count to ten

Feel the earth move and then

Hear my heart burst again

We see Azriel sitting on his Throne as we see cracks are forming on the walls around him. We then cut to Jason Sabre putting the hood of his denim jacket up as he begins walking down the sidewalk.

"That's going to be known as Azriel's child in the public's eye." Jason said.

"You're going to dethrone him before this baby arrives. Then we will reveal the truth to the world." Giselle said. "Destiny will happen"

Giselle then plants a kiss on Sabre. The Ace nods, but little did they know, Micah Hyde was watching from outside the door.

"That woman will be the death of my plans." Micah said

For this is the end

I've drowned and dreamt this moment

So overdue I owe them

Swept away, I'm stolen

Azriel's eyes close while his head tilts down as we see a shot of Jason's eyes open with his head tilting up.

"Tell me Micah, what do you know about our newest member." Azriel asked

"Giselle and himself are planning to overthrow you. He is going to stab you in the back and take his unborn child back. Possibly with the added bonus of Despair and ending my reign in Despair." Micah said

"I had the foresight to know such things. That's why I had no problem with the Shadowhunters taking his soul. I knew that he would attempt to overthrow me and steal Giselle away. He thinks that this is his love story, but in reality, it's my world. I control my destiny as well as his and Giselle's." Azriel said

"Do you have a plan?" Micah said.

"You are the one who advises me." Azriel replies.

"I would let him and Detrick kill each other in the ring first. Being quiet and acting like you don't know is a good strategy. You should wait and then strike, before the wedding." Micah said

"We'll put him to death follow Betrayal." Azriel said.

"Lovely." Micah comments. "I'll arrange everything for it."

Let the sky fall

When it crumbles

We will stand tall

Face it all together

Jason is seen passing by on a sidewalk, but stops, before looking up at the gray-ish sky.

"Why did Azriel send you here to get me now?" Sabre asked as he threw a right hand, only for Malice to duck, before getting a body blow to his ribcage. Malice then headbutts Sabre in the face, before tackling him into the glass door of Sabre's shower.

"His wedding is next week." Malice said, before Sabre forcefully switches up his spot so he pushes him against the glass door. Sabre then drives his knee into the gut, before throwing Malice to the floor and trying to kick him in the face, hitting Malice in the nose.

"He's marrying someone that doesn't want to marry her." Sabre said before Malice popped up and caught the Ace with a right hand to the jaw, causing him to reel backwards.

"That is not my issue Jason. I have job to do and unfortunately it involves making sure that you don't interfere in the wedding." Malice said, before putting him in a headlock and pulling out his signature chloroform rag. He tries to put it over Sabre's mouth, but Sabre uses his hands to keep Malice's hand at bay.

"You know this is wrong. You can join me and we can take him down together." Sabre screams out, trying to plead, before Malice pushes him onto the ground.

"He is my savior! I would never betray him!" Malice declares before pushing the rag over Jason's mouth and nose. Soon, Jason Sabre's eyes closed.

Let the sky fall

When it crumbles

Azriel's eyes open as he looks to the left where a picture of him falls off the wall that is still crumbling.

Azriel scowls as Jason Sabre steps out onto the stage. A little bandaged from the match before this. The crowd is chanting 'ACW' as Jason looks over to Ash Russo who has been standing at the side of the stage the entire brawl. Sabre then walks down the ramp avoiding everything. Jason enters the ring and Azriel immediately wraps his hand around Sabre's throat. Azriel lifts him up. Malice breaks it up with a Superkick to Azriel's chin!

We will stand tall

Face it all together

At skyfall

At skyfall

Jason Sabre is seen running as the wind knocks the hood off his head.

Both commentators run out of the way as Azriel chokeslams Malice down toward the announce table. But Malice doesn't crash through it. He goes spine first into the sharp corner of the announce table. A massive roar of horror is heard followed by stunned silence from Los Angeles.

"Jesus Christ almighty! End this goddamn match! His spine went into that sharp corner after a Thirty foot Drop! He could be crippled." David screams as doctors rush over to Malice along with the ref

"Azriel aimed for that corner. I know it. He purposely lifted him in that angle." Evan said before the bell rings.

Skyfall is where we start

The entire wall behind Azriel crumbles around him as he sits on the throne, not getting hit by the debris.

I care about one thing right now and that's taking away what's important to Azriel, because I am sick of the games he play. Azriel…..I want the Throne. At Final Destination 2, it's going to be you versus me. Winner gets control of Despair…..Fight….Without….Honor….Four!" Announces Jason

A thousand miles and poles apart

Where worlds collide and days are dark

We see Sabre coming to a stop as we see a bunch of rocks and debris around him.

"You stole my wife and my child." Azriel raises his voice.

"She never wanted you Azriel! She was your prize for killing people. She fell in love with me and we are the ones who are having a child. She never loved you and that child was never yours." Jason shouts back, before Azriel slams his hand against the table causing it to shake. Jason went silent for a second as he watched how Azriel reacted when he hit that nerve. "You took this farther than you should've. Why can't you accept that Giselle wants to be free?"

You may have my number, you can take my name

But you'll never have my heart

Let the sky fall

When it crumbles

Azriel finally stands up from his throne and walks down as the cold wind blows past his face.

"If you win Fight Without Honor 4, Despair and it's assets are under your control. If I win, I own your entire life. Giselle. Your home. Your unborn child. Aria-" Azriel before Jason pushed his chest against the table with force, driving it into Azriel's chest. Azriel grabs his chest and looks at Sabre's angered face with a scowl over the move.

"Don't say the name of my daughter again." Jason said, standing up from his chair with his hands tied up. Azriel stands up ready to kill. Azriel throws flips the table over and walks over to Jason, who headbutts Azriel. The King of Despair quickly grabs Jason by the throat and raises him up by one hand, before pinning him against the wall.

"Do you accept the terms of the match for the freedom of Maria and Aria or not?" Azriel asked, choking the life out of Sabre, who's trying to break free, but can't do anything with his hands behind his back.

"Yes ...you son...son of a bitch." Jason squeaks out, before Azriel lets go, letting Sabre land on his feet. He falls to one knee, before looking up to see Azriel heading towards a door.

"They'll be taken home shortly." Azriel said.

"What about Giselle?" Jason coughed up.

"She stays with me in the Crypt." Azriel said

"She's pregnant Azriel. That Crypt is not good for the baby." Jason said.

"To hell with your baby." Azriel said, cold as ever, causing Sabre to stand up again.

When it crumbles

We will stand tall

Face it all together

At skyfall

Jason comes to a stop, with an intense look at his eyes. As the camera pans around him to reveal Azriel walking his way over his shoulder.

"I ain't going anywhere Azriel." Jason squeaks out, before Azriel lifts Sabre up by his long locks and biel throws him against the wall. He then delivers a right hand.

"Giselle was loyal before you!" Azriel delivers a left as Jason's lip is busted open. He steps back as Sabre leans against the wall. He then delivers a back elbow across Jason's face, driving the back of his head against the wall, before doing it again and again. "Everyone feared me! No one would dare touch me! I started and ended World War Three! I was a legend! A god! But then you…"

Azriel pulls Jason away from the wall, grabbing him by the hair.

"You ... a no one. Someone who calls himself Ace despite doing nothing noteworthy… You changed the world's perspective on me. You embarrassed me. You defied me…. You, a rat without a family…"

Azriel squeezes harder as Jason smiles defiantly while blood drips from his bottom lip.

"Someone who didn't know what side to choose…. Someone common…. A person who's nothing but looks and a tragic backstory…. You should be working at a warehouse instead of facing me for my throne…. You should be living in poverty instead of sleeping with my fiance…. You should be alone… no kids…. No future…. But you're not and I hate you for it. Why are you not beneath me?!"

Let the sky fall

When it crumbles

We will stand tall

Face it all together

Let the sky fall

When it crumbles

We will stand tall

Face it all together

At skyfall

Azriel stands face to face with Jason Sabre. Sabre looks up at Azriel with pure hatred in his eyes as Azriel has the same look in the same vein of Ryu vs Akuma.

Jason Sabre stands in front of Giselle's casket, looking down at his former wife. We notice Detrick Cyrus in the background, over Jason's shoulder watching. Jason's hand is touching the casket. Jason Sabre looks like he's about to break as both hands shake as he grips the edge of the casket. He holds his head down as a tear drips down onto Giselle's tanned skin.

"I'm sorry." Jason quietly grunts out as Flynn and Malice (Who is still in a wheelchair) look over to the people of Hope on the other side, both sides understanding the hurt inside Sabre. Suddenly all of them stand up for some reason.

