A.N.- And I'm back from my two-week break, although if I'm honest I probably only spent like 2 days of that not writing. This is the one that had an overwhelming amount of votes so I'm writing this before the one-shots.
A couple things:
1. This is my version of Sandboy and that episode so things are slightly different.
2. Aged up till like 17/18 so this happened later than what it did in the show.
3. Enjoy!
Marinette glanced up from her sketchpad to see 12:30 am plastered on her alarm clock. The stiff muscles relaxed with a simple stretch, and her hands rubbed her tired eyes. Staying up late wouldn't be so taxing if she didn't also have to balance her responsibilities as Ladybug. There was a fashion design contest next week that she hoped to submit if she ever finished. The only sound that filled the room was the tap of her pencil. Usually, Tikki kept her company and told her stories of past Ladybugs to past the time. To ask her to stay with her would have been selfish, especially if they could contact Nooroo. Marinette could manage to keep herself entertained for the night.
"Sandboy has checked in; now dreams can begin." Her head snapped to the window in time to see a blue figure floating on what looked like a pillow leaving dust in his wake. That was an akumatized victim if she'd ever seen one.
"Tikki, we have to-" She stopped herself short. Master Fu's rule of Kwami's staying with their owner started to make more sense, but thankfully he only lived a few blocks away. If she ran, she could pick up Tikki and take down Sandboy.
Adrien let out a groan staring at his Literature textbook, how was he supposed to know what the author meant by a color? He shifted his gaze toward his phone debating on how easy it would be to reach out to his study partner. No doubt Marinette would be up. They had gotten in the habit of reaching out to each other if they were bored or needed help with homework. He enjoyed their conversations, the laughter they would share, and even the times where they would sit and comfortably in the silence when no words were necessary. His fingers itched to call, but instead, he turned a page in his textbook.
"Sandboy has checked in; now dreams can begin." The words hung in the air coating his skin with goosebumps. Did Hawkmoth have nothing to do at 12:30 in the morning? His test was still tomorrow even if he had to deal with an Akuma attack. It's not like he could drop the excuse that he fought crime all night, and he had to excel in school to please his father. The one good thing about the attack was that would see his lady love.
"Plagg, claws out." Adrien fully expected for his kwami to jump from his resting place on the pillow transforming him, but nothing happened. "Come on Plagg; Ladybug needs us." Silence echoed through the room for a couple of seconds before Adrien made the short walk over to his bed; the covers got ripped back to reveal a black sock cat instead. This couldn't be happening. His kwami had either turned into a sock or run away, and his lady and Paris needed him. It wasn't like he could go without his powers...or could he? The idea sparked, he knew that his father kept a copy of his costume for the music video. If he wore it, he could still help until he found out exactly where Plagg had gone. The idea screamed dangerous, but that didn't stop Adrien as he started to dig through his closet. I can't let her down; his mind raced again. As soon as he found his fake suit, he zipped it on with ease. His unsteady hands cupped the edges of his mask. The sound of thunder rolled answering the lightning dancing across the sky.
You could die.
The thought stopped him in his tracks, and his gaze landed on a nearby mirror. No one would probably tell the difference at first glance until his powers were needed. He would deal with that hurdle when it arose, in the meantime, Adrien clung to the hope that his Kwami would magically turn up. Until then he would be trapped in a tailspin of fear.
Are you willing to die for her?
An image of Ladybug laughing flashed in his mind as she cooed her nickname for him. He had professed his love for his partner on several occasions, put his neck on the line, but this was different. Adrien, not Chat Noir would feel every punch, blow and hard landings that would befall him. If he did die, who knew how it would affect his father, Nathalie, his friends, Marinette. At the thought of her his stomach churned, she cared so deeply for her friends, if he could watch her at his funeral, it would break his heart. But regardless, he had to go; Ladybug needed him. It was the reason cats had nine lives, right? He could only hope that he wouldn't lose one of his tonight.
The rain started to come down, but it pushed Adrien closer to the commotion. He decided at that moment he would never take rooftop jumping for granted again. It made things so much simpler. Then he saw her, his lady in red already in action fighting Sandboy. What she failed to see was that he was about to strike.
"Ladybug look out!" Everything slow as he felt the breath ripped from his lungs. She turned towards him instead of the danger and the dust engulfed her. He couldn't do anything to stop it. When the rain drove away from the remainder, Adrien felt his heart drop. His lady laid motionless on a cloud that Sandboy created.
"She's mine," he growled lowly.
"Over my dead body," Adrien bit back.
"That can be arranged," his evil grin spread across his lips.
