Alex Vause is a very unusual fifteen -year-old, she was very tall, taller than most. She had the greenest eyes that sees through people and their bullshit Alex Vause was sadly a loner, she hated other kids because they were always bulling her. Her mother, Diane Vause, worked three jobs just to survive. She was so proud when her daughter got accepted into a private school, Litchfield School for the gifted. Alex hated her new school, but it had a big library which is where she hid when she could. At fifteen years old she was very mature for her age.

Alex was walking home one day when a white blur jumped her. She let out a yelp when she fell heading her head on the concrete.

"God damn it! What the fuck!" Alex growls rubbing her head. She looks down and tilts her head to the side, it was a puppy! The puppy was white as snow, with the bluest eyes shes ever seen. Alex gasps when she looks the puppy in its eyes. The puppy whimpers tapping Alex with her paw.

"Well, you seemed rushed eh Mutt?" Alex says getting up. The puppy growls when she calls it a mutt, Alex just laughs.

"Dog get over it, go away" Alex says walking away. The white dog runs after her and bite her ankle.

"Fuck! Stupid Mutt" Alex yells popping the puppy's bottom. The puppy yelps and whimpers tucking its tail under it.

"Biting is a big no! you do not bite me" Alex scolds the puppy picking it up. "Well you're a girl, what is your name?" Alex wonders out loud walking to her house and setting the puppy down on the steps. The puppy rubs against Alex and leans into her yapping. Alex pulls her book out and sits leaning against the door. The puppy lays down next to her and listens as Alex reads her book out loud. Alex doesn't know how much time has pasted but she realizes the white dog is gone. She gets up and goes inside the house, shes confused how the dog could have gotten away silently. Alex just shrugs her shoulders, oh well she thinks.

A few miles away from Alex Vause lived a very unhappy teen. Piper Chapman, everyone thought she had it all. Her parents had money to waste, she lived in a big mansion, but it wasn't all that. Her mother was very abusive to her and her father was never home because he was out fucking random bitches. Piper was currently standing in the kitchen getting screamed by her mother because her youngest brother Cal, had a failing grade. Piper wasn't sure why she was getting screamed at, but her mother had a beer bottle in her hands and it scared her. So, she just stood there and took the tongue lashing her mother is giving her. When shes done getting screamed at she tells her mother "Yes Ma'am" and walks away. Well this time she got lucky, normally her mother would hit her. She wasn't going to complain. She went to find her brother Cal, who she has raised by herself even though her mother takes all the credit.

"Hey Cal" she says seeing him playing a video game. "homework now, I'm not getting cussed out because you won't get your shit done" Piper grumbles. Cal nods his head and turns off the game system. If it had been their mother, he would just tell her to fuck off. Piper ran to her room to think about earlier. She hadn't meant to turn after school but damn its things were getting harder and harder to control. Her parents didn't even know she turned into a white wolf on full moons or in between. She wasn't a werewolf per say but she could change into a wolf at will. She laughed thinking about the girl she ran over. She rubs her bottom thinking about the smack she received from that girl. It still hurt! She looked in the mirror and was surprised there was a fark red hand print on her ass. Well damn she hit hard. Piper got into her bed and the throbbing on her ass put her to sleep.