A/N: Hello all! I know it's been awhile been here's another quick story that I thought up the other day at work with the help of a writing prompt I found on tumblr. I don't know how often I'll be able to update due to my super busy schedule and the fact that I have some sort of social life now, which I totally did not have a month ago. Anyways, I hope you all enjoy this and remember, reviews are greatly appreciated!

Prompt: A wish you made when you blew out your birthday candles comes true. Just not in the way you expected.

Summary: 24 year old Chiba Mamoru has been alone as long as he can remember. Convinced by two of his closest friends to make a birthday wish, Mamoru wakes up the next morning to an unexpected surprise. It becomes clear pretty quickly to this surprise is actually his birthday wish. Just not in a way Mamoru ever expected. AU UsaMamo fluff.

Chapter 1

Of 24th Birthdays and Wishes

The third of August was a day Chiba Mamoru dreaded. He usually preferred to spend the day alone, pretending as if it were any other day in the world. Over the years, the man had actually convinced himself that it was in fact, any other day. So, it really was a surprise when he came home from work and two of his closest friends popped confetti and presented him with a cake.

"Happy Birthday, Chiba!" His blonde haired friend said to him with enthusiasm, giving him a hearty clap on the back.

Mamoru couldn't help but groan. As much as he loved Motoki and Reika, he couldn't help but wish them away. He shut his eyes tight, as if he were a child and hoped that when he opened them, they would magically disappear. Though, to no avail did his childish antics work as he was immediately pulled out of his hopeful wishing at the sound of Reika's voice.

"Hiya, Mamoru! We brought you a cake! And we certainly couldn't let you spend another birthday alone." The brunette woman cheered at him before placing an affectionate kiss on his right cheek.

"You know, we could always ask Saori over," Motoko began with a devilish smirk on his usually friendly face, a hint of mischief in his green eyes.

Mamoru grumbled something about the woman only being a classmate as he escaped to the kitchen for a cup of coffee. Today had been particularly long and exhausting for Mamoru. Not only did he have a large class load on Tuesdays, he had just gotten out of a mandatory lab which had been four hours long. The last thing he wanted to do was celebrate his 24th birthday.

As the dark-haired man reappeared from the kitchen and into his living room where his two closest friends sat, waiting for him. He knew deep down he couldn't kick the couple out, it would break their hearts if he did.

"I'm just going to go change, okay?" He stated before retreating to his bedroom and changing from his dress clothes and into a black form fitting t-shirt and black jeans.

When Mamoru returned, both Reika and Motoki were seated in front of his coffee table, party hats sitting lopsided on each of their heads.

"C'mon on out, Mamoru. Let's have some cake and play a few rounds of Sailor V or something." Reika suggested before heading towards Mamoru's kitchen for plates, silverware, a large knife and a lighter.

"Uh, Reika, I don't have the Sailor V game but I do have Mario Kart. We could play that instead." Mamoru shouted towards Reika in the kitchen. He had long abandoned the thought of spending his birthday day alone. In fact, it was nice to be in the company of his closest friends. He really shouldn't be complaining, he was lucky enough to have friends who actually cared.

"So Mamoru, about this whole thing where you're perpetually single," Motoki began, shooting his best friend a pointed look. "I've been thinking and I think I have the perfect girl I can set you up on a blind date with."

Tolerating his friends on his birthday Mamoru could do. But Motoki setting him up on a blind date with some ditz he probably knew from the arcade? Not something Mamoru particularly wanted to do or really even think about.

Mamoru really didn't believe in love. Love was a strange thing he had never felt for somebody. Growing up completely alone, Mamoru also never felt what it was like to be loved. In result, the 24 year old man had no concept of the foreign feeling or just exactly the power it held.

Mamoru brought his hand to the back of his neck, a nervous habit he had. "Really Motoki, I'm not interested in dating right now, I have to focus on Med-School."

