AN: Hey Guys this is a new story I've been working on. Well thats it, I hope you guys like it. Whelp onto the story.


Chapter 1: Everyone Deserves One More Chance

I could not believe what I was seeing. This was not what I expected to see when I died. Let me tell you this: I am not a religious person. I don't believe that there is some kind of God or whatever out there. But as I stoo-er-floated whatever here in this black void with the words "You Died" like Dark Souls floating in front of me, I decided that either there was some higher being out there, or that I'm dreaming. I really hope its the latter.

Would you like to another chance at life?



This was one weird dream wasn't it, but I chose yes anyway, after all, I didn't want to spend the rest of my dream in this stupid place.


You now have been gifted with the power of The Gamer!

Would you like to start the tutorial?



I chose yes again.

Please say or think Status.

'Status' I thought, and then-

Name: Kazuma

Age: 16

Title: The Gamer.

Level: 1 EXP: 0

H.P: 100

H.P.R: 1 per min

M.P: 500

M.P.R: 20 per min

STR: 8

VIT: 2

DEX: 5

INT: 24

MAG: 10

AGI: 8

WIS : 28

AP: 0

Money: 0


Gamer's Mind: Makes the user immune to all psycological effects. Allows the user to stay calm durning all times.

Gamer's Body: Allowes the user to live life like a game. All ailments and negative effects can be cured by sleeping.

I.D Create: Lvl: 1. Allows the user to create an illusion barriers which contain different types of enemies that upon death yield exp to The Gamer.

Available: Empty Dungeon.

I.D Escape: Lvl: 1. Allow you to escape the dungeons.

These are your present skills. You may create skills by yourself. Though creating some skills may require specific stats, or other skills.

After going through this, Status a few more times, I concluded that, this was awesome! There were some mistakes of coure, like the fact that my name wasn't 'Kazuma', and that I am 21 years old and not 16. Eh, but who cares, it's just a dream, anyway.

Please say or think Inventory.

I did so, and suddenly a square box came in front of me.

You can store anything inside the inventory. It has infinite storage.

Awesome! I could store anything inside! So cool!

Now Please choose a Race.

Human: They are the weakest of the weak, but posses higher intelligence. Choosing this race will give you 100 H.P and M.P every level. Choosing this will allow you to choose Sacred Gears.

Devil: These species are more stronger in the dark, and are weak to light magic. They can see in the dark. Choosing this race will give you 250 H.P and M.P per level. Increases mag and all physical stats by 2 every level. During night time, your H.P and M.P will be increased by 50%. All physical stats will increse by 50%. During day time, H.P,M.P and all physical stats will decrese by 50%.

Angels: These species are created by God himself, so they are not weak to any magic. They don't have any debuffs and get a boost during the day. Choosing this species will give you a 50% boost to H.P and M.P and all physical stats during the day.All physical stats and mag increases by 2 every level. Your H.P and M.P will increase by 250 every level. Experiencing any one of the 7 sins will cause you to fall.

Fallen Angels: These are the angels that have fallen due to embracing any one of the 7 sins. Due to this they have a affinity for Light and Dark magic. Increases mag and all physical stats by 2 every level. H.P and M.P will increase by 250 every level. Permanent boost to all physical stats by 25%. Gives 25% boost to charisima if you choose Lust as your sin. Different sins give different buffs.

Dragon: These species are the embodiment of power. They have an affinity for all magic. Mana will be very potent and require much less than other species. All skills are 50% easier to learn. Choosing this race will increase your H.P and M.P by 500 every level. All physical stats are increased by 50 if choosen. Increases mag and all physical stats, by 5 every level. Can transform into a dragon at will. Transforming into a dragon will increase all your physical stats and H.P and M.P by 100%. All Fire, Lightning, Wind and Space magic are 100% easier to learn. Weak against Dragon-Slayer Magic. Grants Dragon Berserker mode, which increses all physical stats by 10,000% and your H.P and M.P by 100 times. Grants 30% damage resistance.