Adrien pulled out his fake staff hoping that it would aid him somehow. His fingers dipped into a secret button in the paw, and the staff extended, not enough for him to reach her, but it made him question what else it could do. He spun it in his hand before sinking into a defensive position. The only way that Sandboy would get out of here with Ladybug had to do with his body in a body bag. At that point, Hawkmoth would have what he needed, and Paris would have a whole new set of trouble.
He quickly dodged an attack and narrowed his focus, unless his staff could extend a couple of stories, he would be at a disadvantage.
"Why pull out that copycat when you can have the original?" Just like that, his heart swelled and jumped inside his chest.
"Plagg, I've never been happier to see you!" Adrien exclaimed not wanting to admit for a hot second that he thought his kwami had morphed into a sock. The idea seemed silly now.
"You owe me so much camembert for this."
"Plagg, claws out!" There was no greater feeling than his real suit covering him from head to toe. He felt power and adrenaline coursing through him; now he had a fighting chance. He used his staff and vaulted up to the roof to provide an equal battlefield. He threw himself towards Sandman as he tried to tackle him. When he missed, he used his strength and his staff to catapult him back towards him. He knocked him onto the rooftop and only managed to get one punch in before he got blasted with sand like substance. Thankfully he flipped back and landed on his feet.
"Cataclysm!" His hand engulfed in the dark energy, and he eyed his pillow, that must be where the Akuma hid. If he stopped Sandboy, Ladybug might wake up and make everything right. He took a running leap off the building but as he reached out to touch the pillow with his active hand but suddenly was blasted off course. Unfortunately, it hit hand wasting his power. Sandman's focus broke and as a result of the cloud that his partner lay on disintegrated.
"Ladybug!" He had to abort his mission. Taking down Sandboy would do nothing if Ladybug died from the impact. Adrien was suddenly grateful that Plagg showed up when he did. His staff extended upward till he met her in mid-air. He wrapped an arm around her torso and skillfully landed without any damage. She was alive that's all that mattered, although he would be lying if he said the fact that she hadn't woken up didn't concern him.
"Give her back," he snarled.
"Never," In a snap movement, Chat positioned his partner; cradling her in his arm and bolted down an alley where he couldn't follow him. His ring beeped, but he couldn't worry about that now, the number one focus should be getting his lady to safety then waking her up. What did that dust do to her? He was in over his head. Usually, when these occasions occurred, he would turn to the sleeping girl in his arms.
Master Fu! The thought hit him like a brick wall. How could he not think about him sooner? After all, he was who Ladybug turned to when she needed help. The shop wasn't too much farther; they could make it without detection. All the meantime as he ran as fast as he could he prayed that he wouldn't be too late.
"What happened?" Master Fu cleared off the table for Chat to lay down his lady.
"Sandboy got her...and she hasn't woken up. If I didn't get her out of there, Hawkmoth would have her miraculous. I didn't know where else to go." Master Fu circled Ladybug which didn't ease his anxiety. Ladybug needed to be awake before they could purify the Akuma, and the longer she slept, the more powerful he became, almost as if the action drained the life out of her body.
"I have just the thing," the guardian slipped into the other room giving the two a small window of privacy.
"Fight this LB; you're the strongest person I know." He hesitantly reaches out and stroked her cheek the cool flesh stirred doubt inside him. She was fading, and fast.
"Drink this," Master Fu returned carrying a purple liquid in a cup. The aroma wafted in his direction made him want to gag. If this was how it smelled, he could only imagine the taste. "We don't have time. I can't bring her out of her self-conscious state; something is keeping her there. I can, however, link your dreams so you can go in and convince her to wake up." Adrien opened his mouth to argue the impossibility of that, but since he became a superhero, there wasn't much he didn't believe was possible. "Won't I know her identity?" If he went through this, he would have access to her mind and thoughts without her permission.
"We will deal with that after you wake her. There is no other way, and Paris needs her." Adrien glanced at her sleeping form for a couple of seconds before grabbing the liquid and chugging it down. His world started spinning and instantly felt the need to lay down. Master Fu helped him on the table, and he grasped Ladybug's hand lightly.
"I'm coming, my lady," he uttered before sleep claimed him.
Paris. At least Ladybug dreamed of somewhere familiar. Chat didn't know what he would do if he landed in a country he had never been to, now he needed to find her. There were so many places for her to be, the only thing that aided him was the knowledge of the city.
He watched a Parisian walk cross the sidewalk, "Excuse me," he called out hoping to get some assistance. But the mother and daughter pair continued as if he was invisible. Chat's smile faltered, maybe this wouldn't be as easy as he thought. Ladybug could be anywhere. He tried to gain the attention of three more sets of people but failed at every attempt. They seemed more like mindless shells walking the streets of Paris. Chat wondered if he stumbled more into a nightmare; he'd seen plenty of movies where the zombies suddenly overtook the city. Hopefully, that wasn't the case; there was no way of knowing if his powers worked in here let alone what damage it could cause to Ladybug's mind. The wind rustled a newspaper until it caught at his feet. The second he bent to pick it up the headline caught his attention.
