Just a little experiment I've been working on to see how well it's received. I don't expect for it to start out too popular. But I'm hoping that everyone likes the idea, at least. But now, without further ado, here we go!

*I still don't own RWBY, and I don't own Star Wars either!*

*Speech Key*

"May the Force be with you." = Normal Speech

'Sending us on a reconnaissance mission? This doesn't feel right.' = Thoughts

"All units, scramble! Launch all fighters!" = Someone Yelling


A long, long time ago, in a galaxy far away…


A galaxy in divided! Striking swiftly after the battle of Geonosis, Count Dooku's droid army has seized control of the major hyperspace lanes, separating the Republic from the majority of its clone army. With few clones available, the Jedi Generals cannot gain a foothold in the outer rim as more and more planets choose to join Dooku's Separatists. While the Jedi are occupied fighting a war, no one is left to keep the peace. Chaos and crime spread, and the innocent become victims in a lawless galaxy. Crime lord, Jabba the Hutt's son, has been kidnapped by a rival band of pirates. Desperate to save his son, Jabba puts out a call for help.

A call the Jedi are cautious to answer.

In the building that is the gathering place of the Republic Senate, Supreme Chancellor Palpatine along with three Jedi Masters known as Mace Windu, Plo-Koon, and Luminara Unduli were speaking with Jabba the Hutt after receiving a distress beacon from the crime lord. Which seemed odd to them, considering that law enforcers and peace keepers like the Jedi are the kind of people that criminals like Jabba usually avoid.

"Jabba requests that anyone who can help us find his kidnapped son send any information they have immediately." said the Protocol Droid who would translate for Jabba.

"We must help Jabba! This is the opportunity we've been looking for! The Jedi must rescue Jabba's son!" exclaimed Supreme Chancellor Palpatine.

The hologram of the Hutt and his protocol Droid faded out as Mace voiced his concerns on this matter. This whole situation left a bitter taste in his mouth.

"I don't like it. Dealing with that criminal scum. This is a dark day for the Republic."

"I agree, my friend. But what choice do we have?" Palpatine said/asked. "The Hutts control the outer rim, and we'll need their space lanes in order to move our troops."

"There is more to this kidnapping than it seems." Mace said.

"Then you must send as many Jedi as you can." Palpatine said as though the solution were as simple as that.

Sadly, that's not the case.

"Impossible, Chancellor. The Droid General Grievous has our forces spread thin. The only Jedi we can spare are Skywalker and Kenobi. And maybe a couple of Padawans that have been training much harder than we thought possible. One of which recently joined our order after fleeing his home planet." Mace explained. "Skywalker and Kenobi have just captured the planet Christophsis."

"Then contact them immediately. And send someone for the Padawans." Palpatine ordered.

*To Be Continued…*

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, even though it's merely the prologue. Now, like all great Star Wars features, this story is going to be split into a trilogy. This beginning ars which covers the events of the Clone Wars movie, a second arc that covers the majority of the Clone Wars, and a third arc where the battle is taken to Remnant and Jaune finally establishes his empire. Now, I have a few questions that I'd like you guys to answer, if you don't mind.

1.) Jaune is going to be paired with multiple girls in this trilogy. Who would you like him to get together with? (Please note that Arkos is not allowed unless a lot of people request it, and also… NO YAOI PAIRINGS!)

2.) What type of Lightsaber should Jaune have created, and what should the blade color be?

3.) For Jaune's personal fighter, should he pilot a standard Jedi Starfighter, or should he pilot an X-Wing Starfighter?

4.) And finally, what sort of outfit should Jaune wear as a Jedi?

Thank you guys SO MUCH for giving this story a chance! Don't forget to answer my questions and leave a LONG REVIEW. May the Force be with you, and have a great day!