A/N: Welcome to this short story as we celebrate the one-year anniversary of Super Mario Odyssey, one of the most critically acclaimed games in history. I should mention that if you want to avoid any spoilers, I would highly recommend exiting this page right now as I'll be going through some story events that are found in the game. I expect this to be a couple chapters, and uploads will not be frequently posted on a consistent basis. Plus, I still have two big projects to finish.

For flashbacks, dialogue is in italics. Thoughts are in both bold and italics. Narration is just normal text.

Any numbers in bold, italics, and parentheses are explained in the Post-Chapter Notes at the bottom of the page. Ex.- (1)

Other than that, I hope you enjoy my latest story titled Distance!

Disclaimer: Major spoilers to Super Mario Odyssey will be referenced here. I don't own anything related to Mario or Nintendo whatsoever.

"When one door closes another door opens, but we so often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door, that we do not see the ones which open for us."

~Alexander Graham Bell

Chapter 1: Wish I Could Forget

Location: Mushroom Kingdom

It was seven in the morning as the sun started to rise. Luigi got up early as he typically does every other day. Going downstairs into the kitchen, he brewed some tea and fixed up two Omelette Meals for breakfast. He set the plates and mugs down on the table.

"Mario!" he called for his older brother. "Breakfast is ready!" The green plumber began eating, but he didn't hear any footsteps. Not from the stairs or the upper floor. "Mario! Did you hear me?" There was no response after that. "Hmm... Must be sleeping in again."

Luigi paused from his meal and went upstairs to wake him up. When he got to the outside of his room, he knocked on his door twice.

"Mario? I said breakfast is done. Come down before it gets cold!"

What he didn't expect to hear was a groan from inside.

Luigi furrowed his eyebrows. "Fratello, are you awake?"

A deep, muffled sigh followed his question.

"Mario, can you talk at all?"

"Yes, I can," he heard his brother in a deadpan tone.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm good." The way he said it didn't convince him.

"Can I come in?"

After another long pause, Mario moaned. "Fine. Come in."

Luigi gently opened the door and peeked inside. He saw Mario lying on his stomach in an awkward position. His face was buried under his pillow and one of his legs dangled off the edge. Half the blanket was on the floor.


"Morning, Weegie," his voice remained dull.

"What's wrong?"

He didn't reply for a while. "Nothing. I'm just tired..."

"Are you sick as well?"


"What do you mean, 'maybe'?"

"Oh, I don't know..."

"Do you want me to bring you some tea?"

"No thanks."

Luigi needed to get straight to the point. "Aren't you aware that we have to get going in less than twenty minutes?"

Another sigh came from Mario. "Is this about the big party tomorrow?"

"Yeah. Come on, bro. We promised to help Princess Peach and the Toads with the rest of the decorations. We're almost done, too. You can sleep when we're finished."

"I know that, Luigi."

"So, why aren't you getting up?"

"Didn't I tell you already? I'm tired."

"Mario, no offense, but you're starting to sound like me whenever I get depressed. Is something bothering you?"

He managed to turn around and sit up to face his sibling. Luigi tried to hide his shock. The nightcap fell off Mario's head, showing off his messy hair. Bags were found under his sapphire eyes. He was red in the face, too.

"Mario, have you not gotten any sleep last night?"

"Oh, I did sleep. But I had trouble counting sheep, you know?"

"So, there is something bothering you," Luigi assumed.

Mario shook his head in denial. "I told you before. I'm tired."

"But why?"

"It's none of your business."

Luigi felt that he was hiding a secret. "Bro, you can tell me anything."

"I don't want to talk right now."

"You always told me talking can help things out a little."

"Yeah, well, I'm not in the mood," Mario was losing his patience.

"But can't I help you feel better?"

"How about you leave me alone then?! That would make me feel better, so I don't have to hear your mouth yapping at me!"

Luigi stepped back with wide eyes. He had seen his brother go through a couple angry moments here and there. But every time he was aggressive, he felt a little scared that he may have crossed a line.

"I-I'm sorry, M-Mario..."

The older brother knew he was wrong for yelling at Luigi like that. He shut his eyes and covered his face with his hand, his right thumb wiping the rheum out of his eyes.

"Luigi, I didn't mean to scream. I'm... It's just that..." He was having trouble finding the words.

"No, no, I get it. I probably shouldn't have asked so many questions."

"Luigi, don't blame yourself for this. I acted inappropriately towards you. It was my mistake."

"I didn't mean to make you mad."

"And you didn't. I just didn't sleep well, that's all. I had no reason to take it out on you. But trust me, I'm okay."

Luigi was about to ask if he was sure, but he refrained at the last second. "Alright, bro. You can come downstairs when you're ready. The food and tea might be cold at this point though."