Vampire: These are almost the same as devils, but are even more weak towards light magic and are even more powerful during the night. Choosing this race gives you 200 H.P and M.P per level. Increases all physical stats by 75% during night and decrases all stats by 75% during day. Choosing this race will allow you to evolve into a Higher Vampire, through a specific race quest. Increases mag by 3 per level and all physical stats by 2 every level.

Youkai: These species are of Shinto origin. They can only use Chakra, and not Mana. Choosing differnt race inside this specicies will give you different buffs. Gives another stat called Chakra Control.

Note that only by choosing a Humans, you will be able to have sacred gears.

And that wasn't even half of it! Oh man, what do I choose, this is so hard! Sooooooooooooooo, what to chooossssseee? Hhhhhmmmmmmmm. Wait there are different species in Youkai? 'Youkai' I thought, and-

Please choose which type of youkai you want to be:

Kitsune: A Fox-like species that is very mischievous. Choosing this species will give you 150 H.P and 300 M.P every level. All illusion spells are 100% easier to learn. If you choose this, you start with only one tail. The amount of tails can be increased by specific race quests. Max 9- tails. All Seduction skills are easy to learn.

Wolf-Youkai: These are a very bloodthirsty race. Choosing this race will give you 300 H.P and 150 M.P per level. All Dex and Str are increased by 2 every level. You can evolve with the help of specific race quests. Max 10-tails.

Nekomata: Just like the kitsune, these are a very mischievous. Choosing this race will give you 125 H.P per level and 275 M.P per level. All Illusion speels are 75% easier to learn. You can evolve with specific race quests. Max 3-tails. All Seduction skills are easy to learn.

Nekoshou: These are a sub-species of nekomata. Choosing this race will give you 200 H.P and 250 M.P per level. Str and vit increases by 2 every level. Senjutsu is 25% easier to learn. All Seduction skills are easy to learn.

Ape-Youkai: These species are very seclusive and private. They have the potential to be the strongest, but there hasn't been any strong person from this species. Choosing this race will give you 325 H.P per level and 200 M.P per level. Str and Vit increase by 2 every level. Cha has a 25%debuff until you reach the final stage of evolution, through race quests.

Note that learning Senjutsu is 50% easier for all youkai.

Go Back.

And, that wasn't it, there were many more races there. It was kinda like Dragon Ball Xeneverse, but without the option to custamise your character. So, now what to choose? While the youkai was an awesome race, especially the ape youkai, if the final form was like Super Saiyan 4 from Dragon ball GT. The show wasn't as good as the original, but, the super saiyan 4 was just awesome!

From what I could tell, this ability of mine might take me to the DxD universe, because of the Devils, Angels and Fallen Angles.Okay after a lot of thinking, I decieded to choose the Dragon race, mainly because of all the bonuses. It was either it or a Vampire. From what I knew, DxD Universe didn't have a Higher Vampire. So it was most probably from some other universe. If it was anything like the Witcher universe's Higher Vampire, whoever became on would be super OP. But I didn't want to take the chance. The ability to use Chakra was awesome. I could be spamming Rasengan or some other jutsu, but honestly, the bonuses the Dragon race gave was awesome. So, yep, I chose the Dragon race.

Congragulations, you are now a Dragon! Status has been updated!

Would you like to keep your previous appearence?



Now please think 'Options'.

'Options'I thought when-

Hud Config

Date and Time: Off

H.P and M.P: Off

Minimap: Off

Enemy H.P: Off

Boss H.P: Off

Subtitles: Off

NPC Name and Title: Off

I set them all to Yes, well, I didn't need subtitles, but it was incase I was put into a place where they spoke a language I didn't know.

Congragulations, the tutorial is now complete you are now ready to be dropped into your new universe! Get ready!

Commencing dropation in,


Wait, what did it mean by dropation?


