To Guest-Questioner - You were right, I do have to make some chapters for one story. But I can't help it myself by writing the other stories, so thanks anyway.

This story was written by XDawnKnight and FallRiver-Prime

Main Theme for this story: Final Fantasy X-2 - Eternity - Memory of Lightwaves

Chapter 1: The Absolute Sword Awakens

Light years away

The fierce war on Cybertron and between Autobots and Decepticons rages on

Causing many deaths of their comrades and leave damage on their home planet

A small race of Transformers called the Minicons

Who has an ability to power-link of all Transformers to boost their power

But the Minicons realized they were the caused of this war and leaves Cybertron

As they wrapped gate somewhere else on the planet, they crashed onto the planet Earth

After million years passed as the war continued, the Autobots get contacted by the Minicon signal

Unfortunately, the Decepticons too, have contacted by the signal as well

And they traveled through the warp gate to the planet Earth, leaving their comrades in hands on their home planet

There will be no ending war of their lives

However, there is one Transformer who light the darkest hour

The one who stands with the blade in their hands

The Absolute Sword

On the starry place, a young girl who looked about 15 year old laying down on the abyss floor. A girl had young purple hair to her waist with red headband covering her forehead and she was dressed in purple clothing with purple chest armor and she had windswept skirt almost reaching to her ankles.

A girl mumbles and stirring as she starting to waking up. Her red eyes were slowly opened, as she slowly sat up and founding herself laying on the abyss. She got onto her feet as she slowly got up and began looking around the starry sky and floor.

"Where... am I? What is this place?" She wondered, while looking around the place. But she did like seeing the stars as she tried to remember what happened but nothing.

"Why can't I remember anything?" She asked herself quietly, as more confusing getting into her, "And first of all... who am I?"

As more and more questions in her head, something bright caused her to block her eyes with her forearms. As the bright dying down, she lowered both of her arms when she saw a huge light about few meters away from her.

That until she heard a voice calling out to her. "You are Yuuki Konno." The voice said.

Yuuki gasps softly, staring at the light, "Who are you?" She asked as the voice chuckles.

"My name is not important, what is however, you will be given a second chance to fight once again." Yuuki was confused, but the voice continued. "As you can see, there is fierce war on the planet Cybertron. One fought for peace and other fought for vengeance, until they found the Minicon signal far, far away from their planet to Earth. Which is why I'm sending you there."

Yuuki stared at the light as he continued, "But before you go, you will given a new form and your entrusted sword. You will get used to your new form as your human body." He told her, "Are you ready?"

Yuuki stared at the light before her, before she nod at him, "Yes."

"Thank you. Now, you will be given a new name after you transformed. You are Violetblade and you will bring the light the darkest hour between the Transformers."

As he said, the bright light consumed her as Yuuki felt her body was changing. Before she knew, she suddenly felt sleepiness drowns her and fell back down, just before she hit the floor, she disappeared into a purple sparkles and float up above.

The voice sigh as he watched the purple sparkles disappearing, "Farewell, Violetblade and I am sorry you got involved into this war..."


The first thing that Violetblade saw was a bright light, "Hmm..." She squirmed at the intense brightness with her hand covering her face from the light as she began to woke up slowly.

As Violetblade opened her optics, she found herself laying on her back on the grass with colorful flowers around her. She slowly sat up straight and looked around the field, all she saw was the beautiful meadow filled with colorful flowers around the field.

"The flowers are so beautiful." Violetblade said as she gently traced on a violet petal along with a lotus blossom in the pond as she looked into the pond and saw herself.

Her face is silver with golden optics. Red alike headband over her forehelm and purple armor like helmet on her sides and back that reaches to her chin with yellow edges to her face. She had purple wings behind her back, purple plate shoulder with red line over the middle of the armor and purple forearms around her arms with yellow around her wrists. Purple chest armor with the strange golden crest on the middle of her armor and the red color on the edges to her waist. The purple long skirt with gold outline right above her ankles that looked a lot like her previous outfit but metallic with purple and red armor pinned on each sides of her skirt and around her waist. The purple armor from under her skirt reaches to her upper silver thigh and the dark purple high heels reached to her knee with golden outline around her foot.

