

The Force, a metaphysical, spiritual and binding power that flowed through the galaxy unseen but select few could connect with it. The Force had a will, a mind, that drove it to do and act in certain ways or to influence others to act in its behalf. The Force broke down to two aspects Light and Dark, throughout history there had been groups to channel one side or the other. The Jedi were one such group, they focused on the Light side of The Force and used their abilities to promote peace in the universe. The Sith were their counter, a group who focused on the Dark to achieve their goals. Both were constantly at war with one another for centuries before the Sith slowly started to die out.

But The Force did not want that, it did not want a focus on a single side but a balance. So it had long since decided on another path, it still spoke to both groups and moved through them but was not relying on them. The Force watched, gathering knowledge and moving pieces into place. Soon two Chosen would take their place among the Universe, one to finish the Sith and the other to bring about a new order to prompt balance. It would not be easy, for either of them as there was a great plot in the universe in motion but it was for this reason the Force was choosing now to act.


Eddard Stark was a just, proud and fair Lord, despite the fact he was never raised to take the position. It had only been six years since the loss of his father, eldest brother and sister, six years since he went to war. Six years since he placed his best friend on the throne and then rode back to The North to rule and now he was called to war again. He was currently in his solar, calming down after an argument with his wife which he had hoped to avoid before leaving tomorrow. It was the same fight they had been having since he got news of his departure, send away his bastard son Jon Snow. "At least they think he's my bastard." Eddard thought before sighing and looking out the window. "Maybe I should never have brought Jon back here." He mused, thinking himself alone and not noticing the figure looking through the cracked doorway.

Jon Snow had gone to say goodbye to his father, he knew it was going to be tough in Winterfell without him around and Lady Stark in charge, she had no love for him. Then he heard it, his father didn't even want him and his heart broke. Jon quickly ran down to his room, ignoring all the servants and guards walking around preparing for Lord Starks departure. Arriving to his room he crawled under the covers and cried, he should have known his father didn't really want him. "He's just trying to protect his stupid honor." Jon mumbled into his pillow and hugged it tighter.

After his eyes started to dry, more from a lack of tears than him calming down, Jon wondered what he should do next because he didn't want to stay in Winterfell. He knew it would just be a matter of time before Robb started to hate him as well, an than he wouldn't have anyone. "If Robb even likes me." Winterfell had nothing for him, he may be six, but he had been taught basic survival skill since it could get so cold in The North. He could go up the Kingsroad to the Wall, his Uncle may also hate him but if he joined the Nightswatch it wouldn't matter.

He nodded to himself, getting up he wiped his face clean and then began gathering everything he would need. If he left in the morning no one would notice he was gone until maybe dinner, not that they would care anyway. He would need a better cloak, food and a knife just in case taking a deep breath he steeled himself and headed towards the kitchens.


Jon was fortunate, there was a small caravan heading up to Last Hearth and would be going up the Kingsroad. He was hoping if he went to Lady Umber, who would be in charge while her husband was away, and say he was going to the Wall she would send him. The caravan left after the army, Jon had stayed hidden because he couldn't look his father in the eyes, and when he mentioned that he was wanting to join the Nightswatch the man said he could ride for free.

Everything seemed to be going in Jon's favor until the second day, they were moving at a good pace but then they were attacked by a group of Wildlings. Jon was very nervous, arrows were flying, the clash of steel rang in his ears and he saw bodies hit the ground from both sides. Jon did the only thing he could think of, run, run as fast and far as he could. He had the sense to grab his things, and to his shame later a few other supplies laying in the back of the wagon.

Jon had run for the mountains, there was some tree cover, but he had heard people shouting to catch him. Jon wasn't sure how far he ended up running, he had found an old looking trail and followed it. He was going to stop for the night and get a fire going but than he heard the wolves and decided to try and find a cave or crevice to hide in. He ended up having to create a torch from a branch and a mixture of cloth ripped from a spare cloak and grass, it worked after a few minutes of trying. Jon was starting to get cold and knew if he couldn't find a cave or tree to hide in he would have to risk sleeping in the open. He was starting to get angry again, he was out here because his father couldn't keep from between his mothers' legs.

