A Life With A Vampire


His eyes are red that means his demon self-took over. "Yuuki," I said, wrap my arms around his neck.
"Mate," He said, licking my neck.

"Mate?" I asked, when I feel his fangs brush against my neck then I feel a sharp pain. I thought when a vampire tastes human blood they lost it but with Yuuki is it different. It like he was marking me or something. Yuuki looked at me. "mate is mine forever." Yuuki said, kiss me on the lips.

The next morning Yuuki was gone. I sat up and walked out of the room when I saw Yuuki punching the wall. "Damn it," Yuuki said, fell to the floor crying.

"Yuuki," I said, walking close to him.

"Stay away," Yuuki said, looking away from me.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because I don't want to hurt you again," Yuuki yelled.

"Yuuki, last night you keep on saying, mate," I said, standing there looking at him. Yuuki stands up with wide eyes and walked over to me.

"Show me your neck." Yuuki order, pull me closer to him and saw it was a mating mark, not a bite mark. "my Damon side mark you." Yuuki said, rubbing his hand down my neck.

"What is mate?" I asked, put my hand on his chest.

"it means your my bride forever." Yuuki answer. "And also mean my Damon will never hurt you never again," Yuuki said.

"I'm your bride," I said with tears in my eyes.

"Tsukasa what wrong?" He asked, looking down at me.

"I'm just happy that am your," I said, wrap my arms around him and kiss him on the lips.

"Tsukasa," he said, push me up against the wall and kiss me back. I put my hand on his buckle and I looked up at him.

Yuuki nod his head and up unbukle his pants and feel Yuuki push me to the bed. "I want you to touch me more." Yuuki said, laying me down on the bed and got on top of me.

"Yuuki are we supposed to have someone watch us when Vampire have sex with a human?" I asked, looked up at him.

"No, I'm vampire side choose you," Yuuki answer, kiss me on the lips.

"Yuuki," I said, kiss him back.

"Yeah, what is it." Yuuki said, move his lips against my neck.

"I want to feel you inside me," I said, wrap my arms around him.

"I always want to feel you too," Yuuki said, took off my pants and under. Yuuki runs his finger against my womanhood.

"Yuuki," I moan, feel Yuuki put his manhood against my womanhood.

"You so tight," Yuuki said, push in me. I looked up and saw Yuuki eyes turned red. "Mate," Yuuki said, push in make me louder.

'So Yuuki vampire side took over again.' I said to myself.

"Mate." Yuuki moan, move his hips faster.

"Yes, I'm your mate," I said with a moan. When I feel Yuuki and I was close to cum together. Yuuki laid down beside me and wrap his arms around me.

A few months later Yuuki looked down at me and notice something is different about me. "Yuuki what wrong?" I asked, sat up and looked up at him. Yuuki looked down at my stomach.

"Tsukasa are you pregnant?" Yuuki asked, place a hand on my stomach.

"Yes, I find a few days ago," I answer. "But how do you know?" I asked.

"Your small is different for a few weeks and I did not know until now." Yuuki answer, pull me on top of him and kiss me on the lips.

"Are you happy?" I asked.

"Yes, I am." Yuuki answer. "I love you,"

"I love you too," I said.

Thank you for readying this story :)