MAY 2025

Kitty Wilde looked around the room with a small smile on her face. It was crazy to think about how much things had changed for her since high school. She was still a bitch but, instead of taking her passion out on the people close to her, she now used her energy to win almost every court case she was given. That's right. Kitty Wilde had traded in her Cheerios uniform for a Harvard Law degree. When she started at McKinley, Kitty had devoted everything to the cheer team. Her grades had remained subpar, study time was sacrificed to practice new stunts. Her dating life was miserable, she was only allowed to date football or hockey players without risking her popularity. And her happiness was ultimately compromised for yet another national cheerleading championship.

But then Kitty joined Glee club.

It started out as a joke, a way to get back at her ex-boyfriend. But the choir room quickly became her home and the Glee kids were her family. Sure they were all annoying, self-centered brats at the time but they were her family, even if she wasn't always the best at showing it. Glee club showed Kitty that she had what it took to be a leader and that she was so much more than a red skirt and a high pony.

And so Kitty applied for Harvard. Just like Glee, it started out as a joke at first. A random person on the streets called Artie a cripple and Kitty had immediately come to his defense. She presented such a good argument that the guy apologized to Artie without being told to do so and immediately helped lift Artie up a flight of stairs. After the guy left, Artie joked that Kitty should become a lawyer. And after some consideration, she came to the conclusion that it might be fun. So, she applied to Harvard, got in, completed her four undergraduate years, and then continued on to law school. Now, ten years after she graduated McKinley, Kitty was one of the top lawyers in New York.

She was a busy woman but she wouldn't have it any other way. Even if it meant that she didn't get to meet up with her Glee family as much as she would like to. She saw the people who lived in New York almost every week. Kurt and Blaine often came to her penthouse for dinner and Rachel treated Kitty to a day at the spa every month. But between court appearances, interviews and forming arguments that were guaranteed to win the judge over, Kitty didn't have much time to stay in contact with her friends who lived farther away. Which was why events like these were so special to her. Every time one of the New Directions alumni had an important event or achievement that needed to be celebrated, the Glee club gathered in Lima to have a party in the choir room. It had been a tradition ever since Mercedes had her album release party there.

Rodrick had thrown a party there to celebrate him releasing his first single, written by Marley of course. Kurt forced Blaine to gather everyone in Lima to watch his first collection walk in the New York Fashion Show. Puck and Quinn's engagement party was thrown in that choir room and many more proposals took place there. And now the Glee Club kids were all huddled in the choir room waiting with baited breath as Mr. Schue hooked up the projector.

"What are we here for again?" Puck whispered to Kitty.

Thankfully, Quinn deep in conversation with Madison and Jane so she didn't hear her husband's question. If she had, he probably would've earned a slap to the arm and a sharp glare.

"Rachel's up for a Tony remember? Not a big deal or anything," Kitty replied sarcastically.

"I was kidding, Elle Woods. But seriously, she's been nominated for the past 5 years. It takes me and Quinn four hours to get here, why can't we watch it from our couch?" He shot back.

"It's tradition, Puck," Tina chimed in from behind her. "And I think you appreciate the tradition because if you didn't, you wouldn't have had your engagement party here."

Puck just grumbled while Kitty and Tina shared a knowing glance at each other. Kitty then turned back to her own boyfriend and sighed contently.

Her and Artie had gotten together in her sophomore year and had been together ever since. Everyone was sure that their relationship wouldn't last. Kitty was a popular cheerleader and Artie was just a nerd in a wheelchair. Not to mention the long distance. Even their closest friends had thought that the couple would eventually break up. But Artie and Kitty had proved them wrong. After Artie graduated, he moved to Massachusets to live with Kitty. Sure they had their fair share of fights but in the end, they loved each other more than anything in the world. Which was why it was easy for her to agree to marry him.

After a little over 12 years together, Artie had finally proposed the week earlier and Kitty was only slightly embarrassed to admit that she hadn't told any of her friends yet.

"Everything ok, Kitty?" Artie asked, rubbing her arm as she discreetly slid out of her chair and onto his lap.

"Perfect," Kitty mumbled into his shoulder.

She snuggled farther into Artie's warm embrace, fingering the diamond ring on her finger and wondering when someone would notice it.

"Has anyone said anything yet?" Artie, her fiance, asked.

"Nope," Kitty said, not sounding at all concerned. "Let Rachel have her moment to shine. People should be focusing on her today."

"She always did hog the spotlight," Artie whispered.

Kitty was about to reply when she was cut off by the sound of applause. Mr. Schue had finally figured out how to use the projector and now everyone's attention was drawn to the screen where a stage was shown.

"Alright, everyone Rachel's category is up next!" Mr. Schue exclaimed as he ran to his seat. Everyone immediately quieted down and turned to face the front of the room.

Well, everyone except Alistair and Spencer who were too busy quietly making out in the corner to actually pay attention to anything around them. Ten years had passed and Spencer still felt the need to show everyone around him that Alistair was taken. Kitty rolled her eyes when Spencer finally took a breath and looked over in her direction. He just winked and smiled slightly before returning to his longtime boyfriend.