As he brooded he suddenly felt a small pull, as if the wind was pulling him, towards a rock cropping. Curious Jon moved closer, there was a small gap maybe two feet wide, it wouldn't be comfortable, but it would work. Jon stuck the torch in first, making sure no snakes or spiders were hidden in there, and after nothing came out crouched down to look inside. He tossed his bag in first, then carefully crawled inside torch first. There was some gravel but nothing terrible, however Jon was surprised to see how far back the hole went. Deciding it was better to be farther in then out he kept crawling, dragging his bag with him as he did. "What?" Jon was surprised to come to an opening and see a large metal door set inside a wall.

Curious and with no where else to go Jon walked towards the door and inspected it, there was nothing to strange about the door so he decided to push it. When it didn't move he dropped the bag and tried pulling but again it wouldn't move. Jon frowned but looked on the bright side, this area was big enough and would offer more warmth than sitting out in the wild. He stopped when the feeling came back, Jon tried to focus on it and looked to the side of the doorway. He started to feel around and suddenly part of the wall flipped and he jumped back, on the wall was a strange looking device with numbers on it. Jon started to move back but the feeling came again and suddenly he thought of numbers and pushed them.

Jon jumped as the metal door shook and began to slide into the wall, he heard clicking and light came from the area behind the door. He was amazed to see light inside a mountain, hesitantly he gathered his things and walked forward, he felt what he could only describe as a pleased feeling from the presence he had felt since coming here. The hallway lead to a metal room and while inspecting it Jon saw a few white circles with numbers next to them on the wall, curious Jon pushed the circle with the one next to it. "Ah!" Jon yelled as a door closed him in and the room shifted, Jon jumped into the corner and gulped before a few seconds passed and the door opened.

Again he looked about in wonder, the area before him was like a courtyard inside the mountain. A few stairs were outside the room and led to a wide-open area with a few columns, all around the circular room were bookcases, work tables and strange objects Jon had never seen. As he started walking in he realized he was warm, not from moving but he generally felt like the area was warm, as if he was standing next to the hearth at Winterfell. "What is this place?" Jon wondered as he looked around.

He heard thumps, like metal armored boots hitting the ground, and Jon grabbed his knife in case of trouble. He froze when a strange metal man appeared from across the way, though it was not a man because it was almost skeleton like but the abdomen covered with metal though the rib area had openings and Jon could see what looked like colored cords inside. He jumped when it spoke but it was nothing he understood, it raised its arm and waved at him. "Hello?" Jon said and looked wide eyed as its eyes glowed and flashed.

"Hello?" It said and looked at Jon. "Can….me…?" Jon caught two words so he tried again.

"I'm Jon Snow and I didn't mean to come here uninvited." Jon said and let go of his knife, he didn't want to try and fight this thing.

It's eyes flashed again. "Can you understand me now?" Jon smiled and nodded. "Excellent, it seems your language has evolved some since I last conversed with a human." It bowed it's head. "I am PD-467, your name young man?"

"Jon Snow." Jon said while looking PD-467 over. "What are you? How do you move and walk, you're not a human are you a Child of the Forest?"

PD-467 cocked it's head. "Oh I am not one of them, I am a Protocol Droid built to care and oversee this base." Jon looked confused.

"What is a Protocol Droid?" The words were foreign to him.

"Hmm judging by your clothing and appearance I would say your culture is still in it's early development years." PD-467 said and nodded. "Come this will take much explaining." He waved for Jon to follow and he decided to do so, the presence again confirming this was a good decision.

