Hello, fellow Operators. Centurion here and welcome back to Battle Beasts. In the last episode, Team RWBY laid eyes on the Iron Aries which took out a few Striker Jackals with ease in its debut. Not only that, but Team RWBY had discovered the White Fang were in the small town of Comar.

The Iron Aries is basically an upgraded version of another Battle Beast we'll get information on later on in the story. Now, if you have any Battle Beast ideas, please let me know.

Now, time for Yang to get a little upgrade which will only be the first of many for Team RWBY.

Episode 7: The Basilisk's Newfound Fire

Team RWBY were on the road again. It had been four days since they encountered the White Fang in the small town of Comar. They had bought what they wanted and had headed out. "Well, I feel good since we encountered the White Fang twice in a row." Yang stated.

"Remember that the Iron Aries took down those Striker Jackals in a few minutes." Weiss reminded. "It was something to see."

"I still don't think the Iron Aries is as rare as the Star Liger." Blake added.

"You have to admit that the Iron Aries has a lot of raw power." Yang voiced. "Probably more than any of our Battle Beasts."

"While that's true, we have seen Battle Beasts that have a lot of power, but not a lot of much else, especially speed." Ruby pointed out.

"Ruby brings up an excellent point." Weiss agreed. "Battle Beasts with power tend to overlook just about everything else."

"You know, this is making me wonder how Team JNPR's doing." Blake wondered. "They must've encountered the White Fang at some point."

"I honestly wouldn't be surprised as the White Fang's so widespread," Weiss added.

"We'll pound them next time!" Yang punched her fist into her palm.

"You should keep your mind clear. That way, you can plan out how you're going to fight." Weiss reminded.

"Weiss has a point as well as Ruby did a few minutes ago." Blake added. "What's the point of having a powerful Battle Beast if you don't have a plan?"

"Then here's my retort: If you spend all your time planning, is all that gonna pay off in an actual battle?" Yang suggested. She then left to work on her Savage Basilisk. The other three members of Team RWBY took what Yang just said with a grain of salt.

Yang was working on her Battle Beast, installing the new parts she bought from Comar. "I know they've made a couple of really good points, but I'm a go with the flow type of person. The kind of person that tends to act more than think. That's part of why I got you for my Battle Beast." What she didn't see was the eyes of her Savage Basilisk lighting up and moving to look at her.

Later, Team RWBY were practically waiting for another Battle Beast match. Right now, they were lounging around. "I'm bored!" Ruby complained. Just as she said that, the alarms in their Battle Beast Carrier went off.

"You just had to say it, didn't you!" Weiss exclaimed as she went to see who or what was incoming. When she saw who it was, she let out a smile. "It's not the White Fang! It's a Battle Beast Team with a Stunpaw Bunny, a normal Striker Jackal, and a Zap Bat."

"Zap Bat?" Blake asked, chuckling internally at the name.

"The Zap Bat is a standard, common aerial combat Battle Beast that is also able to generate limited electricity which it sometimes uses in it's attacks. The Zap Bat can only go to 25kms per hour without flapping it's wings." Ruby explained making Weiss and Blake stare at her gape-jawed and for Yang to stand there.

"That's my sis." Yang grinned, bringing her sister in for a tight hug. "Whenever someone doesn't know what Battle Beast is being talked about, Ruby's the one that'll explain it to them."

"Y-Yang! Please!" Ruby cutely struggled to get out of her sister's death hug.

"Alright, so we've got an opposing team with an Aerial Combat Battle Beast and thus, we only have a slim chance of bringing it to the ground." Weiss listed.

"Well, your Sniper Raptor might have that slim chance." Ruby pointed out. "We'd just have to get the Zap Bat in your rangeā€¦" Ruby started, but Weiss cut her off.

"Which is still very difficult. Aerial Combat Battle Beasts are hard to shoot down with my Sniper Raptor."

"Come on, Ice Queen. Have a little faith." Yang grinned. "Remember, Ruby was able to pilot the Star Liger like nothing."

"I'm not forgetting that." Weiss sighed. "I'm just saying it's a high risk-low reward strategy. As the strategist, I still consider it, but not in my top picks. I'll say it's a last resort option."

"Great! Then let's go, team!" Ruby cheered. Like the first time, a silver robotic structure landed. "Battle Beast combat entered. Team RWBY vs Team Mismatch. Prepare Battle Beasts for combat." After that was said, the Zap Bat, Striker Jackal, and Stunpaw Bunny emerged, ready to fight.

"Let's go! Star Liger! Launch!" Ruby shouted as the Star Liger was shot out of the Battle Beast Carrier with weapons ready to go.

"Sniper Raptor! Launch!" Weiss screamed as she repeated the process. Her Battle Beast was raring to fight.

"Stealth Panther! Launch!" Blake hollered as she landed onto the ground, claws out and ready to slash.

"Savage Basilisk! Launch!" Yang cheered as she dove under the ground and rose up in a couple of seconds. With that, the battle was on.