Agreste Wedding Upon Us
His heart skipped. Ladybug dreamed that she married him? Whether she knew his secret or not, the thought invigorated him. She would pick plain old boring Adrien (compared to his cooler self) and love him enough to spend her life with him. It wasn't until he unfolded the newspaper that he found his heart stop then shatter inside his chest.
Ladybug didn't want to marry him; she dreamt that he married Marinette.
She must have seen them together and got the wrong idea; not that there was anything wrong with Marinette. She was talented, kind and beautiful; he would be lucky if she had her sights set on him. But with his rigid lifestyle, Adrien doubted that he would draw any romantic attention from anyone at school.
This still gave him a starting point, he didn't know where Ladybug was, but he knew that he could trust Marinette to help him find her. If she was indeed marrying his civilian self (the thought stirred something inside him), then his best chance of finding her was the Agreste mansion. He was surprisingly pleased when his staff could extend giving the option to jump the rooftops.
His home was right where he remembered it, with a couple of modifications to it which included a gazebo on the front corner of the home. When he crept closer, his ears picked up some of the conversation.
"I love you." Marinette's confession stained his cheeks even though she didn't speak directly to him. His mind placed the words on repeat, and each time it played his heart swelled in his chest.
Focus Adrien.
Marinette, if she could talk, then she would be useful. He could use someone in his corner, and if Ladybug wasn't around, Marinette was his second choice.
"Luckily for you, I could never forget." The words caused him to pause. The voice sounded exactly like him, not in dialect but the tone. If he was there then who was that? The curiosity drew him closer, this could only be described as dangerous, but Chat couldn't bring himself to care. He tripped when he watched whoever was impersonating him steal a kiss from Marinette. His blood boiled, she must not know that she was being tricked. Suddenly he felt her eyes on him, and all he could do was freeze. The second she removed her gaze he dropped to the ground concealing his location once more. One of the first things on his agenda, get Marinette away from that creep and this place then formulate a plan to rescue Ladybug; where ever she was.
"I love you," her smile widened as Adrien leaned in and stole another kiss. She had been waiting her whole life for a marriage with the man in front of her. She belonged to him, as he did to her. Nothing would get in the way of this.
"I love you too," his fingers slid down to join with her hands. "And to think two days from now you'll be Mrs. Agreste, and we'll never be apart. You can stay here, with me, forever. Would you like that?"
"More than anything in the world," she replied tenderly. "I can't wait for my family, Alya, Nino to come and see this." She dropped his hands to travel to the edge of the gazebo's railings. "I knew from the moment we shared in the rain that it would be you..." Her words and her brow began to furrow.
"What's wrong?"
"I don't remember how you proposed," she confessed softly. Marinette turned back to the blonde who closed the gap and rested his forehead on hers.
"Luckily for you, I could never forget." Their eyes locked again, and Marinette resisted the urge to kiss him again in favor of gaining her answer. "It was after one of my fashion shows, I stopped us on the red carpet and dropped to my knee. I said that there wasn't anyone else I could imagine my life with...do you remember?" Her memory kicked into overdrive. She vaguely remembered, but it felt like that was a dream rather than reality. What person would forget their proposal? Especially from the man, she was madly in love with. She should be overjoyed, but a gut in her stomach screamed that something was off.
"Yes," If nothing else she wanted the off feeling to go away, Adrien loved her. "How silly of me to forget." Her eyes wandered off him when she swore she saw something from the corner of her eye. "Chat Noir?" The words are barely audible. She could have sworn that she saw her partner, but it didn't make sense why he was there. An Akuma attack? Leave it to Hawkmoth to cause chaos so close to the wedding. Her blue eyes searched for another glimpse again but came up empty. She must have seen things; the wedding planning had been stressful after all. Adrien took the couple steps before guiding her lips to meet his. Warmth enveloped her being, and all other thoughts drifted away; when they parted her eyes only opened half-mast.
"I love you," she repeated once more lost in bliss. Adrien flashed one of his boyishly handsome grins.
"In two short days, you'll be all mine. Why don't you go inside and freshen up? I'm going to make sure everything is ready for tomorrow." As soon as she slipped into the home, his eyes scanned the surrounding area for the trespassing superhero. Chat Noir joining their dream was unexpected, but he would be taken care of in no time. It was torture enough to disguised himself as this Adrien guy to gain her attention. After tomorrow it wouldn't matter, she would stay with him. No one would take his love away from him, not in his world.
A.N.- Hope you all enjoy! More soon. Let me know what you think!