X-over beatbox battles

Luigi4life: Hello readers, welcome to X-over beatbox battles. I'm your host Luigi4life and we have 2 cartoon characters are going to battle it out for the first time. Which one will win, it all depends on your votes. The two characters are similar because they're both robots.

(L4L points to a dark corner of the ring)

Luigi4life: In this corner with a height of 9 feet and weighing at 200 pounds, he's can beam anything with his antenna, today we have Plex!

(The corner lights and shows Plex)

Plex: Hey it's nice to be here. High 5.

Luigi4life: Maybe later.

(L4L points to the other side of the ring)

Luigi4life: In this corner at a height of 5 ft. 6 in and a weight of 7 billion tons, he runs on beer and thinks he's the greatest bot to live, today we have Bender!

(The corner lights up and shows Bender)

Bender: Yeah, Bender's here he's the greatest!

Luigi4Life: Okay well Bender since you're the greatest you'll be going first.

Bender: Okay because I'm the greatest!

Plex: Sounds like someone's big headed.

Luigi4Life: Here we go in, 3, 2, 1, GO!

Bender (singing): Who's the bot that going to turn you into a frying pan, ME! Bender, Bender, Bender, Bender, Bender, Bender, Bender. Oh yeah! (Btk, btk, btk, btk, Pfft) Bender, I'm the greatest! I'll beat you up no matter your gender! Oh yeah! (btk) who's, (btk) the, (btk) bot. (btk) that, (btk) going, (btk) to, (btk) turn, (btk) you, (btk) into, (btk) a, (Pfft) Frying pan, Bender, Bender, Bender, Bender, Bender, Bender, Bender. (Pfft, pfft, pfft, nnnn, pfft, btk, blll, na, pfft, pfft, pftt, nnnn, aa)

(Bender takes out a Plex plush and stomps on it)

Bender (singing): Bender, Bender, Bender, Bender, Bender, Bender, Bender, back up!

(Bender did a microphone drop)

Luigi4life: Ohh, Bender really brought it to the table, let's see if Plex can beat him. Plex are you ready?

Plex: Of course! That wasn't even beatboxing, he was just saying his name over and over again!

Bender: It's better what you could do.

Plex: OH YEAH "BEN!"

Bender: YEAH "LEX!"

Luigi4life: Whoa guys, Bender we need Plex to beatbox now.

Bender: Whatever!

Luigi4life: Plex can you top Bender's performance?

Plex: Piece of cake!

Luigi: Well here you go-

Bender: Liar.

Luigi4life: In, 3, 2, 1, GO!

Plex (singing): Oh! It's dancing time, time to put bot out of rhyme. (Pfft, nnnn, btk, kft, fft, pa, tst, fft, pff, tsk) gabba land, (Nnnn, fft, btk, ka, nnnn, pfft, kft, pa, nnnn, tsk, tst, nnnn) remix (Pfft, nnnn, btk, kft, fft, pa) dancing, (Tst, fft, pff, tsk) time, (Pfft, nnnn, btk, kft, fft, pa, tst, fft, pff, tsk, prrr, Pfft, nnnn, btk, kft, fft, pa, tst, fft, pff, tsk, prrr) my friends, (Pfft, nnnn, btk, kft, fft, pa, tst, fft, pff, tsk) (Gasp) (Kft, fft, pa) Bender drink a beer!

Luigi4life: Ohh, that's time, alright we have X-over beatbox battle for today, please vote on my profile or leave a review on who won the battle, and follow this fanfiction to be updated when the next battle comes out.

Bender: "Drink a beer" really that's the best you could come up with…

Plex: It's better than what you could do…

Luigi4life: Once again I'm Luigi4life thank you for reading this, I'm going to try to break these bots up because they're going a little crazy. Hey guys can you please break it up.

X-over beatbox battles