Chapter Twenty-One

Jamie took Eddie's hand and led her to the dance floor. Most of the room was watching the young couple dance, lost in each other to the point they didn't realize they were still out and about. Jamie gently turned Eddie, she dipped in a gentle sultry move.

From the sidelines, Senator Hobart watched. Tom Manning's pretty little wife had evaded him time and again She would not continue to evade him, he'd find out how sweet and sexy she really was.

As Jamie and Eddie were stepping off the dance floor, he approached. Jamie instinctively move Eddie behind him. "Mr. Reagan, I'm so sorry, I'd like to speak to Eddie."

"She's right here," Eddie replied. "And she can speak for herself." Still, she stayed behind Jamie.

"I owe you an apology, I was out of line Tom was a good friend," Senator Hobart replied. "I am very sorry for my actions tonight."

"Thank you," Eddie replied. "I'm sure it does hurt to miss Tom. I miss Tom, he was a good man, but this is my life and I choose who I love."

The Senator nodded and shook each of their hands before heading off to get another drink.

Eddie and Jamie bid goodbye to the Jobmans and Lawtons, promising to see them in a month when they came to close on the house. It was hard to part ways but they had so much left at home, their family, their life.

"That Senator Hobart is one entitled SOB isn't he?" Eddie sighed. "Tom never liked him around me. Tom was not a possessive husband by any means but he did not like this man. He's just a jerk, I've been around a zillion creeps, he's harmless."

Jamie looked at his wife gently, "I've been around creeps too, many of them with you and I'm telling you, I don't' like him and at the risk of sounding like a possessive husband, I don't want you to be around him without me. Please listen to me on this."

Eddie nodded, 'If it makes you feel better, then I won't. I can handle him, but I don't' want you to get upset."

Jamie smiled, "Nothing could upset me more than him manhandling you, but that's over and we have tonight. Nothing is going to ruin it, all night all I could think about was…"

"Jamie, it's okay, please don't…" But Jamie cut her off. "All I could think about," he repeated with a few short kisses, 'Was getting you home."

Jamie could barely get the key in the door, they were so obsessed with each other, kissing and cuddling. Eddie's fingers were working on Jamie's shirt, his jacket hit the floor the moment they crossed the threshold. His tie was hanging off the side of a chair. She got the material to open and pushed it off his shoulders.

Jamie's hands were in Eddie's hair, loosening the combs and watching, always in awe, as the hair spiraled down. Jamie kissed his way from Eddie's neck to the hollow of her throat. He nibbled on her ear and sighed, his breath warming her from the outside inward.

Eddie was working on Jamie's pants, but he still hadn't begun to remove one stitch of her clothing. "Jamie," Eddie whispered as he continued to suckle her neck, "Don't I have too many clothes on?"

"No," was the quick reply. "No, you don't…I…want to…" Jamie moved Eddie so she was lying on her back. He wanted to have her the way he did on their wedding night, in her gown, looking beautiful and sexy all at once.

Jamie removed Eddie's shoes and stockings. He rolled the silk stocking down her leg, running his fingers along the inside of her thigh. Eddie gasped, "Jamie…" Her senses were heightened to a fever pitch with just a few touches.

Slowly, almost too slowly, Jamie began to roll up the hem of her dress. He ran his lips up one of her legs, using the dresses dramatic slit to entice her sweet, soft flesh. Eddie's hips were bucking wildly, she wanted Jamie, she needed him to hold and fill her.

"Jamie, please…" Her cry was nearly a whine as she begged him.

He got the hem of her dress around her waist and slipped her panties off.

Jamie carefully checked that Eddie was ready for him, his touch warm and gentle. "Oh…Oh…" Eddie cried. "Please, Jamie…what are you…please…"

"Ssh, sweetheart, I'm going to take care of you. Ssh…" Jamie closed his lips over Eddie's and kissed her softly.

Eddie's arm came down and held Jamie to her, he moved slowly inside of her, holding her tight to him as her climax began. Eddie shuddered, shaking in Jamie's arms as her body released. She buried her face in his neck.

When Jamie found his release, he moaned against Eddie's hair. Tonight had been magic, just like the first time as husband and wife. Jamie felt the earth move again on its axis. As always the power of their love made them feel it revolved only around them.

Only after their hearts settled down, did Jamie slowly remove Eddie's gown, baring her body to him. He touched each curve, caressed each spot of skin before joining their bodies again, their passion taking them for a soulful, exquisite ride.