And that reason was Azriel, who was now standing behind Jason. Jason Sabre turned around, hatred in both their eyes. Jason was ready to kill as Flynn, Detrick, Asher Darma (in a White Kurta), Yul Bannok (In a White suit with black tie combination with a rag that has a G engraved in it), CJ Hawk and Jesus Garza (Who's also in a traditional suit, but has a black bandana tied around his bicep with a G) all get up to break up a fight at the funeral. We see that ACW World Champ, Roman McIntyre was about to do the same, but Aldo and Jasper signal for him to not do anything. Azriel raises his hand stopping everyone.

"On Sunday. Not today." Azriel said to Jason, before throwing a rose into Giselle's casket.

"No honor." Azriel said

"We're too far gone from Honor. I stole your fiance. You kidnapped my wife. Now we're ending it." Jason Sabre said looking up at him.

"Fight Without Honor 4. This match is a match that Jason Sabre has owned over the last two seasons, but he's going against Azriel with weapons at the seven foot tall man's disposal." David Harkness said.

"That last thing you said will help Jason though. He can use weapons. Also he can take a beating like no one else. I think the Height and power of Azriel will help, but Jason's Fight Without Honor experience and malicious intent might change the balance to his favor." Evan Neal said.

Watch your tongue or have it cut from your head

Save your life by keeping whispers unsaid

Children roam the streets now orphans of war

Bodies hanging in the streets to adore

Royal flames will carve the path in chaos

Bringing daylight to the night

Death is riding in the town with armor

Because thail take all your rights

Hail to the king, hail to the one

Kneel to the crown, stand in the sun

Hail to the king (hail, hail, hail, the king)

The crowd boos loudly (0/102) as a repeated red and white light flashes on and off around the stage to the guitar riff. The Despair insignia is on the big screen while the Eagletron reads 'King of Despair.' Suddenly at the sound of the drums, coming in three pairs, red flares shoot into the night sky that is now filled with stars. As the song actually starts two Lions walk out onto the stage, pulling Azriel out on a chariot. Azriel is standing, wearing a crown on his head. He is wearing his signature black leather tunic and pants combo with studs, in the vein of Undertaker at Wrestlemania 28. The Lion's roar from the top of the stage as Azriel is then pulled down the ramp. The fans in the front row back up as the Lion's pass by them, before stopping. Azriel steps off his chariot, before removing the tunic to reveal his ring attire. He then steps onto the ring apron before stepping over the top rope and into the ring. Azriel stands in the middle of the ring and slightly raises his arms, before fire shoots up from the four corners of the ring. The music fades

A Song of Fire and Ice by Ramin Djawadi plays as the lights are out and a single blue tinted spotlight is on the top of the stage. From the bottom of the stage, Jason Sabre is seen being brought up in a kneeling position. But he wasn't alone. He was kneeling on a Black and Gray dragon (Animatronic of course) that slowly reveals itself as it's elevated to onto stage with a kneeling Jason Sabre is on top of him wearing a metallic armor-esque top and bottoms with chainmail on the sides. He is wearing a Black mask in the style of a Knight with the mask having a metallic look. Jason stands up on top of the dragon and points his finger gun at Azriel.

Rain's falling down and just darkens the ground

A sound that I've heard before but I'm not sure

You keep me away from the place where you've been

But now I remember why you stay away from there

When you're falling to the ground

What do you see?

Your pride is going down with reality

You may try to stand up

But you'll realize your dreams are gone

The crowd explodes at the sight (111/0) as the Dragon's wings spread and the dragon raises itself into the air, before flying (through some movie magic practical effects) down to the ringside area. It lands right next to the ring, before the head bends down, landing it's forehead on the ring apron. Jason Sabre uses it as steps into the ring. Jason removes his armor, before looking right at Azriel as he puts his hand on his mask. Jason then removes his mask as a White and silver light hits the ring, shining and Blocking the vision of the viewer for a second. When the light goes away it is revealed that Jason has half his face is painted White, with the Defiance crest in red on the side, which matches his long tights. Jason then backs into his corner as Weight of my Pride stops playing.

The bell rings as Azriel and Sabre stare across the ring at each others with the thought of Giselle's passing on their minds and the intent to take that torment out on the other man. Sabre sprints across the ring taking the fight to Azriel but a couple of punches is no match for one single right hand to the ribcage. Sabre grabs his ribcage area which gives Azriel the chance to deliver a stiff headbutt, bashing his large cranium against The Aces. Jason is already bleeding as he falls on his backside while a thin line of blood streams down the right side of his forehead. Azriel lifts Jason up and drives his elbow into the face of Sabre, causing him to reel backwards and almost fall down. He uses his hands to catch himself from fully falling and gets up, only to duck a right hand. Sabre starts to back up as he continues to duck an incoming Azriel who is not relenting. Nothing is connecting as The Ace ducks continuously. Jason Sabre eventually finally finds himself with his back against the turnbuckles. Sabre ducks one more and headbutts Azriel right in the chin. Azriel backs up being thrown off by the headbutt. Jason elevates himself onto the top turnbuckle, but Azriel closes in on Sabre and climbs up to the second turnbuckle. Sabre thinks quick, watching the monster get closer to the top. Jason reaches down and grabs his head. Jason then jumps off the top turnbuckle, towards the ring apron. Azriel gets his neck dropped into the top rope as Jason lands on his feet on the floor.

Azriel reels back inside the ring before Sabre slid underneath the bottom rope. Sabre gets up and charges past Azriel. Azriel turns around as Sabre comes back with extra momentum and hits a Slingblade to take Azriel down. The crowd cheers extremely loud as Jason gets to his feet. Azriel is up shortly after and gets two high kicks to the pectorals before Jason kicks him in the gut, not relenting. Jason delivers a knife edge chop to the leather clad chest of Azriel. Jason kicks him in the gut and attempts to Irish whip him but Azriel reverses. Jason jumps over the top rope and lands on the ring apron. Azriel runs toward Jason but the Ace pulls down the top rope. Azriel tumbles over and onto the ground below. Azriel gets to his feet and The Black Dragon sets flight with a Springboard Corkscrew Moonsault onto the big man. "Go Ace!" Chants are in full effect in Mexico City (102/0) as Estadio Aztecas 86,000 person capacity is shaking the stadium even after everything that's happened tonight.

"As expected, Jason Sabre is taking the fight to Azriel despite being outpowered by him." David said

"Give this man credit. He lost his wife a week ago after their son was born. But we can give Azriel the same amount of credit, because that same woman was his fiancee." Glenn spoke

"You're right. Both men are emotionally unstable and are taking out their aggression on the other. They are each other's reminder of her basically." David explains

Jason looks underneath the ring for the first weapon of the match and pulls out a black bag. The crowd cheers in excitement as Sabre opens the black bag and poured it onto the floor, revealing a pool of glass. Jason then turns his attention to Azriel who is on his feet near the announce table. Jason delivers a flying forearm smash to the face, causing Azriel to lean into the Spanish announce table. Pepe and Pedro get out of dodge as Harkness does the same from the English announce table. Disco Inferno is stuck in his Disco Lounge so he sits there and observes. Jason slams the back of Azriel's head against the announce table before looking back at the Pool of glass. Jason puts Azriel in a front facelock and pulls him until only his feet are touching the announce table. Sabre delivers a Draping DDT face first into the glass! The crowd chants "Santa Mierda " as Sabre sits up and looks at Azriel who has shards of glass stuck to his forehead.

Sabre gets to his feet and walks back over to the Spanish announce table before pulling the cover off and throwing it down onto Azriel's back as he was on all fours. Sabre then removes both monitors and Carries them in each hand. Azriel gets up and Sabre sandwiches his head with both monitors slamming them into both sides of his head. Jason drops them as Azriel drops to a knee as he is possibly concussed but definitely hurting. Jason doesn't make things better by stomping on the back of Azriels head. Jason lifts the heavier man up by his hair and leather tunic. Jasom delivers a European Uppercut causing Azriel to sit on the announce table behind him. Sabre yells something at David Harkness, who then rolls his desk chair towards Jason. Jason then lifts it over his head and swings it right across Azriel's face, laying him out across the announce table. Sabre puts the rolly chair down before walking over to the ring and looking under it. Jason pulls out a 25 Foot ladder to a huge response from a rabid fire crowd. Jason walks over to Azriel with the ladder and sets it up. He delivers a pair of right hands to keep Azriel down. Jason then starts to climb to the top rung of the ladder and turn around to face Azriel. The audience was on their feet as Sabre does his gun point taunt. But then Azriel sits up on the announce table. Sabre looks down, knowing he's trapped at the top of the twenty five foot ladder. Azriel gets off the announce table and begins to tip the ladder over to the side. The crowd watches in absolute amazement as Sabre falls off the ladder and crashes on the top of the Disco infernos Disco lounge. Jason crashes through the glass roof and through the table, while knocking Glenn down in the process.

