Later on, Edd finds Kevin back in his dorm, and luckily Nat hadn't returned yet.

"Thank you so much for everything, Kevin!"

"Not a problem. Did your parents buy it?"

"It seems so!" Edd pulls a crisp $50 bill out of his pocket. "Here you go. I hope this is enough."

"Edd, I can't take it."

"I insist. We had a deal." Edd places the money on Kevin's desk. "Well, I have to go spend more time with mother and father before they leave."

"When are they heading out?"

"They're going back to their hotel room at 11 to get some rest. They're leaving at 6am to catch a flight cross country for another business trip."

"Dude that's awful. Well, go spend time with them, and tell them I said 'bye' and 'have a safe trip' and all that jazz."

Edd giggled. "I will, Kevin. Thanks again."

"No problem."

As Edd was leaving the room, Kevin stopped him. "Hey, do you mind texting me after they're gone?"

"I don't mind, but is something the matter?"

"Nah. I'll let you know later."

"O-okay, then. I shall talk to you later tonight, I suppose."


. . . . . . . . . .

At around 11:03, Edd sends a text to Kevin telling him his parents have left. About a minute later he was sending a follow-up text asking Kevin what was going on when there was a knock on his door.

"Kevin!? What are you doing here?"

"I came here to return this," Kevin hands him back the money. "I don't feel right taking this…"

"But I don't want you to have done all that for me without getting anything in return. And besides, didn't you say you were tight on cash right now…"

"I am, but it's awkward to get it from you, when I needed the money because of you."


Kevin sighs and pushes past Edd into his dorm room. He places the money on Edd's desk and stares at the pictures that Nat had printed out. He then picks up the frame and grins at it before saying, "Edd. Will you go out with me?" Kevin turns to look at Edd. "Just one date. That's all I'm asking… But only if you want to… no pressure… I mean-"

"Kevin, do you seriously want to take me out on a… a date!?"

Kevin has a soft smile on his face as he looks back at the framed picture. After a moment, he places it down on the desk on top of the money and replies. "Yeah. I do. So…"

Edd rushes towards Kevin and hugs him. When he pulls back he looks up at Kevin and says, "I'm still confused on one part."

"What's that?"

"Why you refused the payment."

"Ah, well… you see… I've had a major crush on you for a while… pretty much all semester."

Edd's eyes go wide. "Seriously?"

"Yup. And I made the mistake of making it obvious in front of Nat. I think it was getting on his nerves that I wasn't doing anything about it, which is why he might have gotten more demanding with your time recently…"

"I have noticed that. It seems he wants to start some sort of weekly coffee thing."

Kevin laughed. "Yeah. Sounds like him. But yeah… eventually we made a bet. I had to ask you out by this Saturday at midnight or pay $50… He'd give me $50 if I did it."

"So that's why you-"

"No! That's not why, or I'd have won the bet when it was made three weeks ago."

"Three weeks!?"

"Yeah…" Kevin sighs and places his hands on Edd's waist. "I wanted to ask you out, but I didn't know if you'd be into it. And I didn't want it to be a cheap, lame date, either. That's why I was saving up, but then someone hit my bike in the parking lot, and I had to use up all I'd saved to get it fixed. Nat even offered to pay me extra if I just went ahead and asked, but I was still uncertain. Then you came to me with your offer… I got to pretend to be your boyfriend for a little over a day and realized I got more to lose by not asking you." Kevin stepped into Edd's space and wrapped his arms around him. "Like I said, I had to fix my bike. So… sorry I couldn't ask you out liked I planned, making it all romantic and rememberable… and sorry it's going to be a cheap date… but I would still really like to take you out sometime soon."

"Kevin, it's-"

"I can pay for it all!" Both Kevin and Edd snap their head to the door. Nat was peeking in and grinning widely. He quickly stepped into the room and made a show of checking the time on his watch. "You meet the deadline."

"How long have you been there?"

"Hrm, maybe the whole time? I don't know. When did you ask him out? Because I was definitely here just before then."

Edd watched as Kevin rolled up his sleeves and rushed towards Nat. Nat quickly took a few steps back and pulled several $20 bills out of his wallet and presented it to Kevin. "I told you yesterday that I'd double it for you, if you just grew a pair and asked him. Now you should have plenty for that 'romantic and rememberable' date."

Kevin snatches the money. "I have no problem taking money from you. Now get out of here!"

Kevin waits until Nat walks out, closing the door behind him. He turns back to Edd. "You know, you never actually did say whether or not you'd go out with me…"

"Oh, my! I'm so sorry! Of course, I will, Kevin!" Edd goes to hug Kevin who's beaming back at him. He could feel Kevin give him a quick kiss on the top of his head before he pulled back.

"Choice! Just text me your schedule when you have time, and I'll plan the date."

"Will do, Kevin."

Kevin keeps grinning at him before his smile starts to faulter. "I, uh, I should probably let you get some sleep."

Edd nods and walks him to the door. He wasn't surprised to see Nat still standing outside.

"Well, gotta walk this fool home since apparently he can't remember where the room is."

Edd giggles. "Apparently so. Well, Good night, you two."

"Good night, Double-"

"Pst! Kevin! You gonna give him a goodnight kiss or nah?" Nat said loudly, waggling his eyebrows again.

Kevin just shoved him down the hall. "Go!" He turned his head back toward Edd. "Sorry about him. Good night, Edd."

Edd watched them take a few steps down the hall before he decided to take a page out of Kevin's book and do something bold.

"Kevin! Wait up!"

Kevin stops walking and Nat stumbles as he stops skipping, turning around to see what was going on. "I insist I repay you."

"Edd, we've been over this. I won't take your money."

"But a deal's a deal, so how about I repay you some other way."

"Like how?"

Edd then leans up and gives Kevin a kiss on the cheek. "That should be suffice for now. I might give you another after the date…"

Edd goes back into his room, but not before looking back at Kevin. He giggles at the sight before him. Nat is squealing and jumping up and down in the middle of the hall, just behind Kevin who's completely flushed and holding one hand up to his cheek. He grins at Edd and waves.

"Looking forward to our date. Pleasant dreams, Kevin," Edd says as he steps back into his room and closes the door. He goes to his desk and puts the money back in his wallet. As he's trying to decide on the best location for the framed pictured, he receives a text from Kevin.

Kevin: I'm looking forward to it too!

Kevin: And after the date ;)

Edd smiles to himself and looks back up at the picture of Kevin at football practice. Maybe soon that "boyfriend" label will become true.

The End.