"She's a spit-fire!" Reika shouted from Mamoru's kitchen. Naturally siding with her blonde fiancé on the matter. "A real leggy one too!" The woman added as she entered the living room with all the supplies the three needed to eat Mamoru's birthday cake.

"She's an undergrad student, really long black hair. And like Reika said, she's leggy." Motoki reiterated in hopes of changing his dark-haired friend's mind.

"Guys, as much as I appreciate you looking out for me. I really am in no spot to date somebody right now. Or really ever at that." Mamoru said in a slightly annoyed voice. He didn't understand why he had to tell the duo 'no' to the whole situation for the second time. It was almost as if the two thought the mystery woman's looks would change his mind.

"We're sorry Mamoru, we really shouldn't have pushed it. It's just that we worry about you." Reika apologized, her eyes holding an almost maternal look directed towards the man as she shoved a single candle into the cake.

The cake was small and quite simple. Though it was decorated beautifully. It was a chocolate cake frosted with white frosting, colorful banners adorned the sides. "Happy Birthday, Mamoru" piped on top expertly with blue frosting. Next to his name was a strange little blue bunny. Mamoru shrugged it off to be a mistake either made by the pastry chef or a decoration that was on the cake before his name had been piped on.

"We got the cake from the cutest little bakery not too far from here. Two girls that used to stop by the arcade when they were younger own it. One does all the baking and the other does all the decorating. It was just so cute Motoki and I had to get you something from there." Reika gushed as she lit the candle on the cake.

The two then began to sing happy birthday and Mamoru couldn't help the blush of embarrassment that rose to his cheeks as his two closest friends serenaded him.

"Come on now Mamoru, make a wish!" Reika cheered once the two finished the near childlike singing.

Mamoru couldn't help but roll his eyes at the thought of a wish. There was something so childlike and almost magical about a birthday wish. Deciding not to argue with his two friends on the matter he complied. And as Chiba Mamoru blew out his single birthday candle he made a wish.

He wished that he wasn't so lonely anymore.

It was something Mamoru had been secretly wishing since he was a child. It was a shot in the dark as the man preferred to be by himself. He liked solitude and he liked that he only had a few friends. It was true he was not ready to be in a relationship at that moment but something inside him, the little boy he used to be inside of him wished that things just weren't as lonely as they had always been.

As soon as Mamoru blew his candles out, Reika and Motoki popped confetti at him. In that moment things didn't seem as lonely as they usually were, surrounded by his two closest friends. But Mamoru knew deep down, as soon as he left things would go back to how they had always been.

"So, what did you wish for?" Motoki asked, his face full of curiosity.

The question earned Motoki a sharp slap on the forearm for his fiancé. "Don't ask him that! If he tells you it won't come true!" The woman said, scowling at her counterpart.

"Ow, fine! But you didn't have to hit me, ya know." Motoki whined, rubbing his arm as Reika continued cutting the small cake.

Mamoru couldn't help but let out a chuckle at the situation in front of him. It was strange how the two interacted. They had only been engaged three months and the two already acted like a married couple.

"So, we thought we would tell you that we set a date for the wedding," Reika began as she set a plate of cake down in front of Mamoru.

Mamoru's eyebrows shot up in confusion and he couldn't help but give Motoki a confused glance. His blonde friend only shot him a sheepish grin as he turned on Mamoru's game console.

The conversation was immediately dropped at the sound of Mamoru's old SNES game console powering on.

The trio sat for hours and before Mamoru knew it, it was nearly 2 am.

"One more round, yeah?" Motoki asked his fiance and his best friend.

"Yeah, probably a good idea, it is getting really late." Reika replied to her fiance before rubbing her eyes sleepily.

Mamoru didn't mind that the two were planning to leave. Tomorrow was Wednesday after all. He was surprised that the two had even stayed passed midnight. Though, nights like this reminded Mamoru of their early days of University. It was nice.

They finished their final round fifteen minutes later, as the round was in fact three games. Motoki winning as he had been most of the night, thanks to the many years he had spent in the arcade.

