She could barely remember what had happened before. Then it came flooding back to her. She wished for nothing more then to be back at the Falcon. She sat up on the floor and realized that her body was glistening with slime. Her midsection was covered with green saliva. She also noted that she was barefoot, and that her feet also were covered in saliva.

"How long have I been out?" She asked out loud. She realised that there was slime filling her mouth as well and began spitting it out.

Jabba's courtroom was still empty. She remembered her bikini top, yet she couldn't find it, much to her dismay. Quickly she slipped her boots back on . She stood up and saw the back-lit wall. And also the dark silhouette of Jabba the Hutt. "Ah yes, happy awakening." Jabba purred. "Come here, girl." Kairi was about to be defiant, but then she noticed Boba Fett in the corner pointing a gun her way. She obeyed. As she began to walk, Jabba stopped her, "No..." he began. "Crawl to me." Kairi couldn't believe what she was hearing. She would not. Seeing this Jabba said,"Crawl or die. FETT!" With that Boba Fett cocked his gun again. Kairi obeyed. She slowly got down on all fours and began to crawl to her master. Jabba had a smug smile of victory and dominance on his face. Kairi crawled and felt like crying. When she reached her master's throne, Jabba beckoned for her to come up to him. She stood up and onto the platform. When their faces were close again, Jabba said,"Feed me." Kairi looked confused. She had expecting another grotesque lick or strip or molestation or something. She looked to her right and saw a bowl of thick, grey slime. Jabba nodded and opened his giant, slimy, cavernous mouth. Kairi wasn't sure how to feed him, so she put her bare hand in and picked up a scoop. She came to Jabba's mouth and dropped the slime in. It made a squishy PHSWEEESH sound as it hit.

Kairi continued feeding her master. Suddenly, Jabba reached behind her and gave her buttocks a painful squeeze. With that, Kairi dropped the bowl, then lunged out to catch it. When she did, the bowl spilled all over her top, and her abdomen. Seeing this, Jabba put his tail behind her back and thrusted Kairi to him. He picked her up by the shoulders and licked her entire belly and naked breasts. Kairi moaned at the touch. She hated her body for betraying her for the pleasures the hutt was giving. Jabba's tongue was ravenous. It continuously slid all over her stomach, getting ever inch of the grey slime. While the hutt's licking was going on, Kairi noticed an audience begin to appear.

Kairi looked over and couldn't have been happier. Sora was standing in front of Jabba.

"How touching," Jabba began mockingly, "the keyblade weilder come to save his love. Too bad your keyblade will be ineffective in my palace." Sora was normally mild-tempered, but after seeing what Jabba had done to Kairi, his eyes burned with a fiery anger. "Let her go now, and I will spare you. I have already broken the weak spell protecting this palace." Sora said. His long, brown hair brushed over his blue eyes that glared at the fat hutt. "HO HO HO." Jabba laughed. "My boy, you are all alone, no one to help you." Sora stayed completely calm. "I'm sure the rancor will enjoy you." Jabba was about to hit the trap-door, when a voice came from the shadows. "He's not alone!" Jabba looked up to see Riku standing in a long, black robe with a black band covering his eyes. Riku stood next to Sora. Jabba laughed. "You two amuse me. I'm sure I-" Jabba was cut off when more people entered the room. He counted Luke, Han, Leia, Chewbacca, and Lando. "The kid's never alone." Luke said. Jabba looked furious. "FETT!" he boomed. With that, Boba fired the first shot and Luke deflected it. After that, all Hell broke loose.

"I'll take the bounty hunter!" yelled Riku. He lunged toward Boba Fett with his Soul Eater blade. They engaged in battle while Han, Leia, Luke, and everyone else took on seperate opponets. Riku deflected Boba's shots, but was getting tired. Boba Fett through a punch that put Riku on the ground. He kicked him and lunged at him. Riku was getting weak. Boba saw this and picked him up only to drop Riku on his back. "AAAAGGGHHH" Riku yelled. "You're in over your head, kid." Boba said. He was aiming his blaster at Riku. Riku only had one shot. He removed his blindfold. Soon, swirling black clouds of dark energy surrounded him and changed his appearence to that of Ansem. Behind Boba's expressionless helmet, he was terriffied. Next thing he knew, Riku picked him up and began to squeeze him. Within a minute, Boba Fett was no more.

Luke had fallen into the rancor pit and was battling the beast, while Han, Leia, and the gang fought off dozens of guards. Meanwhile, Sora was going to handle Jabba. "Bib!" Jabba boomed. "Hold my pet for me." Jabba handed Kairi's leash to him. "Of course master." Bib replied. He gave Kairi a seductive smile and stroked her bare back. This made Sora unbelievably angry.

"I warned you." he said. With that, Sora lunged at Jabba. He was shocked when Jabba punched him in mid air and through him across the room. Sora got back up and fought off two Gamorrean guards. He lunged at Jabba again. This time, he was able to make a cut on the hutt's bloated belly. Jabba was angry and wrapped his tail around Sora's ankles. He then began to repeatedly bash Sora on the cement floor over and over again.

Kairi couldn't bear the sight of her lover being hurt like this any longer. She wanted to take action. "Say goodbye to your boyfriend, girl." Bib said as he stroked her stomach and groped her buttock through her skirt.

"Poor Sora." Jabba mocked. "I expected more of a fight from the legendary keyblade weilder. "I expected a prettier face from a major crime lord." Sora mused. Jabba slammed him again.

Bib had knocked Kairi over and was lying on her back, thrusting his pelvis on her skirt on top of her butt as he franticly tried to remove her bra. Suddenly a blaster shot struck Bib in the shoulder. Bib stood up, but was struck twice more in the torse. He was dead.

"Prepare to die." Jabba was about to drop slam him, when Kairi yelled to him, "Not Today!" With that, she through her chain around Jabba's throat and began to choke him. Jabba was taken by surprise and was suffocating. Kairi pulled with all her might. But it didn't help. Jabba picked up the chain and pulled her to him. "YOU WILL DIE AS WELL!" Jabba slapped her. Sora got back up, his anger off the scale. "Never touch her!" Sora jumped as high as he could and brought his blade directly down on Jabba. The hutt looked to see that he was fading. His form was turning to black shadows and he was dissapearing. He took one final look at Sora and whispered, "Keyblade scum..." and with that, Jabba the Hutt was dead.

Everyone regrouped in the centre of the throne room. They quickly escaped to the Falcon, which was waiting for them outside.

The End.