"Is that me...?" Violetblade asked as she stared into the reflection before she slowly got up to her feet and saw her sword next to her. She felt like this weapon was hers, she bent down and took it into her servo. When she held it, her vision suddenly went white.


A girl with short hair to her next and white headband over her forehead and another girl who a lot like her who had her hair tied into a low ponytail, but she couldn't see their faces since it's too dark. But she can see their smiles and they look like they're having fun with the beautiful garden.

"Hey sis! When we get cured, let's visit the gardens everywhere that we can find!" The short haired girl said, sounded like her own as the oldest one nod at her and they make pinkie promise each other.

End of Memory

Violetblade felt tears falling from her optics and were dropped into her servo that held the sword, "Huh...?" She stared at the tear that dropped on her servo and wiped them away dry from her face. After she cleared the tears away from her face, she stared down at her sword, "What... was that?" She asked herself, before she put it on the side of her waist in place and began walking ahead.

As Violetblade continuing walk through the flowers around the field, she had placed her servo on her chest in wonder. In her thoughts, a ponytail haired girl she saw in her vision suddenly made her heart go faster in joy and the youngest short haired girl who look awfully familiar to her, like herself.

"Is that me... and did I have a sister? Was I imagining things? Or is it... a memory?" She thought while walking.

She halt when her optics caught on something glowed, she look on the other way and saw a glowing green colored from the cliff about a few meters away. "What could that be?" Violetblade wondered softly, before she raced up towards the cliff. As she got there, she saw the small glowing hexagon plate that was sticking it into the rock walls.

"What's this?" She wondered, before lifting her servo up and took the green hexagon plate by her fingers and pull it out the carefully. Violetblade succeeded in pulling the plate out and stare at it in full of curious. The hexagon plate was glowing green and burning up which caused her to let go of it as it floats in the air and turn into a small robot with dark blue visor and a small wings like hers. The robot was about the height of her hand as she held it and smiled.

"Hey little guy, do you have a name?" She asked the small robot as it beeped no to her.

"You don't? Well, I could give you one." She said as she saw the sun and smiled before looking back at her new friend. "How about Sol? Is that good?" She asked as it beeped yes to her, she giggled as she helped it to her shoulder.

"Hop on." She said as it sat on her shoulder, she noticed that its colors were blue and white which seemed awfully familiar as another memory was triggered in her vision.


It showed of a light blue haired girl with braid tied behind her head into a small pony in blue and white outfit, but her face was too dark to see. All she saw was her smile and tears running down from her cheeks like she was crying from something, until the pain stopped.

End of Memory

Violetblade shook her helm slightly after the memory ended, she flicked her optics open a bit from the vision she received. When she saw the blue haired girl in blue and white that looked like Sol's colors, she felt like she knew that girl before but not that long.

"Who... was that?" She thought question, she was cut of the thoughts when Sol beeped to her asking if she was okay and she nodded.

Violetblade look up at ahead the scene, "It's only you and me now, what do you think we should do?" She asked Sol, as it beeps to her it didn't know.

She sigh, before she placed her servo on her chest once more as she took a deep breath to calm herself. Then she look up at the scene again, "Alright, I suppose we can find somewhere else to rest." She then look at the cliff where she found Sol, then look up above. "Maybe if we go up there, we can see the view of this place."

Sol beeps in an agreement.

Violetblade smiles with her servos on her waist and replied, "Okay, let's go. Hold on tight." After she told him, Sol grabbed onto her tightly as her wings flicked up and she flew up above the cliff.

Decepticon's Base

"Sir! I detected the Minicon signal!"

Megatron approached Demolisher who was working on the monitors, along with Starscream and Cyclonus behind him.

"What's it status?" The Decepticon Leader asked.

"Yes sir, the Minicon have been awoken on Earth. I set it in coordinates." The tanker Decepticon said, pointed his finger at the screen.

Megatron walked up to the screen and saw that the signal was moving, like at a slow pace as he smirked.

"Follow that Minicon! It can't be that far to run from us!" He replied as they warped to the signal.

Autobot's Base

"Optimus! A Minicon has been found!" Red Alert said as the Prime came up to the monitors to see the signal moving like it was either running or walking.

"Find the Minicon before the Decepticons do!" Optimus replied as they nodded and went over to the portal.