"Glenn is down! The Ace has crashed through the lava lounge. This is insane as we are barely eight minutes into this brawl!" Screams David

'A-C-W' chants are strong (92/0) as Jason lays in the glass and wooden table inside the box. Jason has some dried blood on his forehead from earlier as he stopped bleeding. The King of Despair approaches the Lava Lounge and grabs the top of it before pulling himself up. Azriel lower half is dangling from outside the safety box as he reaches inside and grabs Sabre by the hair and pulls him up. Suddenly Jason slams Azriel's face into the glass wall to stop him from doing anything. Azriel upper torso hangs upside down from the Lava Lounge with his back facing Sabre. Jason grabs Glenn's chair and lifts it up before smashing it against Azriel's back, smashing Azriel's front into the glass wall. Azriel slides down the wall and onto the floor inside the Lava lounge. Jason then sets the office chair down and backs up, waiting for Azriel to get up. Jason gets a running start, leaps onto the chair and jumps off it, spearing Azriel right through the glass. Jason hits his head against the wall as both crash through. Sabre looks out of it as the crowd chants 'Go Ace" (100/0) in full support of him.

Azriel lays in the rubble of glass as Jason props his upper body up using his arms, trying to figure out where he is. He then comes to his senses and sees Azriel starting to get up. Jason scales the steel frame around the now broken Disco lounge and gets up so he's ten feet in the air. Jason hits a Final Hour (High Fly Flow) on Azriel the second he gets up. Azriel crashes back into the shattered glass. Jason crawls over to the ring and looks underneath the ring skirt again. Suddenly Jason pulls out the wall of light tubes. Six light tubes taped side by side, a weapon from last years Fight with Honor 2. Jason gets to his feet and leans the Light Tube wall against the ring apron. Jason turns around to see Azriel on his feet using the help of the steel frame of the Lava Lounge. Jason charges toward Azriel, only for the King of Despair to rip a steel beam from the Lava Lounge and bash it over the incoming Aces head. Jason goes down before Azriel throws the beam down and roars like a lion while blood particles are seen flying off his face from the DDT into glass earlier in the match. Azriel looks over at the wall of light tubes lined up and gets a twisted idea. Azriel plucks Sabre off the floor and lifts him into Powerbomb position. Jason desperately begins to throw lefts and rights as Azriel takes all his shots and walks forward. Azriel drops Jason with a Powerbomb into the light tubes. The residue of the light tubes fill the air as everyone gets out of dodge. Jason is bleeding from mid back and on both of his shoulder blades. Sabre screams as he has one of the broken light tubes jabbed into his back. Jason crumples over as the crowd chant "Holy Shit!" (95/0) Followed by "Let's go Jason" (105/0)

"Oh my god! Look at his back!" David said

"Considering he knocked me down, I should be happy to see this. However, even I can see how sick that is to do to another man." Glenn admits

Jason reaches into his back and pulls the part of light tube that's stuck in his back, showing toughness as Azriel raises a brow, watching Jason slowly pull himself to his feet. The red blood bleeds over his white and red face paint that is fading away. Jason stands on his feet which gives Azriel the chance to swing at him. Jason jabs the jagged light tube into the side of Azriel's face, stopping him. The crowd can't believe what they just saw as Azriel stumbles back with a sharp object stuck to his right cheek. Jason then delivers a jumping Knee Strike to the chin, forcing Azriel to the floor. The crowd chants "You sick fuck" at him as Sabre looks at Azriel with pure disdain. Jason points at the front row and yells "Who wants to kill Despair". Then like at Fight Without Honor 3, the fans began throw chairs right at Azriel, getting extremely excited. The chairs pile up as Jason walks away and watches from a safe distance. About fifty chairs get thrown down at Azriel as Sabre stands on the ring apron and calls off the attack. The seven foot giant is buried under steel before Jason points at one fan who throws his chair toward Sabre. Sabre catches it and takes a page out of Sabu's playbook by running off the ring apron and hitting a Arabian Facebuster into the pile of chairs.

"Jason Sabre is a menace to society right now!" Glenn shouts

"What makes you say that? Stabbing a guy in the side of the face or inciting a riot in an 85,000 seater in Mexico City?" David asked.

Jason rolls off the pile of chairs and rolls toward the ring apron. Jason slowly pulls himself up, selling the effects of that move by grabbing the back of his hamstring. That's when Azriel sits up, emerging from the pile of chairs to a surprisingly big pop from all the fans in Estadio Azteca. After fifteen minutes, Azriel can still go. Jason rolls into the ring, still bleeding from his back. Azriel gets to his feet before getting on the ring apron. The crowd chants "A-C-W" (106/0) as the two stare each other down. Azriel enters the ring and Sabre jumps on him with lefts and rights, once again bringing the fight to Azriel. Azriel fares much worse this time at defending himself but does get a right hand to the rib cage again. Jason backs off allowing Azriel to close in with a left hand followed by a right hook. Jason falls to a knee but stands right back up to a standing ovation for his Fighting Spirit. Azriel headbutts Sabre, reopening the same wound from his earlier headbutt. Sabre swing a right but whiffs it, thrown off. That's when Azriel delivers a second Headbutt. Sabre goes down bleeding from his skull but Azriel falls down on his backside, clearly thrown off after the two stiff headbutts he delivered. Azriel slowly reaches his feet as Jason gets up near the ropes. Azriel charges forward before Jason hits a surprise Koppu Kick. Azriel reels back after running into that. Sabre then gets to his feet and delivers the best Dropkick in the business to a roar of applause from the audience. Azriel goes down! Jason sits up on his knees noticing that he has the edge. That's when Sabre lifts the King of Despair up from behind. Jason goes for the Final Strike (Rainmaker). It connects but Sabre still has control of the wrist. He pulls the big man up with some struggle and delivers a second one before dropping down into a lateral press







Kick out at 2.25

"Eighteen minutes in and Jason still can't put him away." Glenn said

Sabre backs up into his corner and waits for him to get up. Azriel gets to a Knee and Sabre goes for the Final Resolution (Boma ye). Jason sprints forward but Azriel catches him by the throat. Sabre can't even react before Azriel drops him with a thunderous Chokeslam. Azriel then lifts Sabre up again and grabs him by the throat. He lifts Jason in the air in Chokeslam position while walking over to the ropes, holding him there perfectly. Azriel Chokeslams him to the outside. Sabre lands in the shards of glass near the Spanish Announce table! Jason has shards of glass sticking out his back and the scar that he got from the powerbomb through Light Tubes. Azriel exits the ring and drops down to the ring floor. Azriel looks under the ring and pulls out a table. Azriel leans the table again the ring apron propping a leg up against the middle rope. He then approaches our Ace who was getting up using the Spanish Announce table.

Azriel delivers another headbutt, before dragging him towards the table. Azriel puts Sabre Between his legs and lifts him up into Powerbomb position. Jason reverses into a Hurricanrana that sends his head bouncing off the table. Jason crawls over to the ladder from earlier and picks it up as he stands. Jason rams the top of the ladder into Azriel's face. Jason the slides the ladder in before looking at the table. Jason pulls the table off the ropes and traditionally sets it up a couple feet away from the ring. Jason picks Azriel's body up and punches him a few times causing him to reel back to the table. He lays Azriel on the table before lifting up a spiked piece of the broken light tubes and stabs it into Azriel's chest and pulling down. He rips Azriels tunic open, exposing his chest and now a line of blood. Jason then delivers a stab to the chest, opening a gash on his chest. Jason then enters the ring and slowly makes his way to the top turnbuckle. Final Hour connects through the table!

