Warning: Dubious Consent


Mei thought the bed was too hot when Yuzu was in it. Yuzu, looking crushed, watched Mei pull a futon from the closet. Mei felt the blonde pouting all the way from where she lay on the floor to sleep. Feeling blessedly cooler, she turned on her side, towards the wall, and fell asleep.

Months passed, and as winter approached, Mei found herself grateful for the warmth that her stepsister exuded. It still irritated her when Yuzu would toss and turn when she was anxious about something, but on the whole she got used to sleeping with the other girl in the bed.

If Mei was honest with herself, she would admit that it was nice. She always felt a small thrill of anticipation when she heard the rustle of sheets when Yuzu would slip under the covers on her side of the bed. She felt a sense of satisfaction when she felt Yuzu's weight sink into the mattress beside her. Mei slept on her side, with her back to Yuzu, but she knew that every night before Yuzu would fall asleep on her back, the blonde spent several minutes staring at her lying form.

Sometimes she would wake up in the middle of the night, and she found that Yuzu had scooted closer to the middle of the bed and was lying next to her. She would close her eyes to go back to sleep, sometimes leaning back just a little to press her back gently into Yuzu's side.

Other times she would press back just a little more, arching her back infinitesimally to curve around Yuzu's arm and hip, and each time she felt Yuzu inch closer to her.

x X x

Mei slowly opened her eyes. It was dark, but with no way to tell how long it was since she fell asleep, she couldn't tell what time it was. Judging by the shadows in the room, she guessed it was anywhere between 1 am and 3 am.

She was still lying on her side, not one to move a lot once she fell asleep. Yuzu's right arm was draped lightly over her midsection. Her hand was splayed across her stomach. She could also feel Yuzu's knees touching the back of hers.

It was already warm and toasty under the blankets, but Mei felt little sparks of heat on her skin wherever her body had contact with Yuzu's.

Yuzu really did toss and turn a lot in her sleep. Before sleep dragged her down again, a tiny smile quirked Mei's lips.

x X x

The next day, Mei woke again in the middle of the night. Perhaps around the same time as the last night, but again, she had no way to tell what time it was.

And just like last night, Yuzu's arm was draped over Mei's midsection. But this time the crook of Yuzu's elbow was resting against the curve of her hip, and her hand was curled around the side of her waist.

. Mei also felt Yuzu's thighs pressing into the the back of hers. Through her pajamas, Mei could feel the whole length of Yuzu's upper leg, fascinated at the toned muscles of her quads. The thought of Yuzu's toned, shapely thigh pressing against her center flitted through her sleepy mind like a stray dream.

Another tiny smile appeared on Mei's lips before she was sound asleep again.

x X x

Mei woke, but she didn't even bother to open her eyes. This was the third night in a row that she woke up in the middle of the night, and she was determined to fall back asleep immediately. She was not about to develop disrupted sleep patterns.

She wasn't surprised at the arm that was draped over her, but it did feel a lot tighter around her midsection than last night. What was most noticeable was that now Yuzu's torso was curved against her back. The contact could be considered light, she supposed. But she could definitely feel the girl's form behind her. If she leaned back a little, they would be flush against each other, her back to Yuzu's front…

Mei inhaled sharply, and willed herself to fall asleep.

x X x

As they were walking to school several hours later that morning, Mei stole a glance at her stepsister. The blonde was walking with her eyes glued to her phone, per usual. She looked like her normal self, looking cute with her hair on point and a giant scarf around her neck. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary with the blonde.

Feeling Mei's eyes on her, Yuzu glanced up and locked eyes with the younger girl. She flashed her a brilliant smile and asked, "Another busy day for you at school today, Mei?"

Mei shrugged, "Always." She picked up her speed as the intersection for Aihara Academy came into view and left Yuzu trailing behind her.

x X x

That night, Mei woke up with Yuzu's arm holding her close. There was more pressure from Yuzu's arm on her waist, stomach. And this time, Yuzu's chest was flush against her back. She could feel the other girl's breasts pressed against just under shoulder blades. And their legs were practically entwined now. Their thighs pressed together, Yuzu's shins resting against her calves. Heat crawled lazily over her whole body. Mei swallowed, feeling for the first time in months, a little too warm in the bed. But feeling Yuzu's warm body against hers also felt nice. More than nice, really. But Mei was determined to fall back asleep immediately, so she didn't dwell on how it felt to be cuddled by Yuzu.

x X x

On the fifth night, Mei woke up as Yuzu was moving towards her. She felt the mattress dip as Yuzu slowly turned on her side and scoot closer to her. After a beat she felt tentative fingers curl around her hipbone, as if waiting. She always assumed that Yuzu was asleep when she ended up cuddling her, but now she wasn't sure. She could feel that Yuzu's body was tense behind her, so it was hard to believe that the girl was deep in slumber. Mei herself hadn't stirred at all, and she kept her body still. Like she was sleeping. Because now she was just curious to see how Yuzu ended up being wrapped around her in the middle of the night.

Yuzu's hand finally moved, snaking under her elbow and then her arm winding around her midriff, at the same time she scooted forward, completely curling the front of her body around her back. Then she bent her knees and tucked them behind Mei's, locking their bodies together.

Yuzu was spooning her. This was an unmistakable fact. It wasn't just closely laying beside each other. She was actually being spooned by her stepsister. This was a textbook spooning position, and she was the little spoon. Damn. It felt nice though. Still not moving, Mei fell back asleep in Yuzu's embrace.

x X x

The next night Mei's eyes flew open the moment the arm was snaking around her stomach and she felt chest press against her back. When they were what Mei thought of as "locked" into place, Yuzu scooted her pelvis further towards Mei's backside.

Her butt was essentially on Yuzu's lap. Her. Lap.

