The door opens, and Negan hears light footsteps coming down the stairs which peeks his attention and he lifts his head to see who was walking down this late at night.
"Hello?" a voice says quietly, he realizes it's none other than Rick's daughter Judith.
"Well hello, there." He says sitting up, "I don't think that you're supposed to be down here young lady."
She shrugs as she walks up to his cell, "Nobody's home. I'm supposed to be in bed. But I had a bad dream."
"Oh," Negan says softly, "I see."
Judith sighs then sits down across from him, "I know I'm not supposed to be down here but –" she trails off then looks up at him, "But I don't think you're a bad man."
Negan laughs, "We're all bad men, and your Daddy and I don't agree so that's why I'm in here, but you don't have to worry. Nothing bad will happen to you."
"Promise?" she said standing up.
"I promise." He said smiling at her, and he meant it.
"Goodnight, Negan." She said and then headed back up the stairs.
Judith continued to visit Negan while no one else was home, Negan looked forward to their conversations and in a way, it was calming to him to know that Rick's daughter found more comfort in him than she did Rick. But it was more of how Judith reminded him of life before all of this happened. Back when he wasn't big bad Negan, and Lucille was more than just a bat. And that part of him that he had kept buried resurfaced every time Judith would come and have a little chat with him. Spiteful as it may have seemed at the beginning, but he was really growing fond of her.
Until one night he heard the door open and slam and footsteps rushing down to his cell. He didn't move, he could hear Michonne's labored breathing, "Get up!" she hissed.
Negan clicked his tongue but didn't move, Michonne stepped closer to the bars. "I said: get up"
He glanced at her still unwilling to move. Until he saw her face, bloodthirsty, determined. "To what do I owe the pleasure? What's Ricky Boy sending his woman to speak for him now? The coward too –"
Michonne cut him off, "Rick is gone."
Negan raised his eyebrows and sat up.
"Rick is gone, and Carl is gone," Michonne said staring at him.
"My, my oh how the mighty have fallen." He looks back at her and notices her flinch as if she were considering taking out her katana. "What pray tell are you going to do now, Michonne? Run me through with that." He stands up and walks toward her.
She puts her hand down at her side instead, "Well there's no one here to stop me." She said flatly.
"Look at me, pissing off all the widows. So how did it happen huh? I'm sorry I wasn't there to see it. Hell, I'm sorry I wasn't the one to do it." He said as if challenging her.
"I won't give you the satisfaction." She said getting closer to the bars.
He threw his hands up, "So cut me down right where I stand then like you said nothing's stopping you."
She opened the door and closed it behind her, drawing her katana. But then Negan tackled her to the bars. "But I never said I'd make it easy for you."
As they scuffled rolling on the floor Michonne hit him again and again and as the blood poured out from his mouth he smiled up at her. Sadistically enjoying it, only preventing her from reaching her sword when she dared to grab it. And then just as she was about to grab the sword again she heard Judith's screams from upstairs she grabbed the katana and darted out of the cell and up the stairs, leaving no time to lock the cell or basement door. She was searching for Judith the house had been ransacked and then finally she found Judith crying in a crawl space. As she got her out she heard the front door slam and she knew Negan had left the house. As Judith sobbed in her arms all she said was "The monster was trying to take me." And Michonne held her close as she glanced around for the walker but found none.
Meanwhile, Negan ran out searching only for the walker that threatened the life of Judith, the only person who kept his humanity intact, his sanity, she was his only friend. He saw the walker off in the distance. Seemingly running, "What the hell?" he said to himself and then started to run after it. He had no weapon but it didn't matter he would kill this fucker with his bare hands he thought to himself. As he got closer he realized that the walker was turning around looking at him. He stopped and found a rock and threw it at the walker and it fell to the ground as he approached it he heard groaning but not the groans of a walker, no these groans were human. He looked down and the walker reached up with a knife and tried to stab him. But unaware of Negan's strength he overpowered it within seconds and stabbed it in the stomach. Blood spewed out of its mouth and all over Negan's face and chest. The walker was punching him as he disemboweled it and then it dropped to the ground once more. Twitching and bleeding out. He dropped down to his knees and took the knife and stabbed it in the eye, twisting it making sure that the knife had hit the brain. Then he looked the body over, almost marveling at it and then laughing, "What in the fuck are you?"
Negan got up and staggered back to the house, knowing that he should just keep going. Try and regroup with The Saviors, if there were any left, but he had to make sure Judith was alright and before he even reached the porch Judith had leapt out of Michonne's arms and ran directly toward him almost causing him to tumble backward. Michonne stood on the porch dumbfounded by this and then as Judith climbed down from him he looks up at Michonne, "I think there's something that you need to see."