"This is not wrestling! This might end up being a literal death match! Look at that gash that Jason opened on Azriel's chest!" Glenn shouts

"These are two sick fucks, but they ain't looking to get anything sucked tonight. The only thing they want is the Throne. Will Defiance absorb Despair? Or will Azriel prove once again why he is the most dominant force in this world?" David questions, excited as everyone in the crowd

Jason lays on Azriel as both are out of it. Jason eventually crawls off Azriel as fans try to will him on with chants of "Jason Sabre". The Ace is on all fours as Azriel just lays down. Eventually Azriel starts to stir and rolls over onto his stomach. Azriel crawls toward the ring apron as Jason slowly gets up to his feet. Jason stumbles over to Azriel who is pulling himself up using the bottom rope and lays onto the ring apron. Azriel rolls under the bottom rope and into the ring. Jason steps onto the ring apron and slowly makes his way up to the top turnbuckle as Azriel gets to his feet. Jason goes for another Final Hour. It connects! Or so we thought as Azriel would then roll through it. Azriel is on both knees and gets to his feet, holding Sabre up Horizontally. Azriel pulls Jason up so he's upside down. Azriel has him in position for Angel's Fall (Jackhammer). Azriel despite everything he's been through walks himself and the upside down Ace, who is kicking the air, trying to escape, to the middle of the ring. Angel's Fall connects! Azriel has a leg hooked.








Kick out at 2.9!

Sabre barely got his shoulder off the mat and it was clearly only on extinct. Azriel drags Sabre up by the hair and yells "Why do you have to be so foolish. Just give up you stubborn bastard.". Azriel then tries to deliver a right but Jason catches it and shakes his head no.

"I have lost almost everything ...I should give up ...but I can't. I can't because that's not how I want this story to end. Our story doesn't end without me sitting on your throne. After everything that's happened over the last year, that's the only ending I'll accept Azriel!" Jason said, before Azriel pulls him in for Death's Embrace (Sister Abigail). His movements are rapid fire, but he's not fast enough as Jason swings out of it and turns Azriel around. Final Blow (RKO) connects! Jason rolls Azriel over, slowly. He lays on top of Azriel









"After 28:25, it is Endgame for Azriel in Fight Without Honor 4. And this Mad Titan was not taken down by the power of a gauntlet, but of the sheer will and drive of an Ace." David Harkness said as the crowd throws money in the ring as Jason and Azriel lay there.

"I questioned Jason Sabre's idea of choosing this match for Final Destination. Why didn't he take a World title shot instead was my question? Now I know why. Jason Sabre has become the one who did it. Rey Pantera Sr, lived with a dream to disband the Despair corporation and he couldn't do it with Hope. Tonight, Jason Sabre was the one who achieved the dream of Rey Pantera Sr, not one of his students. Suck on that one Detrick." Glenn Gilbertti said

"Last year, Jason took Pantera's legacy in Fight Without Honor 2. In that match, Pantera told Jason to 'end it' and to 'put me out of his misery' and he did. At the time, we looked at Jason as a villain who ended the legendary life of Rey Pantera Sr. But now, in hindsight, I recall Rey Pantera Sr telling Jason that he still has good in him. Was that match, Pantera passing his goal of ending Despair to Jason?" David Harkness ponders as Sabre is helped up and handed three gold medals that say 'Fight Without Honor' and has the numbers '1', 2, and 4 on them as a reward for his survival and past survival in this match.

"I think we might have cracked a code David. Detrick will always be the successor of Rey Pantera and the leader of Hope, but it was Jason Sabre who was destined to the man who carried out Pantera's last goal. He went down the dark path, but he ended up coming back around and being the one who took over Despair and disbanding it." Glenn said as Sabre rolls out of the ring and walks up the ramp, slowly.

We cut to a television showing Jason Sabre walking up the ramp.

"He actually did it. He beat Azriel. Is there anything that idiot can't do?" Maria Gonzalez said, from the couch, before hearing her phone tone go off. Maria smiled as she checked her home

"I lost, but the show's been great. I'll be in LA tomorrow. When do you want to meet up?"

Maria smiled at the message, before typing.

"Surprise me Detrick ;)"

Erin Frost is seen walking around the Stadium following a bunch of pictures have CJ Hawk pointing to the left. Erin keeps following the series of photos until coming to a stop at a sticky note on the side of the wall. Erin pulls it off to read.

"Hey man, listen, photocopies of me pointing to the left are expensive and I had to save. Just go down a few doors and enter the one that says VIP Suite." Erin Frost reads, before giggling. "He never changes."

Erin decides to follow the instructions on the sticky note and heads for the door that says 'VIP Suite'. Erin opens it and sees CJ Hawk looking down at the ring, watching Jason walk up the ramp.

"If that isn't over five stars, I don't know what is." CJ Hawk said to himself. Erin walks over. "Oh, hey Erin. What's up?"

"You left a treasure hunt for me to find you." Erin said. "My treasure wasn't worth it."

"Hey, I'm not pirate booty, I'm just a wrestler." CJ Hawk said in his defense.

"I know. Just a wrestler… who's always in debt." Erin points out.

"No you're wrong. Now that I beat Will Ralston, I was able to finally pay off all my debts to La Rebelion." CJ Hawk said.

"What about me?" Erin asked.

"Hey, don't worry. I'll pay you back in a second. I just need to tell you something. There's a reason why I've been in debt this entire time. I asked La Rebelion to get me something. Something perfect. So I could do this…."

CJ Hawk then bends down on one knee, surprising Erin. Taking the hippie's breath away. CJ pulls a massive diamond ring from his ring boot

"Listen Erin. I know I borrow a lot of money from you. I know that you're kinda better than me in a lot of things including Wrestling. Sometimes I think you're a god or something. But I don't mind that. I don't mind it because I just like hanging out with you. I want to hang out with you forever too. I've had classic matches. I have the respect of a small part of the audience. I'm the ACW Wildcard Champion. But my life wouldn't be complete if you weren't my wife. You could do way better than me, but I can try. Erin, Will you marry me?" CJ Hawk said.

"No CJ, I can't do better than you. Because you're the only one that makes me happy. You're not just a wrestler anymore. You're just my soon to be husband. I accept." Erin said, before CJ stood and kissed Erin Frost for the first time on screen. Erin's hands are wrapped around his neck and his are on her waist. The two break the kiss and CJ puts the ring on her index finger. "Wrong finger CJ."

"Listen, I'm not a marriage proposer, I'm just you're soon too to be husband…. I don't think that'll fit on a shirt." CJ said, causing Erin to laugh.

"By the way, you still owe me money." Erin Frost said.

"Man, I got a wedding to pay for." CJ Hawk said.

"I'm pretty sure you'll borrow the money from me." Erin replies as she smiles at her fiance.

(Main Event Promo- Diamonds by Rihanna)

Shine bright like a diamond

Shine bright like a diamond

"I remember Natalia Rodriguez vs Lacey Alvarez. That night made Natalia a megastar. When she pinned Lacey, I knew that we had a new star on our hands." David Harkness said from a sitdown interview area.

talia then takes one last shot and goes for the Flame Cutter again. It connects! Natalia rolls onto her back and pins her again, closing her eyes and praying that this is it.











"It's over! It's finally over. Natalia Rodriguez has just become the ACW Womens Champion after 22:00 minutes. The will, passion and edurence of both women were tested and in the end, Natalia walks out champion in an instant classic." David said as Natalia rolls off Lacey's both, too tired to enjoy the standing ovation she's getting.

"Even better than that. Anarchy loses twice! God bless America!" Evan said as Rey Pantera, Erin Frost and CJ Hawk enter the ring to help Natalia up. The ref hands Natalia the Championship as she looks on in disbelief

Find light in the beautiful sea, I choose to be happy

You and I, you and I, we're like diamonds in the sky

"Natalia Rodriguez throughout the early days of ACW and for most of her life was known a cute, bubbly girl. Everyone loved her. She was innocent and naive. Kinda like a child. But like a child, eventually you grow up. That Diamondust feud was her growing up and it wasn't for the better. That loss… it wrecked her" Erin Frost said

"There are little girls crying, Natalia's face is carved up from that brutal chairshot and I love it! Did Diamondust go too far, yes. But it's great!" Evan laughs as Diamondust smiles while Erin looks up at her. Diamondust leaves

"You're a disgrace." David shouts as Erin Frost sits Natalia up and puts a towel over her head, hugging her friend. The crowd gives a standing ovation.

"Quit cheering the loser." Evan shouts at the crowd as a loud 'Nattie!' chant starts as Erin helps Natalia up. Then, Natalia would push Erin away and try to walk out on her own, only to fall down. The crowd would become silent. Erin just watches Natalia try to stand, only to fall and hit the ring mat in frustration.

