For a moment they both sat there, smiling and giggling at each other like idiots. Katsuki had never thought his first time being intimate with someone else would end up like this, and with fucking Deku, of all people. He thought it would be weird and awkward and uncomfortable, but it wasn't. Not in the slightest. It was honestly kind of relieving, being like this with Izuku. He felt completely at ease, not judged or pressured at all. There was, of course, still the pressing matter of his leaking dick underneath Deku's wriggling body, but that could wait for now. He looked up at his classmate and couldn't help feeling much happier and more content than he had his whole life. It was a feeling he never wanted to go away.

"You didn't last very long did you, nerd?" Katsuki teased, lifting his drenched shirt away from his torso and tossing it off the side of the bed as carefully as he could, trying not to make a bigger mess and avoiding his hair.

"Sh-shut up, you were using your quirk against me. You didn't play fair."

"When have I ever played fair?" Deku giggled again; that was a sound Katsuki wanted to get used to hearing for sure, as well as a few others. The way he panted the nickname he had given Katsuki when they were kids, for starters. His cock twitched again at this thought; it was so hard it honestly hurt a little bit. Who would have thought the little nerd could have this affect on him? He sat up to greet Deku's smiling lips with his own and felt hands cup his face. They kissed slowly this time, sweetly. Right now he just wanted to be close to Izuku, to feel his body up against his own. Deku apparently had other plans, however, because weight pressed into Katsuki's throbbing cock and sent another wave of heat rippling through his body. He groaned into Deku's mouth, who swallowed it eagerly. He felt fingers in his hair, scratching into his scalp and at the back of his neck.

Their lips broke apart and Deku's hands started roaming all over him. He never noticed it before, but Deku's hands were bigger than his, stockier. They grabbed at the muscles rippling across his shoulders, his chest, his abs. Deku was clearly enjoying the fact that Katsuki was no longer wearing a shirt, and he let him have his fun. Izuku's hands didn't feel threatening like everyone else's; they were needy but gentle. They sent goosebumps up his spine and down his arms, but it was in a way that he didn't want to stop. He let the hands touch every part of him that they could reach, and when they approached his hip bones and gave a gentle squeeze his cock gave another painful lurch. Fuck, Katsuki was going to come before he even pulled his dick out if this kept up. Izuku picked up on this, because the next moment the weight on his groin had been lifted and Deku had reseated himself between his legs.

"Kacchan, I wanna try something." There was a question in his voice, and his normal timid expression was making a reappearance on his face.

"Is it more good touches?" Katsuki said playfully, a smirk on his face. Deku returned the smile, albeit nervously.

"If I do it right, I'm hoping so, yeah." Katsuki didn't know where Deku's mind was headed, but he was eager to find out. Deku grabbed his hips again and scratched at the skin, leaving tiny red streaks in his wake. This was torture. It felt so amazing but Kacchan's ignored dick was screaming in protest.

"Hurry it up already, nerd. Don't leave me hanging." Kacchan wrapped his fingers around Deku's wrist and pulled it towards his groin, groaning and bucking his hips when Deku obliged and, finally, grabbed at the bulge in Kacchan's pants. He squeezed the head, somehow firm yet gentle at the same time, and Kacchan's vision spotted. He couldn't warm up his hand like Kacchan could, but god damn did it feel good regardless. Deku didn't waste much time palming him through the fabric; soon he was hooking his fingers under both his pants and underwear and was pulling it down. Kacchan's hips raised to make it easier, clearly eager for whatever Deku had in mind. A hand wrapped around his freed cock and the green haired boy leaned in to peck Kacchan's lips, sprinkling kisses over his face and down his neck. Kacchan moaned breathlessly when he felt Deku suck the skin on his collarbone between his teeth while he worked him with his hand. He stopped to look at the boy under him, a question in his eyes. "Tell me if you want me to stop, okay?" Kacchan just nodded, his face flaring with heat as he became suddenly aware of where Deku was going with this. He continued his onslaught of kisses, working his way across his chest and down his stomach, stopping to bite at the skin spread across his hip bones.

"Ohhh, fuck." Kacchan's head fell backward, his eyes closing. He was already close, damnit. That felt way too good. A sudden wet heat engulfed the tip of his dick and his eyes shot open again. He looked down and almost came at the sight of his dick in Deku's mouth, those green eyes looking up at him, asking if it was alright to continue. The moan that fell from Kacchan's lips was all Deku needed, apparently. His hand was at the base of his cock, holding it in place as his mouth slowly worked it's way down toward it. Kacchan's vision blurred and he saw stars, it was warm and wet and felt so fucking amazing. Deku worked him with his mouth, egged on by the small gasps and groans escaping Katsuki despite his efforts to keep quiet. It didn't take long at all before he was an absolue mess, rocking his hips frantically into Deku's mouth while he sucked. When Deku began pumping his hand in time with his mouth, he lasted thirty more seconds before Kacchan fell back against the bed and grabbed fistfuls of his own hair. "Damnit, Deku, I'm so close." At these words Deku started moving faster, gripping the base of his cock tight with his hand. He pumped once, twice, before Kacchan's breath caught and he moaned low in his throat, releasing the pressure that had been building up inside of him this whole time. To Kacchan's surprise the wet heat didn't abate; he raised his head and looked down at Deku doing his best to suck him dry. clapped a hand over his mouth and let out a groan, exctacy coursing through him. Deku didn't raise his head until he was sure he got every last drop, releasing Kacchan's dick with a wet pop and swallowing.

