Greetings, prospective readers! Welcome back to Super Luigi Odyssey! Last chapter got us off to a pretty decent start, but I know we can do better! This chapter will contain an appearance by a very special guest. Who is this special guest? Well, you'll see... you'll see… heh heh heh… Well, let's get this party started already!

Chapter One: Everybody Walk The Dinosaur

Luigi was screaming as the yellow ball of electricity that he was zoomed along the powerlines that were somehow set up between the Cap Kingdom and the Cascade Kingdom at high speeds. When he finally reached the end of the line of the power line, Luigi was launched out of the electrical lines and went flying a good couple of feet before he face-planted into the ground. Pulling his face up, Luigi's jaw dropped at the sight of a breathtaking waterfall that seemed to be passing through the ribcage of a dinosaur's skeleton.

Cappy dismounted Luigi's head and returned to his normal top hat form. "Whoo! Yeah! What a ride! And we made it to the Cascade Kingdom!" he said, vibrating as he spoke.

"Are a-you okay, Capp- Yeoch!" said Luigi as a bolt of electricity zapped him.

"Sorry! Still a bit amped from capturing a power line… must collect myself…" said Cappy as he slowly began to stop vibrating. "There should be an old airship somewhere around here. Let's see if he can't find it."

"Let's a-go!" said Luigi as Cappy turned back into his normal cap and landed back on his head once again. And with that, the two of them made their way through the Cascade Kingdom's Waterfall Basin. Although, it wasn't long before they found their progress hindered by a really big rock, a cliff, and a Chain Chomp. Acting quickly as he dodged a lunge from the Chain Chomp, Luigi tossed Cappy at the metal beast, and took over its body. The Chain Chomp's eyes turned into those of Luigi and a moustache rapidly grew on its face. Luigi then used the Chomp's body to smash down the large rock that was blocking his and Cappy's progress, but was knocked out of the Chain Chomp's body as a result, and knocked a stone pillar down with the vibrations caused by ramming into the rock.

From the shattered rock emerged an object that was shimmering like one of the Power Stars that provided power to Princess Peach's castle back home, except this object was shaped like a crescent moon. Luigi grabbed the object out of the air and looked at it in his hand.

"Hey, Cappy, what's a-dis?" Luigi asked his companion.

"Oh! That's a Power Moon! What a lucky break! This will come in handy to power the airship!" said Cappy, turning back into his normal top hat form. "Have you ever seen anything like it?"

"Once, actually," said Luigi, putting the Power Moon in his hammerspace. "Back a-home in the Mushroom Kingdom, a-Princess Peach's castle uses a-Power Stars as a power a-source. They're a great a-source of a-renewable clean a-energy."

"Indeed they are, Luigi. Now, come on, the airship should be just up there," said Cappy.

Sure enough, no sooner had Luigi and Cappy crossed the bridge then they came across the remains of a rusty old airship that looked as though it hadn't flown in years. Decades, even.

"Hmm… it's looking a bit more rough than I expected…" said Cappy, returning to his top hat form.

"A bit?" said Luigi, raising an eyebrow.

"Oh, it's just an older model. I'm certain it can still fly," said Cappy. "Let's give it a shot, shall we? Throw me onto that globe over there," said Cappy, indicating the small globe on the front of the ship before turning back into Luigi's cap.

"Well… okay," said Luigi, sounding uncertain. "Although, I a-feel I should ask. When exactly was a-your last Tetanus shot?"

"Just throw me on the globe already."

"Okie-dokie," said Luigi before he threw Cappy onto the globe, only for nothing to happen.

"Try holding up the Power Moon!" said Cappy.

Luigi complied and held up the Power Moon, which left his hand and hovered in front of a small sphere on top of the airship before entering said sphere. The Power Moon's energy caused the skeleton of a rigging to appear, along with part of the sail.

"Huh… nothing's happening? That Power Moon must not have given the ship enough energy," said Cappy.

"Hmm… maybe we just a-need to find more? If a-there's a-one of those things, then a-maybe there's others a-scattered around here?" suggested Luigi.

"Can't hurt to check. According to this globe, we need at least four more Power Moons to get the engine running. Let's get searching!" said Cappy before he mounted Luigi's head once more.

Meanwhile, underground…

Everything seemed peaceful enough in the Underground of the Cascade Kingdom. Until, suddenly, a mysterious purple vortex appeared, and spat out what seemed to be a duo just like Luigi and Cappy on the surface. Except, this "Cappy's" eyes were black and green, and the "L" on his hat was reversed and against a black circle instead of a white one, and the "Luigi" on the ground wore a black jumpsuit that still had the yellow buttons of his overalls, a brown belt with a silver buckle that bore the image of reversed "L", the same image that was on "Cappy," along with a green bandana around his neck, and a black domino mask that made his eyes look almost pure white.