Seriously what do you mean by dropation? Tell me!


Noooooooo! Waaaaiiiittt!

Commencing dropation,

Dropation Complete!

Enjoy The Game!

As soon, as I read that, I felt a blinding pain in my eyes. It was like what you feel when you come out of a dark room and into a very bright room, but with much more pain. Then I felt air rushing around everywhere around me and when I opened my eyes, I felt them widen as I saw that I was literally dropped by The Game, from the freaking sky! Oh God, Oh God, Oh God, I dont want to die, I DON'T WANT TO DIE!!

Just as I was going through a panic attack, I felt myself calm down what he-

Oh, must be The Gamer's Mind Skill. Damn, that was broken. Then, after I calmed down, I realised I was still falling down! So, I did what I felt was natural and suddenly I felt two... somethings, I think wings, come out of my back. I tested them out and felt that I could control them. I grinned.

"Wwwhhhhoooooooooo" I cheered as gained control of my fall, and instead of going down, I went up, right, left, I went everywhere! I even did one of those cartwheels and basically all the things you see those jets do in the Tv. After some time, I realised that I needed to stop playing and so I came down and back onto the ground and I could say that I had literally no idea as to where I was.

There was sand everywhere! Then I face-palmed myself, I had a frigging map! I could just check where I was.

Well I did so, and I am apparently, in the Sahara Desert! Oh come on! I thought that I was in the DxD universe, so, what the hell was I doing in the Sahara? Ugh! Even more than that, what timeline am I in? I wonder if the timeline for the series has started yet or not. Though I really hope that it hasn't started yet, cause I really wanted to get all the girls. Other than that, I need to grind a lot. Hey, I had the ability of the gamer. I wasn't about to let it go to waste.

Many Hours Later

Whew! After grinding my I.D Create for almost 5 whole hours, I was able to unlock more dungeons.

I.D Create: Lvl: 34. EXP:56%.

The ability to create illusion barriers which contain different types of enemies that upon death yield exp to The Gamer.

Available: Empty Dungeon

Zombie Dungeon.

Troll Dungeon.

Ghost Dungeon

Hhmm, I think that every 10 levels, it unlocks a new type of dungeon. So, by the time I max it, I would be able to access 10 types of Dungeons. Assuming that it maxed out at Lvl: 100.

Congratulations! For carefully deducing how a skill works, you have gained 2 Int.

Hmm, so you can gain stats by doing things like these? Oh well who cares, I am gonna go kill some Zombies! Yaaaayyy!

"I.D Create: Zombies!" I yelled and suddenly, the whole world went white and the sky went purple and there was bones littered all around the sand.

You are now in a dungeon. Note that you cannot leave until you complete the dungeon. Everything other than the EXP, will be given at the end of the dungeon. You will have to face three waves of Zombies, before you can fight the boss and the mini-boss. All the Best!

I smirked, sure I didn't have any weapons, but I could just take a weapon from my first victim, who I could see just over the dune. I spread my wings and took into the sky. There I saw a few more zombies a few meters away, but you know what they say, 'one at a time'. I flew down straight at the zombie with my fist cocked and and the punched it right in the face!

Critical Hit!

str plus 2dex x 500%= 18 plus 30 x 500%= 240!

You gain 250 Exp!

I grinned this was gonna be epic!



You Have levelled up! You have now reached Lvl 27! You have 7 more attribute points to spend!

Name: Kazuma

Age: 16

Title: The Gamer.

Level: 27 EXP: 2900/13500

H.P: 8700 (7350 plus 1350)

H.P.R: 73.5 per min.

M.P: 1110 (9750 plus 1350)

M.P.R: 390 per min.