You're a shooting star I see, a vision of ecstasy

When you hold me, I'm alive

We're like diamonds in the sky

"I think the Dark Phoenix persona gave Natalia an edge, but her issue was getting over Hope. I think she always wanted to be apart of Hope, even in her absence. But Hope couldn't accept that she changed. When she returned in Mexico… I think everyone was happy. Little did they know what was next." Ash Russo said

"Natalia's here! Natalia Rodriguez is back!" Calls David as she steps out onto the stage to a raucous reception from Mexico City (90/0). Natalia walks down the stairs as Adrian slides out of the ring with the steel chair. Natalia runs down the ramp and ducks under a chair shot, before sliding into the ring. She runs off the ropes as Adrian turns around. Natalia baseball slides the chair into Adrian's face, sending him to the ground. Meanwhile, behind her, Erin Frost hits Chill Out (Superkick) on the one armed Rayleen. Natalia follows that up by hitting the Handspring Cutter on Rayleen. The crowd cheers loudly and chants 'Nattie!" (85/0) as the best friends are reunited and hug each other. Behind them Chris Wolf gets up.

"AWOOOOOOGGGGAAAAA!" He yells as the madman runs toward the two girls only to eat a double Superkick.

"The two best friends are back together, but Erin has earned the ACW Womens Championship match against Diamondust." Evan mentions

I knew that we'd become one right away

Oh, right away

"I think what happened between Natalia and Erin at ACW Betrayal…. Lived up to the name. Even if people say it was an accident. She screwed up her 'friends' title match." Alexis Espinoza said.

Natalia is about to strike but Erin grabs her by the arm and turns her around. But Natalia hits her with a Superkick!

At first sight I felt the energy of sun rays

I saw the life inside your eyes

"Natalia Rodriguez is, at least in my opinion, the best in ring womens wrestler on the roster. I wasn't surprised that she got the title back. But you could tell that the cute Natalia that I faced was gone." Lacey Alvarez said.

"It is! Natalia has finally overcome Diamondust at 56 seconds! Natalia has won her second ACW Womens Championship, making her the only two time champion ever!" David exclaims as Natalia sits up on her knees elated that her journey to beating Diamondust is over.

"56 seconds….The Dark Phoenix that Diamondust brought out of her did bite her in the backside. Natalia Rodriguez is on top of the world again at the same event, in the same arena where she won the title the first time." Evan said as Natalia excitedly snatches the title and raises it in the air to a great reaction (90/0)

"Natalia did it….but I have to bring up something you asked earlier. Was it worth it? Also, what are the people in Hope thinking now that Natalia has won the championship after going Awol?" David questions as Natalia gets her hand raised as Diamondust is seething on the ring floor

So shine bright tonight,

You and I

We're beautiful like diamonds in the sky

Eye to eye,

So alive

We're beautiful like diamonds in the sky

"Do I regret firing Natalia Rodriguez? No. Did that send her over the edge. Yes" Detrick Cyrus spoke.

"You're not the same girl anymore Natalia." Detrick said

"It was time to grow up." Natalia said.

"You're right. You've grown up and so have I. I run Hope now. And you….you let your desire to beat Diamondust get in the way of being a member of Hope. You let it cloud your judgement and it changed you for the worse. I've never felt a Championship in ACW, but if it drives you to turning your back on your friends, I might not want one." Detrick said

"I didn't turn my back on them!" Natalia shoots back

"Then what do you call it Nattie!? What do you call kicking Erin in the face?! What do you call going into business with Despair!? You didn't even answer my calls?!" Detrick shouts at her, causing Natalia to shudder for a few seconds. Natalia then grabs Detrick by the hand trying to calm him down.

"Detrick, I didn't turn my back on you. I'm not with them, I swear." Natalia said, as her eyes began to water while looking into Detrick. "You believe me right? Please tell me you do."

"When you asked me that a couple months back when you originally return I said yes…..I can't say that anymore and it breaks my heart. Me duele el corazon. I don't want to do this, but I have to put personal feelings aside and do right by Hope. Natalia Rodriguez, you are no longer a member of Hope. I wish you the best in your future." Detrick said, his voice clearly showing that it's killing him as we see water form in his eyes.

Shine bright like a diamond

Shine bright like a diamond

Shining bright like a diamond

We're beautiful like diamonds in the sky

"I think Hellfire Trinity killed any remnants of the old Natalia. Her and her former best friend killed each other. In the end, It was Natalia who stood tall. Man, it was tough to watch" CJ Hawk said

She swings away from Erin and the ladder as she reaches the top. Natalia comes back, hanging from the harness holding the ACW Womens Championship and rams both her feet into Erin's face, knocking her off the ladder to crowds disbelief. Natalia swings back one more time, before getting both her feet back on the top rung of the ladder. She takes a moment to breathe after the scary moment and then unhooks the belt.

"The ladder match has come to a heart pounding stop at 9:30. And after a grand total of 39:34, Natalia Rodriguez has made her second defense of the ACW Womens Championship and is going to ACW Final Destination 2" David Harkness said as Natalia sits down on top of the ladder with the title in her hands.

"We're only two weeks away from Estadio Azteca and it will be Natalia Rodriguez vs Sofia Reynoso." Glenn said as Erin is seen on the ring mat with people checking on her.

Shine bright like a diamond

"Enter Sofia Reynoso. The woman came out of nowhere and some say, replaced Natalia Rodriguez as the girl everyone likes. She took ACW by storm." David Harkness said.

Shine bright like a diamond

Shining bright like a diamond

We're beautiful like diamonds in the sky

"I will never forget that memory of her going over an hour in her debut match. Total Warfare at Into the Shadows was the first time Sofia debuted. It was that night where everyone knew a star was born." Freddy Escobar said.

Sofia then connects with her finisher, Gran Final (Brian Cage's Weapon X). Sofia desperately turns him over and after a lot of struggle lays on top of him.


"The strength that had to have taken after all this was incredible." David praises







"Please be it!" Evan said





"Three! Three! Three! After 62:36, Sofia Reynoso went the distance with Edward Mercury and won the first ever Total Warfare!" David cheers, jumping out of his seat along with the crowd as the cage raises.

"Now that it's all over and we survived, what a war." Evan said as our heroes (Jason Sabre, Ash Russo, Detrick Cyrus, Flynn Horde, Alexis Espinoza, Freddy Escobar, Caesar Montana, Asher Darma, Yul Bannok and even though he isn't actually a hero, Ray KIran) coming out. Alexis and Flynn immediately helped Sofia up.

Palms rise to the universe, as we moonshine and molly

Feel the warmth, we'll never die

We're like diamonds in the sky

"I think it's fair to say that Sofia Reynoso had the best rookie season in ACW. I can admit that, being one of the newest signings." Flynn Horde admits

"Gran Final on Ash Russo! This girl is strong!" Evan said





"Can she do it though?!" David questions


"No way!" Evan said


"Yes way! After 29:01, Sofia Reynoso pins Ash Russo and wins the ACW Factions Championship for La Rebelion! What a classic!" David praises as Alexis grabs all for Championships from the timekeeper and enters the ring as Jesus and Rey help Sofia up.

"I can't believe it….Sofia pinned Ash….La Rebelion are Champions….what is wrong with the world?!" Evan said as Alexis hands Jesus and Rey their titles while Sofia excitedly snatches hers and hugs it.

You're a shooting star I see, a vision of ecstasy

When you hold me, I'm alive

We're like diamonds in the sky

"Sofia went on to never lose a singles match which then led her to Glory Road 2. That's where she won her second title. The Road to Glory Championship. I think her rise was natural. Her winning that match came at the perfect time and led to a perfect dream match for many nerdy fanboys." Glenn Gilbertti said

Sofia sits up, looking back as Erin. She drags her up to her feet and puts her between her legs before taunting for the Gran Final. The crowd is on their feet in anticipation as she lifts her up and slides her down her back in Gory Position. She puts her arm around Erin's head. Gran Final connects. Sofia lays beside Erin for five seconds to sell the effects of the match before rolling her over onto her back and hooking a leg.










"After 21:33 beautiful minutes of physical professional wrestling, Sofia Reynoso has earned the ACW Road to Glory Championship and the right to face Natalia Rodriguez in the main event of Final Destination 2 in her hometown of Mexico City, Mexico, inside the famous Estadio Azteca." David said as Sofia smiles as she sits up. Jesus Garza, Rey Aguayo, Alexis Espinoza and Phoenix come down with Alexis grabbing the R2G Championship from the pedestal and Sofia's ACW Factions Championship from the timekeeper

At first sight I felt the energy of sun rays

I saw the life inside your eyes

So shine bright


You and I

We're beautiful like diamonds in the sky

Eye to eye,

So alive

We're beautiful like diamonds in the sky

"So now Sofia Reynoso is returning home to main event the biggest show of the year. She has to have a lot of support. I think that is her night." David Harkness predicts.

