Hellllloooooooo !
Guess who's back with a long running story ?
Guess who's still shit a spell-checking and story-telling ?
Guess who doesn't give a fuck and is going to flood this website with 20+ chapters of badly written fic ?
Guess who's fishing for compliments ?
In any case, this was born from my desire to put my own spin on the "Zystopian" universe. Until now, my work was too cheery and upbeat. I think it's time to delve into the darker end of the spectrum, wouldn't you agree ?
Get ready for violence, drama, tears, deaths (and a bit of fluff, because hey, we still need to kiss those booboos in the end, don't we ?)
Don't expect originality, though. This will use plot points of both the original script and the movie.
There will be your usual ships too, just in case you were missing them.
Also, all my chapter will be song titles. Because it's so fucking original.
Chapter 1 : Prologue, Big Bright World
"It's a real proud day for us, small mammals." The small ewe smiles at Judy. She's soon pushed aside by counsellor Lionheart and mayor Swinton.
"It's true, you're the embodiment of the good the Mammal Inclusion Initiative, created by councillor Lionheart, is supposed to to bring to the city." Nods the sow, as she places a hoof on her shoulder, while smiling for the cameras.
"Okay, officer Hopps." Rumbles the lion, sliding his T.A.M.E. under his tie. "Let's see those teeth."
One year. Twelve long and boring months in the most low-crimes area in the city. 52 weeks with the grazers – no, not grazers, caprines – doing nothing but pushing papers, parking duty, and – at last – walking the beat for the last two months.
Valedictorian of her promotion, with grades that broke most previous records at the ZPA, chief Bogo had still vetoed her entry at precinct one, at least until she would have proven herself capable of handling herself in the field.
And proven herself, Judy Laverne Hopps had. The stubborn bunny had worked double shifts, accumulated almost two years of working hours, stopped one, admittedly small, ring of mammal traffickers during her days as a meter maid and put a full gang of catnip dealers behind bars in the two last months. That last action had earned her a (reluctantly given) promotion as sergeant.
Tomorrow will be a new day, she thinks, she thinks as she puts all her affairs in order, and every single thing she owns in boxes (two boxes, total, one of which almost empty) finally readying herself for one last task.
Judy looks at herself in the mirror. A lean and athletic bunny gazes back at her. She has let her hair grow a bit, a grey tuft smoothed to the side that gives, in her opinion, just a tad more of a badass look. To her usual pink shirt and blue jeans, she has added a fake leather jacket. Some thinks it made her look a bit more rock'n'roll. The truth is, she's chosen it because Gazelle wore the same one (scaled up to her size) in her last clip.
With a skip in her step she leaves the small apartment building, directing herself toward the center of the district, using the bus and tram to get to her destination faster.
When she exits the bus, she realises she has half an hour to cross two streets and get to the coffee shop where she's headed. More than enough time to walk around in the district she has spent the two last years. There isn't much to tell about the Meadowlands. Calm, rich, with the majority of the population being caprine and lapine. She's almost sad to leave, as it has a sort of bucolic charm that reminds her of home.
At least, she can bring a bit of that district with her. She enters a grocery store that she's been to a couple of times and buys some fresh fruits. Strawberries, apricots, some blueberries. She could take some vegetables, but she doesn't want to overencumber herself.
Then, she makes the remainder of the trip to the coffee shop, and orders a carrot-flavoured latte before sitting at her favourite table. From where she is, she can look at the people in the street, going about their business or strolling around leisurely. Then she spots him. As always, he's fifteen minutes early, wearing a white shirt and a black tie. He's holding his vest under his arm and smiles at her as he sees her.
The truth is, she is going to miss him a bit. He's handsome, if a bit distant, the strange pattern of his stripes gives an exotic air. As he sits in front of her, she looks into his deep blue eyes. She can never tell what he thinks about. Maybe it's what had attracted her in the beginning, but the mystery has gotten old.
They had met through Dawn Bellwether the day she arrived in the city for her graduation. Her parents had been ecstatic when she had told them about how they had shared a cab and swapped contact that same day. She wonders how upset they will be when they will learn that she's broken up with the perfect buck.
She opens her mouth to speak but he beats her to it by the quarter of a second.
"We should break up." He states, with the corner of a cocky smile. "That's what you were going to say, isn't it ?"
Judy closes her mouth and exhales slowly through her mouth. "Yeah, Jack. That's what I was going to say."
"Alright. We're officially broken up."
"This is awfully easy." The doe states. "You're not upset ?"
