Note: Set in a canon divergent timeline before CW & IW

This was the craziest thing Sam has heard from men sitting around him. Trying to take Mjolnir from Thor was one thing (he could have picked it up if he tried), but they were bringing Loki into the mix tonight. How they even agreed to this was beyond him. Maybe they were drunker than he was.

"Come on, Sam, it won't hurt," Clint said, an amused grin on his face.

Tony stroked his chin. "I dunno," he said. "I don't think Wilson has the balls to do it."

Sam gave an offended scoff. "I don't see you doing it, Rust Man."

Tony simply smirked. "I know my inner animal, no need to make everyone in here jealous."

Steve waved his hand dismissively at the dark-haired man. "No one will be jealous of a weasel, Tony."

Thor laughed heartily, and Loki leaned forward on the table.

"All you have to do is reach into the cards," Loki told Sam, gesturing to the cards on the table. "There are no tricks, just the truth of what your inner animal will be."

"And I'm supposed to trust your word?" Sam countered. "Nu uh. No way. Hell no."

Thor clapped Sam's back. "If my brother does anything out of line, not only will he be punished by me, but he will have to answer to Hulk, who is in the other room."

Loki rubbed his hands, a chuckle passed through his lips. "And we can't have that."

Sam rubbed his face. He knew he was a falcon. Hell, he was Falcon. Why should he have to do this inner animal jumbo? They were yanking his chain, he knew it.

Taking a swig from his bottle, Sam slapped his hand on one of the cards. "Fine," he said. The other males mockingly cheered while he looked at the card.

It was blank.

With a frown, Sam looked at Loki. "Is this a joke–?" Everything went black.

When Sam opened his eyes, everyone was bigger around him. At first, he thought he'd shrunk or something, and he tried to clench his fist.

Except he couldn't feel his fingers.

Panicked, Sam tried shouting to get their attention.

"He's so tiny," Thor remarked with a laugh.

Clint covered his mouth with one hand, waving with his other. "I can't," he said, getting up and laughing.

Steve shook his head while Tony had his phone out. Loki had a smirk on his face.

Sam was going to peck it off.

He couldn't speak, only squeak. It sounded like a falcon, but the way the guys were laughing gave Sam a bad feeling. He walked towards the first reflection he could get to, which wasn't easy with the talons he'd acquired.

'I'm a falcon,' Sam thought. 'I'm a falcon...I better be a damn falcon!'

When his reflection could be seen, Sam squawked and fell on his back.

'I'm a pigeon! Of all the damn birds...'

The men couldn't understand him, but he was shooting curse word after curse word. This was not his inner animal.

"It's okay little fella," Loki crowed, a sardonic grin on his face. "It only lasts for two hours."

Sam pecked him. He was still Falcon, damnit.

A/N: Written for Avenger's Training Camp

Avenger's Bingo - Animal Transformation

Boot Camp - (character) Sam Wilson

Word Count: 531