"All set Optimus, lock on the cordinates." Red Alert told him as his leader nod at him.

Optimus turn to face the Warp Gate as it activated to the Minicon location. "Roll out!"

On the Cliff

A silence around the top cliff, but it got broken down when Violetblade landed on her foot when she and Sol reached the top of the cliff, a seeker laughs a bit when she was having fun flying to the top along with Sol.

"That was a great ride, right Sol?" She said while laughing and looking at the small robot as Sol beeps in agreement. The two of them began looking around the cliff's top, all they saw was slim rock floors and they watched the sunset from the sky.

Violetblade sigh and told Sol about her memory loss. "Sol, can you please hear me out? I know this is crazy but listen." The flying Minicon look at her in wonder, "You see, I can't remember anything. I lost all of my memories but I can try to make new ones and try to remember."

Sol felt very guilty for Violetblade and placed his small servo on her cheek. She look at the Minicon, "But I have you Sol, and I'm glad that you're my friend."

The Minicon stared at her and beeps as thank you.

She smiles back at him once again, before they walk up to the edge and see the most beautiful meadow. Violetblade awed when she looked upon the view of the meadow with the shining large pond from all the top way.

"Look! Can you see that huge pond with the sun reflects? It's beautiful." She said and Sol beeped in agree. As both of them stared down at the scene, Violetblade's been wondering when will her new life began. Even if she had her memory loss.

On the Other Side of Meadow

The Decepticons arrived on the other side of the meadow cliff, instead of flowers around it, it was a plain brown ground and rocks around the field with forest on the other side.

Megatron turn to face his soldiers, "Go search that Minicon, Starscream and I will keep an eye in case Optimus and his two puny Autobots showed up." He commanded, this made Starscream scoff in annoyance.

"Something you said, Starscream?" Megatron growled.

Starscream look away and quickly excused, "Nothing, sir."

"I thought not." Megatron mutters a bit angry.

On the other side, the Autobots arrived on the rock floor, they all looked around as Hotshot enjoyed the view of the beautiful meadow.

"Wow! This place is amazing!" He exclaimed as Red Alert nodded in agree.

Then Optimus saw something behind the boulders and look closely, "We've got company." He said sternly, getting the two Autobots attention as they saw the unexpected faces.

They saw the Decepticons already here, Demolisher and Cyclonus continuing searching for the Minicon while Megatron and Starscream keep an eye on the distance if they showed up.

"The Cons already here before us." Hot Shot replied, watching Demolisher and Cyclonus bickering at each other and jolted when Megatron yelled at them to get back to work.

Optimus had to think of a plan until he snapped his fingers, getting his team attention and he told them the plan.

Back with the Decepticons, Megatron and Starscream standing guard to see any Autobots come by.

"Megatron, sir!"

Megatron look over his shoulder when he saw a tanker coming right at him, "What is it? Did you find it?"

"No sir, the Minicon is found from all the way top above there!" He told him, pointing at the direction of above the cliff.

Megatron groan in annoyance and turn around to face him, "Well don't just stand there, go get the Minicon!"

Optimus pulled out a sniper rifle from his storage unit and aimed it at Megatron.

On the other side, Hot Shot and Red Alert went to the other direction to the cliff slowly and try not to get spotted. But Hot Shot slipped by the edge of the rocks, the small rocks fallen off and landed on Megatron's helm. Back with Optimus, he gasped when the young Autobot slipped. The four Decepticons blinked at the small rocks had fallen off and look up to see two Autobots in the rocky cliff.

"Uh oh, my bad." Hot Shot said, sheepishly.

"Autobots!" Demolisher growled, began firing his lasers at them and they quickly ducked into the rocks.

Megatron growled at this, but he heard a battle roar and he turn to see Autobot Leader slammed into him, causing both of them rolling around in the ground as they continuing punching each other's face.

Demolisher, Cyclonus and Starscream still firing their lasers at Red Alert and Hot Shot who were hiding behind the rock.

Grunting, Megatron punched Optimus in the face and then headbutted against his forehelm, causing him to stumble and he hit him to the ground. He ordered both of his two Decepticon flyers. "Starscream, Cyclonus, you two get the Minicon."

They backed up from the battle and saluted, "Sir!"

"TRANSFORM!" Starscream transformed into a jet.

