Authors note/Warning:

So just a small notice for people who go to read this little scrap thing I created... there is errr excessive gore and mild sexual themes to this chapter... Please don't judge I didn't mean to write Guro! I suppose this is what I get for writing at like 1am in the morning, ble I went over this rather lazily to fix some mistakes and a friend helped me touch up some of the language so I hope it isn't too bad.

I was thinking of continuing this story but I'm not really sure, it feels more like a oneshot kinda thing *sigh* why does writing have to be so difficult these days...

Anyway enough of my rambling, hope you all enjoy this little reject piece of literature I composed...


For a moment the beast froze as it registered the small copper plated bullet striking its armoured hide. Dagger lined jaws quivered as they hovered over the vulnerable jugular of a man covered in blue painted power armour. Servo's whined slightly as the creatures mechanical like feet adjusted the pressure being applied to pin the man down, blue glowing orbs slowly turning to stare at the being who dared interrupt her meal.

Standing out in the open, with a pistol poised awkwardly between both hands. Stood a girl no older than 16, locks of black curly hair rolled from the girls head. Small, square framed glasses sat perched on her frighten little face.

An almost grim look of determination flashed across the girl's face, her hands tightening around her weapon holding it steady and letting forth another gunshot to split the air.

Just like before, the small projectile bounced harmlessly off the creatures hide must to its growing irritation and a low sinister hiss trickled between those ivory daggers.

"Get away from him!" cried the girl bravely, her finger squeezing the trigger for a third time to send a bullet ricocheting off the creatures armoured skull.

The beast jaws snapped shut, head calmly turning until all of its 4 eyes were locked on the girl with a look of near exasperation.

A forth gunshot split the air, followed by the bullet whistling harmlessly off into the distance completely missing its mark and striking a nearby building. The beast glanced calmly in the direction the shot went, then slowly as if mocking the girls aim, the creature turned its gaze back to the pistol wielding teenager.

The girl unconsciously took a step back, a quiver returning to her hands as she realize her attacks were doing nothing more than annoying the armoured being.

A grin slowly formed on the creature's reptilian muzzle, ivory fangs glinted in the light as the metallic plates decorating its hide rustled and clattered as they adjusted themselves. As they did so however a fifth gunshot split the air, striking one of the plates and once more ricocheted off into the distance leaving its target unharmed.

With an almost casual like manner, the creature flung the man beneath its foot off to the side. Over 100kg of machinery and flesh crashed into a nearby wall, exploding through the brick surface and disappearing from view.

Smiling, the reptilian cyborg began walking towards the teenager eyes glinting with malicious intent.

"What are you going to do now little hero?" chimed the creature rather cheerfully, the creatures voice seemed to waver as it spoke, varying from male to female with each word.

A sixth gunshot split the air and bounced harmlessly off the creature's chest plate, yet the action did have the effect of spurring the monster into motion.

A violent snarl filled the air, the air seemed to shimmer from the abominations back sending it exploding forward with such speed that the teenager could only unload her seventh shot before being thrown to the floor. Claws wrapped around her chest, fangs lunged forward to find their way deep into the fleshy crevice between her shoulder and neck.

The shrill scream of a girl in pain split the air, blood gushed from the wound as razor sharp fangs tore through both flesh and bone. Then in a callus display of savagery, the monstrous beast tore the girls arm free of her body in a grotesque spray of crimson gore.

Wailing in agony from the amputation of her arm, the teenager almost didn't notice the creature's long murderous claws wrapped around her chin and forced her gaze upwards. Through her blurred and tear stained vision, she saw her own severed arm dangling from the monster's jaws, crimson weeping from the appendage to stain her own pale face.

Those smiling jaws bore down at her, blue orbs shining with malicious glee. Then as if to add insult to injury, the monstrous creature tilted her head backwards and effortlessly devoured the severed limb in a slow, wet gulp.

"Mmmmm, what are you going to do now my tasty little hero?" jeered the beast with crimson stained fangs smiling down at the pinned teenager.

The girls reply was to scream in a mix of anger and desperation, her remaining hand jammed the pistol right into the creatures face. A look of surprised flashed in those glowing blue orbs, right before the girl yanked on the trigger. Multiple gunshots split the air, blood was splattered across the concrete and the girl felt sick satisfaction as one of the monster's eyes were blown apart in a sheet of gore.


Even as the slide of her weapon locked into the empty position, the girl didn't cease trying to pull the trigger in a futile effort to dispel harm upon her aggressor.

The teenager's body shivered and trembled as she lied there, still pinned by the motionless abomination as it emotionlessly stared down at her with its three remaining eyes. Her surprise attack had succeeded in maiming her attacker, along with the creature's upper left eye, she had also caused a small part of the monster's upper jaw to be blown away revealing torn flesh and bone. A plate of armour had been sheered of completely, leaving a bare patch of expose muscle and tendons while a single projectile sat imbedded within the beast lower jaw.

