Chapter 5

Disclaimer ~ Do not own Voltron or Harry Potter

By the time Keith returned to the conference room, several hours had passed and he had gained the respect of the goblin healers. Apparently, most humans were reduced to a whining mess with a fraction of what he just went through. Keith was slightly sore from everything but ultimately just felt better than he ever had before. Likely a result of having access to all of his magic.

There was a slight shock waiting for him back in the room though. Bill Weasley sat awkwardly in the seat next to Griphook's empty one. The curse breaker seemed to fidget slightly under the combined stares of Snape, Remus, and Tonks.

When Keith walked into the room everyone's eyes turned and stared at him. A feeling of shocked echoed around the room.

"Guys?" Keith luckily managed to snap them out of the shock quite quickly. That was a miracle in itself.

"You certainly look different," Tonks cheerfully told him. Keith raised an eyebrow.

"How different?" he asked, having not been able to find a mirror yet and check out the changes for himself. Remus, bless his soul, conjured a mirror for Keith before the others could speak. The first thing Keith noticed was that his eyes were no longer green, instead replaced by a deep violet color. His hair had gotten slightly thicker but overall didn't change from the style Luna had given it. He was several inches taller and had filled out a bit as well. He was still skinny but the muscles he had were more defined, giving him more of a slim chaser build instead of a lanky seeker one. He was built more for speed rather than strength but that was fine by him. Other than the eyes, he still looked more or less the same as far as he could tell.

"How are you feeling Har- sorry, Keith? The rituals used on you are usually pretty intense," Bill asked, drawing the attention in the room towards him. Keith could tell he was nervous but the blessing was also saying he was trustworthy.

"Bit stiff and kinda sore honestly but that's about it," Keith smiled as he took his previous seat between Remus and Snape. Bill let out a low whistle.

"Damn kid. What are you made of?" Bill asked, impressed.

"Flesh, bones, and sarcasm," Keith answered immediately. There were laughs of varying enthusiasm from everyone in the room.

"I believe we should return to the matter at hand. If I remember correctly, the next step on the list was emancipation?" Griphook asked after everyone had a chance to regain their composure. Snape nodded after a glance to the list. "That is quite simple. We need a verification of your identity and proof that your previous guardian is unfit. Since we already have both of those then it is simply a matter of filing the correct paperwork. Magic has already recognized you as an adult which helps as well," Griphook explained.

"Awesome," Keith said. There were nods from the rest of the group. Snape crossed out that from their list.

"Next is setting up Keith's new identity. Making it official I believe," Remus said. Griphook nodded.

"Another simple matter. I will need Mr. Potter to sign some paperwork. His name will then be changed to Keith Kogane. We will give him all the proper identification in both the magical and muggle world after the papers have been signed," Griphook told the group, producing a few rolls of parchment and a quill. Keith recognized it as a blood quill and winced, which drew the stares of the others.

"Ahh. Sorry. After this past year I'm a little wary of blood quills," Keith explained. It was Tonks that asked the question on their minds.

"Since when would you have access to a blood quill? They are illegal dark artifacts, with the only exceptions being when used by Gringotts to sign important documents," Tonks asked curiously. Curse her auror inquisitiveness. Keith sighed and decided to just get it over with.

"Umbitch, ah sorry, Umbridge was using blood quills on students during detention. She'd make us write lines until the message 'sunk in'," Keith said, making finger quotes. That only succeeded to draw attention to his hand, uncovered by the gloves since he didn't put them back on. The limb was immediately snatched by Remus for a closer inspection. Everyone leaned back at the murderous growl he let off this time. If finding out his magic was blocked made Remus mad, this just made him pissed. Tonks immediately set to calming him down again.

"I assure you Mr. Kogane, Gringotts only uses blood quills for the most important documents. We prefer to use magical signatures for our more mundane documents," Griphook stated. Everyone noticed that he called Keith by his new name when the documents haven't even been signed yet. Keith smirked at that.

"I don't have any problem with the object itself. And I'm considering this as further evidence against Dumbledore," Keith said. He didn't hesitate to pick up the quill and sign the documents, making his name change official. Griphook gave him a goblin grin when the documents glowed, sealing the deal.

"Congratulations Mr. Kogane. We will have your new IDs ready by the end of your visit," Griphook said. Everyone smiled at Keith. Now it wasn't just a fake identity. It was his identity. The happiness was infectious, causing even Snape to smile.

Their moment was interrupted by a knock on the door. It opened to reveal a goblin. He spoke to Griphook in gobbledygook before bowing and leaving.

"Lord Prince. The paperwork has been completed. Mr. Kogane is now your heir, as recognized by the heir ring he wears," Griphook stated to Snape. The potions master had a smug grin on his face while Keith gazed at the ring on his hand in confusion.

