So this story will be based heavily on Marvel's Spider-man 2018 video game but with a few twists and turns here to keep the already amazing sporty even more so.

The first twist is that Black Cat will be a main character, based off a mix of her comicbook incarnation and the one we got in the DLC, I'd recommend it, it's great and she will be in the story, often helping Peter with the likes of crime fighting, keeping his sanity, maybe giving MJ some jealous looks and maybe steal a priceless artifact or two when no one is looking. That sort of thing that we all know and love about her.

Disclaimer: I don't own any Marvel characters seen, mentioned or used.

Peter Parker's life was by no means simple, nor was it bornbing, it was precisely the kind of life... that was more difficult then it should be.

Sure his current job was great, working with the Doctor Otto Octavius and making a real difference in the world, the pay wasnt bad either, and being everyone's friendly Neighborhood Spider-man, with Reserve Avenger status, was a blast and composed of some of the best times of his life... but it was way more difficult then it should be.

The first was that he was a bit behind on his rent, the second...

"Crap, crap, crap, crap, double crap!" Peter said to himself as he swung at blurring speeds through Manhattan like a bat out of hell.

The second was that his love life was complicated for the lack of a better word.

Peter shot another webline out and used it to soar over a building before he shot another webline out towards a taller building, using a combination of his speed and built up momentum to swing him through the air as he raced to the resturant he was supposed to meet his date for the evening... twnety minutes ago.

"I just know I'm a dead man!" Peter groaned as he jumped from his line and let gravity drag him towards thee street below before he shot another line out and swung just metrers above the Big Apple's ever flwoing traffic "Heck, she's probably not even there anymore! I know I'd be bouncing after my date was this late... again"

Peter sighed at this before he landed on a rooftop and sprinted across it's surface to the other side before using his enhanced sttength to leap off the rooftop and on to the adjacent building and ran across it's side, his suit's boots leaving very faint marks in the recently cleaned glass. Peter internally winced at this as he leaped off the building and swung through the towering skyscrapers of his home before his suit's built in commlink, that he may or may not have based off the one given to him by Tony Stark with a few tiny modifications, went off.

"Oh god..." Peter said as he landed on the corner of a building and answered the call "Uhh hi-"

"Your late" a woman's voice said on the other end.

Peter winced at the tone, it wasn't quiet angry but it wasn't pleased either. Still, that was a good sign he reasoned, it meant he could still fix this.


"Look, I know I'm late, like really late but I'm on my way right now-" Peter began before he heard the loud 'crack' of a weapon being discharged followed by the sounds of people's terrified screams.

"You mean, you were on your way" she said, grim amusement in her tone followed by the sound of shuffeling "Look Parker, I'm not mad... much... but I'm a woman with certain expectations and I expect my recently raised from fuckbuddy to boyfriend to be on time for a date for a change"

"But I-" Peter began as he raced towards the sounds of screams before he was cut off again.

"Look, just do what you have to do, quickly, and meet me at my place and we'll have that long overdue talk that we've both been putting off... maybe" his date said before the call ended just as Peter landed on a lamp post that was overlooking a jewel store that was being held up by four men.

"Great... she wants to break up with me... not too surprising really" Peter said with a heavy sigh as he glanced at the store to see what he was working with. His mask's lenses zoomed in on the men and scanned their weapons, casuing him to frown at what he saw.

"Fully automatic AR's... bit excessive for a simple jewel store hold up. Then again Shocker uses gauntlets that could vibrate steel beams apart and Mysterio uses holograms, robots, incendiaries and a fishbowl to commit his robberies. Man whatever happeend to the good old fashion tommy guns and those heartbeat hearing things that doctors use to rob a place or something?" Peter said to himself as he checked his web shooters to make sure they had an adequate supply of webbing for him to use.

Seeing that they still had a good amount of web fluid left, Peter took a deep breath and leaped down to the sidewalk in front of the store, scairing a few walking pedestrians, and tapped on the glass. The armed gun men inside, along with the hostages, all turned to see Peter waving at them.

"Hi guys, you mind if I drop in and say hi before I beat you to a pulp?" Peter said as the robbers stared at him before one shouted.

"It's the spider, shoot his ass!"

They all aimed their weapons at Peter who quickly smashed through the glass, he couldnt risk the armed men shooting at him and having their missed shots miss him and hit someone else. The robbers are flinched as the glass flew towads them, but their thick clothing and covered faces protected them from getting cut by any bits of glass sent flying from Peter's less than smooth entrance.