OST-Mr. L, Green Thunder-Super Paper Mario OST

"Ugh… well, it a-seems the Dark Moon from Evershade Valley proved to a-be too unpredictable of a power source a-for the device," said Mr. L as he pulled himself up off the ground. Mr. L, was in fact an evil version of Luigi from a reversed dimension, where up was down, left was right, and light was dark.

"I did warn you, sir," said Topley, who was Cappy hailing from the same universe as Mr. L.

"Shut up. Right now, we a-need to a-figure out a-where we are," said Mr. L.

"My guess is underground," said Topley.

"Hang on, I'm a-getting some kind of power a-signature… hmm...seems to be a-similar to those Power Ztars the a-Shadow Queen uses to a-fuel her castle… but, they're… reversed somehow, almost as if they're a-light made solid. They could be a-useful as a power source for something that could a-get me back home…" muttered Mr. L as he read the data displayed by his mask lenses.

"Get YOU back home?" said Topley, who sounded offended.

"Yeah, me. You a-just came along for the a-ride," said Mr. L, causing Topley to glare angrily at him. "Now, let's a-figure out a way out of a-here."

Above ground…

"WHAAAAAAA!" screamed Luigi as he evaded the onslaught of attacks from three Chain Chomps, having just attempted to possess one of them in order to try to smash down a large rock barrier to no avail.

"Okay, it looks like capturing a Chain Chomp won't cut it this time. But, then what can we use to break through the barrier?" said Cappy.

"Hmm…" said Luigi, thinking the situation over, placing his hand on his chin as he did so. From behind the duo, a deep growling sound was heard, causing Luigi to start quaking in his boots as he turned around to face whatever was behind him, only to nearly jump out of his boots entirely as he stifled a shriek of terror.

Snoozing in a patch of sunlight was a full-sized dinosaur that was nothing like Luigi's old friend Yoshi, but rather a Tyrannosaurus Rex. Luigi began to back away from the T-Rex as quickly and quietly as he could before Cappy spoke up.

"Luigi… I think I've got a really bad idea. Throw me on that dinosaur," he said. "It might be just what we need to break through that rock barrier. However, we'll need to be quick about it. I'm not entirely sure how long we'll be able to maintain control over something that massive."

Luigi gulped loudly as he held a shaking hand on Cappy, before he threw it at the T-Rex, barely managing to land a hit and capture the beast.

"Whoa! Now I a-know how a-Bowser feels when he gets all a-jumbo sized like he a-has in me and Mario's adventures a-lately! Mama mia, this is wonderful!" Luigi said, or tried to anyway. All that came out, however, was a bunch of growling noises, followed swiftly by a roar so loud it'd probably have woken the dead.

Who's Mario and Bowser? asked Cappy as the "Luigi-saurus Rex" stomped his way towards the Chain Chomps and the rock barrier.

"Mario's-a my older brother, and my role model. I always wanted to be a-just like him and go on an adventure with a-him, but most of the time I'm a-left behind to 'guard the home front.' But, a-no one's actually attacked the Mushroom Kingdom while Mario's a-off chasing down Bowser or a-some other villain trying to a-rescue Princess Peach," growled Luigi before he smashed his way through the chain chomps and then the rock barrier… only to find that the path was far too narrow for his dinosaur body, and as a result, Luigi began to fall off the cliff.

"Whaaaaaa! Abandon body!" yelled Luigi as he bailed out of the T-Rex's body, barely making it to solid ground as the T-Rex fell to almost certain doom off the cliff.

"That was a close one!" said Cappy.

"I'll say. I had a big body! And little arms! I'm a-not so sure how a-well that plan was thought a-through," said Luigi.

"Let's keep going. There's still gotta be some Power Moons around here somewhere. If we're lucky, maybe we'll even find a Multimoon. That'll get us up and running in no time!" said Cappy.

"Hmm… I'd a-be willing to be there's a Power Moon at the top of the falls, so why don't a-we check out up there?" suggested Luigi as he made his way towards a green pipe that was embedded into the the side of a wall. Upon entering it, however, Luigi and Cappy emerged on the other side, they found themselves flat as a pancake on the side of the aforementioned wall.

"Oh my! We've gone flat… and rather blocky at that…" said Cappy.

"I'll a-say. I haven't been a-this blocky and flat a-since the 80s," said Luigi as he made his way up the cliff face.

"The 80s? But, you don't have gray hairs or wrinkles!" said Cappy, confused.

"Eh, perks of a-living in the a-Mushroom Kingdom and the like," said Luigi as he jumped on a Goomba's head, unveiling a hidden block as a result that opened a path that led to a trail of coins and another Power Moon. Following the trail back and making it to the top of the cliff, Luigi took control of another Chain Chomp and used it to smack into another Chain Chomp that smashed down another rock wall and allowed Luigi to proceed to another rock face, where it seemed like a rather large rabbit woman wearing a Power Moon necklace and a golden Chain Chomp seemed to be out for a walk.

"Excuse me, miss, but can I borrow your Power Moon necklace so I can fix up an airship?" Luigi asked politely.