STR: 193

VIT: 187

DEX: 190

INT: 84

MAG: 195

AGI: 190

WIS : 53

A.P: 135 [Can only be used after exiting fron I.D]

Damn! my physical stats and charisma were so high! Thank you Dragon genes! Must be from my mother's side. It was kinda bad that I couldn't use my attribute points but who cares, I would be able to use it after finishing this dungeon anyway. Because of it, I was able to get an awesome sword! By the third wave of the zombies. But other than the first sword and then this sword, I wasnt able to find anything else! I guess the Game was serious about that fact, Oh well.

Warning! Mini Boss Battle Comencing! Please get ready!

Ok time to get ready. I smirked and spread my wings. It was getting much easier to use these wings. I guess what they say is true, 'Practice makes a man perfect' I took into the sky as soon as a huge figure suddenly materialised out of thin air! He was almost 8 feet tall! And was bulging with muscles everywhere! First I observed him.

Name: Zombie Imlerith

Lvl: 65 EXP: 56%.

Title: General of the Wild Zombies.

H.P: 10000

M.P: 200

STR: 379

DEX: 37


CHA: 0 [ He a Zombie ya idiot]

MAG: 4

INT: 14

AGI: 87

WIS: 12

Bio: The former general of the Wild Hunt, Imlerith, was a very powerful figure. But he was killed by the Witcher, Geralt of Rivia when he had visited the 3 Crones. Not wantin to die, he used all his remaining power to create himself a new body.

Kill to gain 275,000 Exp.

So, he was from the Witcher-verse. The fact that he was strong enough to create a body on his own, was scary. Sure he turned into a zombi, and all, but he wasn't even in the top 100, or even 200 of the strongest people in this universe.

Imlerith ran towards me, but he was really slow. Sure he was faster than a normal human but he was nothing copared to me! Thank you Dragon genes! I quickly took out my fairly good sword and flew up into the sky before swooping down and hitting himBut then suddenly-


You Have recieved a new quest:

Zombie Killer: Finish what Geralt started and kill Imlerith.

Objectives: Kill Imlerith

Secondary Objectives: Kill him within 5 minutes.

Don't get hit even once.

Rewards: 50,000 Exp.

75,000 Exp for every secondary objectives completed.

Failure: Death.



Quikly choosing yes, I swoped down and hit him with my sword.

Critical Hit!

str(sword dmg) (2dex) x 1500%= 147 (100) (300) x 1500%

547 x15 = 8205

H.P: 1795/10000

Awesome! One more hit and I'll definetly kill him. He swung a few times at me but I avoided it easily, cortosy of my super high dex! Then, I held my hand in a slashing manner and brought it down using my wind energy causing a huge cresent moon shaped blade like wind to move towards him at blinding speeds.

-1000 Mana.

I watched in morbid fascination as Imlerith was literally cut in two by my attack!

Critical Hit! 5000 x 1500% = 75,000 dmg!

PING!You have killed Imlerith! You gain 275000 Exp!

PING!You have completed the quest.


You have gained 200,000 Exp!

You have gained the sword Aerondite!

You have gained 10 Phoenix tears!

You have gained 7 Sweet Candy!



You have levelled up 25 times! You are now level 52! Congratulations!

You have 364 attribute points to spend!

I was just about to say status, when-

PING! You have completed the mini-boss battle, you can now either go back or continue until the real boss battle. Note that if you choose to stay, you cannot leave until you kill the final boss!



I chose to stay as, if I got this much Exp from just a mini boss, I wonder how much I'll get for an actual boss! Though it was a bummer that I couldnt use Aerondite until I exit this place, but who cares, I am going to get it after words anyway! Suddenly a huge castle literally burst out of the ground! I stared wid eyed at the magnificent structure with awe and surprise.

"Great adventurer, please come into Doom's humble abode. I promise you none of Doom's pets shall harm you." A deep voice called out. I felt my eyes widen. Doom? As in Dr. Doom?! The nemesis of Reed Richards? The comic book character?!

'Ok, Calm down Kazuma, you can do this. Just think of an awesome plan to counter this guy. From what I know, his armour was really strong and could resist a lot of damage. But even more than were his powers over magic. There was also the fact that Doom was a genius. So I had to finish this within few minutes.' I concluded.