The two helped Mamoru clean up a bit before each of them pulled him into a snug hug.

"Happy Birthday, Mamoru. Don't forget about that wish, okay?" Reika said with a wink before placing a kiss on his cheek.

"And I'll see you tomorrow morning for coffee, Chiba?" Motoki asked quizzically before clapping his ebony-haired friend on the back.

"Of course," Mamoru replied, shooting a grateful smile at the two. "And thank you guys for tonight, really." He added, whilst following the two to his front door.

With that, the three said their goodbyes and Chiba Mamoru was alone, yet again.

With a sigh, the man decided to jump in the shower before heading off to bed.

It wasn't until the man was out of the shower and padding towards his bedroom when he realized something was off.

It wasn't so much that something was off, as everything seemed normal as Mamoru cautiously walked towards his bedroom. It was more as if the man felt as if he wasn't quite alone. Call him crazy, but Chiba Mamoru knew when he was alone.

As Mamoru moved closer to his bedroom, clad only in a dark grey towel, he ignored the feeling of somebody else's presence and dismissed it as if he was crazy or even imagining things.

Of course there was nobody in his apartment. The dark-haired man thought to himself bitterly. He knew that there was nobody in his apartment. He shook the thought away before dropping his towel and pulling on only a pair of black boxer-briefs.

Instead of taking care of his towel as Mamoru usual would do, he instead lazily dropped into his bed and almost immediately fell into a blissful sleep.

When Mamoru awoke a measly five hours later to the sound of his alarm, he felt warmer than he usually did in mornings. The feeling was so blissful that he didn't slam the alarm as he usually did and immediately roll out of bed. No, instead he decided to lazily lounge for an additional five minutes.

"Mamo, turn the alarm off," a small voice said from his right side.

And that, that right there was all Mamoru needed to go flying out of his large bed and on to his bedroom floor.

There was somebody in his bed. There was a girl in his bed and when he went to sleep last night, he was alone. There was somebody in his bed.

"Mamoru." The voice repeated in a slightly agitated manner.

Don't look up. Don't look up. Don't look up. The 24 year old man chanted to himself, slightly terrified.

As Mamoru stared down at the floor, completely frozen, he heard a slight russling coming from his bed.

"C'mon Mamo, it's time to get up. You have class at 10 and I know that you don't want to miss it. Here, I'll even get the coffee started!" The voice cheered towards him. He could hear her feet hit the floor and he willed himself to bring his eyes up. Just catching her small feet skitter out of the door.

Her toenails were painted purple.

When Mamoru was sure that she was out of the room he finally pulled himself off the floor. The strangest thing happened when he opened his closet door. Chiba Mamoru was not only greeted by his own clothes but also a closet full of female clothes.

Oh this is not happening, this really is not happening. The man thought to himself before pulling out a clean black t-shirt and his lavender pleated jeans.

When I walk out there, she is going to be gone. I am just going crazy, this is not at all real. Mamoru thought to himself before taking a deep breath and walking out of his bedroom.

As Mamoru made his was towards the kitchen, his senses were immediately overwhelmed by the smell of coffee.

Mamoru swore his heart stopped when he spotted a blonde, wearing one of his black shirts sitting at his breakfast bar. A cup of coffee in her own dainty hands and one next to her, a newspaper sitting in front of it.

Mamoru swore he was having a heart attack when the strikingly beautiful woman hopped off the barstool and threw her small body at his much larger one before rising on her tiptoes and planting a huge kiss on his lips.

"Good morning, Mamo!" The blonde bubbled at him brightly.

The man swore that he was a fish on land. He had to be going crazy, that was the only possible explanation to what was going on right now.

It wasn't until Mamoru reluctantly sat next to the strange blonde and took a sip of his coffee that he knew for sure he was crazy. He practically flew out of his apartment and towards the arcade at the sight of the wedding band on his left ring finger.