'Gotta take these guys out fast. Mainly to keep them from shooting up the place' Peter thought as he took aim at one of the gun men with his web shooter and shot off several impact webbing bullets at the man, sending him stumbiling back before he hit the wall and the web fluid on his body stuck to the surface, pinning him in place 'And to prevent my already ticked off date from being even more ticked off... hopefully'

Peter felt his spider-sense go off and turned to see one of the gun men had backed up and took aim at Peter and was just about to squeeze the triiger before Peter shot a impact web bullet in the man's face. The robber shrieked in response and dropped his gun as he tried to pull the webbing off his face and stumbled around as a result.

"Heh, classic" Peter said as he rushed the third gun men and snatched the man's rifle out of his hands, casuing the man to stumble and allow Peter to kick the man's feet from out under him before he was pinned to the ground by a thick layer of webbing.

"Don't move creep!" the final gun men said as he held a terrified woman up, the barrel of his weapon aimed awkwardly into her "Beat it or the broad gets it"

Peter's eyes narrowed as his mind went into overdrive at the scene before him. His options were limited and the one idea he did have had to be timed and executed perfectly or the hostage would end up seriously wounded or worse.

'Times like this I wish I had magic or something cool beside my already amazing powers... least for these kinds of situations' Peter thought as he riased his arms in the air and spoke aloud "Alright buddy, you got me... webztwoface..."

The gun men's eyes narrowed at this "What'd ya say to me-?"

Peter suddenly shot two web lines from his web shooters, one to the man's face and the other to his rifle before he yanked both forward. The woman the gun men was holding fell to the side as her tormenter was pulled right into Peter's outstretched fist.

"I said, webs to face" Peter snickered as his punch knocked the man out cold, his body slumping to the ground with a 'thud' before he was webbed down.

"Oh thank god" one of the hostages said as they began to move towards the shattered window while the owner of the jewelry store, at least Peter thought it was him, apporached the wall crlawer with a less than pleased look on his face as he pointed towards the window.

"Who's going to pay for that? My insurance dosent cover damages done by you so called 'heroes'!" the man scowled.

Peter blinked at the man before he shurgged "Well I figured you'd use the money your store will keep earning since it's product and earnings wasn't stolen by snuggles and his pals here. Plus it's New York, pretty sure most places by now have made some sort of 'Superhero' insurance thingy"

The man's eyes narrowed as he raised a shaking finger towards Peter "Jameson was right about you! You are a menace"

One of the hostages who was watching the scene turned to her friend with a confused expression "Is he serious?"

"I think so" her friend replied with a shake of her head.

"Look, next time I'll use the front door" Peter said as he turned to leave "Now if you need me good sir, I have a very unhappy girlfriend to go meet..."

He then leaped into the air and shot a web line out and used it to swing away as the police finally arrived at the store followed by an ambulance.


Ten minutes later, he had to stop a mugging only a block away from the jewel store, Peter landed on the side of a high end apartment that wasn't too far from Greenwich and began to climb up to the floor that his date lived on. Sometimes if Peter looked hard enough from their window, he could just make out the top of the Sanctum Sanctorum a few blocks away.

'Wonder what the Doc's up to tonight?' Peter thought as he passed a window where an old man and old woman were watching a movie 'Doing dishes by reading from a spell book? Washing his epic cloak with mystical holy water in the mysterious washing machine of Dumbledore? On a date with a witch maybe?'

Peter arrived at his date's window saw that the lights were on and quietly slid the window open and slipped inside without a sound.

"Hello lover..." a woman's voice purred from Peter's right, casuing him to look to see his date for the evening, sitting on the couch with a bemused expression on her face.

She was dressed in a beuatiufl and obviously expensive black strapless dress with intricate white patterns on the edges and a pair of black heels and black stockings. Her hair was done up in a ponytail and there was a light amount of eye shadow and red lipstick on her face. Normally Peter thought she didn't need it, she was beautiful enough on her own, but the added makeup made her look enchanhting.

"Hey Felicia" Peter said towards his girlfriend as of one month and partime partner slash sidekick slash occasional Rogue. Or soon to be ex almost all of those minus the last one if his luck holds true tonight.

The Black Cat smirked at Peter as she leaned back on the sofa and folded her arms under her generous bust "So, what was it this time hmm? One of your usual baddies, some random crime, perhaps a mission with your little besties the Avengers or you just went out to help the X-men in one of their latest 'Mutant problems'?"

Felicia's smirk fell as she leaned forward and pulled out her phone and brought up the socail media page that Peter made for Spider-man a while back "Or were you just screwing around with Johnny Storm and simply lost track of time again?"

The latest post showed him and Johnny in Reed's lab smiling at a camera, both throwing up a peace sign while Ben Grim was strung up behind them in a thick cocoon of webbing with clown makeup on his face.

