Breaking the Girl

Ron is being a typical guy and is looking to get his. He uses Hermione and dumps her coldly. Hermione is broken. Draco sees it all. Can he fix a volatile emotionally broken Hermione? And, what will Harry do when he finds out what Ron did?


I have been having trouble focusing on work. I am gonna buckle down and keep my promise to you guys. I got inspired by this song but it just won't work on true blood, however Harry Potter Dramione fanfic works nicely.

I guess i have to explain i am using the Harry Potter universe to protray my interuptation of this song. No it is not in character, then i could not protray my interuptation of this song. But i figure you all know that. I use to fight with a writting Nazi in dokuga. I left cuz it wasn't fun anymore there. Fanfiction is fun and it should be. So enjoy my interuptation of this song via a Dramione fanfic.

Breaking the Girl

Red Hot Chili Peppers

I am a man

Cut from the know

Rarely do friends

Come and then go

She was a girl

Soft but estranged

We were the two

Our lives rearranged

Feeling so good that day

A feeling of love that day

Twisting and turning

Your feelings are burning

You're breaking the girl

(She meant you no harm)

Think you're so clever

But now you must sever

You're breaking the girl

(He loves no one else)

Raised by my dad

Girl of the day

He was my man

That was the way

She was the girl

Left alone

Feeling the need

To make me her home

I don't know what, when or why

The twilight of love had arrived

Twisting and turning

Your feelings are burning

You're breaking the girl

(She meant you no harm)

Think you're so clever

But now you must sever

You're breaking the girl

(He loves no one else)

Twisting and turning

Your feelings are burning

You're breaking the girl

(She meant you no harm)

Think you're so clever

But now you must sever

You're breaking the girl

(He loves no one else)

Chapter desolation of heart

Tear me open and leave me bare

Such an empty house

A shell formally human

Shadow of thyself

Overjoyed for love

Over joy of love

Disdain is all that remains

But I was good for the moment

Nothing more

Nothing remains


Summer of the fourth year

"Honestly Ron, you can't just-" Fred Weasley started to say and George Weasley finished, "Do that to Hermione."

"We will always care about her." They said in unison as they talked outside away from the Family.

"But, you both dated her. You probably bloody shagged her too." Ron complained. Fred stood up and George stops him and Fred said furious at Ron, "Hermione is a year older then you and only a year younger than us. She's special. Leave her alone."

Sixth year

Draco was standing in the shadow watching the weasel tear apart Granger who is trying to keep from breaking apart. He heard Ron say, "Look it was fun, but I don't want a girlfriend. I don't even want to get married. I don't want to do this. I'm done."

Hermione started to cry, but didn't notice. Her brown eyes became dark like endless black wells the held nothing in them. She turned and stalked out of the upper hallway to one of the towers. Draco followed from a distance and saw as a group of third years were thrown to the ground without being touched as Hermione passed them. Draco leaned down to ask them not to report her since they were Slytherins. Draco caught Harry following her and asked him, "Has she hurt anyone else without casting magic?"

Harry looked shocked, which told Draco yes. Draco frowned and guided Harry's eyesight to the students that were picking up their books still. Harry said, "Blimey she did that? She threw some second year Gryffindors as well. What happened?"

"The Slimy Weasel happened. The arse showed his true colors. I think he broke her. Something about her is off. Something menacing but not evil. Like true darkness. We can't let her destroy herself for one arsehole." Draco said as continued after Hermione.

"Right you know dark magic. I'll go warn Dumbledore and then I'll find Ronald Weasley. You know nothing right?" Harry said with cold anger.

Draco nodded and said, "You have my discretion of course. I'll come find you later."

Top of one of the towers Hermione paced back and forth. Draco came up the last step and she threw a blast at him with a turn of her head. Draco deflected the blast with a backhand of his wand. Draco held up his hand but still held onto his wand. Her eyes were black pools solid through and through. She sneered a cruel smirk that said if he messes up she'll kill him. Draco took some steps to move from the stairs. She let him get no more then the center of the room before she narrowed her eyes.

Draco stood stock still in the wake of her cold energy. Draco said, "I just thought you might want some company."

"I don't." Hermione said devoid of emotions and started pacing again. But Draco didn't move to leave. Hermione said irritated, "Why do you still disturb me with you presence?"

"I saw what Ron did."

"I do not care about Ronald Weasley." Hermione spat in discuss.

"Of course." Draco said as tried to soothe her.

Hermione came to a stop and glared at him saying, "I don't need to be patronized."

Draco backtracked and said, "I'm not. I just wanted to say that I'm sorry for what happened to you."

Hermione came right up into Draco's face and said threatenly, "I don't need your empty words."

Draco stood his ground and said, "I'm sorry."

"Stop it." Hermione demanded.

"I'm sorry."


"I'm sorry."

"You don't get to be sorry." Hermione said starting to cry as her eyes flickered.

"Hermione, I'm sorry." Draco said as Hermione started hitting him on the chest saying, "I hate you! Stop saying that."

Draco held onto her and hugged her and said, "I know. But, I'm sorry Hermione."

"Why? Why can't he feel like that? Why you?" Hermione asked as she cried into Draco's chest as he hugged her tighter.

"He is a playboy, a what's the American word, ah yes, a player. I fought with you so long that seeing you broken this way is wrong. It's a cheap win. I want to win against my rival Hermione, not the broken one. So you can hit me. You can yell at me. But I'm not leaving." Draco said as Hermione wailed a inhuman like cry as Draco saw Dumbledore come up the stairs and shook his head for him to not come near yet. Dumbledore nodded and waited for Hermione to calm down.

Down at the quidditch pit Harry saw Ronald up come up asking, "What is so important that you had to interrupt my shagging?" Harry said and unspeakable and Ronald fell to the floor. Harry casted it wandlessly. Harry kicked Ronald in the ribs and the stomped on his face saying, "Fred and George told me you were going after her. You couldn't stay away. Now you just had to have your jollies. You just had to break her." Harry leaned over Ronald's spasming form and said, "Stay away from her. Don't come near any of us again or so help me Ronald there won't be anything to bury when I'm threw with you."