Juliet was sitting at her desk, doing some paper work, when her phone started to vibrate. She looked at it to see who it was, Shawn, was across the glowing screen, She sighed, then picked it up, and said "Hi, Shawn, why -" but her words were cut of when Shawn started talking.

" Look, I can't do this anymore " He said.

"Can't do what anymore, Shawn?" She asked, confused.

" Everything, our relationship, always dragging Gus around, frustrating my dad, lying everyday, and Lassie never appreciating the work I do" he answer "are we ever going to get back together?" He asked.

" Shawn, I, I... " Juliet answered, lost for words.

"That's what I thought," He replied, "Goodbye Juliet, tell everyone else goodbye, not that they care" he said, then hung up the phone.

Juliet didn't know what to do, she just sat their, frozen. "What does that mean?!" She thought to herself, with wide eyes.

Before she could think of an answer, she grabbed her keys, and ran out the door, to her car. She started to drive down the road, headed for the Psych office. She thought about what he meant by "goodbye Juliet, tell everyone else goodbye, not that they care" She had ideas but shook them off, but they just kept coming back.

She finally reached the Psych office, she pulled in to a parking space, parked her car, got out and ran towards the door, but when she tried to open it, it was locked. "Dang it!" She whispered in frustration to herself.

She kept trying to push the door open, but it wouldn't budge. It finally opened when she hit it with all her might. When she got in, she ran into the main room seeing, what she wished she hadn't, Shawn was laying in the floor passed out, with an empty pill bottle next to him.

Juliet rushed to Shawn's side to feel his pulse, it was still there, weak, but there.

She pulled out her phone and dialed 911, the line imminently pick up "911 what is your emergency?" The lady on the other line asked.

" I need an ambulance, my friend is unconscious " She answered imminently. With worry in her voice.

"Alright, an ambulance is on the way" the lady responded, after Juliet gave her the address.

When the line went silent, Juliet looked down at Shawn "How could this happen?!" She asked herself, then noticed the empty pill bottle . "He didn't take all of these, did he?" She kept asking herself these questions , but imminently shook them off. Shawn wouldn't just give up like that, or would he?

Juliet looked back down at Shawn, and realised he had gotten really pale. She then imminently started calling his name "Shawn!" She shouted " Shawn, please wake up! " She pleaded with him "Shawn, don't die on me! I need you, I can't live without you, and I really care about you! " She kept shaking him, until he stared to open his eyes a little "Shawn, are you okay?" She asked, her voice a little shaky.

He looked up at her, right in the eyes, he felt like his head had exploded, but he ignored it. He had to let Juliet know the truth, why he was lying on the floor, why he made the phone call to her, but he couldn't think of anything to say, "Shawn can you hear me?" Juliet asked softly, then squeezed his hand.

He had too say something, but what? He kept thinking for the right words, he felt sleepy, but he had to say something before he passed out again!

"Please say something!" Juliet pleaded.

"It wasn't me" he responded .

"What?" Juliet asked.

He knew he was about to pass out, "It wasn't me" he answered , then fell unconscious again.