The rabbit woman turned around and laughed. "What's this? You say you need to repair some silly old airship? Why, I could never part with any of my precious Power Moo-BLLLLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRGH!" screamed the rabbit woman as she and her Chain Chomp were blasted by green and black electricity from behind. Smoking with patches of blackened fur on her body, the rabbit woman fell down and vanished in a puff of smoke, leaving a bundle of three Power Moons behind.

BGM-Super Paper Mario OST-Mr.L, Green Thunder

Luigi and Cappy let out a gasp of shock and surprise at the sight of a duo who looked just like them, but were clearly not them at all. This "Cappy's" eyes were black and green, and the "L" on his hat was reversed and against a black circle instead of a white one, and "Luigi" wore a black jumpsuit that still had the yellow buttons of his overalls, a brown belt with a silver buckle that bore the image of reversed "L", the same image that was on "Cappy," along with a green bandana around his neck, and a black domino mask that made his eyes look almost pure white.

"Heh heh heh... well, that a-was all too easy," said Mr. L as he claimed the Multimoon for himself.

"Hey, sir, we've got company," said Topley, nudging himself toward Luigi and Cappy.

"Eh, what?," said Mr. L as he looked towards Luigi and Cappy. A sinister smirk crossing his face. "Well, well, well, I'm a handsome devil, able to pull off a dorky outfit like a-that."

"Who are you?" asked Cappy.

"Heh, heh, heh… only one of the a-greatest minds in a-robotics in the multiverse…" said Mr. L, before he spun in a circle and struck a pose as green light emanated from him. "Mr. L!"

"And I'm Topley!" said Topley, earning himself a glare from Mr. L.

"Mr. L?" said Luigi

"Topley?" said Cappy.

"Yeah, I a-know it's a cool name, but don't a-bother trying to remember it. Why? Because I'm about to send you the way of-a the dinosaurs. It's a-pretty obvious that you're a-after these here a-Power Moons, a-same as I am, but I a-need them a-for my plans, so have at you!" said Mr. L

BGM-Super Paper Mario OST- Brobot L-Type Battle

Before either version of Luigi could make a move, a green energy field appeared, trapping everyone in a sort of arena. Mr. L charged himself up before launching himself like a missle at Luigi, who took the blast head-on and went flying through the air, before doing a backflip and landing on his feet.

"So, you a-want to settle a-this Smasher style, eh? Okie-dokie!" said Luigi before spinning in a circle and delivering a series of blows to Mr. L, who had gotten caught in the Luigi's cyclone.

For the better part of fifteen minutes, the two Luigis went at each other, while Topley and Cappy could do nothing more than cheer them on. Finally, when Luigi had gotten his evil doppelganger on the ropes, Mr. L began to do a dance that Luigi was able to recognize immediately.

"Uh-oh! He's a-trying to pull us into the Negative Zone!" said Luigi mere moments before his words came true and both Luigi and Cappy were captured in a green energy field of some kind that was keeping them both from thinking straight and fighting back as Mr. L whaled on them.

After a few moments, however, the Negative Zone vanished and a fatigued Mr. L fell to his knees. Seeing his opening, a battered Luigi went in and delivered the few blows that rendered Mr. L unconscious.

"Boss!" said Topley, running in to his ally's aid and giving him a 1-Up Mushroom that woke him.

"Ugh, fine! Take your stupid moons! They look dumb anyway! But, don't think this is over, posers!" said Mr. L before he threw a smoke pellet and disappeared in a cloud of green smoke, leaving the bundle of three Power Moons behind.

"I don't a-think we've a-seen the last of those a-two, Cappy," said Luigi.

"I can vouch for that. Now, let's grab that Multimoon. It should give us enough power to get the ship up and running," said Cappy.

"Okie-dokie," said Luigi as he grabbed the Multimoon and put it in his hammerspace before making his way back to the ship.

A short time later, Luigi stood before the ship and threw Cappy on it, infusing the airship with more power. The power provided by the Power Moons was able to complete the sail, and, in a blinding flash of light, restored the ship, which Luigi now noticed was called the Odyssey, with a green and silver paint job.

"Okay, Luigi, we've enough power to reach the Sand Kingdom! Let's go and save Daisy and my sister! Why don't you take the helm?" said Cappy

"Okie-dokie," said Luigi, still not entirely convinced they would be able to get the Odyssey out of the ground, but took the helm nonetheless.

With an almighty rumbling noise, the Odyssey rose up from the ground, causing several boulders to fall into the big hole the ship left behind as a safety railing appeared. Cappy left his perch from the globe and transformed into a Captain's hat before landing once more on Luigi's head, as the Odyssey set sail towards the Sand Kingdom and the next adventure.

Sorry that took so long, guys. But, you know what they say, you can't rush art. In any case, join us next time for Luigi and Cappy's next adventure in the Sand Kingdom, and be sure to fav, follow, and review so you don't miss out! See you guys next time!