"We're finally back home". Yuzu stretches her body after a long flight. She takes her luggages, and looks at Harumin, smiling.

"Yes, it's been too long hasn't it? " Harumin answers as she hugs Yuzu. They left the airport arms linked.

Ten years have passed since Yuzu left for London after graduating from High School. Her heart broke into a million pieces when Mei left her a letter announcing her plans to marry her fiancee. True to Mei's word, they never interacted in school or in any family gathering. She tried everything to try and talk to her. She went to the mansion, the student council room, the chairman's office. Every day for months on end, Yuzu would wait outside the gates, to try to get even just a glimpse of Mei. But like a plague, Mei avoided her vehemently.

Without any other choice, she poured her attention to her studies. Got her grade up, and was at the top 10 by the time she graduated. Truth be told, a part of her wished her getting such academic achievement would somehow get Mei to notice her. But nothing came, no text, no call, no congratulations.

A year after Mei left, she tried her best to still keep in touch with her friends, but it got too much to bear as seeing them, made her feel Mei's absence more. Harumin and Matsuri were the only people she poured her heart out to.

As the day of Mei's wedding came nearer, small pieces of her kept dying slowly. Her bright smile started fading little by little. Everything felt too heavy around her. Yuzu decided she needed to leave. Japan was too stifling. She applied for scholarship in a London Business School. It was a terribly long shot, but she needed to get away from here to breathe. She needed to find herself.

Matsuri and Harumin tried their best to be there for their friend. Both knew that Yuzu's heart was broken by Mei. But Harumin made it her mission to stay beside Yuzu no matter what. She loved her so much to let her go through this alone. But when Yuzu told her she applied for London to get away from here, her heart sank.

"Yuzu.." Harumin whispered. She couldnt say anything else. Seeing Yuzu this broken was heart wrenching to say the least. "I need this Harumin" Yuzu sobbed. Harumin couldnt help it, she hugged her bestfriend tight. "I wish I could take this burden away from you Yuzucchi" she whispered. A part of her wanted to go straight to Mei and beat the crap out of her and make her pay for making Yuzu feel this way. But she knew Yuzu wouldn't want her to do anything that stupid, specially to Mei.

Two weeks before the wedding, her acceptance letter came. Yuzu quietly told her Mama, Harumin and Matsuri that she was leaving, except the exact date. Her flight was scheduled on the day of the wedding. Much to her reprieve.

Right before boarding, a panting Harumin stopped her. "I-I thought you were at Me.. – the wedding? How did you know?" Yuzu asked, unable to believe Harumin was right in front of her.

"Yuzucchi, i'll see you in London in a couple of months. Wait for me." Yuzu wide eyed, couldn't believe what Harumin was saying. The intercom buzzed, announcing the final boarding for her flight.

"What? How?! Why?!" the blonde asked.

"Never mind the details Yuzucchi. Just wait for me okay?" A smiling Harumin answered.

"Thank you Harumin." Yuzu finally said, broke off the hug, and boarded the plane.

Harumin followed Yuzu, after working out an exchange program with the help of her sister. She applied for fashion design, and was accepted as an exchange student. They shared an Yuzu's apartment when Harumin arrived. Little by little Yuzu's world expanded when she left Japan. She met many different people, with different personalities, and she found herself smiling more and more.

A few people asked her out, some boys, some girls. She dated a couple but nothing ever stuck. All her activities were never without Harumins knowledge. Crying, laughing, or simply doing nothing, she shared this all with her. She couldn't imagine what life would be like without Harumin.

After graduation, they got a bigger apartment near the Westminster so it would be easier for their careers. Yuzu works in a consulting firm, handling the expansion of their top clients' business portfolio. While Harumin has put up a small boutique with her couture designs. She was slowly making a name for herself when some of her designs were picked up by some stylists during the fashion week.

Every Saturday afternoon, both would go out either for a movie, a dinner or just about anything. It was their way to unwind after a week of stress. While sitting by the bench in a park, Yuzu looked at a smiling Harumin, and then time suddenly stopped. She was mesmerized. Harumins hair was gracefully flowing with the wind, the afternoon sun shining on her right side that highlighted her brown eyes. Were her eyes always that alluring? And Yuzu's eyes then wandered to Harumins smiling lips. It was so bewitching, that smile that was so warm. Then a small giggle was let out.

Her heart started to beat faster, a feint blush crept on Yuzu's cheeks. She quickly looked away. Was it the light that shone on Harumins face? She looked absolutely gorgeous! Not that she looked anything less than beautiful, who was she kidding. But it was just… different.

"Yuzu, what's wrong?" Harumin asked still with a light giggle. "You looked like you've seen a ghost or something!"

"Ugh, a ghost! Yeah, I thought I saw a ghost! That's it." Yuzu tried to hide her embarrassment.

"Seriously?! What? Where?" Harumin screamed, scooting nearer to Yuzu. Feeling Harumins body so close made her blush more.

What is this feeling? Ive never had my heart race like this before, well except for, you know. Wait a minute… No, it cant be. Really?! No. No way. Yuzu's mind was in turmoil.

"Yuzu." No response.

"Earth to Yuzucchi!" harumin laughed more. "Seriously, did you really see a ghost? Coz, if you did, we do need to go back home. I don't want to share this beautiful date with you with a ghost." Harumin joked.

"D-date?" Yuzu stammered, blushing more.

"hahaha, Its our weekly date, remember? whats with you! You look so flustered. Come on, lets get you home Yuzu." Harumin got up and extended her hand. Yuzu took her hand, a small electricity flowed. She tried to not think about it, got up and started walking back to the apartment.

"I was just joking. Lets go"

Why am I so flustered? We always go out weekly, its become our ritual. But why does today seem so different suddenly. Please heart, calm down. I cant have her hear you! Yuzu begged.

Unbeknownst to her, Harumin had a blush on her cheeks as well. What was that? When our hands touched I felt something. And Yuzu is acting strange. She normally plays off every time I mention our "date". Today shouldn't be any different. Gah! It must be the sunset, maybe im feeling a bit nostalgic.

An awkward silence fell on both of them when heading back. Suddenly a phone call broke it. Yuzu reached her phone and answered.

"Mama? Is everything alright? Its midnight there, why the sudden call?"

"Hey sweetie. It's just something I needed to tell you soonest." Ume sad with a sad voice.

"I need you back home Yuzu. Mei's grandfather passed away today."

"Oh my God. I'll arrange my flight soonest Mama. How are you?"

"I'm good sweetie. Just tired."

"How's Mei?" she couldn't help ask.

"She's quiet. She's always been quiet since she left our home." Ume's cracked.

"I'll be home soon Mama. I love you."

"We love you too. Take care of yourself and Harumi, okay?"

"Yes mama. Goodnight." Yuzu ended the call and looked at Harumi.

Harumi pulled Yuzu in a tight hug. She knew something happened, but she didn't need to ask what. "I'll take care of our flights." She whispered.

"But what about your shop?"

"It can wait. You cant get rid of me that easily"

"Thank you Harumin. What would I do without you?"

"Pretty much nothing." Harumin squeezed Yuzu tighter and a big laugh came from Yuzu despite the lack of oxygen. "you are absolutely right on that" Yuzu answered.

"Are you ready to see Mei?" Harumin suddenly asked. It was a second time that time seemed to stop that day.