Jon sat on a comfortable couch, more comfortable than anything he had sat on before, trying to process everything he had learned. There were other places outside of his world, not just Westeros but the planet he was on. PD-467 was not a person but a droid, some strange extremely advanced machine Jon could not even conceive before today. This was a secret base belonging to someone called Raven, PD-467's original master, but his job was to keep the base functional and if anyone stumble upon it allow them to attempt to learn from the knowledge here.

He explained somethings about Raven, and how he was a powerful user of something called The Force. PD-467 had given him a brief idea of what it was and had said Revan was one of the few to indulge both the Light and the Dark sides. It was a history PD-467 didn't go into but said Jon could learn much about it here if he decided to stay and learn. The droid explained Revan had created this place to study both his dark history and light history, though it was thousands of years ago and he did not know what Revan had finally found.

"So how would you like to proceed Master Jon?" PD-467 asked after giving him some time to process things. He wouldn't deny he wanted to serve another Master, he was programmed to serve and had been without for so long. Revan had programmed him to serve whoever came here to study.

Jon looked around, this was so much more than the Nightwatch, so much more than anything he could have wanted. "I will stay." Jon answered, his mind drifting to Lady Stark saying he wouldn't amount to anything and he was just a bastard. "I will learn all about Revan and see if I can become something more."

"Oh excellent Master Jon." PD-467 chirped. "Please allow me to show you around the base and we can start assigning security protocol and activating other droids to care for your needs."

"What other droids?" Jon asked curiously.

"Ah well Master Revan left several droids to help care for the one-day resident of this place." PD-467 answered. "There is an opening that leads to the ocean in the back for aquatic droids to fish, a medical droid for your health even construction droids should you need to build anything." He moved towards what Jon learned was called a hoverlift. "And of course, we have the residence and shuttle bay on the top level." Jon just smiled at how excited PD-467 seemed, he had been alone along time so Jon understood.


Jon woke in the softest bed, it was so large and soft he imagined it was what it must feel like to sleep on a cloud. He slowly rose and began getting ready, PD-467 had cleaned his clothes and taught him how to use the advanced facilities. The idea his shit would go away and he never had to smell it made him happy and a shower with hot water was amazing. Walking out of the bedroom he came to the kitchen and living area, a heavenly aroma filled his nose and Jon moved to the counter where a cooking droid, who asked just to be called cook, was making fish.

"Good morning Master Jon." Cook said as he passed the plate, it was not his best work but he would need many spices, herbs and groceries restocked before he could make anything truly delicious. "I have prepared a small fish dish for you, freshly caught."

"Thank you." Jon said before he started eating.

"I would like to purchase many supplies if we are able Master Jon." Cook said after a moment, Jon paused and frowned.

"I do not have money unfortunately." He sighed. "Without that I can't get us anything."

"Perhaps we may trade?" PD-467 chimed in as he walked into the kitchen area. "The Aqua droids could catch a small amount of fish you could trade for supplies or sell for profit."

Jon grinned. "That's perfect, and maybe a few rams or wolves to?" Those would sell nicely. "But not to many as I can't carry a lot yet."

The two droids nodded. "Perhaps we should wait until you have learned more and fully utilize the facilities resources."

Jon took a bite of fish and nodded. "I think that's a good idea, so I better get started." Jon hopped off the chair and began to grab his plate.

"I shall take care of the dishes Master Jon." Cook said, Jon gave him a smile and ran off to the lift with PD-467 in pursuit.

Arriving to the main floor Jon looked around, trying to decide where to start. "Do ou have any idea where I should begin PD-467?"

The droid nodded. "Yes, Master Jon, please follow me." He led Jon to the far end of the room, to the right of entrance. Jon saw another door but PD-467 pushed this one open, though there was almost no light inside. "Please enter ahead of me Master Jon."