"TRANSFORM!" Cyclonus transformed into a helicopter.

The two Decepticons transformed into their vehicle mode and flew over to the cliff, Hot Shot and Red Alert try to shooting them down but Demolisher stops them by shooting his own cannons at them.

Hot Shot growled, "Great, there's no way we can get to that Minicon if we can get past him!" He said, assuring at the tanker.

Back with Optimus and Megatron, the Decepticon Leader smirk evilly at his nemesis, "Look's like your luck is run out."

"Not today, Megatron!" Optimus declared, before he and Megatron charged at each other and went to punch into their faces.

On the Cliff

Violetblade sat at the edge of cliff with her legs hanging down and her servos resting on each of her sides with Sol sat on her right side as they stared down at the beautiful meadow along with a huge pond and the forest from the view.

"This view is amazing, right Sol?" She asked the Minicon as it beeped yes to her and said that the flowers were almost glowing to the sunset touch.

She smile down at him, "Yeah, I guess you're right." She turn back her attention to the view, "I felt I love these flowers here, with so many colors on them and seeing them far above, it was always beautiful."

A few minutes when they stared down at the meadow, Violetblade's smile turn to frown, she thought back of the blue haired girl and the other who was her sister came into her mind. She wanted to know why her memories were fading away right from the start.

"Why can't I remember a thing of my memories?" She thought deeper.

Sol's helm snapped up when he heard a noise when he turns around and saw something behind them, he beeped at Violetblade, getting her attention.

"What is it, Sol?" She asked as she saw the red jet and cyan helicopter heading their way, she stood up herself before they both transformed into their robot mode.

"TRANSFORM!" Starscream transformed back into his robot mode.

"TRANSFORM!" Cyclonus transformed back into his robot mode.

They both landed on the rocky floor, making Violetblade yell in surprised, "WHOA! Who are you, guys?"

The two Decepticons blinks and look at her puzzled, "What's a kid doing here?" Cyclonus ask.

Until the two of them saw the Minicon standing next to the femme, "Hey! She's got a Minicon!" Cyclonus excalimed in surprised.

Violetblade was confused and looked down at Sol. "Minicon? Are they talking about you?" She asked the Minicon as it gave her beeps and clicks saying yes. She look back at the other two Decepticons.

Starscream studied her, looking for a symbol but he couldn't find any, "She doesn't seem to have Autobot or Decepticon insignia. So she must be Neutral."

Cyclonus looks at her and replied, "Yeah you're right and she has a Minicon with her, so she must be the one who found it. So what are we gonna do with this kid?"

"I'll handle this," He told him and look back at the femme, "Kid, if your so kind enough to give us that Minicon, we won't hurt you. Now hand it over." Starscream said, walking forward and holding his servo out.

Violetblade looked at them. "What do you need him for?" She asked moving in front of Sol from them as Starscream growled.

"None of your business! Now hand it over!"

She glared at him, "You'll have to try make me! Nyeeeeah!" She stuck out her tongue at them.

That made him angry as he reaches for his left wing, "Then you leave me no choice." He pulled out his wing as it transform into a sword.

Violetblade look back at her Minicon, "Sol, go get somewhere cover. I'll get to you once I take care of these guys." She told him as Sol beeped, saying right to her before he ran to the boulder that was close to them.

Violetblade look back at the Decepticon Seeker and pulled out her sword from her sheath, she hold it up before she closed her eyes and take a deep breath. Starscream looked at the femme with closed eyes and thought this would be the perfect moment to strike, so he made his first move at her. She opened her eyes to see Starscream swift his sword down, she blocked it with her sword, swiped it on the other side and swift across his chest, leaving a small scratch and made the seeker steps away from her.

Cyclonus on the other side, jaw-dropped of how fast that femme can be, she even blocked Starscream's attacks like they were nothing.

Starscream didn't expected to see her attacks were so fast and even blocked his own attack, he snarled at her as he start attacking her with swinging his sword at her. Violetblade moved very fast and blocked all of his attacks with small sparks in the air, Starscream brought his sword straight for her chest, only to be repelled when her sword clashed his back, causing him to stumble and giving her an opening. Her blade glowed and she used Vertical Square skill and stuck four hits on him, the purple flash of square gust in the air and the attack caused him fell back on the ground.

