Dropped Call

by Castlefan6

Authors Note: Castle missed his going away party because something unexpected came up and the Castle/Gina/Hamptons thing didn't happen etc. Castle assumes Beckett is with Demming and goes off the grid for several months. Would our favorite couple ever reconnect? From a prompt from Kato769. NOTE: AU not canon

I don't own Castle, I use the characters for amusement purposes only

A/N This will hopefully wrap up the details from the prompt supplied by Kato769 and explain how our two got back together. Marlowe always said this was a love story, and for the first 5-6 years I believed it was. So many opportunities to develop life away from the precinct were missed, (IMHO) and this is just one scenario as I saw it. Thanks for the reads, reviews, follows and favorites. I am leaving the door open to a sequel, not right away, but that will depend on the reaction I get from you the readers, Thanks Again, hope you enjoyed, God Bless Tim

Chapter 18


"Rick", as she steals kisses, seems like she can't stop kissing him now, "where do we go from here, I mean it's up to you, but Babe, I want to be with you, all the way, no matter what comes, so I'm asking please don't send me back to New York to have you face this alone, Please?"

A/N Going to leave this as complete here. This could be revisited with a sequel if enough interest is shown. Heartfelt thanks to ALL who have read, reviewed, favored, or followed. To those I could not respond to personally, Thanks to you as well, and finally big tip of the cap and Thanks to Kato769 for the prompt, I hope I did you proud, we got quite the story from a dropped call. Looking for your prompts to write from, Thanks Tim

Looking for feedback, how many want a sequel to this story, I got a lot of response initally so just going to put this out there to see if there is still interest.