"I thought this was just supposed to block Legilimency?" Keith asked. Bill was the one who shook his head.

"The crest on the ring signifies the Prince family. The lord and heir rings have enchantments on them but each is different for each family. The Prince rings have enchantments that block Legilimency as well as most minor curses. I believe that if the ring doesn't approve of its heir then it will not allow itself to be worn?" this last part of the explanation was directed towards Snape, who nodded. Keith looked at the ring, then to Snape, studying both intently.

"Wait. You gave me this ring before we even left Hogwarts. Was that what the weird looks you and Draco were giving me about? You were seeing if the ring approved me as your heir?" Keith asked confused. Snape nodded.

"That is correct. After you left the night before I began thinking. Lily would be ashamed with how I treated you through the school years. We used to be quite close but I made a mistake that cost us our friendship. It is my belief that, had things been different, you would have been my son," Snape told him softly. Keith found himself at a loss for words.

"Could you...tell me about her someday?" Keith asked hesitantly. "I've only ever heard stories of dad."

"I'd love to," Snape said with a small smile. The moment was broken by a soft 'aww'. The attention was diverted to Bill, who flushed as red as his hair.

"Whoops. Sorry. Ruined the moment," Bill said. Keith chuckled while Snape rolled his eyes.

"Yes you did. And as there is no recovering it we might as well move on," Snape drawled.

"Let's see...We've done the first seven," Tonks took the book to look over and mark out the completed items, "Now it says...letters for the goblins?" she asked confused. Keith's face scrunched in confusion.

"Maybe in the bag?" he suggested. He opened the bag and sure enough, there were two envelopes tucked behind the green journal. He pulled them out and handed them to Griphook. The goblin read the letters one at a time, then used his button to call another goblin into the room. Some gobbledygook was exchanged and the second goblin looked like his eyes would pop out if his head as he left.

"What's the letters about?" Tonks asked just as curious as Keith. A glance at the other occupants of the table showed they were curious as well.

"The letters are a request to allow one Mr. Keith Kogane to have all the books in the Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw vaults be given to him," Griphook said. Keith felt his eyes widen in shock.


"Mr. Neville Longbottom, heir to the Most Ancient and Noble houses of Longbottom and Hufflepuff has requested we remove all the books in the Hufflepuff library, place them in a bottomless bag, and give them to Mr. Kogane. Miss Luna Lovegood, heir to the house of Lovegood and the Most Ancient and Noble house of Ravenclaw has requested the same," Griphook explained. Silence. Dead silence surrounded those at the table, each stunned at what they just heard.

"Wha-Why? Why would they give the books to me? Those books have to be worth a fortune! Wouldn't they rather keep them for their own families?" Keith asked stunned. He ignored the looks being given to him by the others in the room with practiced ease. Griphook looked at one of the letters then back to Keith.

"Ah yes. Miss Lovegood has requested I pass along a message to you as well. 'We gave you the books because we care about you silly. They are just collecting dust in the vaults. Besides, they might be really helpful when you go to space' she says," Griphook said. It was...interesting to hear Griphook say silly, Keith thought.

"Luna really thinks of everything," Keith sighed.

"She worries me," Snape muttered. The only reason Keith heard him say it at all was because he was sitting next to him.

"What's this about going to space?" Bill asked curiously.

"In a couple years I'm going to go into outer space and save the universe from evil aliens while I try to find my alien mother," Keith explained. He took some joy in watching as Bill's face took on an expression of confusion.

"Well okay then," the cursebreaker said blinking. Keith took pity on him and explained the entire situation to him, starting with the dream and ending with arriving at the bank.

"Sounds like you've got your work cut out for you," Tonks said.

"Yeah. My plan is to take it one step at a time. Right now my biggest concern is finishing Luna's checklist and then moving to the desert," Keith told them.

"Then we better get back to the list. The day isn't getting any shorter," Remus joked. The teasing mood vanished when they say what the next bullet was.

9.) Wills of James, Lily, and Sirius

Keith took a deep breath and nodded to Griphook. He pushed the button to call another goblin, spoke a few words in gobbledygook, and turned his attention back to the group as the goblin left. Keith was beginning to sense a pattern.

"The wills of Lord and Lady Potter were sealed soon after their deaths. The will of Lord Black was scheduled to be read in four days time, however now is as good a time as any," Griphook told them.

"Why would the Potter wills be sealed?" Tonks asked.

"I do not know the answer to that. I only know that the will were sealed by the Chief Wizengamot approximately two hours after the death of the Potters," Griphook told them. Silence descended upon the group before Keith took a deep breath.

"Add that to the list against Dumbledore," he said calmly. He was furious, no doubt about it, but getting mad and lashing out wouldn't be a good thing right now. He'd have time to release his anger soon enough.

A goblin returned with three rolls of parchment and handed them to Griphook before leaving.