"Ummm" Peter sounded as he tried to come up with an answer that wouldn't end with him getting his butt handed to him.

"Lover, normally I don't care who you hang out with in your spare time, I'm not that vein to think I'm currently the center of your universe all the time" Felicia said with a small scowl "But when your hanging out enrocahes on our time, that's when I start to care"

'Never a problem before when you only cared about the 'Spider' part of Spider-man' Peter thought dryly 'Still not convinced your not'

Felicia then swtuched off her phone and tossed it to the side as she looked at Peter with a displeased look "Well, was pranking the Thing worth missing out on our date?"

"No" Peter sighed as he removed his mask and ran a hand over his face "I'm sorry Felicia, really. If I knew how long it'd take me and Johnny to set the thing up, Id tell him to do it another day. I swear!"

Felicia sighed at this, she knew Peter would have, but she was still frsutrated that her plans for the evening won't be going exactly as she hoped. They'd have a nice dinner, that she'd have to pay for because she knows for a fact that Peter dosent have the money currently, maybe sneak off somewhere for a little scandolus public sex and almost get caught, somehow make it back to her place while trying to keep one another's hands to themselves and continue for the rest of the evening exploring one another's body until morning.

'And maybe after he falls asleep, scout out a few places to... ensure the pricelss valuables inside are safe and secure' Felicia thought with bemusement before she stood up and made her way to her room, stopping only for a second to toe her heels off.

"Is this... does this mean we're... not gonna be dating anymore?" Peter questioned as he painfully stumbled through his words while he watched Felicia about to enter her room after she stopped at the doorway and very slowly removed her dress to show that she was wearring nothing underneath the several thousand dollar material.

"Of course not" Felicia said with an eye roll "Unlike some of your previous flings, I'm not dumb enough to let you go just because your late for our date for the tenth time in a row"

Peter winced at this "I'm sorry, really. But hey at least I'm only ten to twenty minutes late instead of a full hour or not even showing up like the last time or when you wanted to go to that gala and I was in space with the Fantastic-"

"Lover..." Felicia said as she put a hand on her hip and slowly turned towards Peter with a pout while secretly enjoying how his eyes kept dripping down her body before rushing back to her face "Stop while your ahead or I'm kicking you out for the night"

"Right, sorry" Peter said with a cough before he adverted his gaze "So uh, now what?"

"Wait here" Felicia said with a smirk as she turned on her heel and entered her room, but not before stopping and looking back over her shoulder as she ran a hand over her rear just before she closed her door.

"Always the tease" Petter said with a shake of his head as he exmained Felicia's apartment, seeing if she added anything new to it, she usually did.

"You know you love it my Spider" Felicia cooed from the other side of the door "If I remember correctly, it's what you found so attractive about me"

"Honestly, it was how you were able to bypass Hammerhead's secuirity, steal several million dollars in paintings and sculptures all while he was in the next room playing cards with his goons and not get caught after you hacked his security system with those little cats of yours that I found attractive about you" Peter said with a small grin.

"Of course, it's not beauty or how I'm able to match your sexual libido that you find hot, it's the skill and resources I use to make your enemies lives a little poorer" Felicia said with a scoff "I swear Lover, you'd probably be more turned on by me naming off the elements of the periodic table in reverse than me in a sexy Spider-woman suit asking you to web me up and help break HYDRA's mind control over me by overloading my brain with orgasmic pleasure"

'Uhhh' Peter thought as his mind ran over the two images, both were equally enticing in his opinion before he cleared his mind "That's... I'm not even going to answer that"

"Pity, I guess I know what not to do for your birthday my Spider" Felicia giggled from her room "And to think I was gonna steal the actual Spider-woman suit for it"

"How about you not trying to steal anything would be a nice gift. Especially from my teammates... or being more attracted to Peter Parker works too" Peter muttered the last part more to himself then to his current flame.

"I'll think about it" Felicica said from her room, not having heard the latter part of Peter's response "But before I do that, you owe me a date Lover, and I intend to collect before this evening is out... one way or another"

Peter sighed at this "Look Felicia I'll take you to that place you like to-"

Peter stopped as Felicia emerged in the doorway, dressed in her black and white suit and a small grin on her face as she walked towards the window while slipping her mask on. She noticed Peter's look and smirked as she leaned aganst the cool glass with a smirk on her face.

"Well Lover... you coming or not?" she purred before she leaped out of the building and into the city.

Peter blinked at her before he quickly threw his mask on and jumped after her "Your not gonna convince me to steal anything again are you?"

His question was answered by the Black Cat's laugh.


Next chapter, A superhero-ish date... kinda.