Sol, behind the boulder, was amazed to see his guardian used some kind of strange skill on the Decepticon and she was so fast to dodge and block all of his attacks.

Starscream growled in frustration as he forced himself on his feet and glared at the femme.

"That's it!" He roared as he charged at her and raised his sword up again. Violetblade parried it back and flicked his sword up, sending it flying and stabbed to the ground next to Cyclonus who yelped from it. She pulled back her sword, the blade glowed in purple once again.

She used her Original Sword Skill on him and then strike five hits to his top upper right side chest to the bottom making the Decepticon Seeker cried out as he felt the pain hit him, another five hits on him on the left side to the bottom forming an X cross. Finally, she titled her body and used her full strength to thrust in with the battle cry as she last strike in the middle of the cross. A flash of purple in the wind and then explosion of smoke, Starscream cried out from the last strike, the force sent him flying and was thrown off the cliff and falling down all the way until he crashed onto the ground.

Violetblade stared after she defeated Starscream, she looked down at her blade in wonder, did she know something about fighting her way with sword skills? And two skills she used on Starscream seem familiar to her...

On the other side, Cyclonus' face went blue and shaking when he saw that femme just knocked out Starscream with that strange skill he never seen before and not even lay a scratch on her.

Violetblade snapped out of her own thoughts as she look back at her Minicon, who was still hiding behind the boulder, "Sol, you okay right?" She asked, her Minicon beeps to her as I'm alright. She smiled back at him, before she turn around to the other Decepticon and asked, "Hey, you up next?"

The helicopter Decepticon snapped out of his shock and glared at her, pointing his lasers at her and Violetblade hold her sword up.

"Don't get cocky, kid! I'm gonna blast you to pieces!" He yelled.

"Jeez, what is up with this amateur?" Violetblade asked herself before she grin, "Anyways, I'm ready when you are!"

Back to the Battle

On the ground, Optimus and Megatron punched each other and dodged from it, while Hot Shot and Red Alert avoiding from Demolisher's blaster when it shooting at them. But they stopped when they heard huge explosion and they up to see a flash of purple and then smoke coming out from above the cliff.

"What was that?" Red Alert asked, looking up at the cliff along with Hot Shot.

Optimus looked up at the cliff as well, but he was too distracted when Megatron punched his face. He stumbles a bit from the impact but he still holding up.

"You got yourself distracted, Prime!" Megatron shouted, "I don't know what those two are doing back up there but this is the last time you get in the way!"

Optimus glared back at the Decepticon Leader, "You're not going nowhere near that Minicon, Megatron! If it's the last thing to do!" He declared, just before he and Megatron charged at each other again.

The battle was cut off once again when they heard someone screaming, they look up above to see Cyclonus falling straight for them while screaming and slammed his helm into the ground between them. Causing some dust clouds all over the place and had their arms covered their faces, after the clouds stops, they all lowered their arms to see Cyclonus was covered in scratches and got beaten.

"What in the..." Demolisher continued.

"...Allspark was that?" Hot Shot finished.

Cyclonus groan as he sat up on his knees, then looking up at the sky and held his arms out in surrender sign, "I yield, I yield! Not wanted your weird skill on me like you did to Starscream!"

"What?" Optimus and Megatron thought, confusing of what Cyclonus was talking about.

Red Alert was too busy looking up at the sky where the helicopter Decepticon was falling from, he then saw something heading to their direction, "Someone's coming!"

They all look up where Red Alert looking at, they saw a figure flying down towards them. Cyclonus jolted in fright and ran up to Megatron and Demolisher before he hid behind them. They both look back at him in confused of what made him freak out like that, they look back up in the sky when the purple femme landing down on her feet and made a small bow.

Violetblade twirled around a bit and made a victory sign with her servo, "V!"

Everyone around the area was confused of why Cyclonus was defeated by a femme, she looked young like Hot Shot judging by her appearance. But Hot Shot, on the other side, who was wide eyed and jaw drop slightly when he look at the purple seeker femme, a slight blush were brought up to his face and couldn't stop staring at her.

"Wow, she's pretty." Hot Shot thought.

"Can someone explain to me what's going on here? She's just a kid." Demolisher ask, looking confuse as he look at the young femme.