"And now to announce the nominees for best actress in a musical!" The host announced. Everyone in the choir room waited with baited breath as the camera panned around to show the nominees.

"Maggie Smith in Miss Jean Brodie's Second Prime."

The audience on the screen burst into applause but the choir room remained silent as they waiting for their friend's name to be called.

"Willow Smith in Cabaret," The announcer continued. "Anne Hathaway in her one-woman show, Anne! exclamation point. And Rachel Berry in Jane Austen Sings."

Kitty grinned as everyone in the choir room burst into thunderous applause. The screen showed Rachel and her husband who was none other than her former flame, Jesse St. James.

"And the winner is..."

It was so quiet that you could hear a pin drop. Even Alistair and Spencer had stopped what they were doing to look at the screen.

But as soon as Rachel's name was announced, the room broke out in screams. Kitty was kissing Artie. Quinn was jumping up and down with Santana and Brittany. Sam was fist bumping Puck. Even Mr. Schue, who was still sleep deprived due to his new baby, was on his feet jumping among his former students.

It wasn't until they heard Rachel's tear-filled voice that they quieted down. Kitty had to stifle tears as she watched her closest friend clutch the trophy close to her chest. Rachel quietly thanked the people on stage and then made her way to the main microphone to give her acceptance speech.

"Wow, I really don't know what to say," Rachel began, smiling brightly at the cameras.

"First time for that," Kitty muttered affectionately.

"I guess I want to start by thanking my husband, and amazing director, Jesse. Thank you for understanding and for being patient with me even when I'm being awful to you. I don't know where I would be without you, babe. And to all my amazing costars and anyone who was working behind the scenes, I couldn't have gotten this award without your help. Thank you to NYADA for giving me my degree and to my two dads who pushed me into all the theater lessons in Lima. Thank you to my amazing Glee club friends and to my amazing teacher Mr. Schue. Will, you changed my life in so many ways and I can never repay that but I want you to know that I will always remember everything you've done for me. And lastly, to my first love. Finn, this is for you. I did it. We made it. Thank you for everything."

Rachel put her award up and seemed to whisper something to the sky before giving one last wave to the audience and walking down the stairs. The Glee club didn't watch the rest of the awards. All of them were too stunned by Rachels award and speech to pay attention to anything else.

Mr. Schue had tears running down his face but no one commented on it. Kitty looked around the room and noticed that almost everyone had tears in their eyes. Even some of the Glee kids who had joined in 2015 were tearing up. After all, Finn's memory never died and they knew exactly who he was.

After a few rounds of celebratory champagne, the Glee club alumni began to filter out of the choir room. Kitty sat comfortably on Artie's lap as he wheeled her out of school and over to their accessible van. Kitty's heels clicked on the floor as opened the door and rolled out the ramp for Artie to wheel up. Once she was sure all the straps to hold Artie's chair in place were secure, she climbed into the driver's seat and began the drive to their hotel room.

"Can you believe she did it? After all those nominations, she finally won." Artie asked from his seat behind Kitty.

"Of course I believe it. She's Rachel Berry," Kitty replied easily, smiling slightly.

"Finn would've been so proud," Artie whispered quietly.

"Yeah," Kitty said, sniffling a bit and looking at Artie's face in the rearview mirror. "He would've been so, so proud. But he knows. I know he's up there, watching and cheering right along with us."

"It's been more than 10 years and it's still hard."

"I know," Kitty said quietly as she pulled into the parking lot of the hotel. "Come on babe, we've got a long day tomorrow."

Artie cleared his throat and nodded as Kitty began undoing the straps that held his chair in place.

"You've got the 2015 alumni reunion in the morning right?"

Kitty nodded absentmindedly as she rolled her husband out of the car.

"Hopefully Spence and Alistair won't fuck right in front of us," Kitty commented with a smile.

"That's asking a bit much."

"Probably true."

A/N- Hi guys! My name is Maddie and in addition to my fanfiction, I have a couple of original stories posted on Wattpad under the username ThatMatchie and I would love if you checked them out! And now with that out of the way, welcome to my new story!

Now I don't know about you guys but I was a little disappointed that the Glee epilogue only focused on a few people. I wanted to know what happened to Kitty and Brittana and Spalistair and Jake and Quick and, well, everyone. So I decided to write my own version of the epilogue. Every chapter will be centered on a new person, or couple, but they will all take place in the same universe if you know what I mean. So they won't necessarily go in chronological order or anything but they will all have connections to each other.

For example, the next chapter will be centered around Spalistair at the 2015 alumni reunion that Kitty talks about in this chapter. If you guys have any requests, be sure to comment them just remember that it has to fit into the universe that I have already created. For example, I can do a Jarley chapter but I can't do a Faberry chapter because it is already mentioned that Rachel ends up with Jesse.

Alright, that's all for now!

Love you all,