"That's fine. I can reheat it myself. I'll shower, eat breakfast, and head on over to the castle. You can run ahead of me. Tell Peach that I'll be a bit late to help."

"You got it, Mario."

"Thanks, Luigi," he smiled.

The green man grinned back before he closed the door. As soon as he did though, Mario's smile faded away. He fell back onto his bed with his arms spread out to his sides. He aimlessly stared at the ceiling fan, spinning at a moderate rate to allow a small breeze to flow inside his bedroom. But the motion only reminded him of something else. Well, technically, it was only a small detail. Yet it was part of a huge problem.

Mario's eyes started to lose focus. At the time, it felt like the blades started to oscillate faster. And faster. And faster. It picked up speed to the point that Mario was seeing something change in his vision. And what he saw was a metal propeller on the side of a decorated airship.

It all started on that one fateful day. No matter how hard he tried, the memory wouldn't wipe away from his mind.

~Flashback: One year ago


In the early morning hours, Mario was spending some leisure time with Princess Peach. Like every other day, he felt content whenever she was in his company.

However, he was hoping to take things up a notch.

On this day, Mario used some of his coins on a bouquet of beautiful roses, Peach's favorite kind of flowers. He also took her out for a delicious breakfast at a café in Toad Town. But the biggest investment he spent his savings on was a precious item that could change his and her lives forever.

"Mario," Peach giggled as they walked up the path to the castle, "I have a feeling that you're up to something. All you've done this morning was treat me with kindness and offer these nice things to me."

"Well, I just want to make you happy for being a great friend of mine." The red-clad man didn't notice, but Peach had a slight twinge in her heart when he finished his statement.

"Mario, you didn't have to do all this."

"I wanted to, Princess. You've really changed my life ever since I met you."

She lowered her gaze with a small frown. "But all I've done was let myself get kidnapped all the time only for you to rescue me. I feel bad that you have to go through so many dangers just so you can help someone who's not as strong and brave as you."

"That's not true at all. You've stepped up to the plate to show off your skills and abilities. I've seen you fight and persevere. You never had the attitude to give up. You're a gifted person, Peach. You're just as strong as me. If not, I think you're better."

She blushed at his words, thinking it was only motivational talk. But Mario's voice sounded sincere, something she perceived long ago dating back to their first encounter.

"And besides, I value your life over mine. Aside from Luigi, you're the one person I feel grateful to be close with. I truly mean it."

Peach smiled and giggled a little. "Thank you, Mario."

"And Peach, I..." His cheeks flushed red as he looked down and scratched the back of his head. "There's something I've been willing to ask you."

"What's that?"

Mario stopped walking as he turned to face her. "I've mentioned earlier that you were a great friend to me. And I know that you feel the same way about me, too. However, it was hard for me to admit that..." He paused to take a deep breath. "Over the years since I've rescued you in Bowser's Castle the very first time, after I laid my eyes upon yours, those blessed, beautiful pools of blue, I've developed different feelings for you."

Peach widened her pools of blue. She had an idea of where Mario was going with this, but she didn't want to think too far ahead in case she was wrong.

"Go on..."

"I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one who initially thought it seemed very peculiar that someone like you would appreciate a guy like myself. I think it's safe to say that I don't care about that anymore. I sincerely believe you're an incredible woman, Peach. And I'm lucky I got to spend some great moments with you in the past. But moving forward, I want to live my life with you."

The princess was in shock, and she later raised a hand over her mouth when he saw him get down on one knee.


He was about to reach into his back pocket to grab something. "Princess Peach Toadstool, will you-"


The loud explosion disturbed their moment. Toads started to scream and panic, running down the green hills and away from the calamity. Mario stood up and searched around until he saw the source.

A large airship flew in the sky above Peach's castle. The propellers spun rapidly as it approached its destination. What made the airship different was that it was repainted in white with cloth and Piranha Plants decorated on the sides. Purple carpet spread across the deck. The owner stood on the edge of the aircraft, looking down at Mario and Peach. The former noticed his unusual appearance. He was looking dapper, wearing a white tuxedo, a large, purple bow, and a spiked top hat. It was quite a change to see him looking fancy or even wearing clothes, not that Mario cared in the first place. But seeing his face always made him angry.

Just then, the large figure snapped his fingers. Cannons shot out ammunition towards the two. Mario grabbed Peach's hand to run away, but a cannonball landed right near them that they flew in different directions. The intruder took off his top hat and spun it down to where Peach was. A mechanical boxing glove grabbed the princess before it flew back onto the ship. He had her right where he wanted.