Megatron starting to wondering as well, but he noticed the sword she held in her right servo. He turn his helm to side at Demolisher. "Demolisher, bring that femme to me." He commanded to the tanker as he nodded and cracked his knuckles at her.

Violetblade smile, "Okay. I guess I can take you on, big guy."

The Autobots stared at her like she was insane or something, before Red Alert called her, "Young lady!" He called out to the violet femme as she looked back at him with a smile, "Don't worry about me, I already took down the other two without any scratches."

Optimus was surprised when she said it, normally they were in the war with the Decepticons with many of their comrades died by fighting to protect their own and trying. But this young femme doesn't seem back down from the fight, she said share the fight with their own sparks with another. Violetblade realized what she had said, her mind goes white and remembered the same girl in blue saying the same thing.

"Seriously, who is that girl? Have I really met her before?" Violetblade ask herself in her own thoughts.

"Enough talk!" She look back at Demolisher who pointed his cannons on her, Violetblade regain herself as she drew up her blade in pride and smiled.

"Well, you may look big and everything but are you sure that you can beat me?" She questioned to the tanker Decepticon.

Demolisher growl in frustration at her, "Shut up! I don't care if you're a kid or not! I'm going to blast you!" He fired lasers at her.

"Hey, look out!" Hot Shot shouted for her.

But Violetblade smirked as the lasers were about to reach her, she disappeared out of thin air, surprising everyone in the area.

"Huh? Wha- what just happened? Where did she go?" He stammered, looking side to side to find the femme.

The Autobots, Megatron and Cyclonus were looking for a femme as well, but they caught on something right behind Demolisher.

Violetblade was right behind the tanker, started tapping his shoulder with her finger, "I'm right behind you."

Demolisher jolted and shouted in fright and surprised when he twirled around to face the purple femme when she was behind him.

Megatron's face was in shock when he saw that the femme was so fast, she disappeared from Demolisher's lasers at her and appeared right behind him. He yet understand why she defeated Cyclonus without getting a single scratch from him.

The Autobots, on the other side, shocked when they saw the femme just moved so fast that she dodged all of the lasers and went behind Demolisher's back.

"S-So fast..." Red Alert thought in shock, staring at the mysterious young femme.

Demolisher was freaked out to find a femme was right behind him, and asked shakily, "H-How did the brat like you get behind me and dodged all of my lasers?"

Violetblade smirks, pointing her thumb on the other side. "Oh, just right over there when you fired at me." This makes the tanker Decepticon growl angrily.

Back with two Decepticons, the Decepticon Leader noticed the jet Decepticon wasn't with Cyclonus since he fought Violetblade. "Where is Starscream?" He asked sternly.

Cyclonus made a nervous look before he told his leader, "Uh, yeah... about Starscream... that femme defeated him too."

Megatron look at Cyclonus in a bit of shock, "What? She defeated Starscream as well?"

He nod quickly at him, "Yes sir! She moved so fast to dodged and block all of his attacks like they were nothing and he took many hits from her! And she even got a Minicon before us!"

Megatron look at him and grabbed his shoulder, "Excuse me? You both lost that Minicon to that femme?" He half screamed at him, making Cyclonus flinched and covering his arms to shield his face.

"B-But sir! She's too powerful for us to handle! There's no way we can take her down by force!" Cyclonus stammered.

Megatron growled and pushed him away, he then calmed himself down and look back at the battle between Demolisher and the mysterious young femme, if this is true, she might be a threat if she's against him and his army.

The tanker Decepticon was shaking in anger and frustration before he roared and charged at her. She jumped over him and landed her foot on his head before getting off, that made Demolisher fall over to the ground. Demolisher shook his helm off and look over his shoulder to see Violetblade's sword glowed purple and used Horizontal Square on his back.

Optimus and Megatron both gasps at her skill.

"Ow!" He cries out, thrown into Megatron's feet. Still have his back scarred by the marks she made, he look over his shoulder again to see Violetblade walking up to him and he turn on his back and held his servos out in surrender.

"Wait, no more! I give up!" He pleaded to her.

Violetblade frown, lowering her blade down, "Oh. Well, that was easy." She then grin and made a victory sign once again, "But I still won a third time anyway!"