"As you are now Lord of the Potter and Black families and have been emancipated, you have the power to overrule the wills being sealed," Griphook explained. Keith nodded. Griphook opened the first one and began to read.

I, James Charles Potter, do hereby swear upon my magic that I am of sound mind as I write this letter, so mote it be.

If this particular will is being read then it means that our hiding place was discovered and both Lily and I were killed. Lily thought it would be a good idea for us to write different wills depending on how we died. This will is to be read if both Lily and I were killed while in hiding under the Fidelius. It means we were betrayed by our secret keeper, Peter Pettigrew. Sirius Black was to act as a decoy while Pettigrew guarded the real secret.

Our son is to be left with Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, Severus Snape, Minerva McGonagall, or Frank and Alice Longbottom in that order. Harry is not to be left with Lily's sister Petunia Dursley nee Evans under ANY circumstance.

To the Order of the Phoenix I leave one hundred thousand Galleons. Use it to take that snake bastard down.

To Remus Lupin I leave a sum of one million Galleons. Don't give me that look and don't protest. It's yours. Use it to buy a home of your own and take care of yourself. My only request is you don't spend it all on your chocolate addiction. I know you Moony. You'd totally do that if you had the opportunity.

To Sirius Black I leave a sum of one million Galleons and my son. We've been through practically everything together since we met on the train. You are my brother through and through. My only regret is that Lily and I won't be there to see Harry grow up. Take good care of Harry for me Padfoot. Tag, you're it.

To Minerva Mcgonagall I leave my transfiguration journal. May you use it well.

To Severus Snape I want to apologize. To put it bluntly, I was nothing more than a bullying git. I was jealous because of your relationship with Lily but the way I handled it was immature. You never deserved any of the shit I put you through and I'm sorry.

To Harry I leave everything else. You won't be able to access the main vaults until you have either passed seven OWLs or reach your majority. However, you have full access to your trust vault and any of the objects inside. My son, I regret that you have to grow up without your father. Listen to what your mother says in her will and grow up to be a good man. Know that I am very proud of you and that I love you very much Bambi.

This concludes the will of James Charles Potter, Lord to the most Ancient and Noble house of Potter.

Keith glanced around at the other occupants of the table once Griphook finished reading. Bill looked awkward. He felt like he was intruding on something private.

Remus was giving the parchment weird look. It was a cross between amusement, shock, protest, and exasperation. Tonks was trying to hold back her laughter at the expression and Keith couldn't help but let a small smile grace his lips at the look. It was really funny.

Snape had a look of pure shock. Likely at the fact that James apologized to him and that he was on the list of guardians.

Keith wasn't sure what he was feeling to be honest. To him, James Potter was just a stranger. The only memories he had of the man was of his death and of Snape's memory of being bullied by him.

Nobody spoke and after a moment, Griphook picked up the next roll of parchment and started reading.

I, Lily Marie Potter née Evans, do hereby swear on my magic that I am of sound mind as I write this letter, so mote it be.

In the event of this will being read then it means I have died along with James. If that is the case then I want it to be known that Sirius Black is innocent of betraying us. As James' best friend he was the obvious choice to become our Secret Keeper, as we were hidden under the Fidelius Charm. Going by that logic we decided we would use Sirius as a decoy. The real secret keeper was Peter Pettigrew, at the advice of Albus Dumbledore who had cast the spell for us. The only reason we didn't use Remus Lupin as our secret keeper was because Dumbledore kept sending him away whenever we wanted to get the spell cast, thus leaving him unavailable to become our secret keeper.

If this will is being read over the others then it means both James and I have died while in hiding. Should that be the case then our son is to live with the following people in this order should they be unavailable to raise him. Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, Severus Snape, Minerva McGonagall, or Frank and Alice Longbottom. Should all of them be unable to take Harry then he is to go Sirius' cousin. Andromeda Tonks née Black. Harry is not to be left with my sister under ANY circumstance. Petunia has made it very clear over the years that she hates anything magic. She would be a horrible guardian for Harry.

To Severus Snape I leave my potion journals and an apology. It was stupid of me to let that one little fight ruin our friendship. I should have stuck by you, instead I pushed you away. I'm sorry Sev.

To Remus Lupin I leave a sum of 1,000,000 Galleons. Take care of yourself Remus. Find a nice person to settle down with and start a family. You deserve that and so much more.

To Sirius Black I leave a sum of 1,000,000 Galleons. Please don't blow it all in one sitting. I also leave you my most precious treasure. Take care of Harry for me.

To Professor Flitwick I leave my Charms journal. As my mentor it is just as much yours as it was mine.