"GWAHAHAHA! Good morning, Princess Peach! How did you like my grand entrance?"

Peach was livid, which was uncharacteristic of her. "Bowser! How dare you!"

"Why, what's the matter? All I wanted was to see you."

"Yeah, and you ruined my morning with Mario!"

"Oh, please. Forget about that pudgy plumber. What you need is someone who is willing to give you anything you want and make you happy for the rest of your life."

"How about you put me down? That'll make me happy."

Bowser got into her face, causing her to lean back in fear. He glanced at her royal, beloved crown. With his claw, he flicked it off her head.

"Hey! My crown!"

"Do not fret, my wife-to-be."

She turned to him with huge eyes, hoping she heard him incorrectly. "Excuse me?!"

"Oh, you didn't get the news? I'm looking forward to our wedding," Bowser smirked.

"Hold on! Who even planned this?! And what makes you think that I'm going to marry you?!"

"Isn't it obvious? I planned all this! Now, I have a present for you."

From the pocket of his suit, he pulled out a Bonneter named Tiara. True to her name, she resembled a bridal tiara.

"Here's something to replace that old crown of yours."

Peach saw her shivering in fear as she couldn't leave from Bowser's clutch. If Tiara tried to flee, she thought that Bowser might hurt her. She quickly transformed into her bridal crown form, and Bowser placed her on top of Peach's hair. Gasping, she saw how frightened the poor Bonneter was.

"BWAHAHA! It looks stunning on you! Now, all we need is a wedding dress! And I know just the place to get one! But first, I have to make some stops in the other kingdoms to make this wedding perfect!"

"Well, you know what's not perfect?" Bowser growled at the sound of that voice. Peach, on the other hand, was relieved. The Koopa King turned around to see Mario leaping onto the ship. "It's the idea of you getting married to her! Now let Peach go!"

With Peach and Tiara watching from the upper step, Bowser and Mario clashed on the deck of the airship. The red hero landed a couple punches and kicks at his chest and head. He managed to dodge all of Bowser's early attacks. Even though she saw Mario winning, Peach couldn't deny that she was scared for him.

"Grr... I don't have time for you to interfere with my plans! I'm going to make this quick and easy."

Bowser showed no mercy in the second half of the fight. He reached a fist out to his nemesis to knock him back several feet. Bowser reached out with the other hand, but Mario barely jumped back. The Koopa leaped in the air to pounce on him, causing Mario to fly forward. Bowser turned around and let out a deep breath of fire. The flame shot at the plumber as he narrowly dodged to the side.

Somehow, Mario was getting fatigued from this fight. He never felt this tired in his previous battles with Bowser. It seemed clear he had the same intentions as before. But he was much more prepared for this moment than any other time in the past.

"Feeling exhausted, buddy?"

Mario pushed the brim of his hat as he wheezed. "No... I'm not..."

Bowser chortled in front of him and Peach. "Just let it be, Mario. This is the end... for you!"

He followed by grabbing his top hat again and whisked it at Mario. It barely missed him, but his signature red hat flew high above. Mario ignored it and clenched his hands in fury.

"I don't need my hat to defeat you, Bowser!" he started to run towards him.

"Wait for it..."

Bowser's hat suddenly took a detour back to the airship like a boomerang. Peach saw this coming and tried to warn him.

"Mario! Look out!"


He rotated around and only had enough time to gasp as the top hat hit him directly in the face. With so much speed and force, it managed to send the plumber out of the Mushroom Kingdom.


Peach reached out a hand in the air. "NO! MARIO!"

When she saw it with her own two eyes, the pink princess was in despair. She couldn't believe that Mario was sent away like that. And it happened moments after what seemed to be a life-changing moment. Tiara bounced on her head in dismay, horrified that Mario was gone. However, they saw his red hat float down onto the airship. When it landed, Bowser raised a foot and stomped on the headgear. With another evil grin, he grabbed Peach with his left claw and shouted across the land.

"Eventually, it'll be time for my wedding with Peach! Jealous, Mario?! It's not like you're going to respond, because you're officially gone! You will never be able to save my wife anymore! BWAHAHAHA!"

Peach had to cover her ears from Bowser's loud roar. All she could do was plead for any kind of aid.

"No! Help me!"

As Bowser tipped his hat goodbye, the airship made its course to the Sand Kingdom. Mario's crinkled possession flew away before it got cut up into pieces by the back propeller. A red patch with the 'M' made it into the hands of a white spirit who was shaped like a top hat. He gave a glance at the piece of fabric and down below.