Megatron growled at Demolisher for his cowardly, he then look at the Autobots who looked as shock as he was then look at the purple femme. He then turn to face his troops.

"Decepticons, retreat for now." Megatron commands, he took a last glance on the purple femme before they all warped away to their base, including Starscream who was struggling to his feet who warped as well.

Violetblade stared at the distance and scratch her finger to her cheek lightly, "That's strange, what's up with them?"

Her thoughts were cut off when she heard Sol's beeping, she turn to see her Minicon flying towards her and stops in front of her while floating in the air. "Sorry Sol, almost forgot about you." She apologize to him as he beeped to her saying, it's alright.

The Autobots gasps when they saw the Minicon with her, "Hey look! She's has a Minicon!" Hot Shot exclaimed as they nodded.

Violetblade sheated her sword back into its place, she about to turn to face the Autobts, another memory triggered as she gasped.


All she saw was the room where that the purple haired girl and the other people she felt like she knew them from before, along with the blue haired girl and with black haired boy who started fighting on the other side by himself. And again, she couldn't see their faces when they're being covered in dark blurring.

End of Memory

After the memory ends, she suddenly felt a pain like it stabbed her spark from the inside and she hold her servos to her chest in pain. The Autobots saw this and try to confront her.

"Are you alright?" Optimus asked her.

No answer came to her, just before they went to confront her, Violetblade grabbed Sol over her arm and closer to her, she crouched down with her wings flicked up and shot into the air. The Autobots were shocked to see the purple femme just flew away from them suddenly.

"Wait! Where are you going?" Hot Shot called her.

But Violetblade's already in the air with Sol as she fly any further away and they disappeared into the distance.

On the ground, the Autobots stared at sky by her sudden pain and she flew away from them suddenly. Hotshot walked over to Optimus.

"What was that about?" He asked his leader as Optimus looked at Red Alert who shrugged and then tried to find the Minicon, but Hotshot remembered the Minicon was with that femme from before.

"But she already has a Minicon with her." He said as the two Autobots stared at Hotshot and then realized that the Minicon with her was that Minicon they were looking for around this place.

"Well, we might wanna track her in case the Decepticons try to capture her." Optimus said as he looked at the two Autobots.

"Rad Alert, stay near the monitors and track her down. Once we reached her, we will warped there." Optimus said as the two nodded as they about to head back to the base.

But the Autobot Leader was in the deep thoughts when he saw Violetblade defeated Demolisher so easily without breaking a sweat, "But something's off with her, I can't tell how she defeated three of Decepticons by herself. And that speed... that was more she handle with... Just who is she?" Optimus regained himself as he and his team warped away to their base.

Currently unaware of Violetblade had her new life as a Transformer with Sol as they continued regaining her memory.

And so, it had begun.

~Music: LiSA - ADAMAS~

Taigi meibun ni shibirekirashita

I got numb by the literal compsition of justic

Kujuu no yami to gou uzu no naka

Within the bitterness of darkness and within the swirl of fate

Hajimari ni kodoku wa tsukimomo sa

In the beginning the sorrow was just a indispensable part

Shimensoka demo kabe wo buchiyabure

I'm being surrounded by enemies, even so I smash down the wall

Kitaihazure kazamuki kakimawase

Stirring up a disappointed wind's direction

Kasoku shite yuku maguma no kodou

It's accelerating, the throbbing of magma

Tashikamete susume

I check to be sure and continue

Niyatsunita shinigami no yobu koe ga suru

A smirking God of Death's calling voice is coming to me saying:

"Do you believe yourself?"

"Do you believe yourself?"

Boku wa hajimatta eikou no goal wo mitai no sa

I stared, I want to see the goal of glory after all



Kanashimi to negai no kesshoutai ni

To the crystal of sorrow and wishes,

Bokura shimei wo chikau sorezore no hikari wo mezashiteku

We vow our messages awakening our lights

Nado datte tachiagatte boku wa kyou made kitanda

Standing up over and over, I made it until today

It's TiME ikko no inori ga kakumei no kakushou

It's TiME One prayer is, the positive proof of a revolution

Saa kagayake!

Now shine!

And that's it! I finally finished! I asked FallRiver Prime to help me on this story but I finally finished! So I hope all of you enjoyed my story and see another. Until next time.