"Natalia needs to ignore the fact that Sofia is going to be popular. She's bringing home the ACW Womens Championship to Defiance." Jason Sabre predicts.

"We have two of the biggest female stars ever. The top two girls. They're going one on one in front of 85,000 fans in the main event. After No Escape. After a stacked Factions title match. After Jason Sabre versus Azriel. These two are going to deliver. In the end, I think Sofia is going to achieve the Triple Crown." Ash Russo said.

"This isn't a story. Sofia's eyes are going to get caught in the lights of being in her hometown on the biggest show of the year. I think Natalia is retaining." Lacey Alvarez said.

"Even after all we've been through… I think Natalia will win." Erin Frost admits.

"Personally I want Natalia to win, because Sofia and me have some issues." Freddy said.

"I can see Sofia winning tonight. But it's so evenly split that I don't know. My head says Sofia. My heart says Natalia." Detrick admits

"If you think Sofia isn't winning then you haven't been paying attention. Her one loss was a triple threat where she wasn't pinned. Tonight, she's getting the Womens title and Triple Crown." Alexis Espinoza said.

"The date is April 16, 2028. We live in Estadio Azteca in Mexico City Mexico. The stars are out as we prepare to close out an epic night with a dream match for the Newly designed ACW Womens Championship." David Harkness said as we see a shot of a title that looks like the original TNA Knockouts Championship with a fully gold plate and a black strap. Also an obvious logo change to the ACW logo.

"The whole world is watching. These two girls have a lot of pressure on them to deliver and walk out with the title. But one of them won't. David, I'm ready for the main event. Let's end the season the right way!" Glenn said.

Yo, look, I woke up with my attitude, Kanye

I don't give a fuck what my mom say

Okay, maybe a little bit, but only cause I'm really not tryna start up any beef with my madre

But in my mind, today I'm Beyoncé

I don't wanna hear whatever y'all say

I'm a beast, give me monster, no latte

Wearin' all black, like I'm robbin' you in broad day

I had one too many bad nights

The pop is huge (108/0), bigger than any of the night as Snow tha Product comes out onto the stage, rapping out Sofia Reynoso. Sofia came out to the ring to the biggest pop of the night. Sofia is wearing her signature booty shorts with rips in it. Sofia is also wearing a 'Back to the Barrio' La Rebelion shirt. Sofia as the R2G Womens Championship in her hand. She raises the title as a Red, White and Green streams of Fireworks shoot from the side of the ramp and into the sky as a match pyro display pours down from behind her. Snow continues to lead the People's Champ down the ramp as they interact with a super hyped up crowd, who's still into the show despite it being over three hours long at this point. Sofia enters the ring and throws up her set as we see another Red, White and Green pyro shoot up from the top of Estadio Azteca. Sofia lets Snow finish her rap, before turning her attention to the ramp as she is trying her best to stay cool despite her hometown chanting her name, getting to her.

They see you as small and helpless

They see you as just a child

Surprise when they find out that a warrior will soon run wild

Prepare for your greatest moments

Prepare for your finest hour

The dream that you've always dreamed is suddenly about to flower

We are lightning

Straying from the thunder

Miracles of ancient wonder

This will be the day we've waited for

The crowd boos loudly as This will by the Day by Jeff and Casey Lee Williams plays as Natalia's Final Destination 2 theme song. The heat is huge (0/100) for her as she steps onto stage wearing a Black top that expose her midriff and as a Defiance pin in the middle of her cleavage. She has matching tights with the Defiance logo on the right side. She's also wearing a Black cape. She spreads her arms and cape, making it look like she has wings as a Purple fire like flares behind her in the form of a Phoenix. Natalia puts her arms down as it disappears and ditches the cape before walking down the ramp with her original ACW Womens Championship (Similar to the winged Eagle championship with a white strap and on a much smaller scale.) around her waist. Natalia enters the ring before unstrapping her title. She raises it to boos from the from as purple flame shoot up from the turnbuckles. After that, she hands it over to the ref as the music stops and the crowd is settling down on booing her.

The bell rings as the hometown crowd in Mexico City is behind their own Sofia Reynoso. Sofia smiles while holding back proud tears over coming home and main eventing the biggest show of the year. Then she realizes what's in front of her as Natalia tries to shake off the hostile reaction she got. Sofia and Natalia look toward each other as they both realize what's at stake in this big time match. They slowly approach each other before Sofia makes the first move by throwing a left jab. Natalia avoids it but is caught with a right hand to the jaw as she avoids the jab. Sofia then throws a pair of jabs, forcing The Dark Phoenix back. Sofia then backs her into the ropes before attempting an Irish Whip. However, Natalia reverses it. Sofia is able to wrap her arms around the top rope. Natalia tries to charge toward her but Sofia pulls down the rope, sending Natalia over onto the ring apron. Natalia lands on her feet but eats a back elbow from Sofia. The Peoples Champ then runs toward the opposite ropes and dives through the middle rope, spearing Natalia off the ring apron and onto the floor. The crowd already starts a "A-C-W" chant as the two take a nasty fall.

"Barely a minute in and Sofia is already taking dangerous risks." David Harkness comments.

"This is the biggest match of both women's career. I'm expecting them to go all out and then some." Disco said.

It is Sofia who is able to get to her feet first and pull Natalia up. Sofia slams Natalia's head off the ring apron before pulling her up onto the ring apron with her chest against it. Sofia then slams her face against the edge of the ring apron. Sofia then steps onto the ring apron and pulls Natalia up to her feet before putting her between her legs. Sofia pulls her up into a Powerbomb, but Natalia shifts her weight toward the ring and hurricanranas both of themselves back into the ring. Natalia rolls toward a nearby corner as Sofia begins to get up. Natalia elevates herself onto the second turnbuckle. Natalia dives toward Sofia attempting some type of Axe Handle only for Sofia to pull her down into a Reverse Atomic drop. Sofia then follows it up by grabbing both her legs and tripping her. Sofia attempts to put Natalia in the Boston Crab but she is struggling as Natalia is refusing to fully turn over as she is on her side. Natalia tries to move her body towards the right so she is on her back as Sofia tries to turn her the other way to force her onto her stomach. As Natalia gets closer to her back, the crowd boos. Sofia gets the left side of her torso on the ring mat but Natalia turns back over onto her back in a snap, causing Sofia to flip over to the side and let go. Both get to their feet but its Natalia who gets the first hit by connecting with a spin kick to Sofia, rocking the Peoples Champ. Natalia jumps onto Sofia's shoulders before delivering a Poisoned Frankensteiner, spiking her head against the ring mat. The crowd react negatively before Natalia crawls on top of her, attempting the pin.







Kick out at 2.09

Natalia is quick to her feet and lifts Sofia up before delivering a spinning back elbow to Sofia. Natalia then tries to run off the ropes but Sofia grabs her by the hair and pulls her down to the ring mat as she tries to rub toward the ropes. Sofia then leaps in the air and deliver a jumping Knee Drop across the head, before putting the Womens Champion in a neck wrench. The crowd chants "Let's Go Nattie, Nattie sucks" with the latter heavily winning (25/99). Natalia however listens to the minority and begins to get to her feet trying to get her head out of Sofia's hands. But Sofia keeps turning Natalia's head to the right, making her neck uncomfortable. Suddenly Natalis swings her fist backwards connecting with her face. Sofia takes three shots before letting go. Natalia then runs off the ropes and attempts a crossbody block but Sofia catches her horizontally. Sofia does a Spin Out Backbreaker and keeps ahold of her while her back is on her knee. Sofia then pulls her up and hits a Short Arm Discus Clothesline. She drops down with Natalia, pinning her






Kick out at 1.75

Natalia crawls to his feet, but Sofia is there to wrap her arms around the waist for a Belly to Belly Suplex. But before she can lift her up, Natalia slaps Sofia with an open hand across the face. Natalia then transitions into a headlock, but Sofia pushes her into the ropes. Natalia quickly jumps up to the middle ropes as Sofia returns and connects with Springboard Crossbody. However, we find out that she really doesn't as Sofia Reynoso rolls through the move and has Natalia hooked up horizontally. Sofia is on both knees, before getting to her feet with Natalia in her clutches. The crowd is loudly cheering her show of strength, even throwing in some air horns. However, Sofia takes too much time before doing a move so Natalia is able to get her legs free and lands both her feet on the floor. Natalia connects with an Arm DDT to take her down. Natalia takes a few seconds to realize the situation and gets to her feet. But Sofia is up as well and slugs Natalia with a right hand to the face. Sofia then backs Natalia into the ropes and attempts a Irish Whip, but Natalia slides underneath the bottom rope. Unfortunately, when Natalia lands both of her feet on the floor, she turns around into a Tope Suicida that sends Natalia flying into the guard rail. Natalia slides down the guard rail as Sofia lays on the floor next to her.