Jon did so but paused when he saw the inside of the room as it was very strange. It was black except for a red light emanating from a pyramid shaped object on a stone pillar that stood two feet high. In front of it was stone block, wide enough to sit on and putting most people around eye level with the pyramid. Looking back Jon saw PD-467 walking out and closing the door, he wasn't worried it was a trick because he could make out a handle on the door inside. He felt the presence, which he now believed to be The Force, pushing him towards the seat so he climbed on and sat cross legged.

Since PD-467 gave him a small idea of what The Force was he decided to try focusing on the pyramid. He wasn't sure what else he needed to do so he focused on making it work, it was taking time but Jon didn't let up and eventually he heard clicking and something moving. He kept his eyes closed though and continued to focus on it.

"Greetings youngling." Jon's eyes snapped open and saw a blue figure standing above a now opened pyramid top. He, at least it sounded and looked male, was covered clothing and had a face mask along with some armor on his chest, forearms and shins. "It seems you have found my lair and Holocron." The figure inspected Jon. "Tell me how you found this place youngling."

Jon gulped. "I stumbled upon it while I was leaving home." He looked at the figure. "How do you understand me when PD-467 took some time?"

"The Force has many uses." The man chuckled. "Did the droid say how long it has been since I have been here?"

"Not exactly but he did say a few thousand years." Jon replied, the figure nodded with a sigh.

"Then my last mission was not successful." He looked back a Jon. "But you are strong in The Force, you will make a worth vessel." He started to raise his hand towards Jon but convulsed. "Gah!" He grunted. "What is this?" Jon wondered what was going on and what the man had been trying to do, he stopped convulsing and started taking deep breaths. He looked back at Jon and the two stared at each other. "Strange….what is your name child?"

"Jon…Snow." He could have made something up but couldn't think of anything and didn't want to lie.

"Jon Snow, an odd name but very well. I am Darth Revan." He gave a bow of his head. "And it seems The Force has something planned for you."

Jon licked his lips. "What?"

Revan chuckled. "I do not know but that is the exciting part. I have experienced both sides of The Force, ruled and toppled Empires and yet this might be my greatest challenge." He rubbed his hands in excitement. "I think we should begin with your story, what events brought you here?"

Jon wriggled a bit and took a breath before telling Revan everything about himself.


Jon stood in the slight opening of the shuttle bay, which was another wonder he had never thought possible. He was going to learn about the Force, though from who was the oddest part of it all. After telling him about himself Revan, or Master Revan as he was telling Jon to call him, had a vast history that was full of righteous and dark things. He didn't hold back on anything, but Jon knew it was just a small amount of what he would learn about the man. Part of him was afraid but another wanted to know, it reminded him of the Targaryen's history, part conquerors and killers part heroes and rulers.

"Master Jon?" PD-467 called as he looked around in the bay. "Ah there you are, sir will you be needing anything before you head back to training?"

Jon shook his head. "No thank you PD-467, I should get back though as I feel it is going to be a long day."

"Of course, sir and I have already taken the liberty of activating the other droids, so we might ensure that everything is working properly." Jon nodded at the droid.

"Very well." Jon turned back to the ocean view. "I never dreamed I would be somewhere like this."

"I am told The Force can work in mysterious ways Master Jon." PD-467 replied, Jon smiled and thought it sounded right.


Eddard Stark sighed as the gate to Winterfell came into view, it had been eight months since he had seen those gates. The Greyjoy Rebellion ended in their victory, he had some spoils in the wagons behind him but also the only remaining son of Balon Greyjoy. He was to take the boy as a ward and raise him to be a respectable Lord of the Iron Islands, loyal to King Robert Baratheon and his line. Theon was a bit older than Robb and Jon but he knew they would get along.

He smiled as they rode through Winter Town, people cheering as he went past, and saw the guards along the walls waving as he rode into the courtyard. His family was lined up before the keep and he couldn't help but smile even more as he saw them, his wife was heavy with child which came as a pleasant surprise. Riding up to them and jumping off his horse he faced them, Catelyn walked forward and gave a small curtsey. "My Lord, Winterfell is yours." Ned ignored that and pulled her into a hug, giving her a small but meaningful kiss.

