
Elizabeth strode through the hall of the White House and into the President's outer office. Concerns over whether or not she could physically make that walk were long since gone. She took each step with confidence despite the concentrator hanging over her shoulder.

"He busy, Lucy?" she asked.

"No, Ma'am. He should be available."

"Thanks, Lucy."

Elizabeth opened the door and stepped into the President's office. He glanced up at the sound of the door opening and waved her in.

"What can I do for you, Bess?"

"I just wanted to give you this, sir," she replied and set a manila folder down on his desk.

Conrad lifted an eyebrow curiously as he picked up the folder. Elizabeth's expression gave very little away, but he saw satisfaction in her eyes.

"What is this?"

She couldn't hide her pleasure any longer, and a wide smile suffused her face.

"A medical report. My last restrictions have been lifted. I'm cleared for international travel, extended trips, and anything else you might need of me."

For as small a thing as international travel was, it symbolized so much more. It felt absolutely amazing to be able to stand in front of the President and confirm she could do all aspects of her job. At the start of all of this she would never have thought that would have been possible. That little piece of paper meant more than what was actually written there. It meant she had her life back. That was triumph, pure and simple.

A huge smile grew across the President's face as well. He was nearly as happy as Elizabeth over this news. It was a well-deserved final clearance. Very well-deserved.

"Congratulations, Bess. It's good to have you back."

"It's good to be back, sir."

And she was back. She'd been to the brink of death and then fought through the black pits of despair as she'd first faced her diagnosis. Now that was all behind her. With this final success she could officially say she'd won. Her life was her own, for however long it lasted. Estevan Sanchez and paraquat hadn't taken that away from her. They might have won a few months, but the rest of her life was hers to control. She wouldn't let them win anything more.