"Sofia's head just crashed into the chest of Natalia Rodriguez!" Disco Inferno speaks.

"Sofia is a very hard headed woman and that hard head just rattled the bone structure in Natalia Rodriguez chest." David Harkness said

Sofia is able to get to her feet first, before dragging Natalia up. The ref is very laxed with his rules right now as Sofia leans Natalia against the guardrail. Sofia headbutts Natalia, causing the smaller woman to slump downward again, but Sofia picks her up again. Sofia then rams Natalia back first against the guard rail. Sofia then down is again as the members of the ACW Fanbase are very supportive of the up close violence. Sofia then lifts Natalia in the air before dropping her chest first down onto the guard rail. Natalia grips her chest, before Sofia grabs her by the hair and drags her into the ring with herself. Natalia tries to fight back with a punch to the gut, but Sofia replies with a knee to the chest. But Natalia jumps in the air and delivers an Enziguri to the head of Sofia. Sofia is rattled but by the time Natalia is on her feet, Sofia is able to deliver a hard right hand. Natalia leans against the middle rope, but comes back at Sofia with chop across the chest. Sofia then shuts her down with a headbutt! Both heads clash before Natalia goes down. Meanwhile Sofia stumbles backwards before falling on her backside after the collision of heads. The crowd chants 'Sofia!' loudly as she gets to her feet. Natalia rolls onto the ring apron. Sofia stumbles over, but Natalia drags Sofia's head downward, draping her throat against the top rope. Sofia backs up as Natalia pulls herself up on the ring apron. Natalia connects with Amaterasu (Springboard Codebreaker)! Natalia slides over after connecting with her signature and hooks a leg.










Shoulder up at 2.5!

Natalia is clearly disappointed over that not being it, taking time to sulk over it. This gives Sofia a chance to start getting to her feet. Natalia rises up to her own feet, before delivering a chop to Sofia's chest. Natalia throws five more chops, before trying to Irish Whip Sofia, only for the stronger woman to reverse. Natalia jumps up to the top rope about to Springboard, but Sofia pushes Natalia off from behind. Natalia face head first into the top of the guard rail. Sofia is kneeling in the ring, composing herself, before walking up to the corner. Sofia starts to climb up to the top turnbuckle, little does she know, Natalia is on the ring apron. Sofia has her head down as she has one foot on the top turnbuckle pad, before Natalia runs across the ring apron and jumps in the air to nail a Single leg kick to the side of the head. Sofia slips up and hits her chest against the top turnbuckle. Natalia then climbs up to the top turnbuckle with her back to the crowd. Natalia pulls Sofia up as the crowd is on their feet. Natalia connects with a Spanish Fly off the top turnbuckle onto the floor below!

"Dios Mio! Spanish Fly onto the outside floor as we close in on 17 minutes!" David screams in terror

"What is wrong with these two women! I know I said they'd go all out, but Natalia just risked so much to take Sofia out of this match completely! Is the ACW Womens Championship worth it?!" Glenn said in shock over what he just saw.

"You're damn right it is! After all we've witnessed tonight at Final Destination 2, these two women will raise the bar even more! They fight! They claw! They, as you just saw, will risk their lives to be the one who stands at the end of the greatest night of the history of our sport as Champion!" David exclaims proudly going into his signature passionate speech.

Both are laid out on the floor as the ref is checking on them. The crowd is clapping extremely loud as the stadium shouts 'A-C-W!' (102/0) into the night sky of the open roofed stadium. Natalia wobbles onto her feet as we see a swelling on her forehead from the effects of this match and taking so many shots to the head. Meanwhile Sofia has barely moved and is laying flat on her face and stomach. Natalia reaches down and drags Sofia up, before lifting her up. Natalia slowly, but surely drags Sofia towards the ring apron. It is there, she delivers a pair of punches, before pulling her up onto the ring apron and rolling her into the ring. Natalia slowly climbs onto the ring apron, before walking over to the turnbuckles and climbing up top. Natalia attempts the Firebird Splash (Phoenix Splash)! But Sofia rolls out of the way! It's anyone's ballgame as both women are laid out on the ring mat. The crowd is rooting Sofia on loudly. The hometown girl crawls toward the ropes as Natalia is on her feet first. Sofia pulls herself up so her head is above the middle rope. Natalia sees the chance to do a Tiger Feint Kick, but Sofia avoids the move. Natalia is able to plant her feet back into the ring upon missing the move, but once she does, Sofia connects with a Stiff Forearm. Sofia regains the advantage in the match by delivering a Lifting Double Underhook DDT! Sofia rolls Natalia over on her back, pinning her.








Kick out at 2.07!

Sofia picks Natalia off the ring mat and places her between her leg, before lifting her up into Powerbomb position. Sofia runs toward the corner and connects with a hard Bucklebomb! Natalia walks out of the corner straight into a Discus Clothesline that turns her inside out! Sofia rolls her onto her back and hooks a leg.









Kick out at 2.27!

Sofia grabs Natalia's arm the second she kicks out and puts her in the Thorns of a Rose (Leg wrapped Kimura Lock)! Natalia is screaming in pain as Mexico City is fired up in Estadio Azteca as Sofia's legs squeeze the midsection of Natalia while her arms attempt to snap the right arm of Natalia's. With no possible escape in sight, Natalia Rodriguez plays dirty a jabs her free thumb into the eye of Sofia, getting her to let go and earning Natalia huge heat (0/99). Natalia rolls away shaking her arm.

"This season we've seen Natalia change so much." David said, commenting on what she did.

"That change just saved her the ACW Womens Championship in the main event of the biggest show of the year as we close in on 23 minutes." Glenn said defending Natalia's actions

Natalia waits for Sofia to get up before running past her to attempt a Handspring, but Sofia kicks her in the right wrist, dropping Natalia on the top of her head. Sofia grabs Natalia by the right arm and pulls her up, before delivering a No Scope (Arm Trap Vertical Suplex into a Neckbreaker) causing Natalia's back and her own weight to drop against the ring mat! Sofia then picks Natalia up, hooking her up for the End Credits (Double Underhook Powerbomb into the knees). But when she lifts Natalia up and lets go of her arms, the Dark Phoenix wraps her legs around the head of Sofia and pulls her down into a makeshift Frankensteiner into a pinfall!









Sofia kicks out at 2.7!

Natalia uses the momentum of the kick out to go off the ropes and catch Sofia with a Dark Flames (Handspring Cutter), but Sofia pushes her off before she can connect with the cutter. Natalia goes into the ropes and Sofia follows, connecting with a Yakuza Kick. Sofia then connects with a second No Scope, before rolling backwards, over Natalia's body and onto her feet, dragging Natalia up with her. She has her in position for End Credits. End Credits connect! Sofia hooks the leg as Mexico City is jumping.






Kick out at 2.9!

"Are you kidding me? The movie isn't over yet! I mean the match! God dammit, what a show!" David Harkness said

"Did you hear the collective gasp from Mexico City after Natalia kicked out! The fact that they're all angry over it is hilarious. Natalia Rodriguez could spoil the night for this crowd by ruining Sofia's homecoming" Glenn said.

"Or Sofia could hit one more big move and win this milestone match." David Harkness said.

Sofia is sitting next to Natalia, looking down at her, acknowledging that she got her with that kick out. Sofia then drags Natalia up by the right arm and puts her between her legs. She lifts her up in Gory position, signalling for the Gran Final (Weapon X). But Natalia from out of nowhere, counters the move into a Leg Trap Sunset Flip powerbomb! Natalia has Sofia in a pinning position.








Sofia kicks out at 2.25!

Natalia gets to her feet first and waits for Sofia to start rising before rising to her feet. Natalia goes for Dark Flames again, but this time, when she does the Handspring, her arm gives out to a standing ovation. Natalia lands on the side of her right arm before grabbing it. Sofia takes advantage, seeing Natalia in a seated position by hitting a Sliding Forearm Smash to the back of the head. Sofia then gets up dragging Natalia to her feet, before pulling her into Gran Final position. Gran Final connects to a huge pop (101/0)! Sofia hooks a leg

Natalia's foot is under the bottom rope. Estadio Azteca is livid. As is Sofia who gets to her feet and pushes the ref right onto his ass to a huge pop. Sofia then turns back to Natalia. She yelling at her to get up to her feet. Natalia does slowly. Very, very, slowly. Sofia goes for a Discus Clothesline, but Natalia ducks underneath before running toward the opposite set of ropes. Sofia turns around as Natalia performs a handspring, using only her left arm. One armed Dark Flames connects to a big pop that disperses into pure heat! Natalia slowly crawls over and turns Sofia onto her back before laying on her.

