"Is he going to be alright?" Harry asked. She didn't get an answer and she never expected to get one. Death didn't look into the future so why should she know. She turned to the woman, she looked as beautiful and terrifying as she ever did. Those white dead eyes and the contrasting dark crown that decorated her brow, it pulsed as death turned her head to follow Jasper's form moving through the forest. Harry did the same, he looked angry and broken with hunched shoulders that were stiff with energy at the same time. "We should follow him." She said as she moved to do so, she couldn't bear the thought of him being as alone as he looked.
"You didn't have to do this-" Death said as she glided next to Harry, the long dress she was wearing made it impossible to see her feet but Harry would bet that the entity next to her just floated instead of walked.
"You know I had to," Harry interrupted her, she didn't want to believe she died for no reason. She never wanted to die again. "I still don't know how to work your powers."
"You won't need them." Was the answer she got.
Harry whirled around in anger, her hair whipped around her head as she almost snarled at the woman next to her. "Of course I need them, I am a human going to fight a group of vampires, I will die if I am going in blind!"
Death didn't blink, she didn't show many emotions but that was to be expected of the bringer of the end. "I don't know the future, I never cared to know. You are my master and you can do the same things as I do but one thing you can do better than I ever will. You can make them fear." Death looked back at jasper and made to follow him again, not looking back if Harry was going to follow her but from the sounds behind her she knew her mistress was following. "People fear death but rarely flee from me, Riddle was the one that tried the hardest, he still failed. As my mistress you wield my power but you also have your mortal powers. Don't look at them as separate things, they are both an edge on the same sword."
Harry looked up at that answer. "So what happened to Jane was the same as my own magic?"
Death simply nodded in answer.
Harry's head was spinning, all the training wasn't to wield death. All that time wasted and isolated. Her anger was brewing inside her but when she looked up she didn't see death, she saw her own hand dangling from Jasper's arms. He hadn't sped up and seemed to take his time, his face was looking down to her body and she realized that she hadn't been alone, she had his companionship from the beginning.
The voice of her eternal friend spoke up again, "You will always be frozen in time, the only way you can die is when you willingly give up our link. Even these vampires will die in their time, some of them fear it just as much as Riddle did. This battle will kill some of them, let it be known to them that you hold the power."
"How?" Harry asked, "Immortals tend to exterminate their fear."
"Don't fight them," Death smirked in answer, such a wicked sight she was when she did that. "Show them."

It was cold, at least what mortals called cold. Jasper looked on as Bella walked forward with her child, how Aro fawned over her. How he felt the emotions brew, everyone was ready for a fight. A pot was filling up and the tipping point was almost there. He could taste it in the air, how the other side was tensing to pounce on them, how his family was still dismayed by the still body he had returned with.
He couldn't have said anything to explain, so he didn't. He had slunk away from the pre-battle talks and just held her, how fragile she was.
A small part in him hoped she wouldn't wake up in time, he couldn't see her slump back like that again. Maybe he could make it easier for her to get away by taking as many of the others with him as he could. He bared his teeth and snarled, they were not going to get her if he had anything to say about it.
He saw Edward's head turn in reaction to the noise but he ignored him, it took everything to keep up a wall between Edward and those precious memories.
But that wasn't the thing his brother reacted to, he could feel the mood swift, it was surprise. Then he heard it, how hadn't he heard it? Small hooves crunching the snow that was beneath all of their shoes. Looking back he saw her, a deer looking like it had no care in the world and she was walking towards him. Now he shared the feeling of surprise as everyone on the field looked on to see an animal walk towards him, an animal that didn't run away from their scent.
It was walking towards him and all he could do was just look on as it did. Once it came close enough he could see the glint in the eyes of the deer, he knew that glint. All he could do was smile, in answer the glint in the deer's eye changed to one of mischief and a wet tongue licked his face. He couldn't stop himself and began to laugh as the deer changed back to the woman he had fallen so hard for, in answer he grabbed her face with tender hands and pressed a hard felt kiss on her forehead.
Harry smiled as she leaned into the show of affection, she fought to keep the quiver out of her voice and asked with slight success "What'd I miss?"