To Harry. My precious son. I leave you everything else of mine. You may not have been born from me but you are still my child. Now listen to me okay? Eat well and make sure you get enough sleep. Study well and get good grades too. Make lots of friends and when you're old enough find a nice person to spend the rest of your life with. Make sure you love them just as much as they love you and that they will treat you right. I love you so much Harry. I'm sorry I can't be there to raise you or tell you these things in person.

This concludes the will of Lilly Marie Potter née Evans, Lady to the Most Ancient and Noble house of Potter.

This time the expressions were both the same and completely different. Bill still looked like he felt he was intruding on something, but he was also scribbling something onto a scrap piece of parchment with a determined look.

Remus was looking at the parchment with a purely exasperated look. Although he and Tonks did share a look that sent a blush to spread across Tonks' cheeks.

Snape...he looked even more shocked than before. But there was also a hint of grief and regret in his expression.

Keith...yeah he was upset. But Lily was still a stranger to him. He would have time for contemplating what if's later.

Again, nobody said a word and Griphook picked up the final piece of parchment.

I, Sirius Orion Black, do hereby swear upon my magic that I am of sound mind as I write this letter, so mote it be.

As Lord of the Black family I hereby reinstate Andromeda Tonks née Black and her daughter Nymphadora Tonks into the Black family.

As Lord of the Black family I hereby cast out Bellatrix Lestrange née Black from the family.

To Remus Lupin I leave Grimmauld Place and a sum of one million Galleons. Once it's fixed up a bit you can use it to raise little Moony's. Though I recommend getting a new house elf if you want to keep the place clean. Kreacher isn't really fit to be working anymore, and that's not counting the whole "insulting everyone that is not my mother's portrait" thing.

Harry. I know you pup. My death isn't your fault. I don't know how I died but don't blame yourself. Knowing me, I went out in a blaze of glory and awesomeness. For you, I leave everything else I own. I made you my heir the day I was named your godfather. Despite the rather shoddy job I did at it, I still think of you as my own child. You've grown up into a fine man and I know James and Lily would be proud if you too. You're the new Lord Black now. Good luck Prongslet. Punch old moldywarts in the nose for me!

This concludes the will of Sirius Orion Black, Lord to the Most Ancient and Noble house of Black.

Keith had to take a deep breath to stop himself from crying. He kept repeating his mantra of 'there will be time to grieve alone later. Just be patient and hold out a little longer' in his head before he was calmed down and able to look at the others reactions.

Bill...was still writing things on his parchment but was looking at the other people in concern, particularly Keith, who gave him a small smile and a nod.

Tonks was looking at the parchment with wide eyes and a dropped jaw. Keith couldn't blame her. It must be quite the shock to be reinstated back into the family.

Remus...had given up looking shocked and simply looked exasperated and amused. Though he did have a dusting of pink across his cheeks.

Snape was also looking at Keith in slight concern. They exchanged a look before Snape nodded and turned to Griphook.

"The items and money will be distributed in two weeks time," Griphook told them calmly. Everyone nodded. Two weeks would give them some time to plan ahead and prepare for the bitch fit the magical community would pull upon hearing the Potter wills were unsealed.

"Glad that I'll be out of England by the time the news goes public," Keith said. And yeah. With how the wizarding world was when it had anything to do with the name Potter, the news the wills were unsealed before "Harry" hit his majority would be all over the news within days.

"Mind if we come with you cub? Just while Grimmauld is going through renovations of course," Remus said, motioning to himself and Tonks. There was a joking glint in his eyes as he spoke. Renovations indeed.

"But of course uncle Moony. You are needed to decorate your room after all. Same with you Professor," Keith told them, looking at Snape.

"I am no longer your Professor," Snape said.

"Alrighty Uncle Sev," Keith teased. Snape let out a huff of breath and rolled his eyes but didn't respond. Keith knew he'd join Keith in Texas once Hogwarts had let out for the summer. Only a few more days. Keith needed to be far away before then.

The conversation was interrupted by a growling sound. All eyes turned to Tonks, who had a hand over her stomach and was rivaling a tomato with her coloring. Both her cheeks and hair were a bright red from the force of her blush.

"Not a word," Tonks hissed to them, which sent them into laughter. Keith smiled. Nothing like a hungry stomach to break a somber mood after a will reading.

"How about we take a lunch break before we continue with the remaining items on the list? We've been in here for...six hours already," Keith suggested. Everyone was very agreeable. Apparently their own stomachs were starting to speak. Tonks was just the first to get vocal.

FINALLY DONE! This chapter was a pain to finish. I hit a huge block just after I introduced Bill and have been making slow progress ever since. However I will admit I also became distracted with other fics of mine. I think I'm going to hold off on posting my most recent ideas until I have several chapters already finished. Those fics can be my backups for when I have nothing ready for my main fics.

Thanks to everyone that has reviewed/followed/favorited! I'm sorry it took so long to get this next chapter out and I hope you all enjoyed it!

Please Review and let me know if you liked it!