"Natalia, a woman with all the talent in the world, just used one hand to connect with her finisher." David Harkness praises







"Was it enough? Is Mexico City going to weep tonight as we close in on 30 minutes?!" Glenn asked





Kick out at 2.93!

"No it wasn't! It was close, but it wasn't three Disco!" David Harkness said.

"This is Final Destination 2 and I said that both women would go all out and they have. But now the question is what's left? Maybe the Firebird Splash." Disco suggests.

The pop was enormous for the nearfall (103/0) as Natalia sits up looking down at Sofia, admitting that she got her with that kick out. Then she gets to her feet and drags Sofia closer to the corner, before beginning to climb to the top turnbuckle with her back to Sofia. Natalia goes for the Firebird Splash! Sofia rolls out of the way! Natalia is able to land on her feet, before doing a front roll and turning around to where Sofia is. But she turns around into a Discus Elbow Smash. Sofia then hooks the arms of Natalia up, before twisting her over. Sofia connects with The Climax (Killswitch) for the first time! Sofia turns her over and hooks a leg.

"Is that a new move in Sofia's Arsenal?!" David Harkness said






"Is that enough? Was that new move enough to put Natalia away?" Asked Disco Inferno



"Is Sofia the first Triple Crown Champion?" Asked David Harkness




"After 31:53, Sofia Reynoso has won the ACW Womens Championship in the main event of Final Destination 2 in her hometown." Disco Inferno said as Sofia jumps up excited and begins to yell at the ref to get her title.

"Not only that! Sofia has captured the Factions Championship, Road 2 Glory Championship and now the ACW Womens Championship. She is the first winner of the ACW Triple Crown Champion." David Harkness said as the ref is about to hand the title to Sofia before Alexis Espinoza comes out of nowhere and pulls it out of his hand. The ref quickly leaves as Jesus Garza, Phoenix and Rey Aguayo enter the ring. All of them with the ACW Factions title. Phoenix hands Sofia the Triple Crown trophy (A similar trophy to the Premier League Trophy. With Ribbons that Sofia Reynoso in Red, White and Green coloars. The crown has Sofia Reynoso on it while the body has the word '1st Triple Crown Champion' and lists the time, date and event where Sofia won the ACW Factions, ACW R2G and ACW Womens Championship) which she hugs, after snatching it out of Phoenix's hand.

"Alexis and La Rebelion are here to cap off an amazing season for the faction." Disco Inferno said as Sofia puts the trophy down. Alexis puts the title around Sofia's waist before raising her hand with tears of joy in her eyes over seeing her best friend achieve the ACW Womens title in the main event of the biggest show of the year.

"What a season. What a night. And what an ending." David Harkness said as we see a shot of Natalia Rodriguez sitting at the bottom of the ramp with her head down as red, white and green pyro shoot up behind her and into the sky, spelling out the name Sofia Reynoso in the night sky.

"Natalia once again fails at Final Destination. But Sofia rises to the occasion, capping off a season that started with her being the Soul Survivor of Total Warfare followed by pinning Ash Russo to become the ACW Factions Champion. That match also included current World Champion, Roman McIntyre. After that she stayed undefeated in singles matches and won the Road 2 Glory Championship to main event the biggest Pay-Per-View in Wrestling history. And on that night, she completed the Triple Crown and won the ACW Womens Champion. I don't like Womens Wrestling, but I can respect the fight these two had. And after this match, Sofia Reynoso might be the best womens wrestler on the planet." Glenn said giving rare praise as La Rebelion do their pose while Red, White and green Confetti pours down into the Stadiums as fans are celebrating.

"No Glenn, She might not be the best womens wrestler on the planet. She might be the best wrestler period. Tonight has been a night that I will never forget. Thank you Glenn. Thank you fans. And thank you wrestlers for this great night. We bid you farewell from Estadio Azteca in Mexico City. Goodnight and see you in Season 3." David Harkness said as the final shot of the night is Sofia embracing Alexis in a hug, both holding their titles. The confetti surround them as Mexico City chants 'Rebelion' over and over again. Bonds were broken. Thrones were claimed. And now…. Election Year is upon us. But that's a story for later. As for now, enjoy the moment of celebration.

(Roll credits)

A.N: I want to thank everyone for their support. From the bottom of my heart, this is one of my favorite things to do in life. I love the interaction with you guys. Season 3 apps are open and the story is up. I'm doing another movie story before to fill in some things, but that'll be next year. Happy Holidays and much love.


ACW Cup:

Flynn Horde: 17

Samuel: 3

The rest: 0

Six Man Tag Team match:

Team Friendship: 20

Team Duke: 0

Title vs Career

Will Ralston: 12

CJ Hawk: 8

ACW Factions Title

Hope: 13

La Rebelion: 7

No Escape

Ash Russo: 8

Roman McIntyre: 7

Damian Crowe: 5

The rest: 0

Mason Rivers: negative 20

Fight Without Honor 4

Jason Sabre: 14

Azriel: 6

ACW Womens Championship

Natalia Rodriguez: 10

Sofia Reynoso: 10

Popularity polls (Act 3)

Best Match:

5. Detrick Cyrus vs Rey Pantera Jr

4. Natalia Rodriguez vs Izzy Solare

3. CJ Hawk vs Phoenix

2. Sicario vs Freddy Escobar

1. Natalia Rodriguez vs Erin Frost

Best Non romantic relationships

10. David Harkness & Disco Inferno

9. Anthony Dre & Mason Rivers

8. Jason Sabre & Detrick Cyrus

7. Asher Darma & Ray Kiran

6. Asher Darma & Yul Bannok

5. Azriel & Aria Sabre

4. Natalia Rodriguez & Erin Frost

3. Jason Sabre & Flynn Horde

2. Alexis Espinoza & Sofia Reynoso

1. Azriel & Ash Russo

Best Romantic Relationships

Sabre x Maria Gonzalez

9. Azriel x Giselle

8. Asher Darma x Keyra Kiran

7. Sofia Reynoso x Ray Kiran

6. Flynn Horde x Natalia Rodriguez

5. Jason Sabre x Natalia Rodriguez

4. Ash Russo x Alexis Espinoza

3. Freddy Escobar x Alexis Espinoza

2. Erin Frost x CJ Hawk

1. Jason Sabre x Giselle

Best Scene/Moments:

10. Roman and Ash at the clubhouse (Episode 19)

9. Kiran and Brandon Duke rap battle (Episode 19)

8. Seth Sullivan death scene (Episode 16)

Kiran stands up for himself (Episode 17)

6. Freddy and Detrick unite (Episode 19)

5. Ash Russo's President promo (Episode 15)

4. Mark E's meeting to get Kiran a job with La Rebelion (Episode 15)

3. Giselle's funeral (Episode 19)

2. Azriel and Jason confrontation (Episode 18)

1. Giselle's death scene

Best Storylines:

7. Alejandro Espinoza pursues Natalia

6. Ray Kiran tries to get his job back

5. Ash Russo vs Aldo Montoya feud

4. CJ Hawk needs money

3. Freddy Escobar's redemption arc

2. Natalia and Erin's friendship

1. Jason Sabre vs Azriel feud

Top characters

40. David Harkness

39. Mama

38. Slaugh the cat

37. Evan Neal

36. Chris Wolf

35. Micah Hyde

34. Keyra Kiran

33. Jaxon Sabre

32. Jason Malice

31. Rey Pantera Jr

30. Mason Rivers

29. Papa Hawk

28. Yul Bannok

27. Maria Gonzalez

26. Aria Sabre

25. Phoenix

24. Furno Moxley

23. Rey Aguayo

22. Sicario

21. Asher Darma

20. Alejandro Espinoza

19. Aldo Montoya

18. Caesar Montana

17. Anthony Dre

16. Samuel

15. Jesus Garza

14. Flynn Horde

13. Ray Kiran

12. Roman McIntyre

11. CJ Hawk

10. Detrick Cyrus

9. Natalia Rodriguez

8. Erin Frost

7. Alexis Espinoza

6. Azriel

5. Ash Russo

4. Freddy Escobar

3. Sofia Reynoso

2. Giselle

1. Jason Sabre