It was a peaceful day at Beacon, flowers were blooming, birds were singing, Ozpin was drinking all of the coffee in Remnant, Qrow was drunk on school grounds, Zwei was chasing down Blake, Yang was beating the shit of a student who touched her hair, you know a typical day at Beacon

In the hallway of the dorms Ruby and Weiss were talking a little about certain moves combinations that could help with the team training with there friends of team JNPR

-Okay, i think you use Myrtenaster to stop Nora from moving and then with my semblance i take Magnhild from her hands- says a very excited Ruby to her partner

-It may work but Nora is really strong and i think Ren will try to stop you with StormFlower, or even Pyrrha with her shield- says Weiss back to her partner with her hands on her chin

-True but we still have Blake and her clones, and maybe we can make Yang go crazy...-Weiss looked at her with a rising eyebrow- You know what that may not be a good idea- said Ruby with a little sweat drop

-You think- said Weiss with a chuckle

When they were talking Weiss noticed something weird she saw 3 people talking in the other side of the hallway, Jaune Arc was talking with Cardin Winchester and Neptune Vasilias, from what Weiss could see they were discussing something peacefully, something that was really weird considering Cardin hated Jaune with every part of his soul and Neptune really didn't talked to Jaune

Ruby noticed that Weiss was looking to the end of the hallway, and she saw the 3 guys her reaction was a weird expression and a head tilt

-Why would Jaune talk to Cardin and Neptune?- asked Ruby with curiosity and confusion

-I don't know Ruby, but it's weird seeing them together- said Weiss with a similar expression as her friend

Ruby was about to speak again when they saw two more guys getting in the conversation

Yatsuhashi and Ren stepped in and what really shocked the girls was that all five made a handshake and some of them have huge smiles on their faces, they were talking as they were good friends

Ruby and Weiss were really shocked at the sight that was in front of their eyes

-...Did you saw what i saw?- asked Weiss

-You saw Cardin, Ren, Jaune, Yatsuhashi and Neptune talk like they were friends from a very long time?- asked Ruby really surprised

-...Yes...- said Weiss

The girls started to slowly and carefully walk to where the boys were talking until they heard a little of the conversation

-Dudes you have to admit it was a lot of fun doing it- said Neptune with a smile

-I had my doubts on the beginning, but i have to admit it was awesome- said Cardin now with a smile

Ruby and Weiss were really shocked about how friendly the 5 guys were being with each other

-So where is it ?- asked Yatsuhashi to the four

Now that brought the curiosity from both girls

-I have it in my dorm- said Jaune smiling

Now the girls knew what their next mission will be

-Is in the place i think it is?- asked Ren to his team leader

-No is in the other place, don't worry it's safe- Said Jaune

-Yeah dude remember that we are keeping it secret for now- added Neptune with Cardin nodding at what Neptune said

-I know, i know don't worry no one will find it we can left knowing that it will be safe- said Jaune to all of them

The girls didn't expect that what did he mean about all of the are going to left

-Okay so where are the others?-asked Cardin

Weiss and Ruby were really trying to process what the boys were talking bout and now Cardin says there are others

-Sun is in our dorm practicing some stuff for later, Roman is smoking in the rooftop i think, Mercury is preparing the uniforms in his dorm and Adam is talking to Ozpin about how much time we will be out-said Neptune to the boys

Now they knew who else was in this secret, Roman Torchwick the infamous leader of the only duo team in Beacon R.A, his partner the bull faunus Adam Taurus one of the most powerful swordsman in Beacon and in words of many people a real dick in person, Other was Sun Wukong the monkey faunus leader of SSSN a really good friend of practically anyone and last but not least Mercury Black the mysterious member of team CMNM and only male of the team a quiet and cocky guy, but what the girls were really asking to themselves was what the hell were those 9 guys going to do away of Beacon

-Okay so go get everyone, we leave in 20 minutes grab all your uniforms and tell Roman to not unleash "clown"- said Jaune

-Sure thing "8"- said Cardin and with that the five of them took separate ways

When the girls felt sure they couldn't hear them, they started to head to their dorm

-Weiss message the girls and tell them that we are going to have a reunion in the dorm like right now- Said Ruby walking with Weiss on her side

-I have already done it i also message Coco and Velvet- said Weiss

-Okay we need all the help we need to find out what are all of them going to do- said Ruby with a smirk on her face

The day just got a lot more interesting