PING! You have recievrecieved a quest!

Doom's Doom:

Objectives: Defeat Doom

Secondary Objectives: Defeat Doom within 5 minutes.

Ask Doom why he wants to meet you.

Don't get hit even once.

Rewards: 100,000 for main objective

150,000 for every secondary objective.

Failure: Death.



Choosing yes quickly, I went towards the castle.


Ah, It is good to have you here adventurer. Doom wishes to ask a favour of you." As soon as I got inside Doom had started talking. So, I quickly observed him.

Name:Victor Von Doom.

Title: Genius, Ruler of Latveria, Master of the arcane arts.

Lvl: 97 EXP: 89%

H.P: 80,000

M.P: 67,550

STR: 97

DEX: 48

VIT: 174 ( 426)

INT: 231

MAG: 1351

AGI: 97

WIS: 132

Bio: Victor Von Doom is the ruler of the country of Latveria. He had always been jeleois of his colleague Reed Richards. Then the seperate dimension incident happened which led to him being trapped in a dimension of power. When he got out he was again defeated by the Fantastic Four along with Spiderman. He then went into hiding in his country. But he again went after the Four when he discovered that they had opened a dimensional portal. But when he attacked them he had almost won when he was suddenly kicked by Spiderman into the portal. Since then he has been plottingover here so that he could get his reveng on Spiderman. Now he feels that you may be able to help him to get outof this place.

Kill to gain 550,000 Exp

Ok, so this was Doom from the Ultimate universe. This makes things easier. But, damn his stats were so damn high especially for a human!

"Why have you called me here?" I asked him, trying to act oblivious.

"Doom wishes for you to help him, dear adventurer, Doom was trapped here by an accident. So, Doom asks you to help him." He said in a gruff voice.

I smirked I had already got the secondary objective. I started to get my spells ready to hit him with quickly.

"How did you get here?" I asked trying to stall. As soon as I finished getting ready, I smirked.

"Well, whatever your reason is, I don't care!" I quickly casted both the speels I had gotten ready. His eyes still held confusion in them as I attacked him. Both my creasent shaped wind blade and my explosive fire spell combied together to form a explosive cresent shaped fire blade

-1000M.P -1500M.P

Critical Hit!

10,000 x 2000% = 200,000 Dmg!

The guy didn't know what hit him! As soon as he realised that an attack was moving towards him, he tried to move away, but my spell was too fast for him. He was literally defeated in one move! Oh my God! I'm so happy!


You have killed Doom! You gain 550,000 Exp Bonus 100,000 Exp for killing Doom in one hit!


You have completed the quest Doom's Doom!

Rewards: 700,000 Exp!

The Locket of Skills!

14 Sweet Candy!

Pskosynesis Skill Book!

25 Ultimate Health potions!

One Hit Man Title


You have completed the dungeon! All rewards have been stored into the inventory.

You have recieved 21 sweet candy, 46 badly made swords, 48 modarate swords and 45 above average swords. You have recieved 25 weak health potions, 25 health potions and 25 high grade health potions. You have recieved 2 badly made bows, 1 moderate bow and 3 above average bow. 1 badly made mace, 1 moderate spear and 1 above average trident.

You have learnt the skills

Cresent moon: A cresent moon shaped blade ofwind is casted towards the opponent. Causes 5000 dmg and 20 dmg per second consumes 1000 M.P.

Ocean of Fire: A wave of fire of radius 50m radius. Consums 2500 M.P and causes 25,000 Dmg.

Fiery Explosion: A ball of Fire that explodes upon contact. Consumes 1,500 M.P and causes 5000 dmg and 50 dmg per sec

Fiery Blade: A combination of the cresent blade and Fiery explosion. It consumes 2500 M.P and causes 10000 Dmg.