"I told you I would come home." Ned said, and Catelyn smiled, he looked into her eyes for a few moments than let go and moved to Robb. "Were you good for your mother."

Robb grinned and nodded. "Yes Father." Ned chuckled and pulled him into a powerful hug and looked to his daughter Sansa.

"My look how beautiful you've become my dear." Sansa smiled and ran into a hug, Ned shifted Robb a bit, so he was holding both. "I am so happy to see you both." He sighed and just held them for a minute. He let go and stood, a maid was holding his youngest Bran and she held him out to him. "You have grown lad as well."

"My Lord." Ned turned to see his Maester Luwin off to the side. "Please forgive me but there is a very urgent matter I must speak with you about, were it not so important I would not bring it up at such a time."

Ned sighed, wanting just a few minutes of peace in his return but he knew Luwin and the man would not say something like this without cause. "Go Ned, it is important." He looked at his wife but she averted her eyes, he found it strange but nodded.

"Very well." Ned sighed. "But first, lad come here." The group turned as their Master at Arms lead a small boy towards them. "This is Theon Greyjoy." Ned put his hand on the boy's shoulder and looked at his family. "He will be staying with us for awhile, Theon this is my wife Lady Catelyn, my eldest Robb, Sansa and my youngest..well for now." He smiled at Catelyn. "Bran."

"Hello." Theon muttered while looking at the ground and shuffling his feet.

Catelyn understood what was going on. "Come Theon, lets show you around while Lord Stark speaks with the Maester." She held out her hand and Theon took it hesitantly. "Come Robb I'm sure Theon would like a tour from a boy his age." Robb seemed happy and quickly lead the way towards the keep.

Ned smiled as they all walked away, though he frowned when he realized Jon wasn't with them. He assumed Catelyn just didn't want him with her so he started looking around for the boy. "Lord Stark?"

"Of course, Luwin." Ned said, he would see Jon later, he turned and headed for his solar. He couldn't help smiling as he walked through the familiar halls, how only a few months made him miss the place. Once they were inside Ned ran his hand over the desk that belonged to his family. "So what is so important that I could not spend sometime with my family Luwin?"

The Maester was nervous, he shifted a bit. "Lord Stark, the evening after your departure we made a….startling discovery." Ned cocked an eyebrow, Luwin cleared his throat. "Lord Stark, Jon Snow has disappeared."

Ned froze, his eyes widening at the news. "What?" His voice was cold.

"We could not find him come supper time, Robb said he had not seen him all day and after searching his room we discovered many of his things missing." Luwin quickly reported. "We searched all of Winterfell and even Winter Town but we found no trace of him."

"How!" Ned roared. "How could a child leave Winterfell and not a soul saw him! Do my guards sleep at their posts? Did I take the only ones with sense with me!" Luwin cringed as Ned yelled. "Well?"

"I have no answers my Lord." Luwin bowed his head. "I sent Ravens out, looking for word of him but nothing has come back."

"Leave." Ned seethed out, Luwin didn't question him and quickly retreated. He took a few deep breaths before Ned let out a loud angry yell. Tears spilled from his eyes and all he could think was that he had failed his sister again.


So I've read a few stories here but decided to create an account when this idea popped into my head. This is going to be a GOTx Star Wars that will involve both worlds but focus far more on Star Wars around the Clone Wars timeline. I have not read the books or played to many games, so I'll base most things off the cartoon series and movies, also off things I find of Wookieepedia. The GOT stuff will be based off the show mostly, since it goes into more detail about White Walkers than the books have given us.

I chose Revan because from his history he's one of the few who's really experienced both sides of the force and has leadership experience. I don't have a pairing in mind yet so I'm willing to take requests, but it won't happen for a while so no hurry.

Hopefully everyone enjoyed it so far!