"Makes less of a mess," he explained with a smile, wiping his mouth. His lips were wet and swollen, and the fact that he had not even hesitated to swallow his load made Kacchan's mouth water, his dick twitching when he saw no trace of his own release. Kacchan lay on the bed, spent, unable to form a single word for minutes. Deku politely pulled his pants back up and, still smiling, laid to rest his head on Kacchan's chest. Kacchan promptly wrapped his arms around the smaller boy as soon as he had settled there. "Didn't last very long, did you?" Izuku couldn't help it; now that he knew he could get away with teasing Kacchan, he was going to do it as often as possible. Katsuki couldn't help laughing, either. This new side of Deku was endearing, though he wasn't going to take it lying down.

"Shut up, damn Deku." Without releasing his grip so he couldn't slip away, he started poking the tips of his fingers into Deku's sides and was rewarded with a loud yelp from the boy laying on top of him. "Oh, what's this?" He continued his onslaught, Izuku thrashing madly to get away all while letting loose a series of loud, uncontrollable giggles that made Katsuki's heart squeeze.

"Ka-Kacchan! Cut it out!" He tried to push Katsuki's arms off of him, but the blonde was too strong, clearly enjoying this way too much to simply give up. They both struggled to get the upper hand and Deku only saw a glimmer of hope when his hand had slipped up into Kacchan's armpit, causing him to make a noise Deku had never heard him make before. He yelped. They both stopped immediately, Deku looking up to see the look of utter horror that was undoubtedly sweeping across his face right now. Deku was right, Kacchan looked more embarrassed than he ever had in his life. An evil grin spread across Deku's face.

"Kacchan, are you ticklish?"

"No, I'm fucking not!"

"I think you're lying." Deku's hands went for the kill; he moved too fast for Katsuki to stop him. Before they knew it they were wrestling, both of them screaming and laughing uncontrollably.

"God damnit, Deku get OFF ME!" Katsuki lurched onto his side, trying desperately to get away from the tricky fingers wiggling in his armpits and at his sides. The world spun around them both, and suddenly they found themselves on the ground. They had fallen off the bed. The shock of falling and hitting the carpet had taken the wind right out of them, but when Katsuki realized what had happened another bout of hysterical laughter bubbled up inside of him and escaped past his lips. Deku sat up on his elbows and drank in the sight hungrily; it was so rare to see Kacchan not scowling or looking bored, this was a moment he would etch into the back of his mind to pull out later, throughout the day and probably for the rest of his life. Once Katsuki had started laughing he found he was unable to stop, and soon it made Deku burst out into giggles, too. If they had been given the opportunity they probably would have laid there on Kacchan's floor, laughing until they had no air left in their lungs. But his neighbor had other plans.

They didn't hear the scuffling coming from the other room over their own noises, but Izuku practically jumped out of his skin when there was a sudden loud banging against the door. Shortly after it swung wide open and a very irritated looking Kirishima stood in the threshold.

"Okay I get that you're all buddy buddy now and it's all very new and exciting but I'm trying to sleep here! Can you two knock it the fuck off or go downstairs?! Jesus!" And with that he turned and stalked off back to his dorm, slamming his own door shut.

"Close my door, shitty hair!" Kacchan could hear a muffled "No!" coming from the room next to him. He pried himself off the floor and made his way to the threshold. When he closed the door and turned around, he was surprised to see a very distraught Izuku sitting in the middle of the room. His face had turned bright red and his hands had flown to his mouth. He was muttering.

"We left the door unlocked this whole time? Anyone could have walked in at any moment, not to mention all the noise we were making last night and what if we woke Kirishima up this morning and he heard all of that and had to listen to us? He definitely noticed your shirt on the floor what if he saw the mark on your collar bone oh- oh god how embarrassing-" he continued to mutter into his hands, completely unaware that Katsuki was staring at him. He looked down at the nerd on his floor and couldn't help smiling. He was actually pretty cute when he went off on a tangent like that. How had he never noticed?

"Oi. Izuku. quit nerdin' out." Deku stopped in his tracks. Did Kacchan just-?

"Get off my floor. I need to shower -you probably do, too- and then we can get breakfast or something. Come on. Let's give Kirishima some peace and quiet." He approached the green haired mess on his floor and leaned forward, holding out a hand. "Why are you looking at me like that?"

Deku took the outstretched hand and pulled himself into a standing position, gaping.

"You just called me by my name. You didn't call me Deku."

"I did?"

"Y-yeah. You haven't done that since we were kids."

"Why are you so freaked out by me calling you by your name but you're not freaked out by me putting my hand down your pants?" Kacchan smirked. Izuku had reacted exactly the way he thought he was going to. His face became even redder (if that was possible) and his arms flew up once more to cover his head.

"I-I'm just not used to it, is all."