As Emma now rifled up, she quickly covered her reactions, trying to be calm. As she brings her posture like as a leader, putting on a brave face on, she goes and be the princess she is for the moment. She quickly says "When is the execution going to take place? How many days?"
"As soon as possible, two days at most in the morning before noon." Her father said.
"Okay," Emma says trying not to let the vile of the food comes rushing back and throws up. She left right away, going back to her quarters crying her heart out. She caresses her stomach, looking down at her stomach as if saying to her unborn child, that everything is going to be okay. She doesn't get out of her room all day, she's in her grief of what is to come in only a few days. Then suddenly when she noticed when the light is out of her room and the moon comes out, she imagines Kilian and then turns toward where she put the ring away. At that moment everything becomes clear, knowing what Emma is going to do now.
She changes her dress, to something that is simple and classic, a white dress that doesn't say royalty. Then she grabs her cloak that is blue, and cover her head, as she gets out of the room with the ring that has become her future, her hope, she stays to the tracks where her feet are leading her towards to. As she gets closer, she could see the dim lighting of the dungeons, the dark mostly taking over everything as she passes through except for the man that she loves comes out to the light.
"Killian," she breathes out, "Swan, love what are you doing?"
Emma comes closer to the cells that separates them and looks up into his eyes. Why does he have to have such beautiful eyes as the ocean? Why? She then breaks out of herself, trying not to cry, though only a few tears did they fall and feeling the thumb of her fiancé's on her cheeks, getting rid of the tears, why does he have to be a gentleman, when all she wants to do is take him in his arms with her arms being inside of Killian and leave and be free, why is this happening. Until his sweet voice that is filled with love and concern brings her back to reality.
"Killian they've planned to have you executed, in a day or two, however, that's not the reason why I'm here." She takes a deep breath, knowing exactly why she is here, wants she wants more than anything in the entire world is here. "I want to get married to you Killian, right here, right now. I've never been so sure of anything in my life. I want you. Please."
"As I am still a Captain, I will gladly marry us, Swan. As you wish. Ladies first."
"Killian Jones when we met each other a few short years ago, I was intrigued by you the minute you were in the tavern. Then as time went by and we fell in love with one another, I found the answer of why I was interested in you. When I first saw you, I felt a pull in my heart going towards you and I didn't know why however I know now that ever since I was a young girl I always felt that I was missing something. When we were together I know that it was you that you had made me whole and I no longer felt anything missing and with you, I've become stronger and better. I promise that I will always cherish you, love you, and protect you with all that I am for eternity."
"Emma, love when I first saw you at the tavern I wondered why such a beautiful lady was by herself on that night and all I have wanted to do was just to talk to you. When I first saw you, I was scared because I knew somehow you would bring me out of my darkness, my revenge. Then as time passes by I fell in love you which I've never thought possible, to fall in love again. You brought me down from the roughest edges of the waves of a storm to the eye of the center. You have accepted my good and best parts of being Captain Hook and Killian Jones. Now I want to promise you that I will always protect and love you for the rest of my life because you're my treasure and I will promise that to you, my love that I will always be there."
Then they investigated each other's life holding on to that crystal moment that will make them one, to be each other side to side as they kiss to one another. They were now married, and nothing will stop them being apart.
As time passed on, it was time for the private execution of Pirate Captain Hook. Those who are only there were the Royals. Everyone, there was in awe and intrigued that they were the ones to witness this moment as the legend Captain Hook they know of was going to die. However, out of the crowd the only one who stands to look out towards the skies or the ceiling or whatever she sees, she prays to the gods with her head held high to them, she asks to them will everything be alright?
The high princess of Misthaven, Princess Emma is the only one there who doesn't want to be there. She didn't want to see his execution, she didn't want to be there and the only reason she's here is that of her duty as a princess, as the future leader, the future queen of Misthaven. She looks out of place here while others wearing their kingdom's colors looking with pride while she's wearing her kingdom's color she also wears the color black looking with gloom.
Everyone around the room goes off to their place. Everything is set up. Everyone is ready to start the execution and as the guards come out bringing out Pirate Captain Hook. All eyes were set upon on him, glaring at him with murderous eyes with victory and pride in their stance. Emma looks at him with sorrow in her eyes and as she starts to feel her eyes about to tear up, she closes her eyes, took a deep breath and looked away rather quickly. She can't see this. She just can't as she tries to hide her emotion.
Everything was clicked into place. Everything should have gone right. As Killian Jones prepares for his last moment, his last breath he expected to end up dead as they take his life in a second. However, for some bizarre, inexplicable reasons nothing happened. The only thing that happened was a scream and it wasn't his screams it sounded more like Emma's.
One moment Emma was watching her husband about to enter death and then when that happened she screamed. Her heartfelt it was going to shatter, burst into pieces everywhere as if it was going to end up like a ship cannon's ball about to hit when it explodes and destroy the ship. It felt like that and she didn't like it, though she was curious why he was still standing. For a moment she forgot everything existed.
For a moment she forgot about the moment when she felt her heart was hurting again, feeling the pain as it was yesterday. She almost forgot the memory when Killian came very close to death. She almost forgot that she didn't want him to die. That she almost forgot that in her rash thinking, when everything in her world was falling apart she grabbed her heart out of her chest and broke it in half, placing one half in her and the other half in him, hoping that he would come back to her. Then as seconds came just as she thought it didn't work, he came back. It worked. With that memory that she almost forgot about, it sends her a great relief to this moment. She smiled with the realization before another pain comes to her not once again then she led her eyes toward her husband smiling as he just figured out what this means. Why he can't die, and he is grateful for having his wife's pure heart full of love between them inside of him. He was relieved.
