"Don't worry Sonic, is time for us to finish the job"

The Sonic Heroes were currently in the center of time, facing both Eggmans controlling the Time Eater.

More accurately both Sonics are facing the Time Eater, they had fought and beaten every opponent that stood on their path, including Perfect Chaos without his super form, they were unbeatable until they faced this monstrosity, this new creature managed to outmatch them both in their current state.

When their friends showed up, they decided it was their turn to face this monster and let the Sonics watch.

...Except there was a tiny little problem.

"Guys this is a terrible idea!" Yelled Modern Sonic.

"Why" Asked Blaze.

"Because that thing just beat the crap of my younger self and I, they probably hurt you guys to"

"Yeah, but we are many compared to you two" Said Silver.

Classic did a facepalm and Modern rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, and were practically stronger than all of you combined, hell i kicked your ass before coming here, let us go Super and we take care of this" said Modern annoyed.

"You two are just weaklings, let me take care of this" Said Shadow.

"I kicked your ass like 5-I Mean 3 times at this point shads, you're not one to...you know what? Go ahead, do whatever you guys want" Said Modern sick of everyone's suicidal confidence.

Amy shrugged and motioned everyone to attack the Time Eater.

Classic tugged Modern's leg to ask him what was he thinking.

"Hey, if they want to throw the life away facing an opponent that they should know they can't beat, who am i to stop them"

"Ok Eggman, it's time for you to-OH MY TORSO!" Yelled Modern Tails.

"And there it is" Said Modern Sonic.

"Tails! OH CHAOS MY ARMS!" Yelled Amy.

"Don't worry guys i hold him off-AAAAARRRRHHGG" There goes Silver.

"It's time for the ultimate life form to-" Shadow got crushed before he could even scream.

Classic Sonic shook his head at the pitiful display, they lasted even less than they did!

Modern Sonic watched the savage beatdown his friends were receiving before getting bored and bringing up the emeralds.

Then he watched as the beating stop and everyone was either thrown into their direction or limping there.

"Hey guys, wanna try it as Super this time?" Offered Modern Sonic.

"Just finish this beast already so we can go home" Muttered Blaze pissed off.

The two Sonic's shrugged before going Super and blasting away at the monster.

Some stupid shit i did for fun while i write actual fics.

People complained about everyone not named Sonic being cheerleaders and not doing anything...and i'm kinda wondering what they're expecting? Sonic practically kicked everyone's asses in either boss/rival batlles or side missions, they're practically fodder, they probably gonna get their asses kicked.

At least, that's my two cents on the matter.

Anyways enjoy this shitpost.

Catch you later.