You have learnt the skills,

Sword Mastery:Lvl:1. The ability to use a sword properly. Increases sword dmg by 4%. Passivly increases str and dex by 2%.

Damage Resistance: Lvl:1. Your ability to resist physical dmg.

Mana Shield: Lvl:1. The ability to create invisible shields that are also intangible and only protect you against magic based attacks. Consumes 100 M.P per shield activated. Gives 500 dmg reduction. Max 10 shields.

You have gained 1,787,500 dollars!


Your Wind manipulation has gone up by 10 levels. Your Fire Manipulation has gone up by 20 levels. Your Sword mastery has gone up by 10 levels. Your Observe skill has gone up by 63 levels. Your Damage Resistance has gone up by 40 levels. Your Mana shield has gone up by 20 levels.

Your Vit has gone up by 25 points!

Your str has gone up by 16 points!

Your Int has gone up by 48 points!

Your Wis has gone up by 36 points!


You have levelled up 38 times! You have 264 more attribute points to spend!

Name: Kazuma

Age: 16

Title: The Gamer, One Hit Man.

Race: Dragon.

Level: 90 EXP: 20,000/45,000

H.P: 71,350 (26,350 plus 45000)

H.P.R: 263 per min.

M.P: 70,500 (25500 plus 45000)

M.P.R: 1020 per min.

STR: 524

VIT: 527

DEX: 505

CHA: 510

INT: 124

MAG: 510

AGI: 530

WIS: 89

A.P: 630

Money: $1,787,500

I spent 162 A.P on my str, vit, dex, int and agi bringing them up to,

H.P: 72,500 (27500 plus 45000)

H.P.R: 250 per min

M.P: 70,500 ( 25500 plus 45000)

M.P.R: 200 per minute.

STR: 550

DEX: 550

VIT: 550

CHA: 510

INT: 150

MAG: 510

AGI: 550

WIS : 89

A.P: 468

Money: $ 1,787,500

Man, I am so happy that I chose this race! The bonuses are so good. Whew this Gamer ability is seriously broken! I mean, in just a day I was able to reach level 90! Damn, if this really is after canon, then I'll reach Issei's power level in no time! Though I really don't want it to be as I really want all those girls.


You have recieved a new quest.

Harem God: Why be a Harem king, When you can be a Harem God!

Objectives: Make more than one girl fall for you

Rewards: Daily Exp for every girl that becoms a part of your Harem.

10,000 Exp every time you share an orgasm with them.

Failure: Death.

My face went red when I read this. Now I really hope that I have arrived before the start of the show. Then I could snag all the girls from DxD.


You have recieved a new quest.

Can I have my Harem Yet?:

Objectives: Find out if you are in the original timeline or not.

Secondary Objectives: Find a way to get into Kuoh Academy.

Make sure to create no suspicion on yourself.

Time Limit: 8 days 3 hrs 42 mins 13 secs.

Rewards: 250,000 Exp for main objective.

150,000 for each secondary objective.

Failure: Death.

This quest is mandatory.

Damn, so all I had to do was go to Kuoh and I will get so many rewards!?

I Smirked. 'Let the games begin!'


A/N: So yeah this idea has been going around in my head for some time now. I will say this now only that this will contain refrences to other games, movies, TV shows, comics books etc. I really hope yiu guys like this and before I forget, Issei is not going to be the MC. I may not even pair him with anybody. So yeah, also if anyone can say which fanfiction this Doom is from then, you get some virtual cookies! So yeah, I really hpe you guys like it and please Read and REVIEW! Thanks Goodbye!

New A/N: Well, I didn't really change, many things, just took out cha and put in mag, wis and agi. And if you haven't guessed already, this fic is going under a massive revision. I felt that I rushed things too much. I also changed the name. 'Game of the Century' wasn't really that good. But the most important change, is that Kazuma still thinks he's dreaming, unlike previosly where he knew he was dead. But other than that, READ REVIEW!