"That poor guy. I better go find him and hope he's okay." From there, Cappy headed to his homeland in Bonneton. (1)

~End of flashback

Mario glanced over to a picture on his bedside dresser. It was a photo of Mario, Peach, Cappy, Tiara, and everyone he met from his biggest adventure to date. (2) He was standing proudly next to the princess as both had smiles on their faces. However, just from scrutinizing Peach alone, he was thinking that she was expressing a hidden emotion.


Mario grabbed another item, this one coming from the top drawer of his dresser. He took out something small and opened the top to reveal the contents inside. Sealed within a small case made of soft, black felt, a beautiful diamond ring was tucked in between the cushions. Beneath the top was a message engraved on the white lining of the box.

'To the woman I want to be with forever.'

This was what he was going to use for his engagement proposal to Peach. Since Bowser ruined it, he traveled the world to prevent his enemy from doing the same thing he wanted to experience with her. He wished it could have been just the two of them, getting married and spending eternity with the one they truly loved.


Mario shook his head as he closed the box. "What kind of love? How could that still be a thing if she doesn't have those feelings anymore?"

Sighing heavily, the plumber laid back on his bed. As his hand extended over the edge of the bed, he carelessly dropped the ring box onto the floor. It meant nothing to him since that day. He didn't have the guts to throw it away or even sell it. For an entire year, Mario kept it as a secret to only himself.

And for what? A rejection that emotionally crushed him.

The biggest kick in the face from this? He started it. And he felt like he earned it.

"If only I wasn't such a big jerk."

Mario made a blunder back then, and failing to move on from that was eating his heart out. Because of what happened on the moon, Mario had never forgiven himself. He couldn't stop thinking about it without feeling guilty. The man was also aware that he was making another mistake right now: avoiding the princess. But today wasn't the only time he had kept his distance from her.

Almost willing to neglect his promise to Luigi, he cuddled up in his sheets and laid his head down. Before he could try to go back to sleep, he heard a ringing noise outside his room. At first, Mario thought it was the doorbell, and he figured that if he ignored it, the person would go away. But it wasn't the doorbell. It was the home phone.

"Oh for Grambi's sake..." he muttered as he lazily got out of bed. "Why do we have to have just one phone in this household, and why does it have to be downstairs?"

The excessive ringing wasn't making it any better for the disheveled plumber.

"I'm coming!" He grabbed the phone harshly. "Hello?"

"Mario? Is that you?"

In an immediate second, all the negative emotions washed away as his face became pale, excluding his cheeks that started to redden.


Her voice on the other line made him shudder. He felt anxious. Not once in his life had he felt this way until after the moon incident. It was a sound so pure and calm that it always melted his heart every time he heard it.

Not this time.

"Mario? Are you there? Please, answer me!"

His hand was shaking uncontrollably that he dropped the phone onto the floor. The loud bang made him jump before he picked it up, hearing the same person call out to him.

"Mario, what's going on? I want to talk to you."

Panicking, the plumber quickly hung up, slamming the phone down back to its original place. He laid his back on the wall before sliding down until he sat on the floor, knees curled up to his chest. Frustrated at his rudeness, he dug his head into his lap.

"Pathetic," he mentally scolded himself. "You're too cowardly to talk to her. You've done it many times in the past, and you still talked to her after the incident. So why can't you get over it?!"

Mario bent his neck back that his head hit the wall. He couldn't care less about how much it hurt. What he needed was closure. He was having a hard time accomplishing that. Not to mention, long.

After thinking for a bit, he decided to do something. But it wasn't fulfilling his promise to his brother. Mario got himself cleaned up, put his clothes on, ate breakfast, and left a note on the kitchen table. He went outside to find his airship, the Odyssey. Once he took flight, he made a course to the Cap Kingdom.


Being a fan of Mario games, you'd probably expect me to write a lot of stories under this category. But since I only have three fanfics, two of them technically being crossovers with Sonic, I came up with this about a week ago. It basically reflects the side of Mario we normally don't see, and this made-up scenario occurs after the conclusion of the game.

Again, this story is not going to be huge, and I likely won't update it consistently, but I hope you're interested enough to read more. Speaking of which, you can either follow, add this as a favorite, review down below, or all three. That way, I know if you're enjoying this already. Until then, thanks for reading Ch. 1 of Distance, and I'll see you guys for the next one. This is TGN, signing off.

Post-Chapter Notes:

(1): I gave my own backstory of what happened prior to the introductory cutscene of Super Mario Odyssey to give some context of what this short story is based on.

But on an irrelevant note, how is Cappy STILL not a character option to choose on Fanfiction, yet the Broodals are there? It's been a year since the game came out, and you'd think Cappy would be added to the Mario characters list. But nope, he's not there.

(2): The photograph I mentioned is shown at the end after the secret final boss fight, which is generally a harder version of the original one.