As Jamie held Eddie to his chest, each of them falling asleep in the afterglow, Eddie could only smile, tonight ended their honeymoon, but it opened a door to the rest of their lives that was filled with promise, filled with hope, and most important of all filled with love.

As was their tradition now in Montana, Jamie and Eddie walked to their favorite pancake place. It was still solemn, they held hands and neither one said much, they didn't have to, they both knew what was going on in the other's mind.

"Your Dad is picking us up and I know he'll have the kids," Eddie smiled. "Did you pack their new stuffies and the things we got for the family?"

"Yes," Jamie assured her. 'You're nervous, talk to me, what's going on?"

"I'm just jumpy I guess," Eddie replied. 'Every time we have met here and left something happened and I just don't want anything to happen to upset all this, We made a magical family Jamie."

"Yes we did, and next month we come back to this place, we sign the papers for our new home. 'Jamie gave Eddie's hand a kiss. "Come on, we have just enough time to walk by our tree before we have to leave for the airport."

"Remember the first time we walked here?" Eddie asked. "I saw that spider and almost crawled up your arm. Hate spiders."

"Well, just think now you have your very own, on-call spider removal system," Jamie joked. "I'm glad we had the wedding here, not just Montana but here…this tree is like our life, a little bent, a little worn, but sturdy and standing tall forever."

Jamie gave Eddie a deep kiss, reaching her at her very core. She held onto him, never wanting the moment to end. This was too special, she had to seal it in her mind forever.

As they kissed, Eddie felt a tingling sensation on her uninjured arm, at first she thought it was Jamie's hand, but soon she felt him drop both hands to her buttocks; she still felt the tingling. Eddie pulled back from the kiss and looked at her shoulder. There big as life was a spider crawling up her arm.

Eddie screeched and started to jump up and down shaking her body to rid it of the unwanted arachnid and anything else. Jamie bit down on his cheek, trying not to break out into laughter. Eddie stop it's gone, it's gone, the poor thing is terrified."

"The poor thing? That poor thing, what about me I'm terrified, those things are gross!" Eddie continued to brush herself, Jamie finally laughed.

"You are too cute, come here, I'll carry you away from the big bad spider…" Jamit put Eddie on his back and carried her until they reached a less wooded trail. Jamie set Eddie down and the two of them turned to the cabin to gather their things and start their journey home.

Eddie sat by the window and Jamie on the aisle for their first class trip home to New York. Jamie arranged for a pillow immediately and propped Eddie's shoulder. "Be careful…"

"I know, be careful picking up the kids, I know," Eddie replied. "They won't understand but…I have to go back to work."

"I know, we'll see the NYPD doc as soon as we get settled find out how long you'll be modified."

Eddie cuddled her head next to Jamie's as the plane began to ready for take-off. While they flew, Jamie kissed Eddie's cheek, neck and toyed with her ear. She kept her hand on his chest rubbing the soft hair there through the buttons of his polo shirt. Jamie rocked, Eddie caressed, he nibbled, she sighed. Their connection and attraction was forefront, it was clear to anyone they were newlyweds or if not, deeply in love.

Their kissing got a little more exciting than they each planned. Jamie grazed Eddie's leg through her pink and white tennis skirt. He must have hit a tender spot resulting in a soft, throaty groan from Eddie. Two of the passengers just giggled and automatically got up to use the bathroom, they had this experience before, this would likely lead there.

One lady across the aisle though sniffed and turned up her nose. "Why don't they just join the mile high club and get it over with, carrying on like teenagers."

Jamie rolled his eyes, he was used to uptight but Eddie snapped her head around and met the woman's gaze. "We didn't carry on like this when we were teenagers, we're newlyweds in love, and as for the mile high club, been there, done that, bought the tee-shirt. I'll be quieter but you mind your business.

Eddie softened as she turned back to Jamie, "Well, I never…" the woman sputtered.

"Maybe that's the problem…" Eddie muttered as Jamie laughed.

They did scale back the kisses but cuddled with the arm rest up and Eddie's injured arm on Jamie's thigh, until the plane landed in New York. They both watched the New York landscape come into view, glad to be home and sad to have left their new lives in Montana all at the same time.

A/N: Thank you all so much for following us on this incredible journey. Not just this epic honeymoon but the winding road leading here. We love this couple so much and we hope you also enjoy our version of them. Please join us mid-March for the next step in the lives of the Reagan as the sun sets in New York. – Kristen and Nancy