Emma has found her feet and is done with everything, she'd didn't see it coming off what she was going to do but she guesses fate wanted her to confess the truth because no matter what, the people needed to know. She looks toward her parents with them having worried eyes on her, asking if she was okay in whispers. She nodded. As her parents thought that she was going to sit down with them as she takes place to where she belongs, she doesn't. She surprises everyone as she stands up, the murmuring stop, as she rises she finds herself surprised as well too.
"It seems that Captain Hook cannot die, I'm afraid." Emma starts to say nonchalantly. "He cannot die for one simple reason I cannot, won't let him die." The murmurs of the crowd slowly start again but before it will come louder, she continued. "I understand his punishments but that doesn't mean I hate or despise him. One of the alleged punishments was that he kidnapped me many times, however, that punishment is not true, he didn't kidnap me, I asked for him to take me away and to have adventures, that's what happened. We've been through lots of adventures and one of those adventures is what has caused what is happening currently. During those times I've found out that I fell in love with him." She takes a breath, taking everything in of what the guests including her parents gasp in shock that it felt like the place has moved. "I know that nearly everyone in this room has found their true love and understands how it feels to be apart from one another, especially my parents the King and Queen of Misthaven, it's a thing that no one wants to go through and I was experiencing that. I'm not going to explain how dire the situation was, other than it was very bad. I acted rashly and blindly at the time being not sure of knowing if it was going to work and as you all can see it worked, though I'm not asking for any of you to do of what I did. What I had done was that I took my own heart out," every one of the audiences turned their heads towards Emma as if she had gone mad as if they asked what, "and I broke it in half, putting one half of my heart back in me and the other half into his. I think the reason that he can't die is that of that reason, that because we share my heart I don't think he can't die because it is something that we have to die at the same time together."
After Princess Emma's confession, time holds still. Everyone in that room was breathless. It was something so unbelievable, so unexpected. It felt that time hold still, it was too quiet that it felt so foreign to them. There was no noise that you can't hear anything, not a thing like a single pin dropping towards the floor. Everybody in that room was flabbergasted. It still felt unreal, then everything felt like it was coming back to pieces, that Emma's mind was shrugged off, ignoring everything about what was going on. Her father, the King of Mishaven, stood up and talked for a while and ended the execution. Then the next you know everyone was leaving.
Piece by piece, everything was starting to change. One step at a time, that Emma took she realized it was time to tell her parents the truth. The truth of her pregnancy and marriage. They needed to know that, they know that Emma truly loves the Pirate Captain Hook, but not the man behind his mask that is Killian Jones.
When Emma realized she followed her parents, to the private room. First, there was silence and then came to her mother's voice.
"Really Emma, you fell in love with a pirate." Snow White started, "I did not see that coming."
Emma then chuckles. "Yeah, I fell in love with a pirate." She said nonchalantly like it was nothing like it was a natural.
"Emma, do you know why we're in this room?" her father says.
"I believe I do know why."
"You know Emma what you did out there. It was a really brave thing to do." Her mother said.
"I know. However, it was also something that needed to be done."
"That's the reason why we are in here, Emma. I have a feeling that there is more to discuss in private matters." Her father said.
"Yes, it's true that I've been hiding a few things." Emma takes a breath of air, knowing what is to come, knowing what she will say. "Two nights ago, I got married to him."
"I figured that would happen," her mother said, "anything else you like to add, Emma."
Emma nods. "I'm also pregnant."
"How long?" Snow asks.
"Three months, almost thirteen weeks."
"Now everything makes sense."
"What?" Emma said and thought, what did she do wrong to not suspect her mother about her pregnancy. "How?"
"Emma, I know these things. You haven't been well since you became pregnant, you looked flustered or pale most of the time nowadays. You were always tired, you were going to the bathroom more lately. I've also noticed that you changed your wardrobe, you're no longer wearing corsets recently. I've had my suspicions however I never knew who the father was until you said you are in love with Captain Hook. I'm your mother Emma, I'm not blind."
Emma then looked up towards her mother and was just surprised that she knew her pregnancy all along. However, they do have the address another thing, her husband. "So, what are you guys going to do with my husband?"
Her father then steps up towards the meeting the pair of them and for the first time in his entire life, he says "Honestly I don't know what to do with him." He said.
"You can start off with a story about you and Hook or his story, whichever is more preferable?" her mother suggested.
"Okay." Emma starts thinking where she would start with their story how they met at a tavern or tell them the real man underneath his pirate mask. "Well to start I am in love with Captain Hook as well as Killian Jones." Then her parents looked at her confused, with eyebrows raised, their eyes questioning who is Killian Jones? "He does have a name you know."
Then Emma starts to tell her husband's story. The story of his life how he and his brother were orphans that settled their lives by going into the navy, how Liam (the older brother of Killian) died which resulted into him turning into a pirate and a captain all in one day. How he met his first love Milah who turned out to be the dark one's first wife and how the dark one killed her resulting his pledge of vengeance and becoming the pirate persona he is known for today. Then how they met at their tavern during Emma's many escapades to the village. How on that night they talked so easily until the beginning of dawn came? How that night changed their lives significantly, that their love so true started to bloom, making them to believe in hope that they can let go of their pasts and be whatever they want to be when together. How they started learning to love again and started to move forward towards the new future with new beginnings of who they want to be. It was a new beginning that they both craved for so infuriately. A blank start towards their future that now led into the hands of the high queen and high king of Misthaven.