Crimson rained down on the teenager, coating her chest and neck with the warm life fluid that seem to burn her skin upon contact. She swore she even heard the blood hiss as it splashed across her, slowly pooling around her body to join the growing puddle forged from the fluid gushing from the absent arm.

"That…. Was fun" mumbled the creature suddenly, its body snapping back to life and causing the teenager to freeze like a statue in terror.

The near tender claws holding the lower half of her face suddenly tightened their grip, serrated blades sunk into the delicate flesh of her cheeks making her choke and almost scream in a new fit of agony. If not for the adrenaline surging through her veins the girl would have long ago passed out from shock, sadly for her, unconsciousness might have sparred her from the horror's she witnessed next.

"Aren't ye a fiery little cutie, I suppose the brave little knight deserves a kiss for her heroics" mocked the monster in amusement.

Slowly, as if to taunt the girl trapped beneath its claws. The creature brought those blood coated lips into contact with the teenager's, the girl thrashed in protest. Using her spent pistol as an improvised club she bashed the lump of synthetic material repeatedly against the creature's skull.

If the creature noticed the attack it didn't visibly respond to it, instead the monstrosity seemed quite determined to give the girl a long morbidly romantic kiss.

The girl felt bile rising in the back of her throat, yet no matter how much she wanted to barf, her body seemed incapably of fulfilling the act. Then she felt her arm became almost sluggish in its attack, despite her will to keep fighting. Soon, her arm faulted and proceeded to collapse by her side, phantom signals surged from her missing appendage making her cringe and thrash with her remaining strength while trying to punch her aggressor with an arm that she no longer possessed.

At last, the monster pulled away from the kiss. Revealing the damage that had once been inflicted upon its face was now completely gone, leaving ghostly scars as the only indicator that the damage had existed in the first place. Yet one thing had remained unchanged, the eye that the girl had shot was still missing leaving an empty socket in its place.

"Hehe fun, now then… I think I'll be taking something else from you little hero…" the creatures face warped into a look of utter glee that sent a spike of terror down the girl's spine.

The hand holding her face suddenly let go and begun trailing it's claws down her chest, a shiver wracked the girl's body as those claws inappropriately traced her body until the settled upon her left knee.

"Try not to scream" smirked the monster as those armoured fingers tightened around her knee and twisted to the side.


"AHHHHHHHH!" the teenager gasp and whimper as pain flooded her system from a new part of her body, unlike her missing arm this new pain was a constant blimp that wracked her in agony with every attempt to move.

From above, the monster grinned sinisterly as it surveyed the girl's broken leg before a distant sound grabbed her attention away from her quarry.

"Oh shoot… sorry little hero we'll have to finish this session another time…" whined the monstrosity sounding genuinely upset if not a little distressed as she spoke, those blue orbs seem to actually soften somewhat as they settled on the girl clutched within its claws.

"f…fuck you" choked the girl.

The monstrosity chuckled and proceeded to shatter the girl's other knee, yet this time the girl didn't seem to notice her mutilated leg. Looking the girl over once more, the monster took now of the fact she was still alive and still looked willing to fight.

It was almost like the girl had accepted her fate….

"Gosh I made a mess of you, generally I avoid your age bracket but for you I made an exception…. Hmm I suppose I can't leave you without a parting gift little hero" the monster looked thoughtful for a moment as it picked the girl up effortlessly in both hands.

"wh..What?" croaked the girl in bewilderment as she only just manage to comprehend the monster words over the torture of her broken flesh.

"Call me Miss Dameon, and the little hero is?" questioned the monster as she carried the girl off the main street and towards the sidewalk.

For a moment she hesitated, then with hesitation the girl let her own name leave her lips.


The monster set Taylor upright against a nearby wall, then she slowly lowered her head until it was eye level with the girl's barely coherent face.

"Well little Taylor, I think blue will look good on you" Said Dameon while smiling wickedly.

"Wha..AHH!" Taylor could only scream as she felt a single claw stab through her glasses and impale her right eye.

The combined trauma of all her wounds finally overloaded the poor girl's systems, in a bid to flee the agony assaulted her system Taylor body finally lost consciousness even before she could feel her own eye be torn from its socket. Her last coherent memory would be that of Miss Dameons smiling face, a face that would haunt her dreams for months to come.

End Prologue…


For those curious as to what Miss Dameon looks like, errr think Jurassic World's Indoraptor on steroids and flick in a mechanical aspect. She's like a 1.2 tonnes of murderous intent with a fucked up head and high powered Brute/Mover/Thinker rating. I've been trying to figure out how to write an interesting Worm fanfic with elements of stuff I working on but alas I cant seem to make anything stick sorry people.

Oh and yes Taylor doesn't die in the story, or I hadn't planned for her to but in the end she'd probably preferred to die :/ Sometimes I feel like an evil writer... take care readers!