Blake and her Stealth Panther were dealing with the Stunpaw Bunny which seemed to be somewhat modified as it was a little faster than usual Stunpaw Bunnies. She fired her 20mm Knee Energy Blasters at the Sunpaw Bunny which actually dodged the shots and then performed a Hopping Stun, paralyzing the Stealth Panther for a minute. With this self-given opportunity, the Stunpaw Bunny readied it's 20mm Laser Gun for a supposed final attack. "Come on! Come on!" Blake pressed several buttons to try and reactivate her Battle Beast. Luckily for her, a couple buttons seemed to do it as her Stealth Panther shook off the effects of the Hopping Stun attack. Quickly using her Stealth Panther's Energy Claw Strike, she managed to defeat her opponent.

Ruby was facing the Striker Jackal who was using it's 20mm Shoulder Laser Guns at the Star Liger who was dodging the shots, but still got hit by a couple of them. Ruby knew how Striker Jackals attacked, adding in the experience with them because of the White Fang. So, she knew the Striker Jackal would most likely attack her from behind or the side, trying to catch her off guard. The Star Liger was wary and started moving around to match the Striker Jackal. When the Striker Jackal lunged at the Star Liger which jumped out of the way. The Star Liger then fired it's 50mm Tail Laser Gun which disabled the Striker Jackal.

Weiss and Yang were trying to deal with the Zap Bat, emphasis on trying. Neither the Sniper Raptor and the Savage Basilisk were really designed to deal with Aerial Combat Battle Beasts. All their best-ranged shots couldn't seem to hit the Zap Bat which began using it's 30mm Wing Laser Guns at the two Battle Beasts on the ground, hitting them a couple of times. "I can't hit that damn Zap Bat!" Weiss angrily growled.

"Tell me about it!" Yang agreed with Weiss. "It's too high up in the air!"

"We can't hit it all the way up there!" Weiss exclaimed. "We need an accurate shot!"

Yang them remembered the part she put into her Savage Basilisk a while ago. She had forgot about it despite integrating it. "Wait! I got an idea! It has to do with the new part I installed!" She saw a button light up. "Here we go! Hope this works!" However, when she pressed the button, nothing happened. "What the hell?"

"Yang! Whatever you're thinking, make it happen now, please!" Weiss urged as the Zap Bat used it's Mini Zapper attack on them, knocking the Savage Basilisk and Sniper Raptor back a couple of feet, but not knocking them down.

"I'm trying! It's not working for some reason!" Yang shouted back.

"Then make it work!" Weiss screamed before being hit from the Zap Bat's 30mm Wing Laser Guns, one of the shots hitting a leg joint, causing her Sniper Raptor to kneel on the leg that wasn't shot.

"Come on! What am I doing wrong?!" Yang screamed as she was pressing a couple buttons to try and get her new part to work, but to no avail. All of a sudden, she pressed another button that was flashing orange-red, and her Savage Basilisk's mouth opened and out shot a ball of flames up into the air. The shot reached the Zap Bat and damaged it which made it lower to the ground where it became in range of Weiss's Sniper Raptor. Weiss used this given advantage to actually shoot the Zap Bat down.

"Battle over! Battle over! The winner is Team RWBY!" The robotic structure announced.

"Y-Yang? What was that? I've never seen a Savage Basilisk do something like that." Weiss was shocked. She'd never seen a Savage Basilisk perform that kind of move ever before.

"I-I don't know. It must've been that new part I got back in Comar." Yang guessed. "It unlocked a new attack for it. I'm gonna call it 'Fire Shot'."

"Fire Shot, huh? Charming." Weiss hid a little grin on her face.

Later, Team RWBY were back in their Battle Beast Carrier discussing the match. "That's awesome, Yang!" Ruby smiled. "Your Battle Beast has a new move!"

"Honestly, I was just button mashing in the heat of the moment." Yang sheepishly admitted.

"Well, it won us the match. Also, you can provide some long-range support in Battle Beast matches from now on." Blake smiled.

"Well done, Yang. I must admit, Ruby, thanks to your sister, your little plan worked." Weiss complimented. "I just hope we don't have to use a strategy like that often."

"Agreed. We should discuss strategies more often." Blake added with a small smile.

"In the meantime, let's enjoy our second official victory in the tournament!" Ruby cheered, getting the other three to cheer along with her.

Hello, everyone. I hope you all liked this episode of Battle Beasts. We have a team of my own creation: Team Mismatch who have a Stunpaw Bunny, a Striker Jackal, and a Zap Bat. Team Mismatch won't be gone after this episode, Ruby shows off her Battle Beast knowledge by telling Blake and Weiss what type of Battle Beast the Zap Bat is.

Yang's Savage Basilisk has received a brand-new upgrade: Fire Shot which has a good range meaning Yang will no longer have to perform close combat most of the time. Now, she'll be able to provide some long-range support. This is because of the part she bought back in Comar.

Now, I'm back at work, so I won't have as much time to write my stories, but I will try to write and get more chapters out when I can. I hope everyone's staying safe during COVID-19. Remember to wear your face coverings and wash your hands at all times.

Now, here are the Zap Bat specs for now:

Zap Bat

30mm Wing Laser Guns

Mini Zapper

As usual, if anyone has any ideas for this story, please let me know in the comments/reviews, or personally PM me. Well, that's all for now, fellow Battle Beast Operators. See you all in the next Battle Beast match. READY! FIGHT!

OH! Before I forget, I'm thinking of starting a Beast Wars story. If you have any ideas for it, please let me know in the comments/reviews, or personally PM me.