Mei felt tingles erupt from the small of her back down the backs of her legs. She fought the overwhelming urge to squirm her bottom. Because she would effectively be writhing on Yuzu's crotch.

Because Yuzu's chest was molded to her back, stuck on her like some kind of barnacle. A very soft, sweet swelling, pleasant-feeling barnacle, but a barnacle all the same. And Yuzu's arm was across her chest, fist pressed against the valley between her breasts.

Wait. How did Yuzu's arm end up on her chest?

Mei felt her pulse quicken, then frantically wondered if Yuzu could feel her heartbeat with her hand, as it felt like the organ was knocking sharply against her ribs. She needed to slow down her heartbeat, or else it'll be totally obvious that she was awake! She screwed her eyes shut and willfully dragged her awareness from the delicious weight of Yuzu's body to her breathing. Concentrate on her breath turn the corner from inhalation to exhalation, and from exhalation to inhalation. Repeat. Ignore how snug her butt was tucked into the curve of Yuzu's hip.

Inhale, exhale.


Thank goodness for years of meditation training.

x X x

At breakfast, Mei stared at Yuzu across the table.

The blonde was shoveling natto and rice into her mouth, seemingly intent on finishing all her food in under a minute. When she put down her bowl, she glanced up at Mei and saw the brunette watching her. Smiling sheepishly, she said "I know, I know. I shouldn't wolf down my food. But I woke up late so I have to rush."

Mei raised a brow. "And why did you wake up late?"

"I always wake up late!" laughed Yuzu.

"Yuzu, is everything alright with you?" Mei asked bluntly.

"With me?" A look of surprise crossed Yuzu's face. "Of course. Why?"

"Nothing. Just checking."

"All right, let's get going. We'll miss the train." She pushed back her chair and took their dishes from the table to the sink.

Mei, still sitting at the table, scratched the back of her neck. Then she got up, shouldered her bag and followed her stepsister out the front door.

x X x

Mei's eyelids fluttered blearily. Even before she became fully awake, she was aware of the difference from last night's position.

Yuzu's hand was under her shirt, cupping her breast.

Yuzu's fingers were splayed, gently covering her whole breast. Her nipple was pressed into the middle of her stepsister's palm.

Mei clenched her jaw shut, swallowing down a shriek she felt bubbling in her chest. Ok, maybe a scream was being extra, but this situation was certainly alarming, wasn't it? At the very least...an embarrassing accident? A slip of the hand? Because surely, Yuzu wasn't actually intentionally touching her tit?

Her mind stumbled over different courses of action. Remove Yuzu's hand. Just grab her wrist and tug it off. But no! Yuzu will know she's awake. It would be even more embarrassing for both of them if they had to acknowledge that they were both awake and conscious for this. No, just ignore it. Pretend you're asleep. Yeah.

Behind her, she felt Yuzu's face press against the juncture of her neck and shoulder. Mei swallowed, calling on all her willpower to continue not moving a muscle.

Yuzu tilted her head slightly and pressed her lips on Mei's neck.

The soft press of Yuzu's warm lips sent a lightning bolt racing down her spine to between her legs, where it flamed into a distinct ache. Mei released a controlled exhale, careful not to make her chest rise too much from the breath that wanted to tremble out of her lips.

Oh god, Yuzu's lips – they were still kissing her neck. This was clearly driving her crazy – she just had the insane thought that it would feel even more amazing if Yuzu squeezed her breast while she was doing it.

She fought the urge to angle her head back, giving the blonde more access to the expanse of skin on her neck. She felt a coil tighten in her gut, and she found herself willing Yuzu to give the breast she was cupping a firm squeeze. Just do it.

This was crazy. It had to stop. She was going to tell Yuzu in the morning that she was moving too much in her sleep and straying to her side of the bed. Yes, tomorrow. First thing.

For now, she needed keep pretending to be asleep.

x X x

Mei failed to tell Yuzu about her sleeping disturbances the following morning. It totally slipped her mind.

x X x

Mei was awake before Yuzu was on her and slipping her hand up her shirt. She had felt Yuzu shimmy and scoot over to her side of the bed. Then in one smooth, practiced movement, Yuzu turned towards her, molded her front to her back, and laid her hand on her hip. It was all done with very little rustling and jostling.

She felt careful fingers search for the hem of the front of her shirt. When it was found, she felt Yuzu's hand slip under her shirt, then travel up her stomach, then finally to their intended destination, curling around her breast. Yuzu was cupping her breast noticeably firmer than last night.

Mei was prepared for this. Earlier when she getting ready to go to sleep, she paid close attention to how her body was like when it seemed like she was asleep. She had practiced simulating being asleep. Of course, it was a little harder to do it now when she could feel Yuzu's soft, slightly wet lips against her neck.

Oh, and yet another challenge at pretending to be asleep – the hand that was cupping her breast was moving. Yuzu bent her wrist slightly, rotating her hand around Mei's breast.

When the blonde dragged her thumb across her nipple, Mei nearly moaned. She felt heat flare between her legs. With her breath caught in her throat, she felt Yuzu make a return pass on the peak of her breast with her thumb.

Yuzu kept going, lazily dragging her thumb back and forth on the stiffening nub.

Mei bit down on her lip, hard. Not a sound. Soon, her nipple was hard from Yuzu's ministrations. With each stroke of Yuzu's finger, the ache in Mei's clit pulsed even stronger. For the first time, she doubted that she could keep up this charade of being asleep while her stepsister groped her. Not when she was playing with her freaking nipple. The pleasure was too great.

As if reading her mind, Yuzu wrapped her lips around the sensitive skin below her ear and gently pinched her nipple.




Author's Note: Rating for next chapter will be changed to Mature. So the next time this fic will be updated, it won't be visible in the default view which lists only K to T works.