The buck shrugs. "A bit. I mean, my pride is hurt. I like you, you're nice, upbeat, optimistic and basically everything I'm looking for in a doe. Does it make a difference ?"
"Not really. It was nice while it lasted, but..."
"You're not in love with me."
Judy nods shamefully. She likes him, but that's all there is. At least the sex was good. Really good.
"Well, I think I made it obvious enough that I wasn't either, so… No hard feelings."
The direct and no-nonsense attitude is also one of his qualities, but he sometimes comes off as dickish because of it. It is one of those moments, and she can't shake the feeling he's doing on purpose.
"I guess this is it then." He says. "Is it okay if I keep your number ?"
"I wasn't going to erase yours. It's not that kind of break up." She smiles.
Jack chuckles. "Well, don't hesitate to call me if you ever feel lonely."
"Are you setting yourself up for a booty call ?" She asks, lifting a brow.
"Can't fault a buck for trying. That wasn't the worst part of our relationship." He shrugs, before standing up. "It's something to think about."
She is thinking about it alright. Jack isn't above average in term of endurance, but he makes up for it in creativity and commitment. She has sometimes wondered if it's a city-buck thing, or if he's just like that.
"Good luck at precinct one. And be careful, the city centre isn't as calm as the Meadowland."
"I'm not the rookie bunny I used to be."
Jack chuckles. "I know you're ready to take on the city. I guess I'm just worried for you."
"Well, I'm worried for you. Bodyguard isn't riskless job." Judy smile, giving him a parting peck on the cheek.
"I'm a security consultant, not a bodyguard." Truth is, he's kind of both and even more, but it's not the topic of the discussion, nor something he wants her to ever know about. "Anway, I'll be cheering for you."
"Thank you. I wish you the best."
It's a sunny day. The fox is running in fields of wheat with someone at his side. He feels at peace. Happy, like he never was before. The feeling of freedom overwhelms him, as he grabs his partner's waist and throws them in the air. He can't distinguish their features, they are blurred and smudged bu he know they're smiling. He feels a tear run down his cheek, it's the happiest he's ever-
Nick is a nocturnal mammal. He hates to have to wake up in the morning. He hates being woken up by a zap of his TAME collar. Despite this, he still rolls out of the drawer he uses as a bed and turns on the small coffee pot that rests on a stool near it. As the coffee heats up, he puts on a green shirt, kaki pants and his favourite tie, sliding it over his collar and around his neck. As a habit, he runs his finger around the dreaded piece of hardware, to scratch away the night strain. It's something his parents taught him to do every day. No predator wants it to fuse with their skin, as it can happen over time if they aren't careful.
Standing in front of a mirror, he takes in his appearance, and brushes the few strands of hair that refuse to stay in place. He decides to ignore that under the collar, the fur is getting thinner. He'd have to get it readjusted, but it means going to a doctor. And he'd rather use his money for other things.
Like food.
Pouring himself a large mug, he lets it rest a bit to cool off while looking for his phone and wallet. The last thing he wants is to get his ID checked without having his papers on him. Happened before, not a fun 24 hours. With a sigh, he stares at a photograph he always keeps with him in the old piece of fake leather. The face he sees should have been the one his dream. He's forgetting. He's getting over it. He shouldn't, it's not fair. It's only been six years.
That won't do. Hustling needs a smiling face. Smile old fox, smile.
Nothing can get to you.
The coffee is dark and bitter, the opposite of the face he has to show to the world. Hopping on the chest of drawers, he climbs to the window and opens it, sliding between the bars to end up on the streets of happy town, at ground level.
With the ease of a Zootopia born fox, Nicholas Piberius Wilde slides into the pedestrian traffic, easily avoiding the steps of the larger mammal, zigzaging between the smaller ones. Soon, he finds himself in Savanah Central. What he is looking for is an alleyway. For in this alleyway is van, and in this van is a fennec.
"Wakey wakey." He shouts, banging on the orange colored vehicle's backdoors. "Mommy's here !"
No answer.
His eternal lazy smile on his lips, the red fox turns the handle and opens the door, barely avoiding the baseball that is flung toward his face.
"Who'dat !?" Comes a deep voice.
"It's me, Finnick. Time to work."
"Shieeet." The fennec fox whines. "It's to early for 'dat."
Nick chuckles. "Nonsense. It's already ten o'clock. Move your ass, sonny-boy. We have bucks to make ! It's a good day to hustle !"
Yes, this is short. But it's only the prologue. Don't despair, the next one will be longer.